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Hello my fellow bassists!

In this lesson I show you a great exercise for practising your slap octaves. Since octaves are such a huge part of slapping, it's a good idea to practise exercises like this on a regular basis.

Once you get this exercise down perfectly, don't stop! The real progress comes from doing it over and over again AFTER you can play it perfectly, because that's when you start building the muscle memory and is the only way to make everything feel natural.

Let me know in the comments if you have any questions at all! Thanks for practising with me and I'll see you in the next lesson!


Video Download: https://www.dropbox.com/s/ld61yqbd5vsv0wp/Beginner%20Slap%20Lesson%202.m4v?dl=0



The more you practice, the more strength you will get in your fingers. The speed will come - pay more attention to the form and playing in tempo, even at a slower tempo. It is going to hurt at first, though be careful about overdoing it. I tend to wear my bass relatively high strap-wise which makes it easier to get my left hand positioned well on the fretboard, though I have to admit when I practice I am usually sitting down since my monitor is in a computer hutch and makes it easier to see. But when sitting down, I will usually have my right foot up on something which raises my right leg and therefore the bass. I would suggest trying different setups and see what feels the best for you.

Ben K

This video is thus far the funnest to do in my practice! I love that sound going to the low E and walking up. I've noticed the slower tempos I forget the pattern, but the faster ones my brain shuts off and my fingers take over. My technique and accuracy seems more fluid.