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Ruby quickly came to realize that teasing boys was the best!

“Hey, Jaune, can you help me with this?” she asked slyly.

“Yeah, sure,” he replied at once.

Beacon offered a range of different classes for their pupils to take. Because it was a Huntsman Academy first and foremost, things like Combat Class, Grimm Studies, History, Dust 101 and Survival Training were mandatory but those weren’t the only classes on offer. Huntsman were well sought after in all fields of employment and so Beacon did their best to provide avenues for further study in a wide range of different subjects. You could learn law, for example, or even study geology or math.

Then there were other subjects that weren’t required but still pertained to the core facets of being a Huntsman.

Weaponcraft was a subject after Ruby’s own heart. Everyone knew how much she loved weapons in general and how she had painstakingly built Crescent Rose from the ground up, inspired by the scythe her uncle used. There was never any doubt that she would select this class as one of her electives but what had been a surprise is that Jaune had also picked the class.

Jaune used a very simple weapon unlike the rest of them. Crocea Mors was a sword and it didn’t transform or use dust, and it definitely didn’t shoot. It cut and it stabbed, and that was it. The sheath was a little more special but all it did was transform into a shield. Again, it used no dust and all it could do was block – or bash someone over the head. In truth, they were outdated relics but that didn’t mean they weren’t effective. It may have just been a sword but Ruby had seen Crocea Mors slice through Grimm like a hot knife through butter. It may have just been a sword but it was a sharp sword.

She’d told him once that not enough people appreciated the classics and she had been telling the truth. It might not inspire her like other weapons did but that didn’t mean it wasn’t cool in its own right. It was old and old meant it had history. But because of that, Ruby hadn’t ever thought Jaune would pick this class. He really had no need.

And yet he did.

Out of all their friends, he was the only other one. When asked, he had shrugged and said he felt like it was a pretty glaring gap in his knowledge. The rest of them had built their weapons or modified them in some way from their base form. He had just inherited his. It seemed like an important thing to know how to do, he had continued, so it had been an easy pick.

Ruby was glad. Not just so she could share her passion with her best friend but because it meant they got to spend more time together; alone time.

There were other students around, of course, and there was the teacher, but they were mostly left to their own devices. If they wanted or needed help, they just had to ask. Otherwise, they were free to pursue whatever they wished. Beacon was outfitted with some of the best machinery and forges on Remnant. They could build or modify whatever they wanted within reason.

Or not build – it was entirely up to them.

Because of the nature of the work done here, it was a large room and it was hot on account of the forges. No, not just hot but scorching; blazing. It wasn’t unusual for students to remove their jackets or even their shirts. Building a weapon was hard, sweaty work.

Something that Ruby was going to use to her advantage.

As Jaune approached, she unbuttoned her jacket and shrugged it off, followed by her vest. Folding them neatly, she placed them aside where they wouldn’t get dirty and beamed at her bestie.

“What’s up?” he asked.

“I want to do some work on Crescent Rose,” she said, gesturing at her weapon. It was deployed on a nearby bench, ready and waiting. “Some of the parts can be a little difficult with just a single pair of hands. Help me out?”

“Yeah, no problem.”

Smiling innocently, she reached up and pulled her ribbon tie free before unbuttoning the top few buttons on her white shirt.

“Ruby?” he asked uncertainly.

“It’s a little hot in here, don’t you think?”

His big blue eyes landed on her exposed neck and collar, and Ruby felt a thrill race through her body as her skin tingled pleasantly. Loosening one extra button just to be on the safe side, she tilted her head and leaned forward at the waist, knowing that at this angle and with their height difference, he could see straight down her top.

She wasn’t wearing a bra.

This technique was all Yang; Ruby had seen her sister do this before, several times in the past. It never failed to elicit a reaction and right on queue, Ruby saw Jaune’s cheeks flush lightly as he no doubt caught sight of her puffy nipples and the curve of her cleavage. She might not be quite so blessed as other girls but she still had some pretty nice boobs!

Hehe, gotem!

“Uh,” Jaune said intelligently, unable to look away. Ruby pretended like she didn’t notice but there was no hiding what his gaze did to her body, feeling her nipples tighten at once. That awesome squirming sensation in her belly wiggled through her until she felt a little breathless and she closed her eyes, shivering as her skin continued to tingle.

It felt so good.

“Y-Yeah, it is pretty hot,” he finally got out after clearing his throat. Ruby pouted when he looked away but she wasn’t going to let him get away that easily. Straightening up, she grabbed his hand and tugged him forward until they flush, her small but round, perky chest bumping against his arm.

“Thanks,” she said cheerfully while her insides spasmed at the close contact. Jaune stiffened as she peered up at him through her eyelashes, muscles tense. “You’re the best!”

Leaning in a little further until her stomach bumped his crotch, she smothered a grin as she felt something else stiffen. Rubbing her body against it briefly as he grew longer and harder, she pulled away and turned to the workbench with a little bounce, heart skipping a beat when she heard him groan in dismay.

He was so easy!

The last week had been full of moments just like this; full of teasing touches and subtle glimpses. Ruby wasn’t really good at this type of thing but she had plenty of front row knowledge thanks to her sister. At first, she hadn’t been sure if she could pull it off. She had never done anything like this and Yang was Yang with her big boobs and gorgeous hair. Not only that, people still treated her like a child! Even though she had made it to Beacon!

But she need not have worried. It worked. It worked really well.

Getting a reaction out of Jaune made her feel awesome. It made her feel like a woman; attractive and wanted. It made her feel powerful in a way she never knew existed. It was a different type of power compared to mowing down waves of Grimm. She had never felt any of those things before. She hadn’t wanted to feel those things until she did. Now it was all she could ever think about.

Ruby had a bit of a complex about her age. Coming to Beacon early meant that she was seen differently, treated differently. It may have only been a two year difference but you’d think she was a little kid sometimes with how people talked to her. She was a team leader, damnit! And she was one of the best fighters in their year! Well, Jaune wasn’t reacting like she was a little kid right now. That was all the proof she needed that she wasn’t one.

But she couldn’t help but wonder; what did Jaune like?

He’d liked Weiss, so Ruby supposed he liked smaller girls? She was a smaller girl! But he also stared at Yang’s boobs so maybe he liked those. How did you find out what a guy was into, anyway? You couldn’t ask them, right? That would be really embarrassing and he wouldn’t tell her anyway. Even Jaune wasn’t kind enough to give her such ammunition to tease him with.

And she really, really wanted to tease him! There really was no better feeling than watching him sweat and blush.

“Come on, let’s get started,” she said, leaning over the bench. When she felt Jaune approach from behind, she made sure to give a little hop so her skirt bounced, showing off a hint of her thighs. Glancing at him over her shoulder, she saw that he had seen. His expression caused her tummy to tighten and her crotch to itch. “Can you hold this part?”

She spent the rest of the lesson doing her level best to make him squirm, rubbing up against him every chance she got, showing off her young, budding breasts. By the end, Ruby could clearly see the outline of his erection down one leg, straining against the material of his pants. At some point, Jaune had removed his own jacket and rolled up the arms of his shirt, his skin glistening with sweat as they worked. There were times when she leaned in close that all she could smell was his musk, the scent of his sweat and deodorant and it left her feeling funny, mouth dry and weak kneed.

W-Was he doing that on purpose? Was this the counter attack? She couldn’t allow him to win. She wouldn’t.

She needed help.

There was only really one person she could go to.

When the bell rang to signal lunch, Ruby watched with amusement as Jaune beat a hasty retreat, mentioning the bathroom as he hurriedly hobbled away. It can’t have been easy to walk with such an erection and she snickered as the other students watched him in curiosity, knowing something was wrong but not knowing what.

Buttoning up her shirt, she left her vest off but slung on her jacket before skipping out after him, feeling jittery and alive. The cafeteria wasn’t far, less than a minute walk and when she arrived, she spotted her sister at once. She wasn’t easy to miss.

Gathering her food from the lunch lady, she hurried over. Yang wasn’t alone.

“Hey Blake, Yang,” she greeted, sliding into a seat.

“Hey Rubes,” Yang returned, mouth full of sandwich. Sniffing the air, she recoiled. “Urgh, Ruby – you stink.”

Ruby rolled her eyes. “I was just in the forge – duh.”

“Go take a shower! We have a free period next.”

“After I eat,” she said, tearing into her own sandwich. It was chicken and egg. “I’m hungry.”

“And you are insulting my nose,” Yang faux whined. Ruby rolled her eyes again.

“Whatever – listen, uh,” she paused, unsure how to breach the subject. If she just came out and asked, it would be worse than if she just asked Jaune. Yang would never let her live it down and tease her until the end of time. That was not something Ruby wanted to happen. “There were these girls talking in class and I didn’t really get it.”

Blake tilted her head, a piece of fish smeared on the corner of her lips. “What do you mean?”

“Uh, you have a bit of something right there,” Ruby pointed at her own mouth. Blake wiped at her face with an embarrassed look. “So – yeah, anyway, um – they were talking about, er, guys and how to find out what they are into and stuff. It was kinda annoying and I didn’t really understand what they were talking about...”

Ruby was really bad at lying. She always stuttered and stumbled over her words, and her father never, ever believed in her lies whenever she tried. When it came to Yang, it was about fifty-fifty on if she was gullible enough to swallow her awkward fibbing.

A higher power must have been on her side today because Yang barely batted an eyelash, perking up with a grin.

“Oho – sounds like someone is trying to score themselves a man,” Ruby waited with baited breath. “Who was it? Give us the juicy gossip.”

“Oh, you know,” Ruby waved her hand dismissively, thinking up something wildly. “Uh – Velvet?”

Velvet wasn’t even in her elective.

Thankfully, Yang swallowed it up.

Really? Damn, I wonder who she has her eyes on,” Yang appeared to be thinking it over. “I haven’t seen her with anyone other than her team. Do you think she has the hots for Yatsuhashi? Dude is an absolute unit – you just know he is packing.”

Ruby blinked. Packing?

Blake scoffed. “Height has nothing to do with that type of thing.”

“Where did you learn that? Ninjas of Love?” Yang needled.

Blake scowled, flushing.

Ruby was already lost and she was pretty sure they were getting off track. She didn’t care about people packing things or Blake’s weird books. She wanted to know how she could find out what Jaune liked so she could use it against him. Not in a mean way, of course – in a fun way!

“So, uh – what should she do?” Ruby cut in before they could begin arguing by throwing Velvet further under the bus. “Like, how do you even find out that sort of thing? Asking them would be awkward, right?”

Yang leaned back, taking a moment to think it over. “Well, I guess if she wanted to find out the quick and dirty way...”

Ruby bit her lip in anticipation.

“...then she should find out what porn he is into!”

Blake’s palm met her face so swiftly that it was audible.

“What?” Yang asked defensively.

“You’re an idiot,” Blake sighed, still face-palming. “Why are you my partner? What did I do to deserve this? I am being punished; punished for my transgressions. Gods above, I am sorry that I have displeased you so.”

Blake could be really dramatic sometimes.

Yang frowned. “Am I wrong? I know you have a thing for being tied up from taking a peek at your books, so I’m pretty sure finding their porn stash would work for sure.”

Ruby watched the color drain from Blake’s face.

“W-What?” she squeaked. “W-When did you – why – those books aren’t for you!” she sputtered out. “Yang, that is an invasion of privacy! You’ve gone too far!”

“You kinda just left them out on your bed,” Yang reasoned with a shrug. “You sure you weren’t trying to get us to read them and share your kink – er, I mean, your hobby?”

“How would you like it if I read your diary? I know you keep one. I’ve seen you writing in it when you think no one is looking.”

Yang flinched. “You do and you’re dead.”

Weiss picked that moment to appear, a tray of food in hand. She took one look at the arguing pair and arched an eyebrow in question at Ruby. “What did I miss?”

Ruby shrugged. “I dunno – something about Blake wanting to be tied up and Yang having a porn diary or something.”

Weiss stared at her for a moment, face utterly blank. “Why did I even bother asking?”

Weiss took a seat beside her, pointedly ignoring the bickering girls as she ate her food. They were drawing the attention of other students, multiple tables staring their way as Yang and Blake made a scene. Meanwhile, Ruby’s mind was abuzz.

If she wanted to find out what Jaune liked, she needed to see his porn. As loath as she was to completely trust her dumb sister, Ruby knew that she knew her stuff when it came to boys. Ruby knew what porn was. It was sex stuff. It was hard to browse the internet and not bump into some. She knew some people were into that kind of thing but it had never interested her. She mostly stuck to weapons forums and fandom pages about her favorite comic books, avoiding the brunt of the pornographic wave.

The question was this; if Jaune had a porn stash, where did he keep it?

It didn’t take her long to answer it.

Where else but his scroll?

Whenever she looked for things online, it was with her scroll. Anything she liked, she downloaded and kept secure to pursue whenever she wished. Half of her storage was taken up by various schematics of innovative mecha-shift technologies. The other half? Well, any cute thing that struck her fancy.

She needed to get her hands on Jaune’s scroll.


The perfect opportunity presented itself the very next day.

Their survival classes took place outdoors and involved things like learning how to traverse difficult terrain, set up camp and feed oneself off the land when they ran out of field rations and there wasn’t a nearby village to stock up at. Professor Peach let them work in pairs and while partners tended to stick together, she liked to shake things up a bit at times.

You wouldn’t always be working with your own team.

So when she assigned them to pick a different partner for this lesson, Ruby zeroed in on Jaune instantly.

This was her chance.

They were all allocated different tasks to complete. Their job was to locate a campsite that was both defensible and had a source of clean fresh water nearby. Sleeping in the wild was a hazardous prospect when a Grimm could come upon you at any moment, so it was important to secure an area that wasn’t wide open to attack from all angles. If the Grimm could only come at you the one way, then it made things much easier to defend yourself.

The Emerald Forest was vast and while they had spent a lot of time within, they had barely scratched the surface in exploring such untamed woodland.

“So,” Ruby grinned cheekily, forming her plan of attack. “Search for water first?”

Jaune nodded seriously. “Yeah – once we find that, then we can look for a safe spot to camp.”

The urge to tease him was strong but she had a mission to complete, and it had nothing to do with their class. She could steal his scroll but then he would surely have it password protected. While she had some ideas on what he would use to secure his scroll, it wasn’t a guarantee. It was also risky. If he caught her in the act, then she was busted. Just the thought made her stomach flip with anxiety.

No, she needed to approach this in a different way. She needed Jaune to give her his scroll willingly.

She would need to lie – again.

Ruby frowned.

Was she becoming a bad girl?

They found water quickly, a flowing river that cut a winding track through the land. The pristine waters were perfect for their assignment and Ruby even spotted small fish darting in the shallows by the riverbank. Now they just needed to find a safe place to camp. Looking around showed that this area was wide open and flat, perfect for a predator stalking prey.

“Let’s go this way,” Jaune pointed and Ruby followed along.

“I’ll take pictures for Professor Peach,” she said, making sure to look away so he couldn’t see her face. She didn’t want to lose her nerve. “Um – could I use your scroll? My camera has been a-acting funny.”

“Oh, yeah, sure,” Jaune didn’t even hesitate, reaching into his pocket and unlocking the device before tossing it her way. Ruby nearly fumbled it in her surprise.

Was it really that easy!?

She couldn’t exactly go through his files with him standing right there so she snapped pictures of the river as they walked, a feeling of excitement welling up inside. The flat terrain began to break up in a series of rocky outcrops and when they spotted a cave further along, Jaune went to investigate.

Ruby immediately opened up his storage and peeked inside.

There wasn’t much. A few video recordings from Combat Class, some team pictures of JNPR and RWBY, a couple of sound files that were just music and that was it. There was no porn.

Ruby wouldn’t give up, though. She had to know!

Checking his browsing history yielded nothing. Exactly nothing! It was obvious that Jaune cleared his history because there wasn’t an iota of activity. It was completely blank! Zilch! Nada!

“Come on, come on,” she whispered, peering at her surroundings. He could reappear at any moment.

She almost gave up before remembering she hadn’t checked his bookmarks. If there was no browsing history then maybe he saved the sites he visited in his bookmarks. Quickly locating the tab, Ruby blinked as several dozen links appeared in a dropdown box.

Feeling her heart speed up, she clicked on the first link.

Her life would never be the same again.



Lmao oh no XD

Jefferey Stan

Wtf did she even find in the bookmarks lmao to elicit such a reaction?


Hahaha I'm thoroughly enjoying Ruby's completely oblivious forays in to the world of horny on main 🤣


Given that reaction, im gonna guess that Jaune is quite kinky in this universe