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Jaune must have cleaned up after himself because when her team returned that night, they didn’t find anything amiss. They went straight to bed and it wasn’t until the morning that Ruby realized they had returned. He had exhausted her so thoroughly that she had slept through the evening, all throughout the night and it wasn’t until she heard Yang in the shower that she rose as if from the dead.

She’d been naked beneath her blanket. Naked and leaking. Jaune’s potent, thick semen poured from her recently deflowered vagina, messing her inner thighs and sticking to her butt, the material of the mattress plastered to her rump. Where were her sheets? She didn’t know but it probably had something to do with Jaune.

Had he taken her sheets as a trophy or something?

He was getting pretty full of himself, wasn’t he?

She was sore everywhere but most of all, down there. Down there where Jaune had fucked her with his cock, shredding her virginity and taking her to task for all the teasing and mocking she had put him through. She had been utterly defeated – and there was nothing for her to do but lick her wounds, rest and recover.

Ruby had to employ her full power as little sister to throw her team off lest they discover her vulnerable state but it was a close thing. Weiss was way too observant.

She noticed Ruby’s awakening first, those icy eyes locking onto her from below as she rolled over to try and discreetly peel her butt from the sticky patch in the middle of her bed. She was leaking a lot! She grimaced in a mixture of disgust and discomfort, feeling her tummy twinge down deep where it ached the most. Right where his big dick had pummeled her into submission.

“Good morning, Ruby,” she greeted before frowning. “Are you well? You don’t look so good.”

She almost said ‘I’m fine,’ on instinct but caught herself.

“Maybe a little,” she lied but not lied. “I think I’ll stay in bed.”

Blake shot her a look of concern. “Do you want us to get you anything to eat?”

She required comfort food. Comfort food for the vicious beating her tender insides had taken at the hands of that brute!

“Ice cream. Cookies and cream. Oh, and maybe some chocolate chip cookies,” she couldn’t have too many cookies. “And any strawberries if they have them.” Those were her favorite, after all.

“For breakfast?” Weiss deadpanned, arching an eyebrow in question.

“It’ll make me feel better.”

Weiss made a sound as if she didn’t agree but didn’t say anything else.

When Yang stepped out of the bathroom, a towel wrapped around her head, she quickly got up to speed on what was going on. Ruby made sure to fix her with her best puppy dog eyes, laying it on thick. Her older sister caved.

“Fine, we’ll get you some junk. You just stay here and rest.”

Ruby waited until they left and then waited several more minutes before tossing her blanket aside and gingerly getting down off her bunk. A quiet hiss escaped her as she set foot on the floor, looking down at her young body. It was covered in marks, red welts and purple bruises where Jaune’s fingers had sunk into her flesh, gripping her hard as he mauled her with his dick. She could easily get rid of them by focusing her aura, minor things like this were simple to deal with but she kinda liked them. It was proof of what happened, the grueling ordeal she had ‘suffered’ though. Cupping her crotch, she shivered, feeling sensitive to the touch. Her fingers came away milky white.

She blinked.

It looked a little like cream...

Was this what a creampie meant?

Her cheeks flushed hotly.

Once she peed and showered, she dressed in her most comfortable pair of pajamas before finding some sheets for her bed, and changing out her stinky blanket cover for a fresh one. Crawling back into bed, she rubbed her belly as that deep ache continued to persist. She even had a little bit of a limp!

He really had done a number on her.

But if he thought she was going to give up just because of this set back, he had another thing coming!

Ruby spent the entire rest of the weekend in bed, only getting up whenever she needed to relieve herself. It was nice to have her teammates run errands for her, as well, ordering them around like a dictator mad with power. It wasn’t long before Weiss had enough and told her to ‘take a hike’, whatever that meant, but Yang was the dutiful older sister, bringing her whatever she needed.

She gorged herself on sweets until she really was sick.

All the while, Jaune was constantly on her mind. The things they had done together... she’d never meant for it to go that far but she was the one that had pushed things, and she had even promised he could do all that to her if she put it in. It was her mistake, and her loss. She wasn’t angry. Even so...

...she never expected it to feel so good!

The way he had manipulated her body however he saw fit. The way he thrashed her tiny pussy with zero remorse, taking her with an animalistic drive that she had inspired in him. Even now, hours and hours later, just thinking about it made her skin tingle and her deepest spot throb, even through the ache he had caused her.

And those eyes – the way he had looked at her. It was exactly what she’d wanted and more. So much more. More than she could handle.

She didn’t regret it.

...she even wanted it to happen again.

If he thought this was the end, he was in for a rude surprise. His stupid erection couldn’t stay down around her. Not when she got serious! Yep, his erection loved her and she was going to make it rise again, and torment it until he couldn’t control himself any more, and then...

...and then he would do those things to her. Those wicked, awful, wonderful, amazing things...

And maybe – just maybe! -- he might kiss her again?

Ruby covered her cheeks as she rolled up into a little ball, squealing into her knees.

“Rubes?” Yang asked. “What are you doing?”


“I thought your little sister couldn’t get any weirder but I was wrong,” Weiss lamented with a long, suffering sigh. “Just who is my partner and why am I stuck with her?”

Even after spending all of Sunday resting, she still felt very tender on Monday morning. Combat Class was up first and they were having a special lesson with the older students. Team RWBY missed Team JNPR at breakfast but when Ruby’s scroll pinged with a message, she saw that it was Jaune.

There was no message attached, just a picture.

Her heart leapt into her throat. It was her – her from the other night, spread eagle, her pussy gaping as thick, potent sperm oozed from her abused slit, silky and hot. Covered in bruises, her skin was slick with sweat and smeared with cum, her face slack in unconsciousness, though she was drooling all over herself. Ruby felt her core clench, still sore, and she had to stifle her moan with a mouthful of eggs.

Just what did he think he was doing? He took a picture! Was this payback for when she took a picture of his erection during Combat Class? Munching furiously, she vowed to get him back two-fold.

“Who was that?” Yang asked curiously.

Ruby almost slammed her scroll down screen first but managed to check the impulse at the last second. If she did that, her sister would never overlook such a suspicious act. Instead, she shrugged and slowly put it in her pocket as if it was just another day.

“Jaune was just sending me something silly, that’s all,” she said in a bored tone of voice.

Weiss rolled her eyes.

“Can you tell him to stop posting those meemee’s in the group chat? I don’t need to see every little thing that stimulates his primitive sense of humor.”

Blake pinched the bridge of her nose, trying not to laugh outright. “Weiss, they’re called memes. Memes.”

“That’s what I said.”

Yang shook her head in disbelief.

“Can you believe this girl?”

Weiss scowled. “What?”

Ruby ignored them.

When they arrived at class, there were many more students than normal. Students of all years were packed into the amphitheater, the sound of chattering voices deafening. Ruby spotted Pyrrha first, her lovely crimson hair sticking out. Not only that but most of the older students were shooting her subtle and not-so subtle looks, wanting to see the Invincible Girl. She weathered it all with the same polite smile she always wore, doing her best to ignore them.

Ruby’s eyes shifted and quickly landed on Pyrrha’s partner.

Jaune took one look at her and smirked, and Ruby pouted petulantly.

“Morning,” he greeted them.

Nora was much more enthusiastic. “GOOD MORNING~!”

Blake flinched, leaning away. “Nora, please – not so loud.”

The ginger haired girl blinked. “Oh – sorry~! I was just happy to see you.”

She tried to hide it but Blake looked rather flattered. “Oh, uh – I’m happy to see you too, Nora.”

Ruby sidled up next to Jaune and jabbed him in the ribs with her elbow. Jaune grunted before laughing.

“What’s wrong?” he asked smugly.

“You know what’s wrong,” she glared at him. “You may have won the battle but I will win the war.”

“What are you two talking about?” Pyrrha asked, curiosity writ upon her face. Jaune grimaced, a little panic seeping into his eyes and Ruby grinned evilly.

“Oh, nothing,” Ruby waved off with a very exaggerated voice. “He was just a little rough with me the other night. No matter what I did, he just kept thrashing me until I couldn’t take it any more. Jaune can be a bit of a monster when he wants to be, huh? I tried to get him to let up but he was just so vicious.”

“W-We were playing video games,” he quickly said so they wouldn’t get the wrong idea, causing Ruby to giggle. Luckily for him, they bought it instantly. There was no way they would ever think that sweet, innocent Ruby Rose meant that. “I won all our games. She couldn’t get a win in after the first few.”

He shot her a look, one she returned with a childish poked tongue.

She wasn’t just going to roll over!

When Professor Goodwitch arrived, they were sorted into groups with the older students. Ruby was lucky, getting paired with Velvet and Coco, people she knew. Dealing with older people always made Ruby feel awkward and weird, so this was good. The fourth member of their group? Jaune.

It was just her lucky day!

Or as she was about to find out – more like unlucky!

They were divided into teams. Velvet and Jaune against Coco and herself. After a few other squads went, it was their turn. While she wasn’t in tremendous pain, Ruby wasn’t at one hundred percent. While she could walk around without too much discomfort, running, jumping and fighting were different. Something she learned quickly, her steps a little out of sync, her belly twinging whenever she swung Crescent Rose with any force.

But to someone like Jaune who knew her so well, he could tell that something was off. After the opening exchanges, he came straight at her and for the first time since they’d started at Beacon, he put her on the defensive. Ruby scowled as she blocked his overhead swing and attempted to retaliate, only for her to be a step off the pace. He blocked her slash with his shield, deflecting her scythe over his head before darting in.

“Oof,” she grunted as Jaune shoulder checked her, his large body almost bowling her over completely. Crotch burning, she avoided his follow up stab, trying to hook her weapon around the back of his head. Again, she was just a tad too late, Jaune slipping out of the kill box and retreating.

“What’s wrong?” he asked mockingly. He looked her up and down. “You’re a little slow today.”

Ruby huffed. “Slow, huh? How’s this for slow?”

Rose petals exploded across the stage as she zeroed in on him, the sound of Coco’s chain gun drowning everything else out. Velvet was tanking the hits on a Hard-Dust shield, a familiar shield with two crescent moons. She was upon him in an instant, face tight as her tender core protested the movement but she would not be denied! She wasn’t playing around today!

Her weapon blurred – only for it to hit air!

Ruby squawked in alarm, thrown off balance at the lack of resistance. Instead, her vision was filled with scattering petals – not red, but bright, vibrant yellow!

“What?” she said stupidly before something solid and hard smacked her in the back of the head. Ruby cried out as she crumpled, her aura flaring in protection. Hastily scrambling to her feet, she had no time to protect herself when a gloved fist pounded her in the stomach, driving the air from her lungs and causing her already aching belly to roar with fire.

“Gak~!” she spit, flying across the stage before rolling to a stop.

“Woah~!” Jaune shouted, and when she managed to look up, she saw him stumble and fall through pained eyes. Yellow petals scattered around his form and the expression on his face was green, like he was on the verge of hurling. “Uugh – this is more difficult than I thought it would be.”

What the hell was going on!?

That was her semblance!

He’d stolen it!

“Hey!” she struggled to her feet, brandishing her weapon threateningly. “That doesn’t belong to you!”

Jaune laughed, his face regaining its natural complexion as he stood. “It does now!”

“Grr! I’m going to make you pay!”

“Just try it!”

Ruby dashed in, blurring across the distance with her semblance. Crescent Rose flashed and he avoided it by the smallest of margins, stumbling as she followed it up with a wide cleaving slash. Steel screeched as his shield deflected the blow and Ruby flinched, feeling the strain in her stomach as the vibrations traveled up her arms and into her torso. Crocea Mors lashed out and she was forced to retreat, the tip of his sword flashing by her eyes.

And then with a scatter step of his own, he was inside her guard. Ruby twisted at the last moment, dodging his thrust and creating space. Still not used to the speed of his new found ability, he almost tripped over his own feet but this time managed to stay upright. She tried to take advantage, twirling her weapon expertly before rotating her body, using the momentum of her spin to strengthen her attack. The blade grazed his chest plate.

Not only had he stolen her semblance but he was keeping up with her! He’d never been able to do this before!

“Yeeeaah! Go Jaune!” Nora screamed from where she sat, waving her arms enthusiastically. “Beat that little girl into the ground!”

Ruby scowled. She’d show her what a little girl could do!

If she couldn’t beat him the normal way, then she would just have to go back to what had worked so well last time.

The next time she scatter stepped, she didn’t even try to hit him with her weapon. Instead she went straight for the prize, almost knocking him over as she thrust her butt against his crotch. He was so taken by surprise that he failed to capitalize, allowing her to dart away with a giggle.


“Still weak to that, huh?” she boasted, grinning impishly. “Some things never change.”

He glared at her. “That won’t work this time.”

That sounded like a challenge.

The next few minutes were a cat and mouse game, Ruby taunting him with her body at every opportunity. Try as he might, he didn’t have a full understanding of how this semblance worked and so he was always a step behind. Not enough that she could win a direct exchange but just enough that she could do things, touch him in ways that he couldn’t ignore.

She even flashed him, moving so fast that no one else saw what happened, her small, budding breasts almost smacking him in the face as she did a drive-by assault of his libido.

Ruby could see he was getting flustered. The widening of his pupils, the slight narrowing of his lips, and that bulge – not noticeable at a distance despite its size, but up close? Oh yeah, she knew it was there. That big, hard thing he had used on her. Ruby smirked.

“That can’t be comfortable,” she ribbed him, spinning away as he tried to shield bash her. When he followed with a burst of their shared semblance, she dashed away, keeping her distance. “I bet it feels so tight in there.”

Jaune frowned. “Ruby,” he warned.

“Oho ho ho,” she chortled. “So big and hard, but nowhere to put it. It doesn’t get to creampie today.”

“Do you even know what that means yet!?”

“Of course I know,” she scoffed, turning up her nose as he stopped chasing her. They weren’t talking loud enough that other people could hear them but it was loud enough that it carried to each other, even with Coco blasting away. “It’s when you take that cream of yours and put it here,” she tapped her belly with a finger, right where it ached the worst. “And the girl’s say, ‘Yamete~!’ -- whatever that means.”

“Shh – Ruby! Don’t say that!”

Her smirk only grew. “Why not?”

She laughed as his cheeks flushed red.

Hah! Not such a big shot now, was he? Jaune thought he was all that because he put his penis inside her and churned her up. Well – he wasn’t!

“Yeah, well – you’re a bad kisser!”

Ruby felt her stomach swoop.

“W-What?” she stuttered, feeling outraged and insecure. “N-No I’m not!”

“You were all, like, this,” and then he proceeded to make the most horrible kissy-face imaginable, his lips puckered comically as he made loud smacking noises. “Look at me, I’m Ruby Rose!”

“No I didn’t!” she shouted, face exploding with embarrassment. “I didn’t look like that!”

Chu chu chu~! I-It’s my first kith~!

S-She hadn’t looked like that, right? Right?

“Stop it!”

Smooch smooch smooch~!

Mortification turned to anger, and rage overcame reason.

“That’s it, buster! You’re dead!”

She shouldn’t have fallen for it but that was always easy to say after the fact. Ruby rushed in with explosive speed, a streak of red petals lancing across the stage. Instead of trying to avoid her, he dashed straight at her, a blur of yellow as he activated his own version of her semblance. They crashed into one another and swirled, red and yellow, racing around Velvet and Coco, into the air and back down. When they separated at last, Ruby stumbled, a little dizzy – and then with a massive smack, Jaune appeared and slammed into her, his larger, heavier body blasting her out of the ring.

Ruby squawked as she hit the wall before falling to the ground, dazed and confused.

“And the winner of this bout – Jaune Arc and Velvet Scarlatina!”

Yeaaaah! Way to go, Jaune~!” Nora screamed, clapping furiously. “I knew you could do it!”

She’d lost... she’d lost! Her very first loss to Jaune in fighting! She just kept taking L’s!

First with his cock, and now this.

“Ms. Rose, are you well? I know you can get up, your aura is still in the yellow.”

Ruby climbed to her feet, feeling very defeated. Grabbing her weapon, she crawled back onto the stage and took her place next to the other combatants.

“The point of this exercise was to see how you operate with different partners and how well you can adapt to someone you are unfamiliar with,” Professor Goodwitch began. “A two-on-two battle, not a pair of single battles happening side by side.”

This was directed specifically at Jaune and Ruby, who wilted a little beneath her stern look.

“However...” she contemplated them for a moment, face softening. “Mr. Arc... when did you unlock your semblance? You have not shown even an inkling of such a power before.”

“Oh, uh – over the weekend, ma’am.”

“I see. And how did you uncover it?”

Jaune briefly glanced her way, a spark of panic in his eyes.

“I was training with Ruby,” he said, clearing his throat. “We were... training, and then it just... sorta happened?”

Goodwitch hummed. “Semblances are unique to the individual and while many can hold similar characteristics, such as there being many speed semblances, the similarities between Ms. Rose’s and your own semblance is... odd.”


“The rose petals, for one,” she gestured around them, and the yellow and red petals littering the floor. “If you had manifested a speed semblance then that wouldn’t be so strange, though it would surprise me given your temperament and fighting style. But for it to be so closely linked? No, I believe there is something else going on here.”

“What do you mean?” Ruby asked, curiosity overriding her sulking. She wanted to know how Jaune had stolen her power!

“I may be wrong but... I believe Mr. Arc can potentially copy the semblances of other people.”

Velvet and Coco glanced at them, looking equal parts shocked and impressed. Even Ruby felt taken aback. That was a really strong ability.

Goodwitch then frowned. “Of course, there may be limitations or certain criteria that must be met. Mr. Arc – you’ve seen my semblance in action. Do you think you can replicate it?”

She waved her riding crop and the scattered petals swirled into the air, lifted by her telekinesis. Jaune blinked, unsure what he was supposed to do.

“I think she wants you to try to imitate it,” Coco said and shrugging, he tried, holding out his hand and concentrating. No matter how hard he tried, though, Ruby saw nothing happen. He only looked constipated as his face screwed up.

“I didn’t think so,” Goodwitch lowered her weapon, letting the petals fall back to the floor. “Whatever training you two participated in, I would encourage you to continue it. It may be something specific that helped trigger the awakening of your power and so he may be able to replicate the feat. I will help in any way I can in the development of your power, so do not be afraid to ask for help. A good place to start is training with others, engaging in the same routines. If we see progress, we can continue from there.”

Professor Goodwitch meant well but what she didn’t know is that she was basically telling Jaune to do that with other people. That was what unlocked his semblance, right? That white light... and that feeling that had rushed through her before she fell on his dick. Ruby felt... odd. Not angry but... annoyed? Jaune was her target, not anyone else's.

“You are dismissed – and Mr. Arc?”

“Y-Yeah?” he said, looking a little overwhelmed.

“Well done on the win. I believe this was your first against Ms. Rose.”

Did she really have to rub it in?

When they returned to their seats, it was to their friends looking absolutely gobsmacked.

“Jaune!” Pyrrha grabbed his arm, shaking it excitedly. “Why didn’t you tell me you’d unblocked your semblance?”

“Oh – uh, I wanted it to be a surprise?”

Ruby snorted.

“Well, that was a pretty good surprise, champ,” Yang slapped him on the back. “That was pretty awesome, not gonna lie. Sorry, sis – I was rooting for you but he totally styled on you.”

“I’ve never heard of a semblance that could copy the semblances of others before,” Blake mused, shaking her head. “Jaune, that is really powerful. If you’re able to cultivate it more, it would be incredibly formidable.”

“Yes, well – I for one forbid you from taking my semblance,” Weiss said arrogantly, flicking her hair. “My glyphs are hereditary and belong to the Schnee family, of which you aren’t.”

“He could be,” Yang poked the bear, waggling her eyebrows.

“Never,” Weiss shot down immediately, scowling.

Jaune laughed nervously. “I – uh, won’t. I promise.”

Yang rolled her eyes. “God, why do you always have to be a stick in the mud, Weiss?”

“I have pride in my abilities and don’t need some leech benefiting off my hard work.”

“Well,” Pyrrha said loudly, directing their attention to her. “What was this training you had with Ruby? It appears that it was quite effective.”

They’d heard Goodwitch, which meant they’d heard his lie.

Ruby smirked as he frantically thought of something to say but took pity on him, not because she felt bad for him but because... maybe she didn’t want them finding out the truth. For a multitude of reasons.

“It was just training,” she said, shrugging. “It wasn’t anything special.”

He just ravaged her insides with his cock, that was all. Not something she was going to forget about anytime soon.

Ruby vowed revenge. She would defeat his cock if it was the last thing she did. She already had the blueprint. Everything had been working so well and it was only because of his freak awakening of his semblance that she’d lost. If that hadn’t happened, she wouldn’t have grown weak kneed and allowed him to impale her.

Though maybe she’d been playing a little too close to the fire.

It wouldn’t happen again!

“Maybe we could duke it out sometime?” Yang placed a hand on her cocked hip, giving him a cocky smile. “I don’t mind if you copy my semblance. Honestly, it sounds like a ton of fun. We can hit each other and see how much we can push the limits of our strength!”

For that to happen, he’d have to hit her in an entirely different way.

Ruby pouted.

For whatever reason, she didn’t like that thought.

Yang and her stupid boobs.



Interesting chapter looking forward to the next one


So with this being the last chapter, what will be updated next week? Is there another commissioned story?