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The Jabberwalker scuttled around in its unusual way, head twitching as it prowled in a wide circle around him. Jaune kept his sword leveled at the creature, eyes focused and keeping track of every strange movement it made. It growled various phrases in a deep, husky voice, a disturbing tumble of words that filled the air between them while several Ever Afteran’s cowered at his back, taking cover behind his broad shoulders.

“Back off,” Jaune said firmly, voice distorted by his helm when it feinted an attack before resuming its odd walk.

This was almost a routine for Jaune now, the dark creature appearing like clockwork every few days in an attempt at attacking the peaceful denizens of the village. Now decked out in full plate armor, the metal polished to a fine shine, he was the very image of a valiant protector. All but his shattered blade which he refused to repair, a constant reminder of his sin.

Broken though it may be, it was still very effective.

Without warning it rushed forward and Jaune met it, sword flashing. It avoided his first strike, lashing out with long claws. They raked across the face of his shield, the twin arcs glowing a deep purple. Gravity dust propelled it back with force and it screeched, tail cracking as it whipped out at his head. Ducking low, Jaune followed it with sure steps, adrenaline surging through his veins.

It may have looked much like a Grimm with its dark skin, horned head and masked face, but it moved with an intelligence that most Grimm lacked. Jaune’s next swing was blocked, its large hand wrapping around his jagged blade. When he attempted to retreat, it held firm, pulling him off balance before darting in. Semblance activated, he tanked the blow head on, his aura repelling the Jabberwalker violently, and Jaune wrenched his sword free of its hold and slashed, landing a solid strike across its chest.

It howled, tumbling around in the dirt before hissing at him, slamming its long limbs against the ground almost like a temper tantrum.

Looooost,” it howled hauntingly, raising the hair on the back of Jaune’s neck. “Tiiiime.”

It moved with greater speed now, charging at him on all fours. Jaune grimaced as it slammed into his shield, muscles bulging as he amplified his strength to stand his ground. Darting under its vicious swipes, he slammed his shield into its face before stabbing at it. It shrieked in pain and kicked at him with its powerful legs, and this time Jaune was hit, gasping as he was blasted back. Grunting, he rolled across the ground before quickly regaining his feet, just in time to block those wicked claws from tearing out his throat.

“You aren’t wanted here so go away,” Jaune roared, and with a flash of red, fire erupted from his shield. The Jabberwalker screamed, engulfed in flames. It thrashed and swung wildly, backing off, one of its arms fully ablaze. No matter how much it waved its arm, the fire refused to let go, burning hotly – and with one final howl, it turned tail and fled.

As it vanished amongst the trees, there was a moment of silence where all Jaune could hear was his own breathing – and then the cheering began as he was rushed by those he had been protecting. They crowded around him, small beings and occupants of their village, their faces no longer fearful but full of gratitude. A small spark of satisfaction ignited in his belly, a feeling of pride – before he squashed it, stuffing his ego back down deep.

He shouldn’t get carried away.

“Oh, Shining Knight,” one of them said, bowing deeply; so deep that his nose touched the ground. “I thank you for your most gracious actions. If you require anything, anything at all – do but ask.”

Sheathing his sword, he knelt to better speak with them face to face, for all of those he had been shielding from harm were no taller than his waist.

“No problem,” he said. “Just doing my job.”

He was a Huntsman, after all. And while that creature wasn’t a Grimm, it didn’t matter. Grimm weren’t the only things Huntsmen protected others from. This may not have been Remnant but that didn’t mean he couldn’t still fulfill his role.


Jaune looked up and saw a head of gold rushing his way, and then suddenly a small girl was in his arms, cheek nuzzling against his chest plate as she hugged him furiously. Jaune wrapped his arms around her slender body and stood, effortlessly hauling her up into the air as if she weighed no more than a pillow.

“Saffron,” he said, and by his voice she knew she was in trouble. The eight year old girl named in honor of his eldest sister tensed in his arms, silver eyes wary. “What are you doing out here? Where are your sisters?”

Why did he bother asking? Two girls with beautiful braided white hair appeared, identical twins with vivid blue eyes rushing over from where Saffron had come. The seven year olds crowded around him, their arms wrapping around his waist as they embraced him happily.

Jaune sighed.

Troublemakers, the lot of them – though he wouldn’t change them for the world.

“Mother is coming,” Blanca said while her sister, Blanche, nodded quickly. “Look – see~! Mother, over here~!”

Weiss Schnee appeared in her usual graceful manner, though her swollen, protruding stomach stole away some of the natural elegance she carried like a shroud. Placing Saffron down, Jaune made his way over to his wife and embraced her lovingly, placing a hand on her stomach.

“What are you doing out here?” he said. “This is no place for a pregnant woman.”

Weiss scoffed, a haughty expression etched on her gorgeous face. “I am a Huntress. Just because I’m fat right now doesn’t mean I cannot help.”

“You aren’t fat.”

“I’m a whale,” Weiss said heatedly. “Of course, this is all your fault. Look at what you do to my wonderful body.”

Saffron, Blanca and Blanche all snickered, and at that moment, Jaune was reminded of growing up surrounded by girls. He’d been outnumbered by women all his life. He really couldn’t catch a break, could he? He had no brothers, and he had no sons. There was really something wrong with his family lineage, surely.

“Where is Ruby?”

“Watching the others. Come on, the Jabberwalker won’t be back for a couple of days now. You’ve earned your rest, my Shining Knight.”

Jaune groaned as she smirked at him, eyes full of amusement.

When they figured out that Jaune was indeed the man from the fairy tale, that their presence in the Ever After had in fact been recorded by Alyx in her book, Weiss had been wroth. It had been such a shock that the boy who had been so hopeless in pursuing her at school, who had fumbled and stumbled over his words like a lovesick fool was in fact one of the most well known heroes on all of Remnant, immortalized in the pages of its most popular book. He had shattered all of her hopes and dreams without meaning to, and she had been inconsolable for days afterwards.

He had been the man she had wished for as a young girl, hoping he would come sweep her off her feet and take her away from her horrible family. He was the one that she had pretended to marry in flights of fancy only a ten year old could have. He was her first crush.

Ruby had thought the entire thing was hilarious – and a great piece of karma.

The Shining Knight, protector of the Ever After along with his wives – his stunning red rose and ethereal moonlight maiden. It all fit perfectly. Jaune didn’t believe he deserved such praise, that he wasn’t anything like the man Alyx had described but there was no escaping the fact that they were one and the same.

The book never mentioned children, though.

And children they had – in spades.

Saffron bounced up and down, beaming up at him. She was the very picture of Ruby other than her long blonde hair, the tips tinted red just like her mother. Those silver eyes could not belong to anyone else and Jaune saw very little of himself in her face, other than the vague shape of her nose. Blanca and Blanche were much the same, little versions of their mother. Delicate, small – all they claimed of his were their eyes, a vibrant blue that popped against their pale skin and snow white hair.

But they weren’t his only kids.

You could say they had been very busy in the almost nine years they had been trapped here. Very, very busy.

When they returned to their home, he was greeted by Ruby and the rest of their brood. Other than Saffron, it seemed like Jaune could only deal out twins. After Blanca and Blanche, there were Iris and Indigo born to Ruby, six years old – and then Amethyst and Aqua, born to Weiss at five. They’d tried to slow down after that but it was little use, his hunger for his wives unwilling to be caged, and their hunger for him equally as potent. Two more from Ruby, aged three in the forms of little Lavender and Scarlet, and then two from Weiss around the same age – Amber and Coral. The youngest were Olive and little Penny, aged one.

Thirteen children – and if things held true, Weiss would soon be giving birth to two more making it fifteen.

What a ridiculous family they were. His father would be proud.

If this was Remnant, it would have been near impossible to support and feed so many mouths unless all three of them worked full time without rest but here in the Ever After, money was of no concern. There was an endless bounty all around them and so the usual strain of having so many children to feed was lessened, though keeping them all well behaved was another thing entirely.

Troublemakers they may have been, their three eldest helped out as any good elder siblings did. It ensured that they got time away from the little tikes, though whenever that happened they seemed to just create more of them.

Each birth was a harrowing experience but none more so than the first. There were no doctors here, no midwives or nurses, no hospital to go to. They’d had to deal with Ruby’s first birth all on their own. Jaune had been in absolute shambles and if they hadn’t had Weiss with them, things might have gone horribly. Thankfully, Weiss had been able to keep a calm head and help deliver Saffron safely, an experience that had helped when Blanca and Blanche came along a year later and it was Weiss on the birthing bed.

Even with all their experience at this point, it still terrified him half to death. Childbirth wasn’t easy. Women died all the time, even with the best medical care available. But Ruby and Weiss were both strong. They were Huntresses – and if nothing else, aura helped keep their health stable and repaired any damage done, especially with his semblance amplifying them during their recovery period.

It was why even after so many births, the two women still looked like supermodels. He was a very lucky man.

“Daddy~!” several voices called at once, and Ruby smirked as he was rushed by a horde of young ladies.

Jaune removed his helm, hanging it on the rack by the front door like it was a hat before scooping them up in his arms to a chorus of squeals. Iris and Indigo giggled wildly as he rubbed his beard against their cheeks, squirming to escape his ticklish assault. Glancing up at Ruby, he returned her look of warmth, blowing her a kiss with a smack of the lips.

She rolled her eyes.

“Jabberwalker dealt with, then?”

“He set it on fire,” Weiss revealed, watching fondly as he wrestled with his girls. Saffron joined in, leaping on his back while Blanca and Blanche attacked his sides. “It didn’t sound happy.”

“It never sounds happy,” Jaune said as he fell to the ground, allowing them all to climb atop him. Lavender tugged on his long hair. “Come on – help daddy remove his armor.”

The eldest three began working at the straps, the younger ones doing their best to follow their example and help. They started on his legs and worked their way up to his arms, removing his gauntlets and vambraces, his shoulder guards and then finally his chest plate. He sat up for the last one, holding his arms out as Saffron grunted, dragging it away across the floor.

“It’s so heavy,” she complained, a couple of the young ones darting over to share the load.

Standing up, he dusted down his underclothes before striking a pose. “How do I look?”

“Like an idiot,” Weiss replied instantly, face even.

“Moooom,” Amethyst whined. “Daddy looks cool.”

“Hear that?” Jaune ran a hand through his hair, giving it a shake to a chorus of giggles. “I’m cool.”

Weiss scoffed.

Ruby snickered. “You wish.”

“Haters,” he said, grinning. “I’m starving. What’s for lunch?”

Ruby had prepared an assortment of different fruits and in typical Ever After fashion they tasted of different flavors that ran counter to what their appearance would dictate. By now they were used to this oddity and when he bit into what appeared to be an apple and tasted chocolate, he didn’t complain. There were much worse combinations.

“The market will be ending soon,” Weiss said, directing this at their children. “You can all help the nice villagers take down their stalls and clean the village square.”

As expected, they all groaned at the prospect of work.

“Do we haaave to?” Blanche moaned.

“I was going to teach the little ones how to knit,” Saffron joined in.

Blanca snorted. “Your knitting sucks.”

“No it doesn’t,” their eldest girl fired up at once. “Yours does!”

“You’re wrong,” Indigo defended, clutching at the scarf looped around her neck. “She made me this! It doesn’t suck!”

They all started arguing, even the babies joining in though it was more out of fun than anything else. Weiss clapped her hands sharply and they all snapped to attention, watching their mother warily. At times like this, Ruby and Jaune were reminded of Professor Goodwitch and how she could control a classroom full of rowdy, adrenaline fueled huntsmen-in-training with nothing more than a sharp glare and a sharp crack of her riding crop.

It was clear as day that Weiss was the disciplinarian among them and the children didn’t dare ignore her.

“That is enough,” she said firmly. “Saffron, Blanca, Blanche – look after your sisters, okay? Don’t let them wander off and help the villagers with their tasks. They know to expect you.”

The three sagged. “Yes, mom.”

They shot hopeful looks at Jaune but he just shrugged. “Listen to your mother, girls.”

Weiss watched with hawk eyes as they all got ready before marching them out the door, Saffron holding Olive and Penny’s hands while Blanca held Scarlet’s and Blanche held Lavender’s. They listened as the sisters began squabbling as soon as they stepped outside and out of their view, their voices carrying for some time as they trooped towards the village square.

“We need some boys,” Ruby said sagely.

“What we need is no more children,” Weiss groused, maneuvering her belly as she sat down at the dining room table. “This is getting ridiculous.”

Ruby laughed while Jaune said, “Well – we can always try abstaining again.”

Weiss scowled at him. “Not on your life.”

“She loves your cock too much,” Ruby fake whispered, plucking one of the grapes off the table and popping it in her mouth. Her face twisted and she spat it out. “Ew – that tasted like damp wood.”

“Me?” Weiss glared at Ruby. “You’re the one that can’t keep your mouth off it.”

Jaune sat back and watched with amusement as his wives bickered back and forth, careful to avoid the grapes. The banana tasted like whipped cream, so he combined it with the apple that tasted like chocolate. The orange actually tasted as it was meant to, a rare thing.

“If you just let him pull out, then maybe you wouldn’t get pregnant so often,” Ruby needled. “But you always wrap your legs around his waist and hold him against you. You complain after but you love it when he knocks you up. Admit it.”

Weiss clucked her tongue.

“What do you think, Jaune? Weiss is a needy girl, right?”

“That’s rich coming from you. Miss ‘oh, let me taste it, I need to taste it, oh’ every time we have sex.”

Ruby flushed. “Shut up. I like it, okay?”

“Put it in my mouth,” Weiss ribbed, her voice higher pitched in a bad imitation of Ruby’s voice. “Oh, let me drink it all. Give it all to me, please.”

Were they really arguing about this? Though this was definitely not the first time this had happened. Jaune wondered if this was normal in a three way relationship such as theirs. He had no way of knowing; he’d never met anyone else that dated more than one person, let alone married them and started a family.

“Bitch,” Ruby hurled back.

“Having a son would be nice,” he injected himself into the conversation before Weiss could return fire with something that may start a genuine argument. “But at this point, I’d feel sorry for him. It isn’t easy for a young boy when he is surrounded by nothing but women, you know? I’ve experienced this.”

“Oh, boohoo,” Weiss looked unimpressed. “So they made you wear a dress; so what?”

“That was a very traumatic experience, okay?” Jaune defended himself. “You have no idea what that can do to a young boy.”

Ruby snickered. “Yeah, Weiss – don’t you remember what Jaune was like when we first met? He was a little funny, right?”

Jaune frowned. “Funny? What is that supposed to mean?”

“He did have a certain way about him that was a little off,” Weiss agreed with her partner, smirking at his disgruntled expression. “You think it was because he was browbeaten by his older sisters growing up?”

“They probably braided his hair and made him wear make-up,” when he didn’t refute those claims, Ruby tittered even more. “Oh, they did! Saphron never showed us those pictures.”

“That’s because they don’t exist,” Jaune grumbled but they weren’t buying it.

“His parents probably have them,” Weiss said sagely. “In exchange for all these grandchildren, I’m sure they would give up the goods if we asked. When we finally return to Remnant, that will be at the top of our agenda.”

Not Salem or Relic’s or anything else; Jaune’s embarrassing childhood photos.

Jaune had had enough.

Standing, he marched his way around the table and attacked her ribs which he knew from experience were extremely ticklish. Weiss shrieked in alarm and attempted to squirm away but there was no escape, his fingers digging in as she laughed uncontrollably, bucking wildly as he held her in place with his strong arms.

“S-Stop~!” she begged, face turning red and tears filling her eyes as he continued the assault. “N-No, Jaune, stop right now!”

“Say sorry,” he taunted while Ruby snorted, watching them fondly.

Jaune Arc,” Weiss tried but it was hard to intimidate someone when you were a writhing mass of putty. “You’ll make me wet myself – stop!

Jaune finally relented, releasing her as she gasped for breath.

“Ooh, you know how weak her bladder gets when she’s pregnant,” Ruby wore a shit eating grin. “Remember when she peed the bed after you made her cum her brains out when she was pregnant with Blanca and Blanche? How embarrassing.”

“You two are the worst,” Weiss groaned, straightening up before moaning in surprise when Jaune swooped in and kissed her. One of her hands lifted to thread through his hair, deepening the lip lock. Their tongues glided together, swirling and tasting one another.

“Hey, no fair,” Ruby stood, slapping her hands on the table.

Jaune briefly released Weiss’ mouth and said, “We have the house all to ourselves for the next couple of hours.”

His meaning was clear.

Weiss arched as one of his hands settled on her swollen, milk laden breasts and gave them a tender squeeze. Her insides tightened at once, throbbing as her arousal fired to life in an instant. It didn’t take much for Jaune to get her engine running at the best of times but when she was pregnant and her hormones were all over the place, all it took was a glance or a touch and she was wet and ready.

When he pinched her nipple lightly, Weiss groaned deeply as she leaked milk, staining the inside of her dress.

“Ruby,” Jaune said roughly, nuzzling the nape of Weiss’ neck with his nose. Inhaling her wonderful scent, he kissed her neck before saying, “Help me escort this troublesome woman to the bedroom.”

The younger woman slinked her way around the table and caressed Weiss’ other breast, hefting it in her hand. Weiss bit her lip, eyes fluttering as her sister-wife teased her with a lighter touch before looping an arm around her to help her stand. As they ascended the stairs, their hands were busy groping at her sensitive body, Jaune palming her ass while Ruby rubbed her belly, her tits, leaning in to nip at her collarbone. They were barely in their bedroom when they peeled the dress up over her head, leaving her only in a pair of panties.

“Mm – you look yummy,” Ruby said, beginning to undress herself. Jaune sucked one of Weiss’ nipples into his mouth and she moaned sharply, fingers curling into his hair as he swirled his tongue around her stretched areola. He relished the taste as her milk leaked into his mouth, an almost oversweet nutty texture that had his cock hard and pounding between his legs.

“Oh, look at that,” Ruby smirked as she saw his growing erection, removing her last article of clothing. Weiss devoured Ruby’s lithe, womanly form with darkened eyes as she approached, kneeling in front of them and tugging at Jaune’s pants. After her many pregnancies and with age, Ruby’s breasts had grown. They held a beautiful sag and swayed as she moved. “We better free this fella, huh?”

“See what I mean?” Weiss purred, inner walls clenching deliciously as Jaune gave her tit a sturdy suck. “Straight to her knees, going right for your cock. She can’t help herself.”

“Shut up,” Ruby tore his pants and underwear down in one motion, his burgeoning length swinging free and smacking against her chin. She giggled breathlessly and leaned in, rubbing her face against his dick. “So what if I like sucking his dick? Jaune doesn’t complain.”

Weiss trembled as Jaune’s strong, powerful hand tightened on her ass, squeezing it harshly. Hot slick pooled in her rapidly wetting pussy, a pussy begging to be touched. Reading her mind, his other hand slipped down over her curved belly and dipped inside her panties, her legs becoming weak as he raked his nails across her mons. He lightly rubbed the hood of her clit, so fleeting that it resembled no more than a tickle before he stroked her swelling labia, playing with the springy flesh.

“Stop teasing,” she urged but Jaune wouldn’t be rushed, working her nipple between his teeth and rolling it around. “Hmmng – Jaune, please.”

She could beg all she wanted but he was going to take his time savoring his child-baring wife.

Ruby wrapped one hand around the base of his cock, pointing it up as she jostled his balls with her nose. They flinched at the contact, rising up and she chuckled, kissing his eggs chastely before licking the under root from base to tip. His dick tensed, flexing as a thick droplet of pre-cum oozed from the end and Ruby smeared it around her lips, his musky scent triggering her own arousal. Her vagina clenched as girl cum spilled from her tight hole and she wet her fingers with it, tracing her eager pussy. When her fingers were sufficiently wet, she stroked her clit gently, moaning against his shaft before kissing it wetly.

Jaune groaned into Weiss’ breast as Ruby inhaled his crown, her plump lips parting around him. Her mouth was hot and wet, her tongue active as it swiped and flicked the underside of his head. The pleasure was short and sharp, his member flexing powerfully, the tip curving into the roof of her mouth. The rough texture there sent a bolt of desire straight to his balls, scrotum tightening.

Ruby didn’t waste any time, sucking and slurping messily as she bathed his erection in saliva. Lips tight around his shaft, she bobbed up and down, the hand around the base beginning to pump up and down firmly. Silver eyes fluttered as salty pre-ejaculate spread across her tongue, filling her mouth with his taste.

“Please, stop,” Weiss whispered desperately, rolling her hips and trying to get him finger fuck her. Her pussy throbbed with need, an all consuming desire. “Please, Jaune – finger me. Don’t you want to make me feel good?”

Her breath caught when he finally touched her clit directly, giving it a quick flick. Pleasure sparked up her spine, her toes curling against the floor as her thighs trembled. Rubbing her bean in tight circles, Weiss keened through clenched teeth, thrusting her breast against his face.

“Mmmnhhg – ooh, mmn – yes, that feels so gooood~!” she sung sweetly, her molten snatch flooding. “Mm – inside, Jaune. Inside. Inside, inside, inside,” she chanted.

When the tips of his fingers stroked her puckered entrance, she shuddered. Cupping her womanhood with the whole of his hand, he grinded his palm along her clit before working his two innermost fingers into her messy heat. Weiss leaned against him heavily, legs threatening to buckle but his strong, powerful body took her weight effortlessly, a pillar of masculinity as he reached deep into her quim. Curling his fingers, they pressed on her g-spot and she saw stars.

Meanwhile Ruby began taking more and more of his shaft into her mouth, his tip tickling the back of her throat. Pulling back to the tip, she lashed it viciously, lips deformed lewdly around the fat ridge of his crown before darting back down, threatening to deepthroat his cock. She began twisting her fist, stroking what she didn’t have in her mouth with determination, loving the way his flesh hardened further, swelling between her lips.

“Fuck, that feels good,” he hissed into Weiss’ chest. Ruby bobbed faster in response before pulling off his cock with a sharp pop. The sudden loss of vacuum made his balls tingle, and then she began licking him, lapping at his turgid pole with long, firm swipes.

They continued this way for some time; Ruby devouring his length with her sweltering mouth, Jaune stroking that rough patch of flesh inside Weiss’ tender cunt until she threatened to squirt while Ruby began furiously fingering herself, a wet, clapping sound issuing from between her thighs. Arousal spilled around her fingers, oozing down her thighs and messing the floor, while Jaune began thrusting his fingers in and out of Weiss, basking in her sweet sighs and deep, husky moans.

She was getting close, her climax building strongly as her over-sensitive body robbed her of all sense. But Jaune wasn’t content with getting her off with just his fingers, and so with a final deep thrust, hooking his fingers and raking her g-spot on the outstroke, he pulled out of her throbbing cunt and removed his hand from her panties entirely.

“N-No,” Weiss protested, indignant. “You bastard, I’m close.”

His hand was a sticky mess and he smeared her juice across her belly, her skin glistening.

“I want you to sit on my face,” he said, and all of her anger, sudden and hot, was doused by a heavy dose of desire. He pulled his cock free from Ruby’s hungry lips and she whined, glaring up at him. He smacked it against her forehead, marking it with her saliva. “Come on to the bed.”

Weiss had trouble walking, almost falling onto the mattress boneless. Jaune pulled off his shirt, revealing his ripped physique and both women hummed in appreciation, raking his form with their eyes. Ruby followed him onto the bed, crawling between his legs as he positioned himself in the middle. Weiss traced his muscles, feeling how hard and firm his abs were, how strong his chest was before throwing a leg across his face.

All Jaune could smell was her powerful musk, the scent of her desire. Her puffy pussy hovered above his face, dripping on him and he seized her hips with his hands, pulling her down. Her swollen tits shook, her nails digging into his stomach as she rested them there for balance, his tongue darting out and licking the plump seam of her labia. Her taste was exquisite, deep and strong, his cock hardening further at sampling her. Ruby didn’t waste any time, grabbing his cock and sucking it back into her mouth, slurping as she bobbed her head up and down.

Jaune sucked on Weiss’ labia before piercing her with his tongue, working it against her entrance. She shuddered, moaning as his gusting breath flowed up over her clitoris, her bundle aching with the beat of her heart. She shifted her hips back and forth, grinding against his face lightly and moaned as his chin brushed her most sensitive spot.

“Ooouuh, just like that,” she crooned, loving how his hot tongue burrowed into her. He lapped at her eagerly, loud, wet sucking sounds issuing from her crotch. The suction felt good, her core throbbing as he sealed his mouth across her hole. “Oh, Jaune~!

Not to be outdone, Ruby began attacking his glans relentlessly, loving the way he pulsed between her lips. Tightening her lips as much as she could, she moved in short, sharp movements, tongue whipping across the tip as she tugged at the fat ridge of his head. Her hand was a blur, moving up and down his shaft augmented by her semblance. Jaune groaned as he was pumped several times in a second, his thighs tensing as he pressed his heels into the bed.

Weiss watched as Ruby sucked his dick with an enthusiasm that bordered on obsession, her own pleasure curling up through her belly, gathering in a tight knot. Her tunnel squeezed around his tongue, rocking on his face harder. His chin and cheeks were drenched in her arousal, his slurping at her quim becoming frantic, lips opening wider as he began to truly devour her. When he touched her clit with his tongue, licking her from hole to the apex of her slit, she sobbed.

She was close.

Weiss played with her nipples, her hard peaks quivering as she milked them with her fingers. She was now rowing her messy slit back and forth along his face, feeling his jaw, his nose, everything rub against her. Ruby pressed down on his cock until she gagged, her throat gulping obscenely and then she was done, that tight knot peeling open. A rush of pleasure surged through her and Weiss tilted her face back to the ceiling, crying out as her core contracted. Jaune didn’t stop eating her, shaking his head side-to-side, motorboating her pussy as it squeezed and pulsed erratically, gushing fluid over his face. Weiss gasped desperately, eyes rolling as she was consumed in ecstasy.

Jaune continued to lick and suck at her through her orgasm, and when she was reduced to a quivering mess in the aftermath, aftershocks pounding through her satisfied body, he finally relented. Giving her cunt one last powerful suck, he nudged her away and she fell to the side, boneless. Weiss curled up and moaned, writhing against the bed, her skin prickly.

“Mm,” she nuzzled her cheek into the blanket, half delirious. “That felt so good.”

Jaune wiped at his face before licking up the mess, one hand falling to rest on Ruby’s bobbing head. She had him swallowed to the base, her throat tight around his cock, the suction out of this world as she pulled up with sturdy sucks. He let her do this for a while longer, knowing how much she loved working him with her mouth.

“I want to fuck you,” he said when her lips touched his pelvis.

She pulled up off him with a messy slurp before rising up on her knees. Her inner thighs were soaked in her juices, a river of desire seeping out of her cunt. His cock flexed at the sight, jumping against his stomach, coated in her spit and flushed bright red, engorged with blood. Before she could mount him, he surged up, Ruby giving a startled giggle as he grabbed her and pulled her from the bed until they were standing. Situating himself behind her, he spanked her shapely ass with his cock with several hard, heavy smacks.

“Like this,” he said. “I want to take you like this.”

She was much shorter than he was so he had to bend his knees to line his cock up with her blazing heat. Her pussy parted easily as he pressed into her, Ruby moaning as he curled his fingers around her hip bone and tugged her back possessively. He sheathed the entire length of his dick in one thrust, banging against her cervix firmly.

“Oooofuuuck,” Ruby hissed, squirming against him. Her ass was pressed against his pelvis, bulging as he held her there. She was up on her tippy toes, arched as her hands settled on his own for balance. “Fuck, you’re so deep~!

“You like it deep, don’t you?” he hissed into her ear. “You like it rough. Just like our first time, right?”

Ruby mewled as he pulled back slowly, her plump walls catching on his flaring crown. It felt like he was tugging her inside out, her pussy sealed tight around his shaft. Her lips pulled out, a ring of pink and then when he threatened to leave her embrace, he powered back in, thudding against her womb.

“Mmmmnngg,” Ruby grunted, breath caught in her throat. “O-Oh, hnnmg~! I love it there. D-Do it there~!

His cock felt close to bursting, his balls heavy with their load. Her mouth had done a brilliant job so he knew he didn’t have much time. He needed to ravish his wife hard and fast, and tip her over the edge before he bust his nut.

So that is what he did, pulling out and thrusting deep, his tempo relentless from the onset. His grip on her hips was punishing, her skin bruising as he fucked her with fast, long strokes that repeatedly knocked on the door to her womb. Ruby squealed, ass rippling with his powerful thrusts, plump tits thrust out as her head rested against his shoulder. Wet clapping filled the room, flesh on flesh, as he pummeled her depths with a single minded drive to make her cum.

“Ahhn~! Hnn~! MnnnG~!”

Plap, plap, plap – Jaune panted as he fucked his wife senseless, his cock churning up her pussy. Ruby seethed as the pain of her womb being brutalized mixed with the overwhelming pleasure of being fucked by the love of her life, her lungs burning as a constant stream of pleased moans passed her lips. Her belly was a furnace, a den of pressure that continued to build every time his tip kissed her cervix, and her pussy throbbed around him, squeezing for his milk to douse the flames in his velvet heat.

She’d been so turned on from sucking his dick and touching her needy pussy, stroking it and fingering herself like a desperate little girl. Now that his girthy cock was spreading her out, stretching her in that wonderful way only a man with a fat cock could, it wasn’t going to be long at all. Already she could feel the stirring of her orgasm, the tightening of her pussy, her skin tingling as her clit pounded furiously.

And then Weiss was there, kneeling on the bed, swallowing her moans as she kissed her, their lips sealing together. The white haired woman, her long braid a mess, cupped her face and kissed her with everything she had, sucking her tongue, her lips, palming her tits and squeezing them just right.

“Make her cum,” Weiss said between kisses, locking eyes with Jaune. He moved faster, slamming into her roughly. “Make her shatter. I want to see it.”

He changed the angle, a subtle shift of the hips – and Ruby howled. Weiss groped at her, attacking her breasts, rubbing her stomach, just above where he tapped her deep. Then she was stroking her clit with wet fingers, one on each side, circling it expertly in the way she knew Ruby loved.

“Shit, she just got tighter,” Jaune huffed, skin slick with sweat. “She likes that.”

“Of course she does,” Weiss tittered as Ruby cried incoherently. “Are you close, Jaune? Are you going to fill her naughty pussy with your seed? You want a son, right? Why don’t you put one right here?”

Her fingers parted around where he was thrusting into Ruby, cupping her spread quim in a V. His slick shaft glided against her fingers, pounding deeply, his aching balls slapping into them whenever he bottomed out.

“Mm, you are so deep inside her,” Weiss teased. “Perfect for impregnating her, don’t you think?”

Ruby tensed around his shaft, a moan caught in her throat.

“Is that what you want, Ruby?” Jaune asked, voice dark. “You want more children?”

She couldn’t answer, her voice incapable of anything more than sounds of rapture. The dual attack was too much, her body growing taut as a scream rose from deep in her chest, her body clenching before with a shout that announced her end, she shattered between her two lovers.

“Fuck, that’s it,” Jaune groaned, her pussy collapsing in a series of mind bending contractions, milking his cock furiously as he thrust wildly into her orgasming pussy. “Ah, that’s it. Mmm, fuck – I’m cumming, baby. Oh yeah, I’m cumming.”

Two, three, four – and then with a deep, pounding thrust, he buried his cock to the hilt and spat thick, burning streaks of cum straight into her melting womb, gushing into her with several heaving shots. Ruby writhed against him, face the very picture of pleasure, silver eyes rolled up into her head as her uterus drank deeply, greedily of his seed. Every time he burst into her, she shuddered, his hips jerking to pack her as deep as possible.

And then she was gone, Weiss pulling her off his exploding dick and replacing Ruby’s tight, spasming twat with her mouth, catching the last couple of shots across her tongue as she siphoned the remnants of his ejaculation with messy slurps.

“Oh,” Jaune curled his fingers around her braid, watching as Ruby fell onto the bed and stretched like a cat, limbs shaking. Weiss cleaned his cock off with her skillful mouth, tasting Ruby’s wetness and his pungent spunk before releasing him with a loud pop.

Then she poked out her tongue, showing him his discharge, heavy and milky, sliding around in her pink mouth before swallowing it without wasting a drop.

“Mm,” Weiss hummed, smacking her lips. “It’s a dangerous day for her. You definitely got her pregnant.”

Jaune snorted, embracing her gently, stroking her sweaty skin with his own.

“Even more kids. Just what we need.”

“Yet this thing never stops firing into us, does it?” she asked impishly, grabbing his still hard shaft and giving it a shake. “Look at it. You just fucked her stupid and it’s still hard. Ridiculous.”

Jaune grinned. “This is for you. If you want it.”

“Of course I want it,” Weiss said haughtily. “Did you really think I would be satisfied with just your tongue?”

“Moooom~!” a voice tore through their plans with all the savagery of a child with bad timing, the sound of heavy footfalls pounding up the stairs. “Daaaad~!”

Jaune quickly rushed over to the door and pressed a hand against it, moments before the door handle rattled. He could do without traumatizing his daughters with the sight of their parents fucking.

“What is it?” he said.

“There are strange lights in the sky,” Saffron said. Jaune felt his heart stop and he heard Weiss gasp behind him.

Ruby hurriedly crawled off the bed, her pussy leaking semen down her legs.

“What lights?” she asked, joining him at the door. “What do they look like?”

“They’re blue,” their daughter said. “Blue fire.”

It wasn’t their friends but they had a good idea who it was.

Alyx had finally arrived. But... who was the other one? They were about to find out.



At this rate, Jaune’s going to be like the Scotsman from Samurai Jack. Just an army of warrior daughters at his call.


I wonder how many kids there will be when Blake and Yang finally do arrive as I believe there's like another 5-10 years or so until then.


Writers said 10-20 years for Jaune, but time is whatever in the Ever After. Since fairytale are not a generation or few old. Generally century+.