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Hey cool guys and girls, also known as Bad Spider's patrons, yes you, you sexy devils ^^

Yes Aunt Cass won in a pinup for today as you know and I got to say she looks nice, no? Maybe you knew it better than me cuz I didn't expect it to turn out as nice. In all your wisdom you have proven me wrong (again) ^^

Also tanlines, do you like them? I love them but I forget to put them in my drawings.

Our latest Poll is still running for a few more days, so if you are a Patron please remember to vote.

Don't forget to play Muplur's XIX (a Teen Titan parody).

Welp, I am out of news. Thank you all for your love and support. New guys welcome and old ones thank you for bumping up your support (some of you did). It is a huge confidence boost for me and I hope I repay your trust with sexy drawings. Say safe and warm everyone, see you soon =]




Indubitably 🧐


I've had 4 today. I'll go with the pie😅


Cass looking very nice👍 Acting casual😂


Aunt Cass= best aunt, I’d eat her cake any day 😜