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"Oh. My. God. Look at me! I'm so... so... fluffy! Marri, this- this is fantastic! Thank so, so much!" the girl cried out in joy.

Marri chuckled and crossed her arms, content. "I'm glad you like it. You got a few more boobs to work with now too."

"Oh, trust me, I can feel them! They're so soft... Everything's so soft and a warm and comfy... I just wanna... curl up and sleep the day away! Its kinda dangerous," she adds with a chuckle.

The witch behind the counter simply shrugged. "Maybe. But I'm sure anyone you arrive late for in anything will forgive you. I mean, who can stay mad at a face like that? You're adorable - and that has advantages!"

She giggled. "You're right! Um... Like I said, thanks! I'll make sure to tell everyone about you!"


The last two were apprehensive or troubled by their changes, but most of the time, Marri's clients are perfectly happy and overjoyed at their new bodies, so I wanted to do one that was happier.

Also, Ive wanted to try at a ferret girl for a while. I think I could have done better, but I think it was still pretty cute.



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