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Hello my fellow bass players, hope you're having a great day!

I saw a few requests to create a practice video for this song, so here you go! I'm starting with just the main riff, but let me know in the comments if you'd like me to do all of the other sections too.

Thanks for coming here and practising with me, have a great weekend and I'll see you in the next lesson!


Video Download: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/oubk47qtnj7zjpan1d0ob/12-String-Solo-Main-Riff-Practice-Video.m4v?rlkey=88tq831ajhn96b9sj4e80d6vc&dl=0


Šarūnas Jadzgevičius

Ahh yes this is one of my favorite pieces by you, but as im learning the feel good inc song i noticed that the tabs are unfinished?

Struan Kirk

As this is one of my favorite songs you've done I'm wondering if you could do a video and make the tabs for the full song at some point? It's such an amazing piece and I think everyone here would probably like to learn it :)

Struan Kirk

Scratch that, just saw that the tabs are already the full song, thanks :D