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Tamiya's udder swelled rapidly, quickly pulling her to the floor as its weight increased abnormally fast. "A-ah! What the hell!? What's - what's....?" she sputtered. As her udder settled on the floor, unsettling *clacking* could felt and heard from within. Pressure built behind her teats, more than she had ever felt. Shapes could be seen under her stretched skin, her udder now home to numerous hard ovals.

"Nnngh, aa-aaaah!" she cried as large bulges formed in her teats. In a burst of milk, hard eggs emerged from her udder's teats. She clawed the ground and squirmed in place as the eggs kept coming and coming. She was pinned to the ground by the weight of the all the eggs in her udder, and with the effort it took to remove them, she couldn't stand anyway.

"Shit!" Emily swore, "I must have given you the wrong one!" she looked at all the vials and syringes she had and grimaced. "Uh... oops."

"F-fucking 'oops'!? I'll say! Nng," Tamiya paused as more eggs slide down her teats. "J-just fix it!"

"I, uh... I can't? There's no telling what sticking more mutagens in you will do. Thankfully, this should just be temporary. No more than a day, I'm pretty sure!" the scientist admitted sheepishly.

"A DAY!?" Tamiya yelled in frustration.

"Y-yeah... But hey, at least its appropriate for the season... right?" Emily said optimistically.

"Uuuuuugh..." Tamiya groaned as she laid on the floor. Her breasts bobbed, also swollen too, but thankfully only with milk as they began to leak. Eggs continued to emerge from her teats, but her udder never shrank. In fact, her skin stung with how stretched it was between her legs. "It's going to be a long day..."


Im back from my trip so I can post my Easter pic! Someone said something in a Discord channel about egg-laying through an udder and then that made this. So yeah. Kinda weird!




Now I'd love to see the effects some other mutagens added to that :P