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"I want to be a dragon!" the first woman declared. "Like an actual one, with four legs and wings and stuff!"

"And I," the other girl began to add as she glanced at her partner. "I want to be her massive dragon cock!"

Marri blinked. "You, uh... you know my services are permanent, right? This stuff doesn't wear off - it changes who you are at your core." She glanced to the second girl. "Don't get me wrong, being a cock is a ton of fun. But it would be all you are. You'd just be an appendage of someone else, completely and ultimately at her mercy and unable to do anything about it. Past this point, consent doesn't mean anything - she'd be completely within her right to do anything with you that she wanted because you'd just be a part of her and nothing else."

The second girl blushed furiously. "Oh, I know. I... I've never wanted anything more! Being a couple is great, but I want more, more than even marriage can provide. I want to be part of her - forever. I want to feel everything she feels, bask in every orgasm she has, feel the rush of her cum through my body and into someone else. I want to belong to her, in every possible way," she says, sheepishly glancing over to her partner.

The first girl also blushed at the display of heartfelt emotion, and simply wrapped her arms around her girlfriend. She looked to Marri and nodded.

The witch merely shrugged. "Well, the payment is all in order, so as long as you know what you're getting into, I'll make your dreams come true." She ushered the couple out to behind the shop. It was going to get messy.


The woman's body was nearly finished transforming into the small, lithe dragon she was becoming by the time her cock's arms were finally sealed to her body, becoming nothing more than veins. Her cock's legs were melting into testicles and the eyes on her cock head was shrinking and sealing over. Precum spilled from her molding dick, and the cock and dragon both were welling with excitement and pleasure at their quickly approaching shared orgasm. It would surely only be the first of many.


Marri gets some odd requests since The Academy supports such a wide variety of promiscuity, but she's all too happy to oblige, so as long as the clients know what they're getting into.



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