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“Ruby!” Jaune shouted between cupped hands, his voice echoing through the jungle. “Ruby!”

They’d waited all afternoon for her to return but as night approached, there was still no sign of her. Growing worried, Weiss suggested they split up to cover as much ground as possible but even after an hour of searching, he hadn’t found a trace. That wasn’t surprising. Ruby’s semblance meant that she could travel vast distances within the blink of an eye and all without touching the ground. There were no tracks to follow, no disturbed vegetation – just an endless expanse of trees that contained countless infuriating obstacles just waiting to hinder any progress.

He just prayed that she hadn’t come across anything dangerous. Ruby was an amazing Huntress but she didn’t have her weapon, Crescent Rose lost to time. Her ability to fight without it was very limited. It was a glaring weakness that she had been attempting to correct through training but she would never be as strong as when she wielded her scythe.

If she got harmed because of this, he would never forgive himself.

Jaune scowled as he hacked through a thick bush, stomping further into the jungle.

It wasn’t like he was ever going to forgive himself anyway. That look of anguish on Ruby’s face was burned into his mind, an eternal reminder of the horrible pain he had caused his friend. He didn’t blame her, he deserved it – but it still hurt.

“Ruby!” he called again, straining his throat. His only answer was an unusual screech, no doubt from one of the strange denizens of this strange world. He did his best to ignore it. “Ruby Rose!”

Even if she heard him, she was more likely to run than answer him.

His fist pounded into the bark of a passing tree, the trunk splitting with a large crack. Leaves tumbled from the canopy as it shook, several weird fruit dropping from the branches. Jaune paid it little mind, hopping off a rock formation and peering around desperately.

Still no sign.

The sky was beginning to darken, a mixture of deep blues, purples and oranges blazing overhead like the canvas of an artist. It was a glimpse of beauty on a truly horrible day. Jaune paused when he heard something to his left but it wasn’t Ruby, just another one of those strange birds with long legs and large beaks, plodding through the underbrush awkwardly.

Maybe Weiss had already found her? Perhaps he should turn back and return to camp.

Maybe those sentient vines had caught her and were choking the life out of her as she struggled futilely, scared and alone?

Maybe something worse had found her, something with sharp claws and sharper teeth, rending flesh and bone with little effort?

Jaune moved faster, a mixture of fear and anger fueling his haste, his imagination running wild. He wouldn’t stop until he found her. If he had to search all night, then he would. He didn’t care. He wasn’t going to leave her out here. Even if she hated him.

More than a little stressed, he almost missed it. Storming through a clearing, he caught a flash of red from the corner of his eye at the last moment. Almost tripping at his sudden stop, he spun – and there she was, huddled against a tree like a wounded bird, red cloak tucked around her shivering body to protect her not from the cold but the world at large.

Now that he found her, his throat refused to work. He stared at her for a long moment, unsure how to proceed. He didn’t want her to dash off again but he also didn’t want to scare her by approaching unannounced. Taking a tentative step forward, he shuffled closer, making sure to move slowly.

He stopped several feet away, jaw tightening as her soft sobs reached his ears.

This was his fault. He had done this.

“Ruby,” he said, as gently as he could.

Her shivering stopped at once, a sob caught halfway. Ruby remained perfectly still for what felt like an eternity before carefully, she uncurled from her ball, legs stretching out as she peered up at him through her hair with those haunting silver eyes. Jaune flinched as she glared at him with hate and pain, threatening to eviscerate him. He didn’t dare approach any further, simply watching as she scrambled to her feet.

“What do you want?” she asked, voice low.

It was not a voice he was accustomed to hearing from her.

What did he say? What could he say? Sorry Ruby, I killed our friend – forgive me? Why would she? He didn’t deserve forgiveness.

“Just leave me alone,” she muttered when he didn’t say anything, turning away slightly. “I don’t want to see you.”

“Ruby,” he tried, finally.

“Don’t speak to me,” she snapped angrily, a sudden rush of anger. “D-Don’t you dare – you – how could you?”

Her voice was like a whip, cracking against his skin in a brutal strike. Jaune flinched, his hands tightening by his side.

“Ruby, please,”

“How could you do that to her?” she screamed, voice cracking at the end. Fury twisted her face, an ugly look on her. “She – she was so good and pure, and you – you – why does everything you touch turn rotten? We had – we saved her. She was human. Why?”

Jaune felt his heart stop.

“She didn’t deserve that,” she continued, voice becoming hysterical. “Why are you so weak? We are meant to help people! But you never help, do you, Jaune? All you do is make things worse. All you are is a burden! That’s all you’ve ever been. Right from the beginning – oh, I never earned anything, I just forged my way into Beacon, haha, silly me!”

Each word cut him to the core as Ruby unloaded, her tongue vicious. Hearing the doubt from Ren had been like a slap to the face but from Ruby, it was so much worse. A deep chasm opened in his heart, growing wider with every insult hurled. Ruby shook with the effort, no longer with sadness but an all encompassing rage.

“Isn’t that what you do? Fuck up?” the word was sacrilege upon her innocent lips yet it slipped from her mouth so easily, as if she was born to it. “That is all you’ve ever done! You should never have become a Huntsman! You were nothing – you are still nothing! Penny, oh, Penny,” tears slipped down her cheeks. “You murdered her – just like you killed Pyrrha!

Jaune reeled as if struck, stepping back. The hole in his heart consumed it, a feeling of numbness spreading through his limbs – but then he wasn’t numb at all, the pain twisting as a spark of fire roared through him, indignation and anger burning furiously in his gut. Ruby stared at him, her face slowly sagging as the weight of her words finally registered with her.

A brief flash of regret passed over her expression but it was too late.

The accusation hung between them, spreading its poison. It held the malice of corruption and it burrowed deep inside, infecting everything good.

Jaune lashed out.

“I’m the fuck up?” he asked, voice rough. “Me? That’s a joke. What about you?”

He stepped forward and felt a deep satisfaction when she stepped back.

“All of this was your plan. Everything happened because of you!” he spat, throwing his arm wide. “We are here because of you! You and your clever little plan. Well – it wasn’t so clever, was it, Ruby? They saw right through it. Cinder has two Relic’s and we are stuck here, wherever the hell here is!”

Ruby retreated further and Jaune followed, unwilling to let her escape.

You weren’t there! I was the only one that could do anything. She was dying – what was I meant to do!?”

“Not kill her!” Ruby returned with a scream. “What is wrong with you!?”

“What is wrong with me? Wake up, Ruby – it was her choice!” Ruby blanched and Jaune seized the opportunity. “It was what she wanted. She – She wanted it to be her choice! Maybe you would ignore her desires but that wasn’t something I could do! There was nothing else I could do. There was no convenient way out! I couldn’t just wave a stick and make her whole. Cinder had the Staff – because you failed to keep it away from her!”

“I don’t need to hear this from you,” she hissed. “Don’t you dare defend yourself. You disgust me.”

“Neo was only there because she wants to kill you,” Jaune continued, and when Ruby turned away he surged forward and grabbed her wrist, unwilling to let her run again. “Because of course she was – everything is always about you. We follow you and this is what happens!”

Her hand was quick, her palm cracking against his cheek. His face stung from the blow, cheek reddening as Ruby struggled against his iron hold.

“And how did Neo get the Lamp?” she asked scathingly. “Who was the one that failed to keep it safe? Oh – I know, it was Jaune. As expected! Can you keep anything safe? When have you ever protected anything? Maybe if you could, Pyrrha would still be with us. She died because she was alone. She was alone because you weren’t good enough!”

His fingers tightened around her wrist, squeezing hard enough to bruise. Ruby screamed and pulled away but he wouldn’t let go. She tried to kick at him but he stepped forward, grabbing her shoulder and slamming her into a nearby tree, pinning her. She gnashed her teeth at him, looking half feral.

“For someone so fast, why are you always too slow,” he yelled in her face. “You are so good at running away but whenever you need to save someone, you are never to be seen! I begged you to save her,” his voice broke then, his eyes filling with tears. “Why weren’t you fast enough? Isn’t that your semblance? So why were you too late!?”

“Useless,” she spat.

She fought against his hold, her fist slamming into his stomach. Even with her aura enhanced strength, it barely shifted him. Ruby bucked and screamed, hitting him again and again, and he weathered the storm of her anger, her rage. His armor took the brunt of it. His fingers tightened further, sinking into her skin and she struggled harder.

“Let go of me!” she howled.

“Stop running away!” he threw at her. “We are stuck here because of you so you are going to help us get out of it! You don’t get to just step back now – you are our leader so act like it!”

His heart was pounding so hard it hurt, slamming into his ribcage erratically as the adrenaline surging through his body made him feel lightheaded. One of her hands found its way into his hair, grasping a handful and pulling until his eyes watered.

“Why can’t you ever do anything right?” she sobbed, voice cracking.

“Why can’t you?” he returned.

He wasn’t sure who made the first move – if it was Ruby who pulled his head down, or if it was him who stepped in and pinned her with the length of his body, but suddenly her lips were on his, hot and angry, and all the pain and anguish spilled over.

They kissed furiously; viciously. All lips and teeth, and tongue – Jaune hissed as she bit his lip hard enough to split skin, the iron tang of blood filling his mouth. He returned the favor, their teeth clacking together painfully as his tongue wrestled with hers, beating it back into her mouth. She growled, yanking at his hair and he retaliated by seizing her hip, his fingers digging in roughly.

“What are you doing?” she gasped between hurried breaths.

“Teaching you a lesson,” he replied, sucking her tongue.

She scoffed, the sound swallowed between them. Her other hand raked nails down the side of his face and neck while his hips pinned her, pressing his rapidly hardening erection into her belly as he settled between her legs. Ruby writhed against him, panting harshly as she tore at his lips, unrelenting.

Lust and pain mixed together, a dangerous, heady mixture that robbed them both of all sense. He pulled at her clothes, tearing off her cloak, prying open her corset and ripping it from her body. Ruby’s fingers undid his belt, opening his pants and pushed them down his thighs until his cock sprung free between them.

“What’s this?” she mocked, grasping him in hand. Her hold was not gentle, squeezing him hard enough to hurt. “Huh? What sick freak gets like this – you damn monster.”

Ruby pumped his length firmly, uncaring of how her gloves felt against his sensitive crown. Jaune groaned in equal parts pleasure and discomfort, freeing her small breasts to his eyes. Her skin was pale as snow, capped with rosy red nipples, the areola puffy and protruding like fleshy caps. He lifted her effortlessly and she hissed in pain, the bark of the tree ripping at her bare back – and then his mouth was on her tits, biting hard enough to bruise.

She threw her head back, slamming into the tree, her vision erupting with stars. Fire raced underneath her skin, blazing hot and consuming. She squirmed as her nipples throbbed, hardening beneath his attentions. Something deep inside her core squeezed as he tugged on her left breast with brutal teeth, threatening to tear her nipple off, wetness slipping out between her lower lips.

He was so much bigger than her, stronger – she was the better fighter, but she could do little against his superior physical strength and sheer size. But he had a weak spot, somewhere vulnerable and she grabbed it, rolling his testicles in her palm before applying pressure.

Jaune groaned, jolting against her and releasing her abused nipple.

“Weak,” she hissed in his ear. “That’s all you’ll ever be – you think this changes anything?”

“And all you’ll ever be is worthless,” he returned. “A girl out of her depth, leading her team to ruin.”

Her hand tightened and he flinched, but he wouldn’t stop.

“Sweet, naive little Ruby – brought back down to earth, and she can’t handle it.”

He was seated between her shapely thighs, her skin impossibly soft as he grasped her leg and pulled it around his waist. Her arm was trapped between them, still holding onto his balls.

“Poor Jaune – never good enough, always failing,” she kissed him, nipping at his tongue. “Don’t you get tired of being pathetic?”

His fingers raised beautiful bruises on her leg, a trail of deep purples and reds. When she released his balls and pulled her arm up and out, his cock found its place against her panty covered mound, her rocking hips grinding the underside of his shaft. Pre-cum leaked from the tip, wetting the head and her pelvis, her combat skirt hiding everything from view.

“What are you going to do, huh?” she taunted. He pressed in with his chest and she shivered, the metal of his armor cold against her bare chest. “Are you going to be a coward like I always knew you were?”

Jaune yanked her panties aside roughly, relishing the feel of her bare cunt against his length. She was hairless, smooth as silk. When his fingers brushed over her sticky labia and mapped out her tiny little pussy, she squirmed. When he touched the hood of her clit and teased it back, she moaned sharply.

“Figures you’d be easy,” he laughed, his voice dark. “Just like your mother. Jumped in as soon as Raven was out of the way.”

“Fuck you,” Ruby spat – and then tensed, silver eyes widening as the rounded tip of his fat glans pressed against her leaking opening. She trembled, equal parts fear, excitement and anger. “Come on, then. Hurry up and do it.”

He wanted to bury himself inside her with one brutal stroke, make her cry out in pain as much as pleasure as he shredded her virginity but he also wanted to tease her, to make her beg for it. Grasping the base of his cock, he swiped it up and down, wetting it with her discharge as he stimulated her clit.

Ruby arched against him, furious that he wouldn’t just fuck her.

“Put it in,” she growled but he wouldn’t, tapping her clit with meaty smacks until it throbbed angrily.

“No,” he denied her, thrusting his hips so the underside glided against her needy quim. He rocked against her as if he was fucking her but his cock was sliding against her pussy, up over her mons and pressing into the mess of her skirt. “I don’t think I will.”

Ruby yanked at his hair, causing him to inhale sharply.

“You have one fucking job so just do it,” she barked but when he continued to grind on her instead, she scowled and bit his neck, teeth sinking in. Jaune groaned, the pain only fueling his erection. She sucked and tore at his skin until it bloomed red and purple, the love bite ugly and on the verge of bleeding.

“Put it in,” she demanded, reaching for his dick. The tips of her exposed fingers found his shaft sticky, drenched in her arousal. “Jaune – please.”

Ruby’s voice broke when he entered her, a savage thrust that cleaved her tight insides with little regard. Her body tensed, muscles locked tight as he plowed deep into her pussy, a pained gasp leaving her throat as his long, thick cock tore her apart. Jaune groaned in ecstasy, sinking swiftly into her molten heat until he could go no further, slamming into the fleshy cap of her cervix in one stroke.

“Ahhhn~!” Ruby gasped for breath, feeling him press against her womb. It was a dull ache in her deepest parts, her folds burning as they coiled tight around this foreign invader. When it flexed inside her, she keened, her thighs wrapping around his waist tightly, shifting their weight. The rough bark bit into her back, ripping at her skin. “Uuuuhnn – Jaune.”

There was nothing sweet or skillful about it, Jaune retreating quickly before pumping back into her savagely. Ruby hissed as he slammed into her cervix again, harder this time, driving the air from her lungs as he rutted against her like an animal. Her inner walls pulsed and clenched every time he bottomed out, his sharp, quick thrusts driving her insane.

Everything felt tender and sore, yet even through the discomfort of her first time, pleasure struck thick and fast. Ruby howled in bliss as his thrusts grew longer, pulling out further before careening back in deeply, stroking the entire length of her slick tunnel. His cock was large, thick, fat, curved upwards, applying pressure to the upper side of her vagina. One spot in particular, whenever his cock head passed over it, her entire body would jerk, sparks shooting up her spine.

He was fucking her. Jaune was fucking her.

Indignation clogged her throat, choking her moans. He’d killed Penny – he’d killed her. Her Penny – after all the trouble they’d gone to, using the staff to make her a real girl, flesh and blood, he had undone it all. They were friends and he’d taken her life, and as much as she wanted to believe the worst of him, curse him and hate him, she knew that when he said it was Penny’s choice that he was telling the truth. It hurt – it hurt so much, and now he was fucking her with his cock, using her body.

Damn him – damn him.

Old feelings, an ancient crush born at a school that no longer existed flared, mixing with her agony, her fury. She wanted to bury it, lock it away – they had no place, not anymore, not after what he did!

“Is this the best you can do?” she mocked. “Figures you’d be bad – hnn – at this, just like everything else – ahhhn~!”

He moved faster, harder, grunting as he pounded her tight cunt without remorse. Her sweet cries and mewls of anguish made it better, his balls slapping vigorously against the underside of her thick ass cheeks. If possible, his erection swelled further.

“This is all you’re good for,” he whispered in her ear, smothering her completely, crushing her against the tree. “Just a silver eyed cock sleeve.”

Ruby pulled his head back and kissed him aggressively, stealing his breath. They kissed until their lungs threatened to collapse, burning furiously for air. Jaune’s hips never lost stride, thrusting into her with a punishing tempo, slamming her pelvis against the tree. Her hips felt numb, a tight knot forming under her navel where he relentlessly pummeled her womb.

“Ooouhhh – fuck, Jaune,” she groaned in rapture, face twisting into a pure vision of pleasure. Her eyes rolled up into her head, panting like a wanton whore as he ravished her core. “Hnnnngg – oooouh, right there, oh, keep fucking me right there. Don’t stop, don’t stop, don’t stop~!”

Jaune leaned back, giving her space and changing the angle of his glide, holding her hips steady as he pulled them out so only her shoulders and upper back were against the tree. Ruby’s feet dangled behind him as he drove up into her, the new angle drawing strangled cries from her throat, somehow forcing his cock deeper.

She was so fucking tight and wet, her essence squelching around his pistoning length. He pulled her skirt up so he could see, desire pooling thickly in his balls as he saw her tiny cunt stretched obscenely around his girth. The skin was sticky, flushed a bright red and engorged with blood, her clitoris hard and pointed. On every outstroke, her inner walls stretched along his shaft wetly, doing everything in their power to hold him inside. She was the cutest shade of pink, the pink of innocence and seeing that only made him drive back into her harder, faster, their flesh clapping together loudly.

“Oooh – yes, like that,” she keened, devouring him with a lavish gaze. “Arrgh – yeeessss, oh~! Oh~! Hmmnhh~!”

Jaune could feel his balls beginning to tighten, her hot, slick pussy closing in around him like a vice. It wouldn’t be long now, his climax building as he vented his frustrations but after pressing deep for one final thrust, he pulled out of her in one swift stroke. He wasn’t ready – not yet.

She hadn’t learned her lesson.

Ruby made a sound of surprise, feeling empty and void, her tunnel clutching at nothing, “What are you doing?”

She saw his cock, the head a deep purple, covered in her juices as it throbbed between them. It looked unsatisfied, angry – and with a yelp, he dropped her unceremoniously. Her butt hit the ground and she groaned, flinching at the impact.

“I didn’t tell you to stop,” she threw at him angrily but then he was kneeling, pulling her onto her hands and knees and a thrill of excitement shot through her as he settled behind her.

Ruby squealed when he slapped her ass, her flesh rippling as he gripped her firmly – and then with a shout, she almost buckled as he lined up his cock and thrust into her with little warning. This position was different, the angle allowing him deeper – and she groaned as he banged even harder against her deepest spot, threatening to pierce her final barrier. Ruby’s fingers bunched in the dirt, her back arching as her small breasts shook.

Jaune took in everything – her shapely, thick ass, flushing red as he spanked her again, her winking asshole as it stretched wide, the plump ring of her vaginal entrance as it struggled to contain his shaft. Swiveling his pelvis, he moaned blissfully as he grinded the tip of his dick on the entrance to her womb, the pleasure sharp.

“Damn you,” she hissed, wiggling her butt. “Damn you – fuck me, hurry up~!”

This time he moved slowly but he was not kind, withdrawing all the way until the ridge of his crown deformed the seam of her clutching entrance around his cock before pounding back in with everything he had. Ruby hunched every time he bottomed out, hilting his cock with force. A steady clap of flesh on flesh filled the clearing, her shrieks high, carrying on the wind. Fire gathered in a tight ball, burning her from within, her jaw unhinged as he fucked her senseless.

She was going to cum – she was going to cum hard.

Every time he slapped her ass, her tunnel would twitch and collapse around him, attempting to wring the boiling hot cum from his balls. Jaune panted, rubbing her abused skin, feeling the heat radiating into his palm – and then spanked her again, a broken sob caught in her throat. Whenever he caressed her flesh, it felt like glass running over her skin but it only turned her on more, her quim quivering on the cusp.

“Oooh, fuck, Ruby,” he said, voice dark with lust. “I’m going to cum.”

The words triggered something deep within, that tightening ball rupturing. Liquid fire spilled through her, her lithe, corded muscles growing taut – and then she was screaming passionately, her pussy throbbing wildly as she achieved orgasm. Jaune continued to thrust, face twisted as her cunt became impossibly tight, her folds coiling and milking his shaft and sensitive glans. Panting, he fucked her through her orgasm, delighting in the way her body twisted around his cock – and then with a deep, reverberating groan, his cock flexed powerfully. Ruby whimpered as she felt a thick gush of heat rocket into her, and then another, and another, and another – several large, hot streaks of cum blasting into her young, teenage womb. She shivered wildly as he deposited his semen as deep as it could go, filling her up until all she could feel was the heat of his seed and the stinging of her clit, hypersensitive in post-climax bliss.

Arms weak, she collapsed and he rode her down, landing on top of her. His chest plate was cold against her sweaty back but then he moved, removing it and his under shirt. When he returned, Ruby felt skin against her, and the definition of well earned muscles, a firm chest and rugged abs.

Jaune spooned with her on the ground, her combat skirt bunched between them, ruined panties stretched across her thigh as they both caught their breath. He wasn’t sure how long they lay there but a feeling of trepidation grew, piercing the lustful haze and bringing him back to reality.

What had he done?

Dread weighed heavy in his heart when he heard a sniffle, Ruby’s small body beginning to tremble – and then she was crying openly, ugly sobs shaking them both as she covered her face.

Jaune froze, at a complete loss as she continued to cry. She pulled away from him, out of his embrace, his cock slipping free. A hot gush of cum spilled out of her packed cunt, running across her thigh before she turned, burrowing into his chest. Ruby wrapped her arms around him, pulling him in as she shattered.

“I’m sorry,” she croaked. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” she repeated endlessly, crying even harder.

“H-Hey,” Jaune hugged her fiercely, all the anger and frustration gone. All that was left was panic and care for the girl in his arms, his best friend who was in such incredible pain. “Hey, what are you apologizing for? Ruby, please – you didn’t do anything wrong.”

“I s-said such h-horrible things to you,” she wailed, tears spilling thick and fast. Her nose was snotty, eyes swelling. “J-Jaune, I’m so sorry.”

He tried to fight it but tears began prickling at his eyes too, his chest constricted by emotion.

“Shh,” he rocked them back and forth, pressing a kiss into her hair. “Shh – Ruby, it’s okay. I – I’m sorry too. I said horrible things as well. I didn’t mean them, I swear.”

“I didn’t mean it either,” she howled. “I – you didn’t kill Pyrrha, I – I’m such a bad friend. I don’t think that. I don’t. Please believe me.”

“I know. You were hurting, I – I killed Penny,” the tears spilled worth, running down his cheeks and into Ruby’s hair. “I killed her. Oh, Penny.”

It would be some time before they could speak again, consumed in their grief as they mourned the lives lost along the way.


The Red Man

Holy shit this is peak dude

Robert Walker

Oh boy, hopefully things can work out better

Channel 100

Ya this is fucking great. Great work

First Last

Honestly, this would have been better if he just full force socked her in the gut.


Wait if he was bitting her nipple how was her arm long enough to reach his balls?