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Even as her legs continued to fold and melt into her growing tail, that wasn't what worried her. As she tried to slink forward with her slug-like body, the breasts that coated her underbelly erupted into piercing pleasure and she gasped, stopping in place.

"Marri," she complained. "Th-this isn't what I asked for!"

"What do you mean? You said you wanted to be a slug girl and have some more boobs. Seems pretty accurate to me," the witch responded.

"W-well, yeah, but... I wanted, like, four or even six more boobs, not this! How am I supposed to get around like this!?" As she made her case, slime continued to seep from her many nipples, making a mess of the floor.

Marri shrugged. "Slugs are slow, you know that right? They kinda scootch around. Just do that."

"But slugs don't have three dozen boobs! I wont be able to do anything if I can't make it five feet without an orgasm!"

The shopkeeper waved it off. "They wont be /that/ sensitive for too long. They're just new. Anyway, if you really are unhappy with it, I can make some changes. But please, just try it out for a bit. Go bang someone, or something. Trust me, intimate times with a body like that is pure heaven."

"Er..." The new slug girl hesitated as she imagined the scene. "And you promise that you'll fix this if I don't like it?"

"Sure! I just want everyone to be happy with who they are. I know you'll be happy like that, but if I'm wrong, I'll fix it. I promise," Marri said decisively.

"Well.. okay. Hey, and... thank's again, Marri." she said earnestly, still blushing fiercely from all the pleasurable feelings coming from her new form. She took a deep breath and continued to slide her way out of the room. She was panting by the time she made it to the door, but she somehow managed to stay focused.

"No problem! Have fun, sweetie!" Marri called back with a wave before immediately rooting around in her desk for her wand. All this slime had to go and she certainly wasn't going to it by hand.


I like these little scenes! Marri runs a small shop in town to transform people into whatever they wish, for a modest fee. Marri is supremely good at transmutation magic, so her clients always end up looking fantastic afterward. However, Marri's desires are very... extreme, and sometimes she interprets people's requests in ways she enjoys instead of them. Still, most people are very happy with their new forms, for the most part, and Marri always fixes her 'mistakes' if people are unhappy with it.



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