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"I want to be a wolf," the dark-skinned woman with light, mint-colored hair said plainly to the shopkeep.

The witch nodded, then asked, "True wolf or beastling?"

"Beastling, obviously," she responded. "My husband is a wolf, and I think its just the sexiest thing. 'Course, he's just a beastling, not an actual lycanthrope, otherwise I'd have no need to come here."

Marri shrugs. "Makes sense. I've had some people ask me to make them true forms though, so I have to ask."

"Right. Well, can you do it?"

The witch scoffed. "Of course I can do it. I can do anything with you that I want," she says confidently, then snaps her fingers. Immediately, the dark-skinned woman's clothes are in a pile on the floor, and a tingling washes over her skin.

"Woah! Getting right to it, I see?" she comments as hair, or rather fur, begins to grow in on her arms and legs. It was gray, light in some places and dark in others, and it raced up and down her body. It flared out over her collarbone, growing in particularly fluffy there, before spreading up to her face.

Meanwhile, small dots of pleasure spiked along her front. Her breasts were tingling and swelling larger, and she ran her increasingly stubbier hands across her normally-flat front. It was now home to many small mounds of flesh, slight for now, but growing larger by the moment. "W-aaah!" she moaned as she felt her numerous developing breasts, completely distracting her from the otherwise uncomfortable sensation of her face morphing. Her nose and mouth pushed out into a snout and her tongue, which had also grown longer, lagged from her open mouth, revealing her much sharper, larger teeth.

She felt a pull on her spine as an appendage formed out of the small of her back, growing larger and fluffier into a wolf's tail. It flicked back and forth idly behind her, but her attention was still on her four pairs of breasts. Even as her ears grew larger, pointed, and shifted to the top of her head, and as her legs and feet shifted beneath her, she didn't take notice.

"O-ooooh, god yes!" she panted. "Hubby's gonna love and I already do!" She lowered herself to the floor, rubbing all of her erect nipples against the hard floor as her tail wagged happily.

"Alright, alright, you're done, you can go now. I'm sure it'd feel much better rubbing those against his body than my tiling," Marri said, rolling her eyes.

"Nnnnngh...." the wolf girl moaned before pulling herself to her feet. Her now-amber eyes looked crazed, completely dominated by need. "But he's so far away.... Can't we have a little fun? Please!? I need this right now!"

Marri sighed. "Look, I can't just-" she was interrupted by the wolf girl reaching over and forcefully grabbing Marri and pulling her the counter, holding their faces quite close together and giving Marri a perfect view of the wolf's many sharp teeth coated in slobber.

Marri glared at the girl and then shrugged. "Fine. But if we're going to do this, we're doing this on my terms." Then, Marri vanished from the girl's grasp. In her place, a few feet away, was a large, male wolf, a true wolf, hunched down, as if to charge. "If you're going to be a slave to your needs like an animal," Marri starts, now with a deep, masculine voice, "I'll show you how an animal really fucks!"

The wolf girl's eyes grow wide with shock, not only at the wolf now standing before her, but also the wolf's massive, foot-and-a-half long cock throbbing below him. "Holy shit..." she says under her breath.





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