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Having a boyfriend was a brand new experience for Winter – and one that she absolutely adored. She sometimes wondered why she took so long to get one, but knew deep down that not any man would have satisfied her. It was less that she had a boyfriend and more that Jaune was her boyfriend. He was everything she could have ever desired and more. No one else would do.

Winter considered herself an independent person, a strong woman that could handle herself just fine. Watching her parents' marriage disintegrate in front of her eyes had instilled in her a desire to never be beholden to someone else, to never open herself up in such a vulnerable way. Finding out the truth had shattered her mother, the pieces still scattered to this very day. But having someone look after her, attend to her needs – even simple things like asking about her day or bringing her a coffee – just brightened her days so much more, and filled her with such joy that she couldn’t help but wonder how she’d gone so many years without it.

He was the best.

And right on time, he appeared.

Winter tried to keep her face perfectly blank but it was an impossible task. When the door to her office slid open, she pretended to focus entirely on the paperwork she had been in the process of signing but the words may as well be written in an entirely different language, no longer legible to her sharp eyes. With each step he took to cross the room, Winter felt her heart swell with affection.

She was in love.

So much love.

A steaming cup was set down on her desk, the aroma heavenly. Closing her eyes, she inhaled deeply.

“Morning,” he said, his voice sending a shiver down her spine. Just a simple greeting, delivered without much meaning and yet it caressed her like a loving hand, drawing forth emotion she never knew she could feel.

She peered up at him through her lashes, a smile tugging at her lips.

“Morning,” she replied, reaching for her coffee. It was perfect, not overly sweet with just the right amount of bitterness. Creamy and smooth, she sipped at it and hummed in appreciation.

“Rough morning?” he asked gently.

He set something else down on her desk and she blinked, surprised.

“Are those...” she trailed off, feeling her mouth begin to water.

“They are,” he said, voice tinged with amusement. “I thought you might like some.”

Placing her coffee down, she reached for the white nondescript box and opened it. Inside sat four donuts, still warm and freshly made. The smell made her eyes flutter shut and she leaned over the box, chasing that sweet scent of something freshly baked.

Jaune chuckled. “I take it you’re pleased?”

She shot him a look of adoration. “Very.”

She reached into the box and plucked out the simplest one, dusted with cinnamon sugar and browned to perfection. The dough was soft and warm against her fingers, and when she bit into it, she moaned.

“Delicious,” she told him, chewing quickly and swallowing so she could take another bite. “Mm – you know just what I need in the morning.”

Jaune beamed. “You’ve been working so hard lately. I wanted to do something a little extra.”

Winter felt her cheeks flush happily at his words.

This wasn’t so extra, though, was it? He did these kinds of things all the time. Surprising her with little treats or just lending his ear when she wished to vent. She was so used to keeping all of her feelings bottled up and contained that it was incredibly freeing to have someone that allowed her to pour out all her frustrations and concerns to. She sometimes worried that she was being a burden to him but he never complained, only encouraged her to seek him out whenever she wished to talk.

It didn’t matter about what. He would listen regardless.

It had only been a couple of months but Winter already couldn’t imagine her life without him.

She’d fallen hard; so very hard.

It was scary, and thrilling, exhilarating.

She couldn’t get enough of it.

“What are you working on?”

Winter leaned back in her chair, quickly finishing off the cinnamon goodness in her hand and nursing her coffee, washing it down with small sips.

“Just signing off on some scheduled training trips,” she said. “The first year students from the academy will be joining soldiers on a few run of the mill training exercises to familiarize themselves with the expected procedure and to gain some hands-on experience in working as a larger unit. As I’m sure you are aware, Atlas deploys Huntsmen alongside our regular troops regularly to combat Grimm or... other threats.”

It was one of the biggest differences between Atlas and the other kingdoms. After the Great War with Vale leading the way behind the might of its king, formal military was slowly phased out while the new Huntsmen Academies were introduced to fill the void. A new breed of warrior, beholden to no one country or place, free to roam the world and contribute how they saw fit. Originally, Mantle had followed Vale’s lead and had decommissioned its military but with the rise of Atlas, things had changed.

It was a point of friction between the great kingdoms, going against the agreements met in the Treaty of Vytal but Atlas was a new kingdom, a technicality that they abused in their favor. While there had been concessions made such as the sharing of technology, and full transparency into their movements outside of their borders, it ultimately meant that Atlas held the greatest martial strength on Remnant.

“Sounds like fun,” he deadpanned, looking over the various forms.

Winter rolled her eyes playfully. “It is dreadful – but it must be done.”

She glanced at the clock on the wall, only now noticing the time.

“Won’t you be late?” she asked. “You are cutting it rather close.”

Jaune shrugged, plucking a glazed donut covered in sprinkles from the box and biting into it.

“I decided to take the day off,” he admitted. “The little tykes will survive without me for one day. I – heh, I actually convinced Ruby to take on the mission. She resisted at first. It isn’t cool enough for a Huntress of her stature but I managed to talk her around.”

“Oh? And how did you do that?”

“I maaaay have promised to spend some time with her and act as a blocker,” he confessed, grinning at her confused look. “Weiss has been trying to get her to accompany her to a hair and nail salon. Ruby is running out of excuses for turning her down, so I’ve agreed to run interference. Your sister is very tenacious.”

Winter smirked. “It must run in the family.”

“Yeah,” his eyes settled on her, drawing her in. They were so, so blue. “Have I ever told you that you look lovely in your uniform?”

“Once or twice.”

“Well – you look lovely in your uniform,” he complimented her. “But you would look even better out of it.”

Winter bit her lip, eyes darting to the door.


She felt her heart skip a beat, the thought of doing that here making her insides tremble at the possibility. Something so naughty... her cheeks pinkened nicely, a hot flush across her cheeks and the bridge of her nose.

He shrugged casually, though there was no hiding the hunger on his face.

“You know – if you think you can handle it?”

Jaune knew exactly how to press her buttons. Winter scoffed, though her red face probably ruined the effect.

“As if that is even a question,” she leveled a glare at him. “Get over here. Now.”

He chuckled. “Yes ma’am.”

Winter watched with bated breath as he sauntered around her desk, looking a little ridiculous as he was still holding a half eaten donut. He paused, giving her a scorching look before taking another bite.

“You’re an idiot,” Winter told him, covering her mouth to stop any laughter from escaping.

“Am I now?” he teased, making a show of chewing and swallowing. Then he took another bite, as if in slow motion, watching her reaction carefully. “Sexy, right?” he asked with a mouthful.

This was the man that had stolen her heart. This silly, ridiculous man that never failed to make her smile or laugh, even at the most inopportune times. The man who could make her feel so much.

“Hurry up,” she commanded but that only made him move slower, finishing the donut off and then licking his sticky fingers without haste. “Jaune,” she warned him.

“That was nice,” he said. “I think I need another.”

Winter slammed her mug down and surged up out of her chair. Jaune laughed and avoided her lunge.

“Wait, I’m not finished,” he called out, dodging around her desk as she gave chase.

It was childish and so unlike the Winter she projected to the rest of the world. Laughter escaped her lips as he darted behind her chair, using it as a barrier between them. He dodged left, then right, throwing her off as he stepped around her and escaped her grasping fingers. His blue eyes glowed with mirth, those blue irises like an endless expanse of ocean.

She wanted to drown in them.

“Get back here,” she commanded, trying to sound stern.

“Make me,” he mocked, even going so far as to poke out his tongue.

Oh, it was on!

With a twist of her fingers, a small glyph appeared under his feet. Jaune yelped as he was tripped, stumbling towards her. Winter smirked and caught him, feeling the rigid press of his breastplate against her front.

“You’ve got a long way to go before you can get away from me,” she said and felt a rolling heat wash through her belly, up into her chest and down her arms and legs when he pinned her with those expressive eyes.

He was kind, and smart, and handsome – he was everything she could have ever wanted.

But that wasn’t all.

Jaune straightened, standing at his full height. She had to look up to meet his eyes, and Winter couldn’t help the shiver that rattled down her spine.

He was strong, both in spirit and body. Jaune’s hand gripped her waist, thumb pressing in lightly and she moaned deep in her throat, excitement building in her lower belly. A slick, dark heat; a deep throb, oily and decadent, calling for attention.

She loved all these things about him – but there was something else she loved just as much.

Winter reached for his pants, cupping him. Jaune pressed into her hand, cock half-swollen in arousal. Feeling his length growing against her palm, knowing that it was her that did this to him caused her stomach to flip, and something wet and sticky to leak out of her.

His cock.

His wonderful, long, thick cock.

Jaune had shown her the wonders of sex. Mind numbing, soul rending sex. Perverted, animalistic, primal fucking. But also sweet, torturous love making. Slow, sensual, maddening. All that and everything in between, and more. Winter had never known that sex could feel so amazing. Logically, she knew it must feel good. It was why people engaged in casual flings. But to experience it was something else, and she now knew why people made such stupid decisions when the promise of sex was involved.

Winter doubted it would feel quite so good with another person, though.

It was because it was Jaune fucking her, ravaging her body with his burly cock, touching places she didn’t even know existed, wringing cry after shuddering cry from her lips that it felt so good. Having the one you love worship you like you were a goddess, eyes filled with reverence, hands gliding across sweat slick skin as they moved within you with a singular purpose... was there anything in the world that was as powerful?

She didn’t believe so.

He’d opened her eyes to a whole new world – and once the door was open, it could not be closed.

“I never want to get away from you,” he told her. “Not ever.”

And then he kissed her.

Winter gasped, opening her mouth to him as his tongue swiped out. It ran across her lower lip before gliding into her mouth, twining with her own tongue. His mouth was hot and he tasted of the glazed donut he’d eaten, sweet and addicting. Her hands cupped his jaw, framing his face as she kissed him back heatedly, filled with passion.

The door to her office opened.

Winter felt her heart stop and she pulled away, almost tripping over her own feet. Jaune’s hands steadied her, still on her waist.

“Oh~!” Penny exclaimed, sounding excited. “Salutations, friends~! I hope I did not interrupt?”

Jaune licked his lips, chasing her taste and Winter felt her ears burn.

“No,” he said, turning to face the android. “You aren’t interrupting.”

Winter couldn’t be mad – not at Penny. As much as her body thrummed to be touched, desired Jaune’s hands upon her skin, it was her fault for not ensuring the door was locked.

“Excellent,” Penny chirped, bouncing up and down on the balls of her feet. She looked particularly happy today. “Do you wish to continue? I do not mind. I will remain silent and wait until you are done.”

Winter blinked, a startled sound escaping her. Had Penny just suggested she watch them?

Jaune chuckled, shooting Winter a look. “It’s fine. We’ve – uh, finished.”

“Oh,” the ginger haired girl sounded disappointed. “I’ve never seen two people engage in osculation before. It looks very fun.”

Jaune’s chuckling turned into a full blown laugh as Winter straightened her uniform, subtly wiping at her lips, her ears still burning.

“It is,” Winter muttered. “Fun, that is.”

Jaune shot her a smug look, one she returned with a glare.

“If you don’t mind, Penny – could you keep this a secret?” Jaune asked. “We haven’t told anyone that we are dating yet and we’d like to keep it that way. At least for a little while longer.”

It wasn’t that they were ashamed of their relationship but Winter liked having something all to herself that no one else knew about. Something that only they knew – well, and Nora Valkyrie. According to Jaune, she was the only other person that figured out something was amiss but hadn’t told anyone else, even her partner. That girl acted the fool but she was much more observant than people gave her credit for.

Their dates had drawn the scrutiny of the local gossip columnists but it hadn’t blown up like she thought it would. It was so low key, in fact, that even someone like Harriet Bree who consumed that rubbish religiously had missed it, buried underneath much more delicious drama like one of the Councilmen being accused of renting escorts.

The timing certainly worked out in their favor.

And now, it seems, Penny knew.

“Certainly,” Penny made a show of pinching her fingers together and running them across her lips. “I will tell no one! Even under the threat of decommission!”

And... if she was being honest, she didn’t know how to tell her sister she was now dating one of her friends. They were both adults and free to do whatever they pleased, but it didn’t change the fact that once upon a time, Jaune had held quite the torch for her younger sister. While it hadn’t gone anywhere and they were just friends, Winter still felt a little awkward imagining how that conversation would go.

This whole thing had started because Winter thought Jaune still held those affections for Weiss, and she had been acting the protective older sibling, scouting out her sister’s prospective suitor. Things had certainly come a long way since then, that was for sure.

“Thanks Penny,” Jaune said. “I owe you one.”

Penny looked excited by the prospect. “No one has ever owed me one before. Does this mean you will do me a favor?”

“Yeah. That’s right.”

Winter suddenly got a bad feeling about this.

“Then can you teach me more about osculation?” she asked, confirming Winter’s fears. “I have read much about the act but I would like the perspective of a friend.”

Jaune looked at Winter for help but she turned her head away, covering her mouth to hide the massive smile that split her lips, smothering a laugh that attempted to escape.

‘Help me,’ his eyes implored.

“Well – while you two do that, I have work that needs completing,” she said, throwing him to the wolves.

“Traitor,” Jaune muttered.

“Excellent~!” Penny skipped over and grabbed Jaune’s hand, pulling him towards the door. He went without a struggle. “I look forward to your tutorage.”

“Wait,” Winter hastily called, bringing Penny to a stop. “No – um, osculation,” she stumbled over the word, the scientific term too much, even for her. “He’s just going to teach you about it. No demonstrations!”

For a moment, Winter had the strangest feeling that Penny was about to argue with her. The ginger haired android girl stared at her for several long, drawn out seconds, as if she was peering through her. For all Winter knew, she was doing exactly that. It was hard to tell when Penny was using any of her advanced systems to scan an object but the expression on her face reminded Winter of when she would search for listening devices or other hidden objects. Just when things were starting to get a little tense, rather anti-climatically, Penny pouted.

“Fine,” she said, almost in a whine. It was a voice she’d never heard from the girl before. “There will be no osculation.”

Jaune side-eyed Penny, as if seeing her for the first time. “Wait a minute...”

“Come, Friend Jaune,” Penny resumed her march, swinging their arms a tad aggressively.

When the door slid shut, Winter released a sigh.

She considered Penny a friend, even though the girl was an artificial life form. Maybe that said something about Winter, seeing as she didn’t have very many friends at all and one of them was a robot with a soul, but sometimes she forgot just how innocent Penny could be. Any other person after witnessing them kiss would understand that Jaune and Winter were romantically attached. They wouldn’t dare try and then have kissing practice with one of them right after unless they were some sort of home-wrecking scarlet woman.

She shook her head, moving back over to her chair and slumping down in it. Staring at the piles of forms she still needed to oversee, she sighed again, this time longer.

She’d much rather be having some quality time with her boyfriend.

“At least he brought me food,” she said to herself, reaching into the box for another donut. This one was glazed with some type of caramel syrup and when she bit into it, a sweet, nutty hazelnut mousse spread across her tongue.

It was really good.

She’d have to repay him in some way.

Winter smiled, playing with her pen.

She had some paid holiday banked up that she never used. Weeks and weeks of it, in fact. Atlas was a lot of things but they believed in a well maintained and happy military, and any holiday not used rolled over year after year. General Ironwood was constantly hounding her to take some time off to relax but she never took his advice, partially because she genuinely enjoyed her work but also because going anywhere alone just seemed... sad. What was the point of taking a week off if all she was going to do was lounge around her apartment?

That just wasn’t her.

But she had someone she could spend time with now. More than one someone. Her sister was here, and she had Jaune. If she wanted to do something, they would be more than willing to join her. While they both worked with Atlas and its military, they weren’t beholden to it. They were freelancers, Huntsmen – they could take as many days off as they wanted since they were their own bosses.

Maybe... they could go somewhere together? The three of them. It would be the perfect opportunity to finally tell her sister that she was dating Jaune. As awkward as it would be to spill the beans, Winter didn’t like having this secret from her sister.

Weiss was the most important person in her life.

She deserved to know.

It felt a little weird to be planning leisure time in the midst of a full blown lockdown, Atlas cut off from the rest of the world but Winter understood now more than ever that you couldn’t just place your life on hold, waiting for the other shoe to drop. Vale may have been attacked, Haven may be in complete shambles after losing almost ninety percent of its Huntsmen and Vacuo was... well, Vacuo, but life went on. Salem was silent. If she was going to make a move, they wouldn’t know it until she did.

It wasn’t like they would be going far. If anything happened, they’d still be here in Atlas.

But what could they do...?

Winter spent her morning completing each form before joining the General in overseeing a few of their more secretive initiatives. Amity was still in the process of being converted into a high altitude communications array with materials being diverted from less important projects all across the kingdom. Unfortunately, that was causing some civil unrest in Mantle due to the outer wall and its damaged state. It was... a difficult choice to make, one that Winter knew many would struggle to understand. General Ironwood believed that returning global communications was imperative – and Winter agreed. Reestablishing contact with the rest of the world was the first major step for fighting back against Salem and needed to happen sooner rather than later.

But Winter could understand the other side of the argument, as well. There was a reason why Jaune spent every morning down in the lower kingdom, escorting children to school. Those missions may have been looked down upon by many but all it took was a single Grimm to breach the damaged wall, and dozens could die.

It was the closest thing Winter and Jaune had ever had to an argument when discussing the subject. Winter believed in General Ironwood and his choice, but Jaune thought he could do a lot more to help Mantle and didn’t. It wasn’t like Jaune didn’t believe in Amity but he stressed that they needed to reach a balanced approach, something that was currently not happening.

Winter didn’t disagree – but knew it was much more complicated than that, and told him.

The first time they’d spoken about it, it had scared her. She wasn’t used to being in a relationship and her parents were a very bad example, so when their opinions differed, she panicked. Thankfully, their ‘argument’ was barely that and her fear was all for nothing, Jaune reassuring her that he knew it wasn’t an easy choice but it stuck with her.

Other than Amity, there was also the situation with Fria, the current Winter Maiden. Winter visited her as often as possible, the only female allowed anywhere near her in fear of her powers seeking another if she were to pass away unexpectedly. It was... difficult, watching someone so respected and powerful essentially wither away in front of her eyes, and Winter struggled with it.

Old age could be very cruel indeed.

But it was a duty she would carry out until the end.

Feeling a little down after her latest visit, Winter wandered around the academy and was pleased when she ran into Team RWBY by chance.

“Weiss,” she greeted warmly.

“Winter!” Weiss exclaimed happily.

A quick glance showed that they were outside the training facilities.

“Here for a bit of training?” she asked, and they all nodded. “Excellent. Would you like some company? I’ve got a sudden inkling to hit something.”

Yang laughed. “I like the sound of that. I’m keen.”

She was feeling a bit restless after visiting Fria and she could also use this as an opportunity to speak to her sister.

Winter engaged in a series of stretches, loosening her muscles while they split up into pairs. They agreed to a couple of simple bouts, two against one as she was the older and more experienced combatant. Weiss and Ruby stepped aside as Yang and Blake took up positions across the room, readying their weapons.

A simple tap of the scroll and the room came to life, the grid of Hard-Light Dust upon the floor lighting up. Selecting a basic configuration, several blocks formed, creating rudimentary terrain for them to navigate. On a large screen hanging above, their aura was displayed. Winter then unhooked her sword, Winter’s Touch, and gave it a flourish, twirling the slender blade with a simple rotation of her wrist.

“Ready?” she asked.

Yang slammed her fists together, the metal sparking. “Sorry big sis, but you’re going down.”

Blake simply nodded, more wary. Amber eyes watched her carefully.

Winter smirked. “Bravado will only get you so far. Come!”

They worked well together. It wasn’t the first time Winter had seen them fight but it was the first time she had taken part herself. Yang was direct, coming at her with powerful swings and lightning fast combinations while her partner darted in and out utilizing swift, acrobatic attacks. Her clone semblance made this tactic especially effective, constantly challenging Winter on identifying the true combatant, a perfect use of misdirection. She couldn’t give the faunus girl her full attention lest she risk taking a punishing, potentially fight ending blow from her partner, whose strength only increased as Winter whittled down her aura.

To someone less experienced than she was, it would be very easy to become overwhelmed.

Winter retreated, leaping back and up onto higher ground, vaulting onto a series of Hard-Light Dust blocks. Glyphs formed around her body, protecting her sides in a loose cage as Yang charged in the front. The blonde realized too late that she had fallen into a trap, Blake unable to continue harrying Winter with her blitz tactics, her clones unable to get around Winter’s manifested semblance.

Winter’s Touch rasped as she executed a textbook riposte, her blade singing as she redirected Yang’s steel fist. Off balance, the blonde could do nothing as Winter turned into her, stepping forward and bringing her elbow around in a vicious forward strike. Yang let out a shout of pain as her aura flared, saving her nose from being caved in by the remorseless blow, staggering away. Blake attempted to swing around and come at her from the top, firing her pistol but Winter deflected each bullet before a stream of white Nevermore poured from her suddenly rotating glyphs, enveloping her in a murder of crows.

Fire erupted from Yang’s head, her golden mane alight as her lilac eyes burned crimson red. While Blake was overwhelmed by the summons, Winter engaged Yang before she could charge in, sword lashing out in a series of precise jabs. Yang tried to battle through the assault, tanking the blows and using it to fuel her strength but her swings couldn’t find purchase, Winter avoiding them and counter-attacking with brutal efficiency.

By the time Blake freed herself from the flock of Nevermore, it was too late. Winter increased her speed with a series of golden glyphs and blurred around her partner, hacking her aura with powerful, cleaving swings. With her final attack executed, Yang’s aura shattered in a bright halo of yellow light, tumbling across the ground and coming to a rest face down.

“Yang!” Blake called and rushed in, dual-wielding her sword and sheath. Winter parried wildly as the cat faunus fought with a surprising fury, no longer utilizing finesse. Picking her moment, Winter stepped forward, placing her left foot inside her legs, stealing her space. Blake grunted as she stepped into Winter’s shoulder, suddenly wrong footed and paid dearly for it. Stumbling, she was only able to deflect Winter’s first swipe, a hasty block that left her wide open.

Winter then proceeded to dominate her, executing a vicious combo of slashing attacks that quickly cut through her aura. Blake cried out as the final strike slashed across her face, aura shattering as she fell beside her partner, defeated.

Winter took a deep, steadying breath to calm her racing heart, holding it for a few seconds before exhaling. Then she smiled.

“You work together well,” she complimented. “But you failed to see that I had cut your partner off and followed me where I wanted you to be. You cannot make such mistakes in the future.”

Yang groaned affirmatively from the ground.

Weiss and Ruby were even better, though that might have been because of her younger sister’s extensive knowledge of her fighting style and semblance. Every move Winter made was mirrored by her sister, summoning Grimm to combat her own, while deploying her glyphs in retaliation. Whenever Winter tried to close the distance and engage Weiss in close quarters, Ruby would intervene, her speed forcing Winter to concede ground. If she tried to employ dust magic from range, Weiss met it with her own while Ruby took shots with her rifle.

Their teamwork was impeccable.

But Winter was not the same woman who had trained her sister all those years ago, and had picked up many tricks since.

Many of them courtesy of her new boyfriend.

Winter forced the confrontation in close and picked her moment, summoning a black glyph on her forearm as a makeshift shield. When Ruby darted in a flurry of rose petals and struck, she blocked with her arm and grasped the shaft of Crescent Rose with a simple twist of her wrist. Ice dust flared to life and encased the impressive weapon in a block of ice, Ruby letting loose a startled yelp as she was forced to relinquish her hold.

Weiss attacked but the damage had been done. Without her weapon, Ruby could only dodge and flee, leaving her partner to fight 1-on-1. As good as her little sister had become, it only took a few seconds for Winter to identify where to attack and she struck, dismantling Weiss with precise slashes and powerful thrusts. Kicking Weiss in the chest, Winter followed it up with a stream of fire, blasting away the remnants of her sister’s aura. Weiss groaned, her clothes smoking as Ruby panicked.

It wasn’t long before Winter had her trapped and defeated, the younger woman putting up a valiant effort but her unarmed combat was still severely lacking. Winter finished the bout with a brutal chop, slamming the hilt of her saber into the crown of Ruby’s head.

The young Rose slumped as her aura wavered and broke in a shower of red light.

“Well done,” she said, though she only received pitiful moans in response. “Your tactics were sound but you relied too heavily upon prior knowledge.”

Winter suspected that Weiss had been planning on challenging her along with her partner at some point. Their teamwork and ability to predict her movements had been way too good for the time they’d been given, telling her that this was something they’d been working on.

Her little sister was rather cheeky, wasn’t she?

Winter had worked up a bit of a sweat. After she wiped her brow, she hooked her sword to her belt.

“Weiss, if I could have a moment of your time?”

When she had recovered enough, Weiss joined her by the door while her team cooled down. Winter saw the pout her sister wore and couldn’t help the smirk that stretched her lips.

“Not yet, little sister,” she chided gently. “Not yet.”

That only made Weiss pout harder.

“You wished to speak with me?” she asked, a little petulant.

Winter let it slide.

“I was hoping that we could spend some time together going forward,” Winter began, hands folded behind her back. “I have some paid holiday stored up and I was wondering if you would like to join me for a weekend away.”

Weiss perked up. “Really?”

Winter nodded. “I feel like we haven’t had enough time to just be... sisters, and thought this would be a good opportunity for us.”

She hadn’t even finished and Weiss was already nodding quickly. “I would love to! Where would we be going?”

She’d thought long and hard about it, and had finally narrowed down her choice.

“There is a place in Mantle that boasts natural hot springs,” she revealed, and by the excited expression Weiss wore, she knew she’d chosen correctly. “I thought that this would be a good place for us to visit. They have an assortment of different services such as massages, a salon for hair and nail care, and their restaurant is highly rated.”

While Mantle had clearly seen better days, it didn’t mean the lower city didn’t boast its fair share of upper class establishments. Natural hot springs were something that Atlas could never have due to its location in the sky, and so it was something unique that could only be found on the surface. It was something that they could monetize. The Atlesian elite may grumble about having to leave their lofty perch but leave it they did, when it suited them.

Weiss was on board.

Now she just needed to let Jaune know.

Leaving Team RWBY to continue their training amongst themselves, Winter pulled out her scroll. With some surprise, she saw she had a message and opened it up, happy to receive something from Jaune.

That was until she read it.

Jaune Arc: We need to talk.

Just a handful of words and yet they sliced straight through her, right to the core. Winter stared at the message for several long moments, confused. Perhaps she was being a little silly but it was unusual for him to be so curt in his communications. Jaune was the type to use abbreviations and emoji’s despite her best efforts to correct him, so seeing such a straight forward, short message outside of a mission setting was... strange.

And even with her inexperience, ‘we need to talk’ is never something someone wanted to hear in a relationship.

Suddenly feeling panicked, she hastily replied, asking what was wrong. Jaune answered almost immediately, something else that was out of character. He had a bad habit of never checking his scroll and would oftentimes not see her messages for hours at a time.

Not this time.

Jaune Arc: I’m in your office.

Clutching her scroll, she felt an ugly twist in her stomach.

He wasn’t... going to break up with her, was he?

Winter knew that she was being stupid, overly dramatic – and yet the thought persisted as she rushed over to her office. When she arrived, she found him standing by her desk, facing away from the door. She paused, a feeling of trepidation rushing through her and it was with unsteady legs that she approached.


He turned and his face was serious, his eyes steady as they met hers.

“Winter,” he greeted – and it was with a tremendous amount of relief when he stepped towards her and enveloped her in a crushing hug.

She sunk into his embrace, her heart pounding in her ears. “Jaune – what is it? Your message set me on edge, I thought something horrible had happened,” or was about to happen, went unsaid. “You did not sound like yourself.”

“Sorry,” he said into her hair and she nuzzled him, basking in his warmth. “I – I didn’t mean to worry you but... I guess you could say I’m a little out of it.”

Winter pulled away but remained in his arms, shooting him a look of concern. “Why? What’s wrong?”

He simply stared at her and just when she started to get freaked out, he leaned in and kissed her. Winter gasped in surprise and then melted into it, kissing him back as he passionately claimed her lips. Their tongues rolled together wetly, her mouth sucking at her aggressively and he didn’t stop until she was completely breathless, her lungs burning and jaw aching.


“Penny mentioned something,” he began slowly, as if trying to find the right words. “This might sound a little strange but... she seems to think you’re pregnant.”

Winter blinked.


“Penny thinks you are pregnant,” he repeated. “Actually, thinks is the wrong word. She said you are pregnant.”

Winter opened her mouth but no words came out, utterly speechless.

“She said she can see things like that,” he continued, eyes unwavering. “That when she scanned your body, she identified all the signs. She has known for a while but kept it to herself. It wasn’t until she caught us this morning that she felt the need to congratulate me.”

“But I’m not...” she trailed off.

It was true that her period was late but that wasn’t so unusual for a Huntress. With all the physical activity and stress of their profession, it was often late. And while their first time together had been dangerous, their lust overwhelming common sense, Jaune had worn a condom every time since, as much as they both disliked it.

That would mean she’d gotten pregnant their first time together. What were the odds of that happening?


“My period is late,” she told him. “But that isn’t unusual. I didn’t think anything of it. I...”

Could she really be carrying a child?

He... He had cum inside her quite a lot. They’d had so much sex that first night. So much raw, unprotected sex.

It was entirely possible.

Penny wouldn’t lie about something like this. It must be true.

“We could get a test,” he suggested. “Just to make sure, you know?”

Things were moving so fast. They’d only been together a matter of months and now... they were going to be parents? This hadn’t been in their plans. They were still getting to know each other, in truth, discovering things and enjoying each other’s company. And now...

She could feel the panic beginning to build up and if it wasn’t for how calm Jaune was, she knew it would only be a matter of time before she started freaking out. She’d never loved a person more than she did in that moment, staring into his blue eyes and seeing not an ounce of fear, his arms firm around her waist.

“And if I am pregnant, what do we do?” she asked, because that was the most important thing.

“Then I take responsibility, don’t I?”

He said it so easily that she couldn’t not kiss him again. Jaune just kept proving her choice of man right.

Winter took the rest of the day off and they immediately went into Atlas to purchase a pregnancy test. Because of who she was, Jaune thought it might be better if he went into the drug store to avoid any rumors circulating and so that is what they did. Winter then found the nearest restroom which happened to be in a little cafe a few doors down.

Since it would be rude to just use their bathroom and not buy anything, Jaune ordered them some food and drinks while Winter slipped away, her heart beginning to hammer as she pulled out the small rectangular box and read the instructions on the back.

Remove cap, pee on the absorbent window, wait five minutes.

Easy, right?

And yet she was more nervous than any other time in her life. More nervous than when she decided on her career path, leaving behind the grandeur of the Schnee name for the hard, lonely grind of the military. More nervous than her final exam, knowing that if she failed, she would be forced to go back. More nervous than allowing herself to open up to someone that wasn’t her sister, letting Jaune into her heart.

All of those times had been life altering occasions but none of them compared to this.

In a matter of minutes, her entire life could change forever.

It was terrifying.

But she didn’t live her life by not facing her fears, and so with a deep breath, she opened the box and removed the plastic stick. It was light and smooth against her palm, such an innocent little contraption.

Pulling down her pants and underwear, she sat down on the toilet before pulling off the cap and revealing the five little slots that contained the absorbent pad. Of course her bladder chose this moment to be uncooperative.

“Come on,” she muttered, growing annoyed. Why was it that whenever it was most inconvenient, it could never wait, but when she actually needed to pee, it refused to come?

She must have sat there for a good couple of minutes, trying to coax it out before finally it came. Angling the test between her thighs, she took the sample just like the box instructed, holding it there for ten seconds before removing it. Finished, she wiped off and then resealed the test, placing the cap back on the end. Pulling her pants back up, she exited the stall and moved over to the sink, placing the test down on the flat surface and washed her hands.

Now she just needed to wait.

It was the longest five minutes of her life.

She couldn’t stand still, pacing back and forth in front of the mirror as she kept an eye on the time with her scroll. Thankfully no one else entered and saw her because Winter knew that she probably looked a little deranged, wringing her hands as she marched to-and-fro. A quick glance in the mirror showed that her fear was clearly expressed on her face.

Seconds crawled by, and then minutes – and when five passed, she was scared to look.

But she did.


Two little red lines had appeared in the test window, confirming what Penny had already known.

She was pregnant.

Winter stared at the test for several long moments before snatching it off the sink. She marched back into the cafe and quickly found Jaune sitting in a corner, nursing a cup of coffee while a second one sat across from him, for her.

She slammed it down on the table and he jumped, startled.

Blue eyes darted to her and then down. Winter watched as realization spread across his face.

“Positive,” he murmured.

There was a brief moment where he just sat there, as if he was absorbing this life shattering confirmation and then he was on his feet, pulling her into a powerful hug.

“We’re going to be parents,” he said, almost in disbelief. “Penny was right.”

And then he was spinning her around, and Winter yelped in surprise.


“We’re going to be parents!” he said, much louder this time. A few customers glanced their way but quickly went back to what they were doing, ignoring the crazy couple in their midst. “Winter. I’m going to be a father!”

The absolute joy in his expression, the way his face lit up as it finally registered – it was infectious. Despite the worry and fear, Winter took one look at her boyfriend and knew that this was going to be one of the best things to have ever happened to her. Maybe it was unexpected, maybe it was much too early, but it wasn’t wrong.

They were going to be parents!

Things were a whirlwind after that. Now that they knew they had a child on the way, it just felt like there wasn’t enough time. They had things to plan, an entire life to look forward to. Winter didn’t know the first thing about raising or looking after a baby, and knew she had a lot of work to do. Were there classes for this type of thing? Surely there were books, right? Something that could help her out.

And that wasn’t the end of it.

Should they get married? In this day and age, it wasn’t super important if you had a child out of wedlock but Winter was a bit of a traditionalist. So was Jaune, for that matter. They hadn’t gotten anywhere close to talking about such matters seeing how their relationship was brand new but now everything had to be moved forward.

Talks that could have ordinarily waited years now needed to be had in a matter of weeks.

And then perhaps one of the biggest things of all.

Telling their loved ones.

“I was thinking,” Winter said after catching her breath, her skin sweaty from their passionate love making. She rested her cheek against Jaune’s muscled chest, lightly stroking his thigh as thick streams of semen leaked out of her well fucked slit. Now that she was already pregnant, they didn’t have to worry about contraception. Every chance they got, they found themselves tangled together, rutting like a pair of animals in heat. If anything, it seemed that being pregnant had only increased her desire to fuck her boyfriend. “We can tell Weiss when we go to the resort this weekend. There is no better time.”

“She still doesn’t know I’m coming with you,” he told her. “She’ll know something is up when I’m there. Weiss is very sharp.”

Winter hummed and kissed his chest. “We’ll have a nice soak in the springs and a wonderful dinner, and then I’ll break it to her.”

She could only hope that Weiss would be supportive.

“I’ll tell Ren and Nora before we go,” he decided, his fingers playing with her damp hair. She snuggled against him as the tips of his fingers massaged her scalp. “I – it’s probably best if I don’t tell Ruby until afterwards. She might accidentally spill the beans to your sister. She isn’t the best at keeping secrets.”

“When we get back, I’ll inform the General. I’ll require more time off the further along I get,” Winter mused. The hand on his thigh slowly drifted across and cupped his balls, giving them a gentle squeeze. His still hard cock, sticky with his ejaculate and her syrupy essence twitched. “It won’t be long until I begin showing and it will be impossible to hide it.”

“Good,” he hummed as she began stroking his sensitive dick, pumping it firmly before rolling on top of him. Winter smirked devilishly as she directed it between her thighs, rubbing the fat crown across her weeping snatch. “Again?” he asked with a laugh.

“I’m not done,” she moaned every time she swiped his cock across her clit, the pleasure sharp. Each jolt fired up her spine, her body trembling when she finally slipped it inside her tender pussy and sunk down.

“Fuck, you always feel so tight,” he groaned, pressing up into her. Winter bit her lip as he bumped against her cervix, putting pressure on her occupied womb. A deep throb rolled through her belly, hot and heavy. “No matter how many times we fuck.”

“That’s because you have a ridiculously huge cock,” she whispered hotly, squeezing her inner muscles around his invading length. Her sticky, cum drenched walls rippled around him. “Mm. Look how big this thing is. I’m going to have to confiscate it. Under article 74B of the Atlesian safe weapons act, you require a permit to carry around such a dangerous object.”

Winter lightly rocked her hips, grinding back and forth. Jaune gripped her hips, squeezing deliciously before he reached further around and cupped her ass. His fingers sunk into her plump butt, digging in, and she moaned at the sensation of his powerful hands grabbing great big handfuls of her flesh.

She loved it when he was rough with her. All those little marks, the bruises and welts, the small aches and pains afterwards, they were a sign of their love and passion. A physical sign that she was his. Winter never thought she’d relish the idea of belonging to someone before but it turned her on like nothing else.

Her heavy breasts swayed as she continued to undulate along his shaft, a small clap of wet skin meeting wet skin issuing from her crotch. The remnants of his previous ejaculate oozed from her stuffed cunt, her fat, engorged labia sticky with his cum. A frothy white ring formed around the base of his dick, a mixture of their discharge, the smell heady and pungent. It reeked of sex.

“That’s it, baby,” he encouraged, his blue eyes alight with lust. He helped her movements, strong arms flexing as he pulled her back and forth, his voice dark with desire. “Fuck, that’s it. Ride me. Ride me until you cum, Winter.”

She could only moan in response, her insides twisting at his words. One of her hands played with her heaving tits, plucking at her aching nipples while the other dipped down her trim stomach and began teasing her throbbing clitoris. Parting her fingers, she trapped her sensitive pearl between them and began rubbing herself in large circles, her folds collapsing around his girth on every sweep.

“I love watching you play with yourself,” he panted, releasing her ass for a moment to slap it. Winter squealed, her voice catching in her throat as her ass cheek rippled with the harsh impact, his hand tugging at her abused flesh before slapping it again. She jolted, grinding especially hard, his glans dragging over the mouth to her womb. “You like that, huh?”

“Uh huh,” she begged him with her eyes and he fulfilled her wish, slapping her ass again – and again, and again. Her porcelain skin flushed bright red, burning as he caressed the curve of her butt. That stinging pain mixed with the overwhelming pleasure coiled deep in her belly, something slick and hot loosening in her tummy. “Ooouh~! Uuhn~! Jaune, mmhmm – ooh, your cock feels so good~!”

Her voice rose higher and higher, her hips moving faster until she was rowing atop him as if she were urging a horse to gallop at full speed. She couldn’t take her eyes off him, devouring his strong, muscular chest, those sculpted abs, that handsome face. Her lust was mirrored in those deep blue eyes, a reflection of what she felt herself. When he began to lightly thrust up against her, she choked, the hand circling her clit abandoning its controlled motions and instead violently strumming back and forth, side to side.

Winter felt her climax building, her uterus tensing as her clit burned furiously. Stomach tightening, she moaned and whimpered, desperately chasing her end.

“That’s it – fuck, Winter. Cum for me, baby,” he urged. “Cum all over my dick.”

Her movements became sloppy, jerking erratically as she balanced on the edge of a knife. Rising up his cock until the wide flare of his fat crown stretched her entrance, she sat back down with a thunderous clap, her eyes rolling as he banged deep.

“Hmmmnn~! I’m – ouuh~! I’m cumming~! Ouuh god, I’m cumming~!” she announced, almost a scream,

Jaune groaned as her pussy tensed, strangling his steel hard shaft before erupting in a series of mind bending contractions. As Winter shattered above him, he continued to rock up into her, thrusting gently as her body spasmed out of control, keeping her climax primed. She could feel nothing but pleasure, consumed on every level, her mind blissfully blank as wave after wave of orgasmic high rushed through her, her snatch pulsing around his fat cock in short, powerful bursts.

When it was over, she slumped forward and he caught her, his hands stroking her sweaty back gently as she trembled. His still hard, not yet orgasming cock flexed inside her quivering tunnel and she sobbed, her inner muscles squeezing him.

“You didn’t cum,” she moaned, squirming as she floated on cloud nine. He chuckled into her hair, leaning around to kiss her ear.

“I’m close,” he assured her. “Can I?”

She nodded weakly, her heart thudding wildly in her chest. Winter knew what was coming.

He rolled them over and fucked her with long, powerful strokes using the full length of his dick that quickly robbed her of any sense. Winter couldn’t remember much of anything after that, only that when he was done, he blasted her full with another thick, hot load of semen that settled inside her and warmed her with its heat long into the night.

When he informed his teammates of the good news, Winter made sure to join him. She wanted to be there and see their reaction to such massive news. Ren and Nora were incredibly important to Jaune, a brother by choice and not blood, and another sister he never thought he’d want, already having seven of them. Their approval meant everything to him – and so it meant everything to her.

By virtue of already knowing of their relationship, Nora was less surprised by their news than her partner. But not by much.

“I’m going to be an auntie!” she hollered after the shock wore off, arms in the air in celebration. Jaune laughed, his face filled with joy and Winter felt her heart jolt at the sight, completely smitten.

Ren stared at them, completely speechless. It took some time for him to finally find any words.

“Jaune,” Ren said, placing a hand on his shoulder. “This is... wonderful news. I don’t know what to say. I wasn’t expecting this.”

Jaune smiled warmly. “Trust me, Ren. We weren’t expecting it either.”

Winter always considered Lie Ren to be incredibly stoic, even more so than herself. She prided herself on keeping her emotions in check but knew that it didn’t come natural to her. It was a constant battle, restraining herself in times of anger or great emotional turmoil. It was something learned, protection against her father, a skill a young girl had developed to hide her true thoughts and feelings. In comparison, Ren seemed born to it, never letting things phase him. His very semblance fed into this, the ability to numb and bury emotions, his own and others, a potent defense against the Grimm.

So when she saw tears gathering in his eyes, his expression etched with overwhelming love for his brother and teammate, Winter felt tears of her own flood her eyes. The two men embraced, their arms powerful around each other and she sniffled, covering her face.

God, she was a mess.

Nora noticed at once and hugged her, drawing her in.

“Thank you,” the ginger haired girl whispered.

“For what?”

“For making him happy,” Nora said simply.

If only things would go so well with Weiss.

Jaune was right. Her sister was an incredibly sharp girl. It didn’t take her long to figure out that something strange was afoot when on the day of their trip, she arrived to see her older sister standing with her friend.

“Jaune,” Weiss sounded surprised, though somewhat pleased. “What are you doing here?”

“Winter invited me along,” he said, and Winter saw the moment where suspicion bloomed in the heart of her sister.

It was in the slight narrowing of her eyes, the sharp slant of her shoulders. Her piercing gaze shot through her and it took everything Winter had not to just tell her right then.

“Did she? Well – this is a pleasant surprise, I must admit.”

Truthfully, she’d never watched Jaune and her sister interact before. At least, not outside of training. She knew they did, of course. They were friends; good friends, friends that had gone through so much together. It wasn’t a surprise that they were close. Weiss had regaled her with plenty of stories and Jaune had filled in any of the gaps from his perspective.

But hearing about it and seeing it was a completely different thing.

It was obvious within an hour that Winter had been completely off the mark – and had hit the bullseye, all at the same time. Way back when, when she’d set up that mission to scout out what she believed to be her sister’s suitor... it was because of the way Weiss spoke about him, the countless tales of his awkward pickup lines and hopeless behavior. What she hadn’t deciphered was the thinly veiled longing for those times long past, the regret, and the change her sister had undergone.

Jaune hadn’t been Weiss’ suitor any longer.

It was the other way around.

The observation was like a punch in the stomach, driving the air from her lungs. Watching the way Weiss’ face lit up whenever she spoke with him, watching the way she would touch him when she knew Weiss disliked almost anyone touching her, the softness in her eyes...

It was as if she were looking at a younger version of herself, the version of Winter who had a boyfriend and was smitten.

Jaune recognized her distress almost immediately and when they were all checked into their rooms, he cornered her while Weiss was busy checking out the placard listing all of the available services they provided.

“What’s wrong?” he asked at once.

Winter wanted to cry.

He couldn’t see it.

Of course he couldn’t.

Why would he?

When she told him, he looked at her like she’d grown a second head.

“That can’t be right,” he told her emphatically. “Weiss doesn’t like me that way. She never has.”

But she was positive that she was correct. That Weiss was a maiden in love. A maiden in love with the same man as her older sister.

“Sister,” Weiss announced and Winter flinched, hoping that she hadn’t heard them conversing. “Shall we bathe together?”

She hadn’t. It was a small relief.

“Certainly,” Winter shot a look at Jaune.

He just shrugged.

The resort had indoor and outdoor springs, and each one was divided into male and female. A few of the pricier rooms even had their very own personal outdoor baths, the building expertly built around the naturally occurring hot pools. They’d purchased such rooms and so while Jaune retreated to his own suite to avoid suspicion, Weiss joined Winter in her room, utilizing the privacy provided.

Winter watched subtly as her younger sister undressed, undecided about the way forward. After a quick shower, they were both ready, their hair tied up and out of the way, they stepped out onto the wooden walkway and got their first true look at the hot pools. The area was encircled with a high wooden fence, keeping the area entirely enclosed, the pool itself ringed by a series of smooth rocks and decorated by colorful flora. Water flowed across some of the rocks and down into the pool like a miniature waterfall, the clear surface rippling. A small set of stairs led directly down into the spring and Weiss went first, setting aside her towel and slipping into the steaming water.

“Oh,” she exclaimed, a wide smile dominating her pretty face. “This feels amazing. Winter, join me. You must.”

Winter tested the water with her toes and hummed as the warm water lapped at her foot. Putting her towel with Weiss’, she slipped in and sighed, the gentle heat rising up her legs, across her thighs and hips and higher. When the water settled around the top of her chest, her breasts submerged, she let her eyes slip shut.

“This is wonderful,” she murmured.

“I’m glad we came,” Weiss said happily.

They sat in silence for a few minutes, simply enjoying the warmth as it seeped into their muscles and bones, the moist, warm air filling their lungs. Winter tried to enjoy it to its fullest.

But she couldn’t.

How could she, knowing now what she knew? Winter did not wish to hurt her sister, to crush her feelings with the truth. But it was a truth that couldn’t be hidden forever. It would come out eventually. Sooner rather than later, as it wouldn’t be long before her belly began swelling with child.

And then it would be impossible to hide.

“Don’t think I don’t know what is going on here,” Weiss said, startling her from her thoughts.

Winter opened her eyes.


Weiss smirked, one of her eyebrows arched as if to say, ‘Really?’

“Inviting Jaune wasn’t very subtle, dear sister,” she chided, and Winter felt her stomach squirm unpleasantly. “It was obvious what this was all about.”

It was?

Was it possible that Weiss already knew...?

She didn’t appear upset. In fact, she looked happy. Her ice blue eyes glimmered with mirth, her pale cheeks flushed from the heat of the water. It wasn’t hard to see why Jaune had fallen for her sister so quickly, her ethereal beauty on full display. They both shared aspects of their appearance with one another, of course they did, they were sisters – but Winter always secretly thought that Weiss was much prettier, her slender build and sharper features giving her an almost impossible beauty, even though Weiss would often lament her lack of a full, womanly body.

“While I appreciate the effort and am happy that you approve, I do not require assistance,” Weiss continued, suddenly shy. “You needn’t have set this up. I will... approach him in my own time. I know it will be awkward given our past but I believe I can overcome such an obstacle. Jaune is not the type of man to hold a grudge.”


Dread pooled thick and heavy, a sickness. Winter watched as Weiss continued to speak but she didn’t hear a single word of it, the steady drum of her heart beating in her ears.

Weiss thought Winter had set this trip up for her to pursue Jaune.

Weiss thought Winter approved of them being together.

Weiss really did like Jaune.

Weiss liked Jaune.

Weiss liked her boyfriend.

The father of her child.

She did.

She was right.

“Winter?” Weiss asked, voice filled with concern. “Are you well? Has the water made you dizzy?”

Her sweet little sister...

“Weiss,” she said, feeling wretched. “We need to speak.”

“O-Oh?” she noticed the seriousness in her voice at once, sitting up. “Certainly. What do you wish to speak to me about?”

This wasn’t how it was meant to go. She was meant to tell her with Jaune at her side, perhaps after or during dinner as Weiss nursed a glass of wine, their bellies full and minds at ease. Weiss was meant to be happy for them, just like Ren and Nora had been. Surprised, shocked – but happy.

She wasn’t meant to have feelings for Jaune as well.

“For a couple of months now, I’ve been in a relationship,” the words stuck in her throat but she forced them out, her tongue heavy, “with a man,” she added needlessly.

Weiss looked shocked.

“What?” wide eyes stared at her. “Winter, I – this is wonderful news. I never suspected – I – I cannot remember you ever having been in a relationship before. Is this your first?”

She nodded wordlessly.

Weiss beamed. “He must be an amazing man if you chose him. I have no doubt. What is his name? Does he work for the military?” Weiss then gasped, covering her mouth. “It isn’t the General, is it?”

“What? No,” Winter balked. “No, Weiss – he is my mentor and superior officer, nothing more.”

“Of course, of course,” Weiss waved off, looking a little disappointed.

“Wait a minute – did you believe there was more to our relationship all this time?”

Surely not? Their relationship was nothing but professional. There was no way that people saw it differently, right?

Weiss looked embarrassed. “...Maybe?”

“Why ever for?” Winter asked, aghast.

“I don’t know,” Weiss shrugged, fingers pressed together. “You two always seemed very close and he is a rather handsome, older man. A handsome, older, distinguished man who mentored you after you fled our horribly cold, emotionless home. It isn’t so far-fetched that feelings would develop, right?” Weiss grinned. “Wouldn’t that be terribly romantic?”

What was this, a romance novel? Winter never realized that her little sister had such an imagination.

“No, it isn’t General Ironwood,” she said sternly.


Any levity fled as the moment of truth arrived.

“If it isn’t the General, who is it? Wait – is it Marrow?

Before her imagination could run wild with that one, Winter bit the bullet.

“It’s Jaune.”

The silence was deafening.

Winter couldn’t read a thing from her expression. Weiss’ face was utterly blank, as if she was a block of ice, something that many people had accused Winter of being. Those same eyes that had just been filled with warmth were devoid of feeling, staring at her blankly.


“I’m feeling unwell,” her sister then said, standing. “If you’ll excuse me.”

“Wait, please,” Winter pleaded, moving forward. When she reached for her arm, Weiss jerked away.

“Don’t touch me,” she said evenly, coldly.

She’d never heard that tone directed at her before, not from her sister and it broke her heart. Winter watched as Weiss climbed out of the bath and grabbed her towel, wrapping it around her body before storming into the room beyond. About a minute later, she heard the door to the suite slam shut.

Winter wanted to scream.

Instead, she went to Jaune’s room.

He hadn’t entered the bath yet, though he was dressed in a big fluffy robe. He’d been in the middle of raiding the mini bar fridge but one look at her face and his arms opened. She flew into them, a sob clogging her throat as she cried into his chest.

“Woah, what happened?” he asked, panicked.

“I told her,” she managed to get out. “She hates me.”

Winter was not used to allowing someone to see her in a moment of weakness but as Jaune wrapped his arms around her and cradled her against his strong body, she knew she’d made the right choice. She wasn’t sure how long she stayed this way, sobbing – but when her throat was raw and eyes dry of tears, he finally pulled away.

“Tell me what happened.”

She did.

He shook his head in disbelief.

“I just can’t believe it,” he muttered. “She has never shown an interest in me. Not once.”

But it was clear as day, now.

Weiss loved her boyfriend.

And she’d just broken her heart.

“How are we going to fix this?” Winter asked, voice scratchy. Jaune fetched her a bottle of water and she thanked him gently, taking a long sip to soothe her throat. “I don’t know how we can make this right.”

Jaune sighed. “Let me speak to her.”

Winter gave him an incredulous look. “Jaune... I do not believe that is wise.”

“Probably not,” he said. “But this isn’t something we should let fester. I’d rather her scream at me now than hold a grudge.”


Could she love this man any more than she already did? She didn’t think it was possible but he just kept surprising her.

“Wait for me?” he asked and she nodded, watching with trepidation as he made for the door.

Jaune shot her one final smile, eyes full of compassion and then the door shut with a soft click.

That smile quickly fell as he hesitated in the hall, his stomach filled with dread. His hand tightened around the doorknob, squeezing until his knuckles turned white.

“What do I do...?” he uttered, feeling hopeless.

Weiss... liked him? It was unfathomable, unthinkable, impossible – but Winter was confident, and Weiss’ reaction to the news spoke to the truth of it. No matter how many times he thought it over, recalling every interaction they’d had in recent times... he just couldn’t see it.

They were closer now. They were friends. They’d gone through so much together, all of them – but not once had he ever thought, ever dreamed that there was more. Those dreams were of a younger Jaune, smitten by the most beautiful, elegant girl he’d ever met. Deep down, he couldn’t deny it – those feelings still existed, those wonderful, hopeful dreams buried away in a corner of his heart that also contained another girl, one that was no longer with them.

It was a corner of his heart that was filled with pain and loss, as much as it was filled with joy and happiness.

When did things change?

Was it on the dirty, battle scarred floor of Haven Academy as he desperately tried to save her life, his semblance awakening in his moment of greatest need? Was it when they arrived in Argus by different means, staying with his sister? Or was it after they arrived in Atlas, becoming fully fledged Huntsmen in the land of her birth, living their lives one day at a time, waiting for Salem to strike?

He didn’t know.

But this wasn’t something he could ignore. No matter how uncomfortable, no matter how inconvenient – for Winter, for Weiss, for himself – he needed to make a decision.

Jaune released the doorknob and stepped forward, making his way down the hall. Weiss’ room wasn’t far and when he arrived, he took a deep breath to settle his nerves. Steeling his resolve, he raised his hand and knocked twice, firmly.

He waited.

There was no answer.

He knocked again, in the same pattern.

He got the same response; silence.

Undeterred, he knocked again – and again, and again. Sharp, swift raps of his knuckle.

Finally – an answer.

“Go away!”

The voice was sharp, angry – but Jaune could hear the undercurrent of tears, and his throat closed in on itself. It took him a moment to gather himself.

“Weiss,” he said firmly. “Open the door.”

The silence stretched and just when he thought she was going to ignore him completely, she said, “I said go away.”

“I’m not leaving.”

“Then you can stand there all night!”

“I will – and don’t think I won't,” he smirked. “You’re not the only stubborn one around here.”


It was a warning. She wasn’t messing around.

Neither was he.

“Weiss – open the damn door.”

Without warning, the door opened violently and in its place was a vision of rage. Icy blue eyes glared at him, rimmed by red, her beautiful face blotchy. Even so, she was no less attractive for it. Even Weiss Schnee at her worst was out of this world. His heart jolted in the face of her anger but he held his ground, refusing to back down or look away. He met her eyes dead on, and that only seemed to infuriate her even more.

“What do you want?” she barked.

“To talk,” he said.

“We have nothing to talk about,” she snapped.

“I beg to differ.”

She scowled at him fiercely, her fists tensing by her side.

“I don’t care to hear how you – how you’re – I don’t,” she gritted her teeth, eyes flashing dangerously. “You – you and my sister. How – how!?

Jaune had never seen her so frazzled, so angry.

“How did this happen?” she thundered. “Why... why did this happen?

“May I come in?” he pressed, looking up and down the hall. It was empty now but it wasn’t the best spot to have this conversation. Not where other people could overhear.

Jaune thought she was going to slam the door in his face, her hand reaching for it and curling around the wood – but then she released it and stepped back, spinning on her heel and storming away. He quickly followed her in and closed the door, and then hurried after her.

“Weiss,” he called.

She was standing in the middle of the room, still facing away.

“She knew,” she choked, a stifled sob shaking her slender frame. He wanted to comfort her, to pull her into an embrace but knew that he couldn’t. Not now, not yet. “She knew I liked you.”

“She didn’t,” he defended.

Weiss spun around, a snarl on her lips. “Of course she knew!”

He raised his hands. “Weiss, I swear to you – she didn’t know. She thought I was the one with the feelings. She grilled me about it, wanting to know what my intentions were. She even cooked up a fake mission to test me, wanting to know how I’d handle myself, if I was good enough to pursue you romantically.”

Weiss looked startled.


“You can ask Penny if you don’t believe me,” he said, finding an in. “She was there. She heard the entire conversation. When she realized that I wasn’t... courting you, she stopped and we... we started hanging out.”

“All that training,” Weiss muttered darkly.

“Yeah,” he sighed. “Yeah – and we’d go places for lunch or dinner. Before we both knew it, things sort of just fell into place. It moved so quickly and then... we started dating.”

Weiss flinched and he hated to see it but it needed to be said.

The air was tense as her hands bunched the hem of her skirt.

“You know now...” she whispered.

Jaune nodded. “Yeah.”

“I like you.”


“I like you a lot,” she continued desperately.


“But now...” her voice cracked.

It felt like a blow to his heart.


Nothing else needed to be said.

Jaune watched as her face crumpled and he moved, no longer willing to stay idle. His arms slipped around her and she tried to fight him, pushing at his chest but he wasn’t having it. He held on for dear life as she struggled, thrashing in his grasp.

“Let me go!” she screamed.


She kicked and squirmed and pinched and even came close to biting him, but he held fast. Slowly her struggles weakened and she slumped against him, crying in his fluffy robe, her fingers curling around the material as she whimpered.

“I’m so sorry, Weiss,” he said gently, rocking her side to side. “I’m so sorry.”

“Why...” she gasped. “Why not me?”

Timing. Fate.

He didn’t have the answer. It could have easily been her. A single difference and it may have been Weiss in his bed, moaning his name, arching beneath his touch but it wasn’t. A slight change and Weiss might have been pregnant with his child.

But this was reality.

He wasn’t sure how long they stayed this way but eventually, he felt her weight settle completely against him, her slow breathing telling him that she had fallen asleep. Carrying her over to the couch, he lay her down and found a blanket to drape across her body. Staring down at her beautiful face, he felt a flare of affection and guilt.

He left and returned to his room.

Winter rushed at him as soon as he entered.

“What happened?” she demanded – and so he told her.

By the time he finished, there were tears in Winter’s eyes. When they spilled over and crested her cheeks, he wiped them away with gentle thumbs, kissing her forehead softly. She wrapped her arms around his neck and hugged him furiously, their bodies flush.

“I’m a horrible sister.”

“You aren’t,” he chided her, nuzzling the side of her head with his own. He tightened his arms in comfort, hoisting her up off the ground and carrying her over to the sofa. Jaune sat and hauled her into his lap. “Don’t ever believe that.”

“I stole away the man she loves.”

“And I’m free to love whoever I choose,” he reminded her, the voice of logic and reason. It was certainly a role reversal, Jaune being the steady, calm presence while Winter was letting emotion dictate her thinking.

“But you love her, don’t you?” she asked, leaning back slightly to look him in the eye. “You still love her. Don’t lie to me about this.”

“A small part of me will always love her,” he admitted. “Just like a small part of me will love Pyrrha. A love that I never thought could ever be, and a love that came all too late. I cherish them both – but I have another love, one that is. And I’m not giving it up, do you hear me?”

She took in his words, drinking in his expression and could find no lie, no untruths.

“But...” she still tried, weakly.

“No buts,” he said sternly. “Maybe things would be different if she’d spoken up and confessed her feelings to me sooner, but that didn’t happen. We are where we are because of what did happen,” leaning in, he pecked her on the lips in a chaste kiss. “And this is exactly where I want to be.”

“Really?” her voice sounded so hopeful, so raw that he kissed her again, longer this time.

“Really,” he said. “We are having a son and I’m not going anywhere.”

Winter frowned. “You mean daughter.”

Jaune scoffed. “My family has enough of those. It’s about time the Arc’s had another man in the family.”

Weiss shook her head. “She will be a Schnee. If we get married, you will be taking my name, naturally.”

“Oh?” he challenged, fingers slipping around to her sides. “Winter Arc sounds much better, I think.”

Before she could speak, he attacked her sides. Winter jerked with a squeak and squirmed, a startled laugh escaping her mouth as he tickled her relentlessly.

“S-Stop~!” she giggled wildly, bucking in his lap but there was no escape.

He continued until she was breathless, her body heaving as she gasped for breath and then he claimed her lips in a passionate kiss, his tongue slipping into her mouth. Winter moaned and returned his kiss with equal vigor, their lips smacking wetly as they became increasingly heated.

“Jaune,” she mewled, her long, slender legs curling around his waist. “Mmmwah~! Sllrp~! Haaah, Jaune, wait~!”

He sucked her tongue before retreating, admiring the vibrant flush of her cheeks and her smoldering eyes.

“What is it?” he asked, feeling her heated core seated directly on his swelling erection.

“Maybe we shouldn’t,” she said, feeling a little abashed.

He understood.

“Okay,” he said, more than content enough to simply hold her. “Let’s stay like this, then.”

Winter snuggled against him happily.

“Thank you,” she said gratefully. “For everything, Jaune.”

“You’re welcome,” he replied. “And thank you.”

“Whatever for?”

Jaune grinned.

“For everything.”

They knew this wasn’t the end of it but hopefully his words had done some good. Weiss was hurt, and he knew it was too much for them to expect immediate acceptance – but if there was one thing Jaune was confident in, it was her ability to recognize one inarguable fact.

He loved her sister – and she loved him.



So glad you continued this, such good characters and plot. Cant wait to hopefully see a third part!

bob potat

AHHHH MORE WINTER!!!!!!! YEAH!!!!!!!! 🦅🦅🦅🦅

Green Light

If there's a third part then I'm hoping Penny's the third wheel... Or maybe Penny's oneshot is waiting in the wings with a steel chair.