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Chapter 21


Two days had passed since the preliminaries. We had now begun preparation for our matches. Kurenai sensei called us all today and asked us about what we wanted to work on. All three of us would be working independently. The truth was that I was still distracted by my talk with Nisa-nee.

I entered the shop and the bell rang, and a girl welcomed me.

“Welcome to the sh…” and Ten-Ten stopped.

“What are you doing here Shinso-Kun?” she asked me and I just smiled at her.

“Hello, Ten-Ten san. I am just here to pick up my order.” I replied and her eyes went a little wide.

“So, father was making your sword. But don’t you already have a sword?” she asked her eyes narrowing at me.

I just smiled sheepishly. Her father came to my salvation. He entered from the small door at the side. His face brightened when he saw me.

“Shinso, how are you doing kid? Congratulations on passing the exam?” I could see Ten-Ten face distort at that momentarily.

“Thank you. So, is the order ready?” I asked and Kirito-san nodded his head.

“Yeah, the swords are ready,” and I saw Ten-Ten san frown at that.

Then Kirito Kun took out the two swords. Both were identical to the one I had. Each with the same purplish sheen. Ten-Ten san moved forward and held one in her hand.

“I still do not get what is so special about these. Why do you have them custom made and what about this purple sheen, Is it just for design?” Ten-Ten san said while placing down the sword.

“Hmmm, well why don’t you pass chakra through it,” I said.

Ten-Ten san looked at the sword once more and picked it up. As she passed chakra through it the sword gained a slight glow. Then, her eyes went wide, she looked at me.

“HOW?” she questioned me in a surprised tone and I just grinned sheepishly.

“Sealing stone, her father replied. The material is used to make the sealing ink. In making this sword, I grind it to a fine powder and add it during the melting process,” her father said while grinning.

“And when it is getting hammered to its final form. I come and shape it using my chakra.” I finished her father’s words.

Though very small. If one were to look very carefully one would be able to see a small sealing formula on the sword. I had gotten inspiration from the special swords of the mist. And had designed this with them in mind. Compared to them my sword was very simple.

I picked up a sword and closed my eyes supplying chakra to it. I slashed the air in front of me. There was nothing special about it. Ten-Ten san was still looking at me. I just picked up a small piece of wood and threw it in the air.

It got cleaved into two as it passed through the air.

Ten-Ten was now gaping, her eyes wide and mouth open. She then looked back and forth between me and the sword. Then she spoke in quite a loud voice.

“THIS IS SO COOL.” And then she asked me.

And she was right it was very cool. I was actually sealing chakra into a seal and placing it in a space with a single strike. The whole technique required almost perfect control and specialization in spatial sealing. Both things I had worked extremely hard for. The move was still not complete as the seal only held for a minute or so. But it was a good start.

Ten-Ten San began asking her father all the details about the sword. She was a complete weapon junky. I just picked up the swords and left the shop. I had visited Lee in the hospital yesterday. Despite his words, he seemed quite troubled by the report of the doctors.

Tsunade Senju would be able to heal him in canon but had things remained the same. Would she even come? Would Naruto even be able to bring her back? Conflicting emotions assaulted me as I made my way towards the training found.


JIRAIYA-The Toad Sage

Jiraiya watched as Naruto tried to pop another water balloon. Though the balloon did not budge. The kid did not resemble Minato in this aspect. Minato would break down anything he wanted to learn into a thousand pieces, tearing it down to its most basic form. And only then he would begin practicing. Kushina herself despite her temper had the patience of a saint when it came to sealing.

Learning at the feet of Mito Sama had done wonders for her. Her mastery of sealing was a huge asset, which Naruto lacked. Despite his parentage, the person Naruto resembled most was him. And Jiraiya smiled at that. Hyperactive and knucklehead were the words that were perfect for him at that age.

“Naruto,” he called out and the kid turned towards him. He waved for him to come closer.

“What is it, Pervy Sage.”

Hyperactive knucklehead and loudmouth, he added. He just punched his head.

“Do not call me that you brat!” And the kid just backed up holding his head.

Jiraiya pointed to the space beside him and the kid came and sat down. Still holding his head.

“So, what do you think of the chunin exams?” Jiraiya asked his godson.

“They are really cool. Less cool than me of course. But I am going to beat em all up because I am going to become the Hokage.”

Naruto gave a heated reply and Jiraiya nodded at that. At least he carries his parent’s dream.

“Do you think you can beat them all? What about that kid from Suna? Or what about that classmate of yours, the one with that purple sword?”

Naruto’s expression changed at that. And Jiraiya narrowed his eyes.

“Well, they are strong. That guy from Suna, especially.” And then he turned towards him and smiled brightly.

“But you promised to help train me to get stronger. So, it is your responsibility to help me beat them.” And the kid folded his arms at that like he had made a very smart statement. But Jiraiya did not miss the glint in the kid’s eyes. So, he asked once more.

“What about that classmate of yours?”

“Shinso Kun is strong. He has always been strong. Even though he was just like me”- Naruto was staring at his hand now, his voice had lost all the goofiness from before- “He was always sure of himself. He always held that weird smell to him,”

And Jiraiya frowned at that. Smell, could it be Kyuubi’s influence. Was he perhaps like Mito-sama? The kid was not as big an idiot he tried to make himself out to be. He was quite observant it seems.

“Well, right now there are greater chances of him becoming a Hokage.” And Jiraiya was being truthful. The kid was garnering attention now. And soon he might even have a significant political standing.

He could see Naruto’s look of determination at that.

“But, as you have accepted me as your sensei, I am going to teach you one of my special moves.”

And Naruto’s eyes glistened at that.

“A special move! Another special move?” The kid asked him with stars in his eyes.



“A special move?” Sasuke questioned.

The silver-haired jounin nodded at that.

“What did you think of Lee’s speed when he fought Gaara?” Kakashi suddenly asked him.

Sasuke felt remembered that fight and he felt his goosebumps rise at that. He had been unable to track Lee after he opened the third gate. After that Sasuke had to use his Sharingan and even then, he was barely able to keep up.

“He was extremely fast. I could barely even track him. But do you think I need that speed to beat Shino?”

Kakashi shook his head at that.

“What do you think of the final phase of the chunin exams?” Kakashi asked him once more. And Sasuke frowned at that. Where was Kakashi going with this?

“It is a tournament. Those of us that win, will be promoted to chunin rank.” And Kakashi shook his head at that. He then spoke in a profoundly serious tone.

“This portion of the chunin exams has several purposes. And one of the biggest is to put on a show.”

And understanding dawned on Sasuke. They were to impress the various dignitaries coming to attend the exams. They would help show their village’s prowess to them. But Kakashi cut his thoughts off as If he were able to read them

“Impressing the various nobles in a small part of it. The major part of it is to impress the various heads of departments watching. Even if you can choose your specialty during your academy graduation. The chunin exams are there so that you can market yourself to various actively serving shinobi. You impress one of them, and they take you under their wing. Helping you on your way further.”

Sasuke nodded his head at that. It made much more sense. They would no longer be obligated to work in a team and hence would no longer have a sensei. Thus it made sense that they would need someone to show them further along the ropes. Sasuke’s brain was going through the variety of leaf’s departments as he asked his sensei.

“Which one should I aim for?”

Kakashi was quiet for a long time as he stared at Sasuke. Sasuke had begun to understand Kakashi after all this time. While his methods were quite roundabout, there was a method to the madness of Kakashi Hatake.

After a long time, Kakashi spoke three words, three words that made Sasuke recall memories of a certain man.

Then Kakashi continued with his earlier point.

“The technique I want to teach you will require you to have at least Lee’s speed. Otherwise, you would not be able to use it. It is a technique I invented myself and have perfected over the years.”

Sasuke’s eyes widened at the implication of these words.


On the other side of the village in the district of one of the oldest clans of Konoha. A man sat in front of the table in the house of the clan head. His eyes narrowed as he looked at the vacant seat in front of him.

Hiashi Hyuga called for a servant who rushed in and bowed to him.

“Where is lady Hinata?”

“Lady Hinata is in the training area. She has been there since last night.” The servant replied nervously.

Hiashi looked out at the setting Sun. He frowned a bit remembering the servant’s words. He ate his meal. After finishing the meal he left the mansion. His feet carried him to the training ground in the Hyuga compound.

And before he could activate his Byakugan his ears were assaulted by the sound of an explosion. He made his way into the forest. But just as he had gotten a little further, lightning whizzed past his head. Striking the tree behind him.

SHING. And the tree was shredded into pieces.

“WHO IS THERE?” A remarkably familiar voice asked him in a serious tone. Hiashi jumped down from the tree. And took a look at his daughter. She was not wearing her usual sweater, there was the smell of burnt wood everywhere. Many trees had holes in them and several had been reduced to merely a stump.

Hinata was holding a longbow in her hand, a black arrow buzzing with lightning notched into it. She seemed to realize her mistake, as she suddenly panicked a bit.

“Oh. I am sorry father. I was just practicing. Iamsosorry.” She tried explaining. In his heart, Hiashi felt proud seeing the progress of her daughter. Hiashi was not naïve enough to understand the statement Hinata was trying to make. The elders had a habit of looking down on elemental ninjutsu, so almost no one in the clan used ninjutsu.

Hinata had begun to change. Initially, she would just cow to their scathing remarks. Yet things had changed. Hinata had grown defiant. She had also changed her taijutsu style much to the frustration and now was using a bow.

Perhaps she could succeed where I had failed Hizashi.

“I was just walking by and was startled by the sound of the explosion,” Hiashi said in a neutral tone. And Hinata seemed a little embarrassed at that. Hiashi turned and was about to walk away but stopped and spoke.

“The servants were worried that you had not returned over the night. You should go and eat and give your body some time to recover.”

And with those words, he vanished, not looking back to see the slight proud smile on Hinata’s face.



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