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Gonna be honest here, for some reason I'm really struggling with this one, adjusting and rearranging to get it right... still not happy :P




I don't know man, it looks pretty good to me. We're all our own worst critic, so maybe just try your best to look at it from an unbiased perspective and see if there's anything objectively wrong. Subjectively, I like it, but it's just natural that some people won't regardless of how good it is.


I think its lookin good


Looks really good. If you’re struggling, sometimes setting it aside and working on something else for a while and coming back to it with a fresh set of eye can do wonders.


It's looking amazing to me.


still lookin great! darcy's tits look delicious =3=

Tentacle Tiefling

There's a whole lot of sexy happening middle of that image — can't decide what to do with their legs? I'd cover them in bedsheets, but I'm lazy.


The positioning of Natalie portmans hands looks like she’s grabbing a ballsack that will be added