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My fellow bassists,

Last week we focused on left-hand slap articulations, this week I'm giving you an exercise to help you practise one of the more challenging right-hand articulations - the double pop.

You might have to experiment a bit with how exactly you execute the double pop. For some people it's all in the wrist, while for others, the fingers do more work. I do a bit of both - I get my wrist involved but I do make a conscious effort to pull up with each finger as well.

If you haven't done this much before, don't worry if you're pretty out of time at first, that's normal! The more you practise it, the more natural it will feel.

As always, let me know if you have any questions or comments at all! I'm working on next week's bass line construction video which I think you're gonna love!

Have a great weekend and I'll see you in the next video,




Wow just got to sit down with this one now I too am embracing the frustration, thank you so much for this double pop lesson Charles, really interesting technique how you're going up with the thumb on the first note of those triplets near the end, I thought that's what I was seeing so I wasn't going crazy now I'm thinking how the hell am I gonna do that, just gotta keep at it


Howdy, one thing I don't understand is - how are your untouched open strings not vibrating sympathetically? I don't see either hand/arm muting, for example, the E string at all when you're on other strings. If I try that, it'll sound like a big old mess and vibrations everywhere. How are you playing cleanly without muting the un-used strings? Thanks!!


Thx so much for this exercise!!! I’ve been needing to work on this technique badly. This is something I’ve really been struggling to do. Haven’t had the chance to play through this, but hopefully today or tomorrow at the latest. Edit: Got to play it today! ...and wow, I was really expecting to struggle with this bigtime, but to my surprise, I picked it up really quickly actually. This SUPER fun to play with. Definitely going to be adding this to my repetoire! Maybe now I can finally get past some of these articulations in some of your other songs I've been wanting to play through. I think Crash and Elevated use this.

Thomas Duffy

Whenever i do the multiple plucks it feels like my fingers just kinda get stuck on the g string. Any tips?


Relax those fingers significantly. Practice the movement at slow tempo first, then step up in tempo a few times. I was having the same problem until I tried it at a faster speed. You have to really relax the tension in your fingers at faster speeds and so it kinda forces you to play it correctly. Try it out faster, then go back.