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Hi everyone, welcome to our Weekly Poll. Last week I thought it would be a landslide win for Hermione but Spider Gwen put up a strong fight until the end where Hermi cast a powerful "In your face ho" spell and ... you know the rest ^^

Well.. easier for me as Hermione is pretty much ready while Spider Gwen would need a face change, so yey ^^

This week started slightly painful and ended with me being fucked up by Friday. I think this is the reason for the reduced quality of this week's sketches. Please bear with me while this thing subsides again..

Moving on to this week's contestants, we have:

First Joss Possible. I started with her cuz I thought its easy and ended up with a meh fucked up face. She needs major changes if she wins cuz her face is all over the place and reminds Ron Stoppable to many of you ^^

Next up Morgan LeFlay, one of the pirates in Monkey Island game series. <Enter Pirate booty jokes here> ^^

Moving on we have Tifa with an "Italian Meme" thing. Usually by the time I decide to do a "trending meme thing" its become too old already but this time it's still fresh. I am a bit disappointed that I haven't been asked to do Tifa before, though  you have asked for many Final Fantasy characters in the past, but not Tifa, and she is nice...

And final entry for this week, Kitty Pryde (X-Men Evolution). Although she needs some fixes, it turned better than my previous tries at her.

Suggestions, yes you can propose characters in the comments below (up to 3 each) as per usual. These will go in February's Pool of characters.

As I said, next week there will be no sketches but will do some pinups from past sketches that I liked. Maybe in Saturday Feb 5th we will have another Poll with past characters and the following week (2nd week of February) I will start sketching again. Also I have a ton of commissions I need to catch up on. 

That's all for now. Thank you for your support and participation.
Now time for you to vote =]



Hard choice once again. All of them have potential to look good as finalised pics. As suggestions Vette and Jaesa from SWTOR Jessica Rabbit from Who framed roger rabbit Black Cat / Felicia Hardy from 90s Spider-Man


Maria 'La Tormenta', from Battle Maidens by CrisisBeat Kannibal Kitty, by Dan Mendoza Synica, by Moikaloop


Hmm, Kitty really needs some silver liquid dripping out of her, from after Piotr has finished with his latest tuition session with her. &gt;D


She-Hulk from Agents of SMASH (giggle)