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The council chambers of the Red Keep were once again filled with people from the ‘Green Council.’ The atmosphere around the castle was quite solemn. The castle had been taken aback by the King’s proclamation. The preparations for the war had slowed down.

The Lord Hand of King Aegon, ‘now prince Aegon’ was pacing around the room as the chairs were occupied by his daughter and her two children. Ser Criston stood to the side of the room, clad in the white armor of the Commander of the Kingsguard.

Aemond Targaryen sat on his chair tilted back and his legs resting on the table in front of him. His eye closed as he remembered a moment he had long forgotten. His hand went towards his lost eye. The pain reminded him of the last time he had doubted Aegon’s words.

There had always been some enmity between them and their cousins yet it never should have become what it had transformed into. His hand went up to his injured eye as he remembered that night years ago. It had been the first time he had seen Aegon truly angry. Aegon had argued with Rhaeneyra for the first time on that day. It had been a massive fight and the first one between them. In the end, their father had to intervene, but the damage had been done.

But now that he remembered that night, he remembered the smirk on his grandfather’s face, and bile rose in his heart. Why had he listened to the man? The man had felt no sadness over his grandson losing his eye. But just as he was thinking about him. A very similar voice roused him from his thoughts.

“You must stop this! Aemond talk to your brother! Have him stop this madness. He would have us negotiate with him. You must see the idiocy of such a decision!” Otto Hightower shouted at his grandson.

Aemond opened his eye and stared at his grandfather and just shook his head. The man had played on his fear and loyalty once and Aemond was not going to let him do that anymore. On that day years ago, he had decided that he would follow Aegon to the deepest of Hell and he wouldn’t need to be reminded of those words again.

“If you think I can talk Aegon out of anything then you are going senile. You must know that Aegon is as stubborn as an ox. Plus, he is very angry with me over the death of Lucerys. So you can do the convincing yourself, thank you very much.” Aemond’s reply had Otto Hightower grit his teeth and the man began to speak once more.

“The Lords are livid. Your brother has destroyed all the goodwill he had. He spat on their honor and devotion. They will not stand for this. You must talk some sense into him. They call him weak and unfit to rule, many are clamoring and are being approached by Daemon as we speak. Do you think he would honor the Council treaty?”

Aemond knew his grandfather was right. But he was forgetting one thing.

“Then let them. We ride three dragons and two of them are the biggest of them all. Let them don that black robe and after the council, we will burn them all to ashes. This will show them how fit Aegon is to rule.”

Aemond’s grandfather shook his head at that.

“You cannot antagonize the lords of the realm. King Jaehaerys understood that and that was the reason he called the Great Council to let them decide upon succession.”

“Which was the biggest mistake he made,” Helaena said from the side. And Aemond was surprised to hear her voice. From the look on his grandfather’s face, he was as well. Then Helaena continued.

“At least according to Aegon. According to him the Conciliators’ biggest mistake was calling that great council and giving the lords the choice to decide the next ruler. The lords have no right to decide who rules over them. And he is right! we are now suffering the consequences of that Council.”

And his grandfather replied in a very condescending tone.

“Princess it is by the ruling of that council that your brother even has a claim. Because as much as I could recall, your father King Viserys named Rhaenyra the heir. And where is the Prince? I remember asking him to come to the meeting.”

His words were answered by a very loud roar. The skies of Kings Landing were clear. But if one were to look closely a small spot could be seen in the clouds, growing larger every second. And soon one was able to make out the Bronze Fury Descending at breakneck speed for it was not flying. Its wings were closed and the dragon was free-falling. Aemond saw the color leave his mother’s face and the look of worry on Helaena’s face. Though his face had a large grin.

The dragon came down and just when it seemed that it would crash into the castle, the wings opened the gust of wind could be felt even in the Tower of the Hand as Aemond felt his hair fly back and the dragon was now circling the city. Roaring with might that matched Vhagar itself.

Vermithor had grown larger over the years. While still smaller than Vhagar, the Bronze Fury was much more dangerous. And the biggest reason was the rider. Aegon rode his dragon as if he had been born for it. Aemond had learned much from him yet he could never be his brother. Vermithor and his brother shared a special bond and were perhaps the biggest advantage they had over Rhaeneyra’s side.

Daemon Targaryen may be the most experienced commander alive yet it was Aegon who was the most dangerous dragon rider.

“Sometimes I think he has a death wish.” His mother said from the side. And Aemond remembered the incident when their brother had taken her along on a ride. Those were simpler times, he thought.

“You do know that I saw him carrying Jaehaera with him to the Dragon pit,” Aemond said offhandedly and he saw the expression change from horror to unbridled fury on the faces of Helaena and his mother. And both rushed out of the room, cursing his brother.

Aemond had a small smile on his face as he saw Vermithor make its way toward the Dragon Keep. Perhaps, this is what Aegon is trying to preserve, this peace and moments of happiness.

Aemond could see his grandfather gnash his teeth. Lord Otto, the second son who became the second most powerful person in the Kingdom. And once more Aemond felt embarrassed over listening to him over his brother.


“So, how was it?” Aegon asked his daughter of six. As he was holding her in her arms and the dragon keepers tried to get Vermithor to go back inside the Dragon keep.

Jaehaera had a small smile on her face, she then,

“IT WAS SO FUN PAPA!” she said animatedly and Aegon found a small smile appearing on his face at seeing the happiness on her face. But then Jaehaera’s face changed, and she said in a small voice.

“But I want to ride with Jae’”—and Aegon’s feet stopped and his breath hitched, then Jaehaera turned towards her father— “Why can’t you bring him back?” she asked pleadingly.

Aegon could not look at her daughter. His breathing was uneven, and his body was cold. Tears welled up in his eyes and he held his daughter closely.

“I am sorry. I am sorry,” he said in a shaking voice and Jaehaera looked up to see her father crying and shaking. Her eyes widened and then she raised her small hands as they wrapped around her father’s face.

“I am sorry papa. I am sorry. I will not ask for Jaehaerys again,” she said as she saw her father cr and Aegon just looked at his daughter, her face so reminiscent of the twin he had to bury. His heart pained each second, he looked at her face, yet he did not turn away his eyes. He then sat on the chair nearby and looked straight at her.

“I am sorry ‘Haera”—he spoke softly, his voice shaking still—“But Jae has gone to a far-off place. And I can not bring him back.” And he saw sadness appear on her lovely face. Breaking his heart with her next words.

“Can he not even visit? Maybe you can tell him that I miss him. Even Maekor wants to see him?” she said in a small voice and Aegon barely held himself together as he looked towards his daughter.

“I and your mother miss him as well. But he is at a much better place. And I can not talk to him. I wish I could, but I cannot.” He said to his little bundle of joy.

Jaehaera nodded her head, sadness spread across her face. She then looked up at her father.

“OK. But can you promise me something?” she said lightly. And Aegon nodded.

“Can you promise to remain with me? Can you promise that you, mama, and Mae don’t leave like Jae?”—and then she put up a finger to her chin as if she was thinking hard— “Ah, Granma and Joff too. Can you stop them from leaving me alone?”

And I just smiled at her. And nodded my head.

“I will try my dear. I will try.” And I wiped my face and picked her up once more. And just as I turned I saw two people staring at me. Helaena and their mother were standing right there, their faces consorted with a mix of fury and grief.

I chewed my lips as I saw my mother approach me. Her cheeks were red, and she took my daughter from my arms.

“Come here, little princess.” And Jaehaera hugged her grandmother. Not even giving a glance to her father. Both women left the dragon keep. Leaving me alone with Helaena.

Helaena’s eyes were red as she approached me slowly and before I could utter a single word.


I felt my face getting struck.

“Hela…” but before I could continue, I felt her body crash into me and I felt several fists clunk on my chest.


And she kept hitting Aegon’s chest. And he did not move. Did not make any excuse.

“AND YOU TOOK JAEHAERA WITH YOU! SHE IS SIX! SIX! HAVE YOU LOST YOUR MIND!” she kept on shouting and beating his chest. Aegon wrapped his arms around her.

“I am sorry. But the servants told me that she had been crying since last night.”—and Helaena somewhat lessened at that—“I didn’t know what else to do. And she was tied to me completely. The only way she was getting off that dragon was if I fell. And you know about how I fly.”

Helaena chewed on her lips. Everyone was aware of Aegon’s gift for dragons and flight.

“You could have just told her one of your stories.” She spoke.

“I tried, but she was distraught. So, I took her flying with me.” Aegon added then he spoke softly.

“What are you all even doing here? I thought Grandfather called for a meeting.” He questioned. And Helaena looked up at him with an annoyed look.

“You knew that and yet you still went flying?” she said with a raised brow. Aegon just shrugged.

“I did not want to see his face. So, I decided to go flying. Plus, I am already aware of what he had to say.” Aegon said dismissively. Both Helaena and him then began walking towards the carriage. Their arms bundling each other.

“Then speak away. Tell me what he had to say,” Helaena Questioned.

“Hmmm. He was probably complaining about the bickering by the Lords. Probably mentioned something about the Lannisters and the Baratheon approaching the blacks.”—and Healena’s eyes widened slightly as this was remarkably similar to the discussion in the meeting.

“How do you know that?” she asked.

“Because, I know these people, intimately. He wants me to back down and give in to those fools. But I will not. I cannot.” He spoke resolutely.

Helaena nodded, her eyes looking at the ground both were walking on. Then she spoke in a small voice.

“If you only want peace then why didn’t you just abdicate the throne? Give it all up and go settle elsewhere,” this question had been bugging her for quite some time. And she felt Aegon stop. He then looked at her and then spoke in a melancholic.

“You know I have asked myself that very question countless times. I could have gone away and mayhaps all this would have been avoided, but everyone misses the most crucial detail.” And then he turned to her.

“I am not the only son, if I went away then they would have named Aemond the heir. And he is quite impressionable. Moreover, all this is no longer about the crown. This is much bigger than that. This is about Dragons. This is about power, fear, and control. This about the rising darkness.”

And then he looked straight ahead. And she felt his arms tighten around her as he added in a slight whisper.

“This is about the Prince that was promised.”



“Are you sure about this?”

Rhaeneyra heard the voice of Daemon from her side. And she looked at him. Even though her heart was quivering. She did not waiver. She replied confidently.

“YES!” she said and looked forward once more.

In front of her, a couple of miles away from her. She could spot a hundred men. All of them clad in green armor.

“Aegon is not here yet.” Lord Corlys said from the side. He had a far eye in his hand. Her heart quivered slightly at that.

Had she been wrong in believing in him? She thought. She let no worry show on her face but she moved her head slightly to look at Lady Rhaenys.


And just then she heard a huge roar. Her heart began to race. The sheer volume and ferocity in that roar shook her slightly. She observed the sky around her yet no dragon in sight.

“LOOK! THERE IN THE SKY!” Lord Corlys added, and she looked straight up and saw a small dark dot. It was growing larger with each passing second.


Another huge roar reverberated across the land.

“What is he doing?” Jacerys spoke from her side.

And the dragon got closer and closer. Its wings still closed and when a crash seemed inevitable. The wings of The Bronze Fury opened wide in all its glory. And all of them were bombarded by a huge gust of wind as the dragon flew over them at a pace that seemed impossible.

Rhaeneyra turned as she saw the dragon circle the clearing and make its way toward the Green camp. Her heart beat faster.

“He was making a statement!” Lady Rhaeneys spoke gravely.

“A statement about what?” Jacerys questioned.

“A statement that he holds the power in these negotiations.”—Daemon added from her side, then he looked towards her and spoke once more in a condescending tone—“Are you still sure about this?”

Rhaenyra felt her heart beating fast, yet she did not give in to the fear.

“Yes!” and then she began walking towards the camp that had been set. She saw that people from the opposite side had also begun moving.

“Well, you can do as you like then. Because I refuse to be a part of any negotiations with those cunts.” Daemon said from the side and turned back making his way toward the hundred men.

The two parties came face to face. And then Rhaeneyra looked to the side. Two servants moved forward. Each holding an ornamental basket filled with bread. The servant kneeled in front of her. She looked toward the opposite party and saw a servant kneeling in front of Aegon as he picked up a piece of bread. Her lips thinned as she saw the one-eyed form of Aemond as well.

She proceeded to do the same and bit into a piece of bread. Everyone else proceeded to reciprocate the gesture. Then she approached the table and now she stood face to face against Aegon. Both of them stared into each other’s eyes and then Aegon opened his mouth and spoke.

“Leave us!” shocking those around him slightly. Even the people by her side were shocked somewhat. Moreso, when she repeated the same intentions.

“You all as well!” and she could feel their eyes move to the two of them. And after a moment everyone began to retreat leaving both of them alone. The silence lasted for quite some time before Aegon spoke up first.

“How are you Rhae’?” he spoke up first. And somehow Rhaeneyra felt her anger rise.

“You ask me ‘How am I after you usurp my right’? Why would you do this Aegon?” she asked a bit pleadingly. They had been fast friends, and while there were differences between them now she had not expected this betrayal from him. Not from him!

“You have never cared for the throne? You were supposed to be on my side, yet now you usurp my right? Tell me Aegon, why? Why!” she almost screamed.

Aegon did not reply for some time, as he just stared at her. And then he opened his mouth and spoke lightly.

“Because you were going to die? Because you were blinded by everything around you to never see the real enemy and they were just at your throat. And you and all you hold dear would have been slaughtered if I did not do what I did.”

And Rhaeneyra’s eyes widened as she heard those words. Death. Assassination. Enemy. She wanted to question him, yet Aegon continued speaking.

“And what right do you speak of? Father made you heir. He defied all the lords and bore all the pressure that came with such a decision yet what an heir you have been. You would have plunged the realm into his hands.”—and Rhaeneyra could feel the wroth in his tone as Aegon clapped his hands— “And what did he do? He killed my son. KILLED MY SON!”

And Rhaeneyra was taken aback by the sheer vehemence in that voice. Aegon had never been one for violence and anger. He had always been the softspoken one amongst them. But the shocking part was that he knew. He was aware of their internal meetings and ongoings at Dragonstone. And perhaps noticing her realization, he smirked lightly and continued speaking.

“Yes. Do you think he is the only Prince with people loyal to him! Did you think me incompetent! No, I could have struck you and your children in a way that would have reciprocated the cruelty you had shown mine, yet I held my hand. For I did not want to taint myself with the curse of kin slaying.”

Rhaeneyra was shaken by these words yet she found it in her to reply.

“Yet your brother did not. Aemond killed my son! What am I to make of that. You claim a higher moral ground but on WHAT BASIS! YOU KILLED MY SON AND YOU COME HERE AND PROCLAIM YOURSELF A SAINT!”

Aegon looked repentant at that, she heard him speak on that.

“Lucerys’s death weighs heavily on me. Yet as I wrote to you. I never gave an order for that. He was like a younger brother to me, and may the gods curse me if I am lying.”

Rhaeneyra wanted to berate him. To shout at him, yet the sincerity of his tone made her hold back. She took a deep breath and then she spoke after a while.

“I know. And it is the only reason that I am here, talking with you. So, let us leave the past and look towards the future.”

Aegon nodded his head at that.

“You mentioned enemies. What enemies did you speak of?” she questioned, referring to his earlier statement. Aegon nodded at that and took out a scroll from his coat and handed it to her. She opened and found a list of names.

“What is that?” she asked, glancing over the names. Many of the names were foreign.

“Those are the people I could identify. I do not know why, but they have been trying to destroy our family for some time now. There are probably more, but I was able to cripple them as they tried to overreach.”

She frowned. But she knew that he would not be lying about something like this.

“How? And Why? Why would they target us?”

Aegon shook his head lightly and replied.

“I am not certain about the why. But these people were the ones who profited the most from the fall of Valyria. And perhaps they fear the rise of another empire like Valyria.”

Rhaeneyra could only nod at that. Valyria was a huge empire, powered by magic and other such things that would be regarded as miracles today. Aegon continued and his next words shook her to her core.

“As for how, that is a very long list. Assassinations. Wars. Rebellions. Do you know what is the normal rate of stillbirth in Westeros?”

Those words startled her and she shook her head.

“Four in ten. Normally six in ten children are born healthy. But do you know what it is for our family?”

“Eight in ten,” she answered. Her eyes as she remembered a conversation, she had had with Aegon years ago. He had been scouring over books in the library on their house’s lineage.

But it could not be. He was no more than eight at that time. Aegon smiled at her words and said lightly.

“SO, you were really listening at that time?”

“How did you...? But you were…?” she could not formulate her words but Aegon continued to shamble her worldview.

“You know. It must have been quite hot in that room. In front Balerion’s head.”

And Aegon took out an awfully familiar dagger from his pocket. And the implications finally dawned on her. Her eyes shot wide open shocked as she stared at the face of Aegon who just placed the dagger on the table.

“Aegon’s dream. The song of ice and fire.”

And Rhaeneyra could not utter a word.

“Father never mentioned that story to me. But he never had to. I have seen it pan out for years. Blessed I am for I could see into the stream of time itself. Cursed for I could not change the course of our fates.”

“You…You are a seer!” Rhaeneyra said with a shaking voice. Aegon nodded his head at that.

“Yes. I am what you call a seer. I have seen it all. Aegon’s dream. The Fields of Fire. The Fall of Eyrie. The death of Meraxes. All of it. I even saw The Dance of Dragons.”

And Rhaeneyra frowned as she did not understand the reference.

“A civil war. A war of succession between the children of King Viserys. A war that would divide the realm. Burn so many men that the population of Westeros would be halved. Family against family. Brother against sister.”

And Rhaeneyra could only stare as Aegon continued to speak. He spoke of knowing the future itself.

“Why didn’t you tell anyone?” she barely whispered. And Aegon scoffed.

“Who was I to trust? Everyone around me was so blinded by the lust for the throne. Plus do you think the dreams come with an instruction manual? It took me years. Years to make sense of them at all. And yet here we are. Moments away from what I dreamt. As I said fate is very cruel.”

Rhaeneyra just sat and thought about his words. She had so many questions. She wanted to ask Aegon, yet she held herself back. He had revealed so many secrets, yet they still had not discussed the most important thing. She swallowed and then spoke up after a while.

“So, what do you propose?” she asked him. The truth was that she was tired of this whole conflict. She had already lost a son to this.

“I have a proposal here.” And he handed her another scroll. She opened it and scoffed as she read it.

“Princess of Stepstones. The Stepstones are nothing but swathes of uninhabitable islands. This is a farce.” And she tore down the proposal. Aegon had a slight smile on his face as he nodded his head.

“I told them so. But I have another proposal and this time he leaned forward on the table.

“What about Dorne? With all our Dragons we will conquer Dorne. And then you can rule over the whole domain. You and your line can keep your titles as royals.”

She just shook her head at that. Even if the proposal was better, she could not accept it. She closed her eyes. The truth was that she was at a disadvantage. As proven Aegon was a seer and if he made it public, then he would have the support of all the Lords. She already lacked major support and that would be the final nail in the coffin.

“I have a counterproposal. You bend the knee, and I will marry Jacerys to your daughter. I will break his betrothal to Baela.”

“You know I cannot do that. Plus let us not delude ourselves that the Lords will accept that. Jacerys’s heritage has been questioned so many times, you have to understand the message that will send.”

And her eyes narrowed at that. Aegon raised her hands, as he continued.

“The truth is that he is the son of Harwin Strong and everyone knows that in your heart.”

“THAT IS TREAS..” she was about to shout but Aegon just stopped her.

“LET ME FINISH!” and she stopped.

“I love Jacerys like a brother. But it would be idiotic to delude ourselves into false dreams, Rhaeneyra. People are not blind. I have always protected them because I believe a child should be burdened by their parent’s mistakes. But that does not mean I am blind to the truth that father refused to acknowledge.”

Rhaeneyra chewed her lips at that. She had been aware of all those allegations. Even the implications. If Jacerys were to be crowned then the realm could dissolve into chaos at some further time.

She had expected most of these arguments. She closed her eyes as she thought about her children. No! She could not lose them as well. So she opened her eyes and looked straight at Aegon. And she made her final proposal.

“I have dreamt about becoming a queen from the time father named me his heir. I remember how he would often mention how I would rule after him, how I would be a great Queen. I can not give that up. It is not easy to give up those dreams Aegon.”

Aegon was quiet as he listened to her words. But her next words would shock him.

“So, I propose that you make me your queen.”

She saw the words register to Aegon as his eyes widened and just as he was about to reply.


A huge dragon roar interrupted them. She saw Aegon turn his head towards Syrax and Vermithor but the two dragons were silent.


This time she could make out a silhouette at some distance.



They both muttered as they recognized the form of the dragon.

“YOU PLAYED ME. I TRUSTED YOU AND YOU BETRAYED ME!” he shouted. And Rhaeneyra looked toward him and just shook her head.


“FOR YOUR SAKE. I HOPE YOU ARE SPEAKING THE TRUTH.” Aegon shouted as she saw him rush towards his dragon.

But Ceraxes was on the flight. It would soon be over the camp of the greens. She could see the men panicking and converging over the main camp. She spotted her uncle, laughing on Ceraxes’s back.

Aegon was rushing towards them and shouting something in high valyrian.

She saw the Blood Wyrm open its mouth as fire erupted, descending upon the camp, yet it was stopped as she Vermithor opened its mouth and spat a whole slew of fire and stopped the attack. Vermithor’s attack was able to overpower the Blood Wyrm’s fire and had struck it, making the dragon retreat.


Another roar, this one much more ferocious and loud reached her ears. Dread pooled in her heart as she looked to the side. And her eyes widened as she saw the form of a huge dragon approaching them from the East.

This dragon was much larger than Vhagar. The shadow cast by it covered almost the whole clearing. She could not even walk, as she just watched it approach the clearing. It was the Cannibal.

The oldest dragon alive. Some legends had said that it was even bigger than Balerion, and she found them to be true. Her eyes widened as she saw the dragon open its mouth. A huge torrent of Green flame rushed toward her.

“RHAENEYRA!!!” She felt her name getting called out from several directions. Yet there was no way that she could avoid it. So, she closed her eyes. Accepting her fate. The face of her mother appeared for perhaps the last time.

“I will be with you soon mother,” she whispered as she could feel her surroundings heat up.


But suddenly the ground around her shook. And she fell to the ground and her eyes widened as she saw a huge form protecting her from the flames. It was the armored body of The Bronze Fury.


She could feel the agony of the aged dragon in that roar as it was bombarded with that flame. She saw the scuffed form of Aegon barely strapped in and holding n to the reins for dear life. He extended a hand to her and she took it.

The Cannibal had continued its flight and she could see Ceraxes turn around the large mountain approaching the place of her own camp. Her heart dropped as she saw that scene.

“NO! NOOOO! HELP THEM! I BEG YOU AEGON! PLEASE HELP THEM!” she pleaded and Aegon just pulled her up on the saddle.

And the huge dragon flapped its winds once more and took to the skies once more. Its movement was much faster than she had expected and anticipated. She held onto Aegon’s form for dear life repeating her words from earlier.

“SAVE THEM PLEASE. I BEG YOU! PLEASE!” and the Bronze fury was rushing towards her camp. She saw Ceraxes open its mouth and douse her people with a huge reddish flame. Her heart dropped as she could only scream.


She heard Aegon speak up lightly.

“Vermithor. Dracarys!”

And the second largest Dragon of the Targaryens, and probably the most dangerous amongst the tame ones opened its mouth and a huge slew of bright bronze flame rushed towards the Red Dragon attacking the people below it. Perhaps taken a bit by surprise she saw the flames envelop her uncle’s form.


The Bronze fury roared as the huge dragon bit the thin neck of the bloody wyrm. The clash shook them violently and she fell down.

“AHHHH!” yet she was saved as she felt her body fall on a somewhat lighter surface. And she looked to the side and saw Syrax there cushioning her fall with its wind. She rushed towards its saddle and mounted it as soon as she could.

She saw that Vermithor had almost overpowered Ceraxes. She shouted.

“Sōvegon!” and Syrax took to the skies.


A huge roar made her head turn and her eyes widened as she saw the scene at the other side of the clearing.


At this point, I do not know what I am writing. Man, I do not know how I wrote this down. I already had a plan for the story but man this was difficult to write.

But this was the whole point of this exercise so I wrote it in the way I could.

As for the gift chapter from the poll. It will go up this week.



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