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Commissioned by Fortunekuger.

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Boys were stupid.

The amphitheater where they had their combat classes was a popular place to hang out and train when classes weren’t in session. Students gathered in the stands and watched their peers practice and spar, a form of entertainment as much as a learning tool. While watching your classmates fight was a good way to learn and grow your own skills, the truth of it was that it was just fun. They may have been studying to become Huntsmen and it was a serious profession – the most serious, even! – but watching two trained combatants duke it out was an exciting thing.

But not everyone was here for the fights.

Ruby scowled as she eyed Dove Bronzewing.

She didn’t often see the blond boy without his team. Ruby wasn’t sure if that was a good thing or a bad thing. On the one hand, if he was with his team then that meant Cardin Winchester was around. That big oaf had the ability to suck all the good vibes out of an area with just a few careless, mean words. Without his team, though? Well, Ruby wasn’t what you would call the suspicious type but he was definitely up to something.

It hadn’t taken her long to figure out what.

Blake twirled through the air as she back flipped away from her opponent, crouching low as she landed. With her weapon held at the ready, the secret cat faunus waited for Ren to press the attack. Ordinarily, Ruby would be highly invested in watching two of her friends going at it in the ring, especially two fighters as skilled and as impressive as Blake and Ren.

It was kinda impossible, though, when Dove was all but drooling while he stared at Blake’s butt.

Ruby rolled her eyes.

Seriously, what was the big deal? Yeah, Blake was pretty but what did that have to do with her butt? Admittedly, it was sort of big? Whenever she moved, it stretched the material of her white shorts and it jumped around – jiggled, whenever she performed her acrobatics but it was just a butt! Ruby wasn’t new to this type of thing, either. Back at Signal, boys had been smitten with Yang. They could barely keep their eyes off her, especially when she had started developing. One day they’d been staring at her face and then the next, it was her boobs.

What was so great about boobs, anyway?

Ruby briefly glanced down at her own diminutive chest. She wasn’t flat by any means but she wasn’t what you would call blessed.

They were only fat!

She knew her sister was pretty, of course. Blake was pretty and Weiss – well, Weiss was beautiful in a way that few people ever were. She supposed they were captivating in a way but it wasn’t like they were a flame sword or high-caliber sniper-scythe. Crescent Rose was way more interesting and yet no boy ever stared at her baby the way Dove was drilling holes through Blake’s posterior.

She just didn’t get it.

It wasn’t just Dove, either.

“Phew – now that was a work out,” Yang groaned in bliss as she sat down with a heavy thump, water bottle clutched in hand. She was drenched in sweat, her wild mane of hair even more unruly as she unscrewed the top and began chugging. Ruby watched her sister’s chest heave with every pull – and she wasn’t the only one.

Jaune’s eyes were hypnotized.

Ruby scowled harder.

It was bad enough that stupid idiot face Dove was obsessed with Blake’s fat butt but her best first male friend was ogling her sister in a way that made her blood boil. Pyrrha, Yang’s opponent sat down next to him but he didn’t even notice, the great big jerk! Instead, his blue eyes devoured Yang’s boobs like he had never seen such a thing before.

Ruby followed his line of sight and figured out why.

Two prominent peaks poked through her yellow top aggressively, leaving zero imagination about what was going on. Yang’s nipples were doing their very best to escape her chest, giving them all an entirely unprompted show. Jaune wasn’t the only one looking, Ruby quickly realized. Several other boys were sneaking looks but they didn’t annoy her nearly as much.

Jaune was supposed to be above such dumb things! He was her bestie! Her nerd-in-arms! They were above such stupid stuff like boobs and butts. What was so special about them, anyway? Ruby peered at Weiss – specifically, her chest. At the start of the year, Jaune had liked Weiss, right? Her chest was even smaller than Ruby’s own.

She just didn’t get it.

“Jaune,” she said, trying not to show her irritation. His eyes snapped to her instantly, a flash of guilt crossing his face. “What do you think of the fight?”

“Um,” he glanced down at the arena and Ruby smirked. Serves you right! “Ren and Blake are quite well matched. They both employ a fast style based on a lot of movement but while Ren is more direct and straightforward in his attacks, Blake is more unpredictable and likes to come in at awkward angles. Neither can take advantage of their range since they are evenly matched there, so their best bet is to close the distance and fight in melee. Blake’s semblance makes it difficult for Ren to pin her down, though, but Ren’s defense in close isn’t allowing her to take advantage. They can learn a lot from one another.”

What the hell, Ruby screamed internally.

“I-I think you’re right,” Ruby conceded with a pout. He’d been paying attention to the fight after all. How? She had no idea.

Pyrrha beamed at her partner, impressed. “What about my fight with Yang? What did you see?”

Yang had finished her water and Ruby noticed that she had spilled a little of it down her chin, the cool liquid dripping down onto her chest.

“Yeah – how’d I go, big guy? Did I impress?” Yang boasted, pumping one of her arms and making her chest bounce.

Jaune’s eyes darted down and then away, so quickly that Ruby wouldn’t have even noticed if she hadn’t been watching for it. Even Yang hadn’t caught the slip and she was super good at catching boys drooling over her boobs.

“Pyrrha was perfect, as always,” Jaune said and Yang pulled a face while Pyrrha didn’t preen because she was much too humble for that, Ruby did notice her shoulders straighten at his words. “But you did really well, Yang. You closed the distance well and you did your best to keep your line of attack unpredictable. I guess you’ve learned a little something from your partner?”

Yang scoffed but nodded, reluctantly. “Yeah, yeah – Pyrrha isn’t the type of fighter I can just go straight at.”

Jaune nodded. “You’re right. She can match you in strength without your semblance and she uses a shield, so it makes it difficult for you to just go right through her. She also has the reach advantage with her sword and javelin, so trying to come at her in unorthodox ways is the best thing you can do. There were a few exchanges where it looked like you were able to slip her guard but she was able to correct it before you could take advantage. Of course, I’m pretty sure Pyrrha never used her semblance once.”

“I didn’t,” she confirmed. Yang sagged.

“Geez, that really puts a damper on things,” throwing her arms across the backs of their chairs, she leaned back. “You are a real monster, girl – you know that?”

Pyrrha pouted. “I’m not a monster.”

Yang’s new position meant that she was thrusting her chest out into the air and Jaune had taken notice immediately, his eyes zeroing in like a pair of heat seeking missiles. Yang’s nipples were standing out even more now, two pinpricks that the poor, thin material of her damp top could never hope to contain. The spilled water had made the yellow fade almost to the point of becoming transparent. The idiot wasn’t even wearing a bra! Ruby had the strong urge to reach out and poke Jaune in the eye to get him to stop looking, he was that defenseless but instead she nudged Yang in the ribs none to gently, causing her to jerk up in alarm.

“Ruby!” Yang scolded, clutching her side. She hadn’t hit her hard enough to hurt but she knew her sister had ticklish ribs. It didn’t take much to get a reaction. “Don’t do that!”

She ignored her.

As stupid as boys were, Yang was even dumber. Her sister knew exactly what she was doing when she thrust her chest out like that. Ruby had seen Yang do similar things over the years, all in the name of attention. While Ruby was the socially awkward nerd, her older sister was the extroverted party girl. The blonde girl knew that boys looked her way and she showed zero shame in putting on a show.

If Ruby didn’t understand why boys liked to look so badly, she understood the allure of attracting their attention even less. Why would anyone want Dove Bronzewing ogling at them? Or someone like Cardin Winchester? Yuck! Weiss often called them pigs and Ruby couldn’t help but agree with her partner, even if she wasn’t the type to call people names like that.

“Succinctly put,” Weiss chimed in regarding Jaune’s assessment of the fight. “I am impressed by your insight, Jaune. You are more observant than you appear.”

“Er – thanks, Weiss,” he replied, looking equal parts surprised and unsure. Ruby didn’t blame him. It was difficult to tell sometimes if Weiss was complimenting you, insulting you or both at the same time.

At least he was no longer staring at Yang’s chest.

Dove was still staring at Blake’s ass, though.

“Yahoo~!” they heard the call of their final missing friend. Peering across the amphitheater, Ruby spotted the ginger haired girl slinging a boy around by his arm, slamming him into the ground with all the gusto she reserved for wielding Magnhild.

“Uh, should we stop her?” Pyrrha questioned.

Whoever it was she was sparring with exploded with a flash of blue light as his aura broke. Thankfully that was enough for Nora to stop swinging him around like a weapon, dropping him roughly in a heap.

“No, I think she is done,” Jaune deadpanned.

“Yang Xiao Long,” Weiss thundered, causing them all to jerk in alarm. “Have you no shame? Cover up this instant!”

Weiss had finally spotted the state of her teammate.

“What?” Yang asked defensively.

“My sister warned me about women like you,” Weiss continued, looking disappointed. “Loose – of questionable morals. Such a disgusting display and in broad daylight, no less.”

“Excuse me?” Yang snapped. “You want to take this in the ring or something, princess?”

“Cover up!” Weiss ordered, pointing at her. “Everyone can see your – your – your chest! We have men present!”

Jaune did his best to sink into the ground, looking anywhere but at Yang. His cheeks were flushed lightly and Ruby felt her jaw tighten, just a little bit. Ruby decided then and there to support her partner.

“Thank you,” Ruby crossed her arms and lifted her nose. “You don’t know how hard it is to live with a sister like this. Showing off her – her bazongas without a care in the world. It’s so embarrassing.”

“Oh shut up, don’t you start,” Yang crossed her arms, covering her damp breasts and pebbled nipples. Finally. “And don’t call them that! Geez, sometimes this just happens, okay? It’s not like I was trying for this or anything.”

Ruby doubted that very much.

“Why aren’t you wearing a bra?” Weiss questioned, squinting at her suspiciously.

“I did notice a lot of movement in our fight,” Pyrrha said – and for some reason, that must have struck Yang funny because her cheeks pinked. Perhaps it was because Pyrrha wasn’t really the type to needle someone over something and so it was just a genuine observation.

“They’re uncomfortable, especially during a spar or fight,” Yang replied. “Aura only does so much. You’d know that if you had anything to support.”

“How dare you,” Weiss reeled as if struck, deeply offended. “Just because I don’t have two mounds of blubber on my chest--”

Yang glared. “Oh, now you are really asking for the thrashing, aren’t ya?”

By the time Ren and Blake returned, covered in sweat and out of breath from their spar, they were greeted to the sight of a highly irate Yang seconds away from leaping across their section and throttling an equally pissed off Weiss. Jaune was doing his best to get out of the way but Ruby saw that he was still sneaking the odd look as Yang gestured wildly, her boobs shaking as she did so.

They were all idiots.

Ruby wasn’t one to stew but by the time dinner swung around, she was still feeling annoyed at her friend. Jaune wasn’t the only object of her ire, though. She was pretty steamed at Yang, as well. They’d all made plans to gather that evening and so when they finished eating, they went back to their rooms. Being in a team with three other girls meant they required a very precise schedule detailing who got to use the bathroom first and who went last.

Ruby was the quickest, so she got to shower first. Blake was next, followed by Weiss and then Yang. Yang was last because she took the longest on account of her ridiculous hair, though Weiss showered almost as long.

Yang had just finished blowing her hair dry when there was a knock on their door. Ruby flounced across the room and opened it, finding Team JNPR waiting patiently on the other side. Jaune smiled at her and she tried to maintain her very serious, not amused face but she cracked, her lips twitching.

“We brought snacks,” Pyrrha said while Nora stormed inside, arms laden with packets of assorted junk food.

“Awesome,” Yang said. “Did you bring the extra controllers?”

Jaune held up the items in question.

It was a bit of a tradition now that every weekend, the two teams did something together. Sometimes they watched movies, sometimes they went down into the city to do some shopping and sometimes they played video games.

It was a video game night tonight.

They were Ruby’s favorite because she was the best at it, though Jaune and surprisingly Ren weren’t far behind. At first, Weiss had refused to participate in such a ‘childish’ hobby but it hadn’t taken the heiress long to crumble to peer pressure. Now she was hooked. More than once, Ruby had come back to their room and found Weiss grinding away at some game or another, in an attempt to raise her skills. Not that it did her much good.

Weiss was truly horrible at games.

The rooms at Beacon were a bit of a tight squeeze, though. Four beds took up a lot of room, even if they were precariously stacked up on top of each other. It meant that they had to find any space they could in front of the TV, often sitting thigh-to-thigh. As everyone found a spare place to sit while Blake got everything set up, Ruby was struck by a brilliant idea.

She was a little sister – and little sisters knew how to be brats.

Operation Brat Attack was ready to go!

Grabbing a packet of chips from Nora’s stockpile, Ruby waited for Jaune to sit down and get situated, legs crossed and controller in hand, before wandering over calmly and plopping down in his lap. Jaune jumped, letting out a little ‘oof’ as she really drove her butt in, wiggling around to get comfortable.

“R-Ruby?” he questioned, startled. “What are you doing?”

“There’s no room,” she said, trying not to cackle evilly. There was – she usually sat by Weiss’ bed – but facts didn’t matter; payback did. “You don’t mind, do you?”

She turned and smiled up at him innocently. Yang snickered at the sight.

“Looks like you’ve been commandeered as a chair. Sucks to suck, Vomit Boy.”

Weiss arched an eyebrow at them. “Ruby – what do you think you are doing?”

Ruby opened her bag of chips with a rustle, reaching in and plucking a handful out to stuff in her mouth. “Getting comfortable. The floor sucks.”

“You could use the bed,” Weiss pointed out.

“Too far away from the TV,” Ruby countered, munching on her snack with opened mouthed chews. She knew that would annoy her partner and without hesitation, Weiss scowled severely at her.

“Don’t chew with an open mouth!” she snapped.

Jaune was warm; really, really warm. Leaning back so her back was pressed against his chest, she was surprised by how sturdy he was. She could feel the solid muscle of his chest and when she pressed her butt back a little more, the definition of his abs against her lower back was unmistakable. It shouldn’t have been such a shock; Jaune was training to be a Huntsman, of course he was fit and muscular, but she was taken aback regardless.

Something shifted underneath her.

What is that? she wondered, giving her hips a little shake. Jaune inhaled sharply behind her, his arms twitching by her sides. Whatever it was, it was getting bigger, pressing against her ass and growing upwards, trapped between their bodies. It was hard and pulsing, and when she wiggled a little more, it slotted neatly between her plump butt cheeks.

Ruby froze.

“So – who is going first?” Yang asked.

“I am,” Weiss said immediately, face full of determination.

“Uh – Pyrrha, you want to play first?” Jaune asked, voice sounding a little strained.

“Sure,” she replied, taking the controller from him.

They were starting with a fighting game. As the popular tag-team based fighter loaded, Ruby focused on the hard, throbbing length positioned against her rear. Giving her hips a subtle shift, she felt Jaune’s body tense behind her, his breath gusting against her neck in a long exhale. Ruby shivered as her skin prickled, her stomach doing a weird little flip.

Is that his… penis?

Ruby knew what an erection was, of course. They’d had health classes at Signal and they’d taught them all about their bodies, how they reacted to certain stimuli and how to make babies, as well as how to prevent such a thing from happening if they did decide to have sex. Logically, she knew what it was – but she had never expected to encounter one; especially not Jaune’s!

His penis was hard. Why was it hard?

Was it because of her?

Weiss and Pyrrha had started their bout but Ruby found it difficult to focus on the game. Instead, she focused on wiggling her hips back and forth, getting a feel for the turgid member resting between her buns. If possible, it grew even longer and thicker.

Was it meant to do that?

Every time Jaune exhaled against her neck, her stomach squirmed and tightened. There was an odd itch between her legs that she had only felt a handful of times in her life, a flaring pressure that called to her. When his hands settled on her waist, she jolted, almost leaping right off his lap. She bounced instead, stroking his hard penis harder.

The little sound that escaped his throat was low and deep, and Ruby felt it shake something hot and heavy loose inside her belly. Luckily, no one else had heard it. Everyone was too busy watching Pyrrha trounce Weiss. The red haired girl wasn’t as good at fighting games as she was at the real thing but she was more than a match for Weiss, quickly finishing her off with a tag-team ultimate that blew Weiss’ characters off the screen.

The heiress glared at the TV grumpily.

“Oof – talk about a butt kicking,” Nora said casually and Weiss transferred her glare to her. “Hey, just speaking the truth. Don’t look at me like that. S-Seriously, it’s just a game, you know? Why you got to be mad?”

Weiss huffed and handed over the controller. Nora hesitated before snatching it up.

“Y-You’re going down, Pyrrha,” she boasted, leaning away from Weiss as she continued to glower.

Pyrrha simply smiled in reply, though perhaps with a few too many teeth.

“R-Ruby,” Jaune whispered urgently. The hairs on her nape stood on end, her body shivering.

“Mm?” she began to roll her hips, front to back.

“What are you doing?” he demanded quietly.

“G-Getting back at you, dummy.”

“What?” he questioned, confused.

He really was quite long and thick, wasn’t he? She wanted to stroke the entire length of it to get a good measure but she held back, knowing that if she shifted more than she already was, it wouldn’t be long until the others caught on to what was happening. She didn’t want them to find out because they’d probably make her stop, right? Especially Weiss.

Ruby was beginning to understand why Yang did the things she did.

Whenever her butt reached the top, his fingers would twitch and dig a little harder into her waist, sending shivering little tingles down into her tummy and lower. Jaune was no longer merely warm; he was hot, especially the thing between her cheeks. She briefly wondered how it would feel directly on her skin. Would it burn her? Even through their clothes, it was really hot.

This was fun.

Jaune was definitely having a hard time, as well; serves him right for staring at Yang’s boobs like an idiot. His breathing had become more labored, a constant pant against her neck. Ruby felt her face grow hot as her insides quivered on the edge of something she didn’t quite understand.

Was this how other girls felt when boys looked at them? And all this time... she hadn’t known.

Why hadn’t anyone told her?

She’d been missing out!

It was pure luck that Yang began cheering right when Jaune’s hand slipped around her front and under her pajama top, stroking the bare skin of her stomach. Ruby arched and let out a yelp, pressing hard on his erection as she trembled. His fingers splayed over her belly, a finger teasing her belly button and she almost stopped breathing. Something trickled between her thighs, hot and sticky.

“Aww yeah~!” Nora leapt to her feet as she won with only a slither of health remaining. Pyrrha sagged, looking uncharacteristically annoyed by her teammate before holding out the controller for Ruby to take.

Jaune removed his hand and leaned back while Ruby stared at the device blankly, frozen in place.


“Your turn, sis,” Yang said.

B-But she didn’t want a turn!

Now that everyone was looking her way, though, she had no choice. Swallowing thickly, she grabbed the controller and blinked rapidly to clear her watery eyes.

“Are you feeling alright?” Blake asked with an expression of concern. “You look a little flushed.”

“M’fine,” she mumbled. “Just a little hot.”

“Maybe you should get off Jaune’s lap, then,” Weiss reasoned.

Ruby had to fight the scowl that threatened to rise. “N-Nah, he’s way too comfortable.”

Her comfortable chair cleared his throat. “I don’t mind. My little sister liked to use my lap as a seat all the time, back home.”

He was helping her to deflect. If she got up, everyone would see his erection. That would be bad, right?


An idea formed in her young mind.



Poor Jaune. Thirsty women in his life won't let him catch a break. Would it be just Jaune/Ruby or additional pairings are expected?


Welp, Ruby has been corrupted (in a way) and she has selected Jaune to be her "victim" here. Guess we will see how it turns out.