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Ever since becoming a full fledged Huntsman, Jaune’s life had taken on the monotony of routine. Every morning at four-thirty, his alarm would wake him from sleep and by the time the clock struck five, he was showered and dressed, ready for his day. From there, he would make his way through the empty halls of Atlas Academy and arrive at the mission briefing room, quickly selecting the same mission he did every morning; escorting those little rascals to school down in Mantle. Most of the time, he was alone but sometimes he ran into members of the Ace-Op’s, the elite group of Huntsmen under Ironwood’s direct control.

One coffee and a light breakfast later, Jaune would then catch the earliest transport down to the lower city and spend the next couple of hours ensuring that the children of Mantle weren’t mauled in the street by Grimm. From there, things could go one of two ways. Sometimes he would take another mission immediately, which is what he did most days. On account of being the only one within his friend group without a partner, these missions were always simple affairs. He had spent many a morning simply standing guard by the massive hole in the wall that allowed Grimm access to the city, a boring but important post that not enough people took. Other times, he performed simple delivery requests, helping to move goods from Mantle to Atlas or vice-versa. When he didn’t take on another mission, he would return to the Academy and link up with Ruby, and engage in training.

Be it missions or training, those usually lasted the majority of the day. He would then return to Mantle and escort the children home from school, and then would use the little free time he had between then and dinner to explore the cold, dim streets of the lower city or the brightly lit, pristine city blocks of Atlas. For all the gloom, Mantle had a strong food culture primarily based around seafood and it wasn’t rare for him to find a new hole-in-the-wall and have dinner there, conversing with the locals. When in Atlas, he usually ended up checking out the latest and greatest in technological advancements they had to offer. It was their specialty, the kingdom at the forefront of innovation.

His evenings consisted of lounging around with his friends, catching up on any gossip and then sleep. Rinse, repeat, over and over again, until days turned to weeks, and weeks turned to months. General Ironwood would occasionally break the routine by requesting his help with certain missions that required more manpower but otherwise, this was Jaune Arc’s life.

He didn’t hate it.

A Huntsman’s life wasn’t always exciting and Jaune knew from experience that when his life took a turn in that direction, it was usually always for the wrong reasons. Salem was still out there, and the Maiden’s, and the Relics, so the past few months of doing nothing but losing himself in his job was honestly something he appreciated. He knew they would have to face the bigger picture sooner or later, but he would take the peace for as long as he could. He would live his life – and when the other shoe dropped, he would be ready.

This morning was a little different, however.

When he stepped into the briefing room, he noticed immediately that someone else was there. But it wasn’t any of the Ace-Op’s. Winter Schnee stood before the mission board, a mug of steaming coffee held in each hand. The sound of the opening door alerted her to his presence and she turned at once, facing him directly. Her posture was, as always, perfect – straight as an arrow, chest out and shoulders wide, feet firm.

“Jaune Arc,” she greeted, face stern and voice even. “Good morning.”

A prickle of trepidation needled him in the face of her seriousness and it took him a few moments to respond.

“Uh, hey – um, Ms. Schnee,” Jaune paused before correcting himself quickly. “Specialist Schnee.”

“Winter will suffice,” she corrected him. She then offered one of the mugs. “Coffee?”

“Oh,” Jaune perked up, taking it. “Sure – thanks!”

The smell of fresh coffee chased away any lingering grogginess and when he sipped at it, he hummed in approval. It held just the right amount of bitterness and sweetness, the texture smooth with full cream milk.

“This is really good,” he complimented.

Winter bowed her head wordlessly and faced the mission board once again. Stepping up beside her, his eyes quickly scanned the list of requests. Quickly finding the escort mission, Jaune pulled out his scroll and went to confirm.

“I request a moment of your time,” Winter said and Jaune paused, scroll held halfway up. “May I?”

Jaune couldn’t glean anything from her expression, her beautiful face blank. He had always considered Weiss lovely but cold. Her elder sister was on a whole higher level. Just as lovely but twice as cold, staring into her eyes was like overlooking the vast frozen tundra of Solitas itself.

The longer she stared at him, the more uncomfortable he became. There were many similarities between the sisters, the most obvious being their otherworldly appearances but more than that, their intensity was one of them. What did she see when she looked at him? Probably more than he was comfortable sharing.

“Yeah, of course,” they moved over to a couple of chairs and sat. “What’s up?”

He internally cringed. Was he being too familiar?

A thin, beautifully maintained eyebrow arched and a hint of amusement crossed her face. “I request your assistance on a personal matter – as well as your sword arm for a mission. Grimm have taken up residence in a nearby cave system, south-west of Mantle near the coast. I wish for you to accompany me.”

Jaune blinked.

He had gone on small missions with members of the Ace-Op’s before, usually as part of a team, but those forays had been assigned by General Ironwood for the purpose of expanding their experience. Jaune had never been asked personally by any of them before and was taken aback.

“Right – uh, yeah – I mean, yes,” he grimaced. “I will assist you.”


“And uh – what is the personal matter?” he queried.

Winter smirked. “I desire to learn more about the man that dared to attempt to court my baby sister. I have heard much about you and wish to discover how many of those stories are true. Call it curiosity.”

Jaune felt his heart freeze in his chest.

Was this the protective older sibling act? Was he being bullied? Winter continued to smirk at him and his fear only increased. Just what had Weiss told her about him? His time spent attempting to woo Weiss felt like it happened in another life, a much happier one. A life where everything had been whole and intact, and they hadn’t experienced loss and the world still made sense. Jaune was still awkward and not the greatest at social cues but back then?

“Oh god,” he uttered aloud.

“Do not fret,” Winter assured him, though her smirk only deepened. That was not comforting at all. “I only wish to take measure of the man, as it were.”

But he hadn’t hit on Weiss in months! No, it was years at this point! Winter was too late! But there really was no stopping an older sibling. Jaune knew all about overprotective sisters. He had seven of them. He could still remember all the times he had a crush on some girl, a classmate or maybe a passing trader’s daughter, and the absolute disasters that occurred when they found out. There was a reason why he only ever managed one girlfriend before Beacon and it wasn’t just because he was hopeless. That was only part of it.

She was the only one that they never found out about.

Of course, she was also the one that used him and spat him out like chewed up gum. He’d been a pawn to make another boy jealous, nothing more. A body to have some fun with and then discard when she achieved her goal. After that, Jaune didn’t mind their over protectiveness.

Jaune swallowed heavily.

“I usually escort students in the morning. Can you make sure someone takes that mission? I – I know it isn’t a very popular job and the pay is pretty low.”

Winter nodded, her face smoothing out. She was now all business. “Of course – your commitment to the students of Mantle is commendable. I know that many Huntsmen would balk at taking on such a task and yet I’ve seen your record. It is pleasing to see that you take your job seriously,” she thought about it for a few seconds before saying, “I believe Marrow will be a nice fit for such a mission.”

She typed something into her scroll and Jaune watched as Marrow’s picture appeared on the mission board next to the escort mission.

Jaune blinked. “You can do that?”

Was she really assigning one of the elites to watch over some school children? Jaune already knew that the dog faunus wasn’t going to be pleased with this assignment.

“My rank dictates that I may assign missions to soldiers if need be,” Winter then pocketed her scroll and drank the rest of her coffee, Jaune following suit. When they were both done, they made their way down to the landing pads. As they walked, Jaune couldn’t help but admire his new partner for the day.

Like her younger sister, every move she made was done gracefully, her stride confident and elegant. She almost looked like she was gliding down the hallway, a picture of perfection. Her white coat hugged her slim frame around the torso, the arms slightly puffed around the shoulders, giving the illusion of a much sturdier build. She had a small waist with flaring wide hips, her belt highlighting the difference as it synced tight around her body. Her navy pants were tight across her slender legs, though her thighs were surprisingly plump and full, muscled from all her training. He couldn’t see because of her coat but he had a feeling that she had a pert, full behind hidden back there, no doubt sculpted to perfection just like the rest of her body. White hair pulled up into a neat bun, a single ringlet twirling by her right ear while the left side of her face was shielded by her asymmetrical bang, even with only the lightest application of makeup, she was gorgeous.

Without the uniform and the razor sharp blade belted to her hip, she could be a model. The Schnee sisters were seriously ridiculous. How a scumbag like Jacques Schnee produced two daughters of this caliber was a mystery. Their mother must have been something else in her youth.

Jaune quickly faced forward before she noticed him checking her out. That was the last thing he needed – the sister of his former crush catching him running his eyes all over her. Not the best impression to make.

When they arrived at the landing pads, an airship was already being prepped. It wasn’t one of the typical shuttles he took down to the lower city but a proper military transport, outfitted with weapons of war. As the crew hurried around, finishing any last minute checks, they waited patiently until they were given the signal to board. Ascending the ramp, they sat together and strapped in as the engines roared to life.

As they lifted into the air and the ramp closed, the ship carrying them out over the city of Mantle, Jaune asked, “How many Grimm are we dealing with?”

Winter considered him for a moment before pulling out her scroll and extended the screen, unfolding it into its tablet form. Mission parameters appeared on the screen, a complete dossier of information about what they would be dealing with.

“From the scouting reports, it is estimated that this nest is of intermediate size,” she began. A small nest could be anywhere from a dozen to two dozen Grimm, whereas intermediate could range from that to nearly a hundred. “Several different species have been detected with Sabyr’s making up the bulk of their force. This area has been used as a gathering point for the Grimm in the past. They can continue congregating for weeks at a time before attempting to push onwards to Mantle. Usually, this is not a big problem.”

“But now it is,” Jaune said grimly, thinking of the damaged wall. Like Vale, Mantle’s walls were thick and high, and even more defended since they didn’t have the natural barriers that Vale boasted. Ordinarily, it would take a massive force to even threaten them. Now? Small groups often slipped through using sheer speed, as brute force was no longer needed. That was why he escorted the children every morning.

“Yes,” Winter frowned. “We cannot allow them to gather in even larger numbers. We shall cut the head off the snake before it grows even further.”

Her fingers swiped to the side and a series of pictures appeared. “The coast is flanked by high cliffs – the Grimm use these natural caves here to keep out of sight, a sprawling network of tunnels that connect to one large, central chamber. Our mission is to clear out these caves.”

Sheer stone covered in razor sharp ice, it looked just as inviting as it sounded, which meant not at all. Add in the freezing waves crashing in and it sounded like a frozen hellscape. Welcome to Solitas, everyone.

Something felt a little off, though.

“Are you sure we are enough for this mission?” Jaune peered at the screen, quickly reading. “These reports suggest that they are gathering around a single, powerful Grimm – don’t you think a full team would be more suited to this task?”

When he looked up at her, he wasn’t expecting a smile.

“Indeed, you are correct,” she replied. “And so that is why Penny is accompanying us.”


“Salutations,” a voice spoke and Jaune jumped. It took him a moment to realize that the voice had issued from Winter’s scroll. “Do not fret, Jaune. I am combat ready.”

“Penny?” he asked.

“Yes, it is I,” the voice chirped happily. “I am looking forward to serving underneath your command today. Please use me however you see fit.”


“Once we land, you will be in command of this mission,” Winter explained. “Think of it as a test. We wish to gauge your level of tactical understanding.”


“General Ironwood and I,” she then paused before admitting, “Though mostly I. Only a competent leader and strong Huntsman is worthy of my sister's time. Only the best may seek her hand.”

What the hell was going on here?

Was Winter Schnee actually using a sanctioned mission to help screen her little sister’s potential suitors? There was no way, right? There had to be a misunderstanding. The first being that Jaune wasn’t seeking Weiss’ hand in anything – at least, not anymore!

“I think you’ve got the wrong idea,” Jaune tried.


“I haven’t – I’m not – we aren’t like that,” he finally got out, brain attempting to reboot. “I used to like Weiss – a lot! But she didn’t like me – at all. You don’t need to test me.”

Winter frowned. “You wish to decline? You do not want to prove yourself?”

Jaune thought about it for all of one second. “Fine, I’ll do it.”

Winter nodded. “Excellent. I never had any doubt.”

He wasn’t about to back out and it wasn’t like he didn’t believe he could lead this mission. He was team leader of JNPR, after all – it was just the reason for this was absurd!

“You know I haven’t tried to – uh, court your sister since we went to Beacon together, right?”

Winter gave him a strange look, one that he was unable to decipher.


He nodded. “Yes! I – she liked another boy. A student from Haven called Neptune. She even asked him to the school dance. I asked her but she turned me down. That was the last time I ever asked her out!”

“Oh, yes – Neptune Vasilias,” and then suddenly, her voice was frigid. It was impossible but he was certain the temperature inside the cabin dropped several degrees. A chill ran up Jaune’s spine. “I have heard of this one. Womanizer.”

“Philanderer,” Penny chimed in helpfully.

“Unworthy,” Winter finished.

“Riiiight,” Jaune leaned away. He wasn’t going to touch that one, especially since he didn’t necessarily disagree. If only he had known about Neptune’s healthy appetite for women before trying to set him up with Weiss, he may have just let him crash and burn... but no, he wouldn’t have. Because he hadn’t done any of it for Neptune. He had done it for Weiss.

Winter continued to glare at nothing in particular for a few moments longer before sighing.

“So – you are not pursuing my sister any longer?”

Jaune shook his head.

“I see. It appears I am operating on outdated information,” and for the first time ever, he witnessed an embarrassed expression cross Winter Schnee’s face. It was so unexpected and cute that Jaune lost all ability to speak. “I apologize.”

His mouth flapped uselessly.

“Though I am still curious,” she admitted, quickly regaining her composure. “If you are willing to share, could you tell me why you decided to pursue my sister romantically?”

Winter really wasn’t letting up and that was a hell of a question to ask.

Jaune shrugged. “I won’t pretend that I wasn’t shallow or had some special reason for it. The first time I saw her, she was arguing with Ruby. It was during orientation and the only reason I noticed her was because I thought she called me cute,” Jaune shook his head ruefully. “It was a misunderstanding, of course – but as soon as I saw her, I was a goner. I’d never seen a girl as pretty as she was. Her face may be scarred but it did little to lessen her beauty. It wasn’t love or anything but I was smitten.”

Jaune paused, gathering his thoughts as Winter watched him intently. Penny was also silent, listening through the scroll.

“She was... cold,” he admitted with a laugh. “The only person she seemed to respect was... was Pyrrha. Pyrrha Nikos – you might have heard of her? Everyone else, Weiss was curt with. Abrasive. Even so, I couldn’t take my eyes off her. The way she carried herself, the way she fought, everything was so graceful and confident. I admired that confidence in her own abilities. I wanted to be like she was – I was anything but. I was clumsy, I was weak... I didn’t deserve to be there.”

It was strange but talking about this felt cathartic in a way. He had never really opened up to anyone about his feelings for Weiss before. At least not this deeply. He had shown Pyrrha and Ren a glimpse but he was really pouring it out there, and it felt good. He didn’t realize he was still carrying so much of this with him.

“It didn’t take me long to figure out that Weiss was... well, she is a bit of a marshmallow,” he grinned. “She had a soft, gooey center when you apply a little heat and melt that icy exterior she liked to shroud herself in. It was Ruby who started to thaw her out, and then the other members of Team RWBY. The more I saw, the longer I watched and discovered just how warm and caring of a person Weiss really was, well... I think that was when I really fell for her. Her beauty caught my attention but it was her personality that captivated me. Don’t get me wrong, she still thought I was an annoying pest but I believed if I could just get a foot in, then something would change.”

When he grew silent for a little too long, Winter said, “That did not happen, I take it?”

Jaune shook his head. “I pushed – a little too hard, at times. I was always trying to impress her, show how competent and cool I was when I was none of those things. Weiss saw right through me, I imagine. I’ve never been good with girls. When she showed interest in someone else – well, it hurt. It hurt, a lot. I – hah, I used to call her Snow Angel – I know, I know, horrible, right?” he snickered at Winter’s face which had briefly twitched at the nickname. “She hated it – but then Neptune said it, and she swooned. I think that was the first real moment when I understood that... it really didn’t matter what I said or what I did, it wouldn’t matter because I was still just... me.”

Jaune remembered that feeling well. As if a Goliath stepped on his chest and refused to move. Confronting the fact that you just weren’t good enough was never a good feeling. He’d already had to face that possibility with his fighting ability but Pyrrha had been there to show belief in him, a willingness to train him and ensure he wouldn’t falter. There was no one there to prop him up when his feelings almost crushed him as they crumbled to dust.

“So... yeah,” he sighed, a long, drawn out breath that left him deflated but content. “I tried to set those two up but Neptune... well, he didn’t appreciate what he had. After that, everything went to shit and we were all separated. Pyrrha... died. Your father hauled Weiss back here to Atlas and Blake went missing. Yang lost an arm, Ruby was in a coma. You’ve probably heard the rest.”

He didn’t know how long they sat in silence for. It must have been a couple of minutes, at least, left with nothing but the dim roar of the engines as they flew towards their destination. And then a hand was on his shoulder and Jaune looked at Winter in surprise, her face open and warm.

“You really cared for her,” it wasn’t a question but he answered anyway.

“Yeah,” he replied. “I still do. It’s just... different, now.”

Winter was always beautiful but with such an open, earnest expression on her face – she looked radiant, and it almost hurt to look at her. The sharp angles of her face seemed softer, rounded. Inviting.

“Thank you,” she said, “for caring about her.”

Jaune smiled. “It’s easy.”

Winter pulled her hand away. “My sister might not have noticed at the time – but I think she does now.”

“Noticed what?”

“How good of a man you are,” Winter replied. “And now I, too, understand.”

Jaune felt a little hot around the collar.

“Uh – thanks,” he said a little lamely. How did you even respond to something like that?

The heaviness of the moment remained, a unique type of tension – which was then shattered when Winter’s professionalism took control, her warm, open expression returning to its neutral countenance.

“So then, Mr. Arc,” she brought up the layout of the cave system they were fast approaching. “What is our plan of attack?”

Winter passed the scroll over to him. As expected of Atlas, they had completely mapped out every tunnel, crack and crevice, every twist and turn right down to the most minute detail. It appeared in a complete three dimensional diagram, giving Jaune a total overview of their coming battlefield. Just as Winter mentioned, there was a central chamber that at glance was capable of holding hundreds of Grimm. There were three main tunnels that fed into it, each one measuring five to six meters in width and several more tall. Smaller tunnels fed into these larger ones, a spider webbing network that spread over a sizable area, opening up into a series of countless caves across the cliff and surrounding tundra.

It was a little like a body. If the central chamber was the heart, then those larger tunnels were the arteries that fed it, while the smaller, narrower shafts were the veins. Those veins were the biggest problem. Even for an entire team or two, it would take forever to clear them all and ensure it was safe to proceed. If they weren’t checked, it would leave their backs exposed. Jaune idly scratched his chin, taking in the layout and what he knew about the skills he had at their disposal.

Penny was the sweetest girl he had ever met. She was also the ultimate weapon of war, capable of vast destructive capabilities. Jaune had witnessed the power of her energy blast, cutting through dust steel like it was soft cheese. Stone and ice would have little chance against her. Her artificial eyes would also hold up well underground, ensuring that nothing could sneak up or past her.

Everything he knew about Weiss and her abilities, Winter had them in spades. Complete mastery of her semblance, she could summon vast quantities of servants to aid them – that was the answer to their problem, then. He could have her summons clear the side tunnels while they proceeded into the heart of the swarm, as it were. Winter’s skill with dust would also come in handy if need be, gifting them the ability to manipulate the battlefield to their liking.

Then there was him – unfortunately, he didn’t have the types of skills and abilities the other two boasted. He could swing a sword pretty well now and his shield had undergone all sorts of neat upgrades, but there was nothing that was particularly useful in this situation. All he had was his mind.

And his mind was telling him that to engage the enemy down there on their own terms was a mistake.

“Winter,” he said. “What do we have at our disposal?”

The crew had loaded dozens of crates into the ship before they had boarded and his suspicions were confirmed when they opened them. Alongside firearms and ammunition were explosives; grenades, and much larger, time set devices more than capable of leveling a building. Utilizing a mixture of fire and gravity dust, they could reduce reinforced concrete to rubble.

“I have a plan.”

All in all, it was rather simple. Winter would use her summons to search and clear the narrow shafts while they each split up between the three main tunnels. They would then plant the explosives as near to the central chamber as possible, then would attempt to collapse the entire thing on the Grimm, burying them under thousands of tons of rock, ice and snow. Back on the surface, they would then proceed with clean up with the assistance of the airship, culling any Grimm that managed to escape. It required the least amount of fighting, stole away the Grimm’s advantage of location and was the safest way to deal with them, minimizing the chance of casualties.

“So, what do you think?”

“Sen-sational~!” Penny shouted before Winter could render her opinion, causing Jaune to jump in surprise. He had completely forgotten that she was listening in.

Winter tried to remain stern but Jaune saw her lips twitch in amusement.

“Indeed,” she finally said, taking the scroll out of his hands. “This is a sound plan. You are confident in your ability to operate alone?”

Jaune nodded.

When the airship landed, Jaune was greeted to the sight of Penny rocking back and forth on the balls of her feet, her green dress and orange hair like a beacon against the backdrop of white and gray of Solitas. Even above the roaring of the engines, he could make out the violent crashing waves slamming against the cliff, the cold sea spray reaching them even up there.

“Hey Penny,” he greeted and she saluted with a big, dumb grin on her face, body ramrod straight.

“Hello Friend Jaune,” she chirped. “Officer Penny Polendina, reporting for duty.”

With her free hand, she waved enthusiastically at Winter.

“At ease,” he chuckled. “Ready to kill some Grimm?”

If possible, Penny’s smile stretched even wider.

Jaune took the closest tunnel while Penny collected her explosive device and soared into the sky, a streak of green fire as she blasted away at top speed. At the very least, the surface was completely barren of Grimm, meaning that they hadn’t been noticed yet.

A white glyph appeared and several spectral beasts poured forth, slain Beowolves and Nevermore gathering before setting out on their mission.

“Stay safe,” Winter said, and then the airship carried her away to her entry point. Shouldering the explosive onto his back, Jaune unsheathed his sword and deployed his shield, the twin arcs lighting up. When Atlas upgraded his gear, he doubted that they expected him to use his shield as a flashlight but it was very handy.

Taking a deep breath, he entered the cavern and descended into the earth.

Winter’s summons took the lead, branching off whenever they came across any openings, eventually leaving Jaune alone. Down here, the silence was deafening. Each step sounded amplified, his boots crunching hoarfrost underfoot. No sunlight dared penetrate this deep and so all he had was the light of his shield to show him the way, leading him further and further, deeper into the earth.

He wasn’t sure how long he walked until he encountered his first Grimm. The large Sabyr looked surprised to see him, the creature pausing as Jaune rounded a bend. The pair stared at one another for a long moment, and then before it could roar and alert any of its fellows, Jaune’s sword flashed like quicksilver. Blood sprayed the frozen rock as the Sabyr stumbled, gurgling wetly as it collapsed and soon, it was nothing more than black smoke, the body dissolving in death.

Several more Grimm were felled by his sword, Jaune moving swiftly. Not one issued a sound louder than a startled cry, each strike precise and true. By the time he reached the central chamber and began setting his explosive, he had killed more than a dozen.

He couldn’t see them and he didn’t dare shine his light further in, but he could hear them. Hundreds of Grimm, maybe thousands, all growling lowly, their bodies shifting restlessly in the dark. His scroll vibrated, and he saw that Penny and Winter had both set their explosives and were making their way back to the surface. Jaune followed suit, holding his breath as he crept away from the sea of red eyes and it wasn’t until he was several hundred meters away that he dared to increase his pace to a run, sprinting back to the surface.

He was happy to see sunlight as he surfaced.

He quickly contacted Winter and Penny, bringing them up on a three way call.

“Everyone out?” he asked.

Winter nodded while Penny beamed.

“All set, Captain,” Penny said happily. “May I do the honors?”

She was really playing into his role as leader, wasn’t she?

“Of course,” Jaune said. “Light them up.”

The ground shook as Penny remotely detonated the explosives, and then Jaune watched as a large section of snow and rock sunk into the ground. A rush of air vented from the cave entrance, a loud booming crack ringing his ears. Their airship made wide sweeping circles around the area, keeping an eye out for any Grimm but as they waited, nothing appeared.

His plan had been a success.

Penny arrived by his side first when it was clear that no Grimm were escaping their new icy tomb. Powerful arms wrapped around his body as she hauled him into the air, spinning him excitedly before setting him down. Jaune blinked rapidly, a little dizzy.

“Jaune – your plan worked! Congratulations!”

“Thanks Penny,” feeling pleased with the outcome, he was smiling when Winter appeared atop a series of glyphs, landing nimbly.

“It appears that we are done here,” she said, looking around.

“So, did I pass?” he asked.

“Hmm,” Winter considered him. “Yes, I do believe you passed. Your plan was simple, executed with little issue and dealt with the problem in one decisive stroke. It appears that my sister was correct in her assessment of your abilities.”

This mission may have originally been set up so she could test her sister’s potential suitor but that didn’t stop Jaune from feeling proud at a job well done. Penny grabbed him and spun him again, this time really tilting him off his axis.

Winter placed a hand on his arm to keep from stumbling and falling, the world moving erratically when Penny set him down.

“So, what’s next?”

“General Ironwood needs to be briefed about the situation,” Winter said. “Otherwise, my schedule for the day is clear. We completed this task much faster than expected.”

He wasn’t sure what made him ask, but, “Want to get something to eat? My treat.”

Winter looked startled.

“I – well, I suppose I am rather famished,” she admitted. “Are you sure?”

“Yeah – I know a place. You don’t mind eating down in Mantle, right?”

Winter shook her head.

“Awesome. You’ll love it. Their food is really good.”

A tentative smile graced her lips. “Then I am sure it is.”

“What about you, Penny?” he asked without thinking, forgetting that she probably didn’t even eat.

She shook her head, her long orange hair swishing through the air. “Unfortunately, I have scheduled maintenance after we return. My father wishes to make some adjustments.”

When they returned to the kingdom, the airship dropped them off in Mantle instead of Atlas. Dressed as she was in full military wear, Winter certainly drew attention. It wasn’t often that military personnel visited the lower city for more than their job, so when they stepped into the small cozy restaurant tucked away in a narrow alleyway off any of the major roads, the place came to an immediate standstill. Eyes watched them as Jaune led them to one of the booths, taking the bench on the right. Winter slipped in opposite him.

“They appear uncomfortable with my presence,” she voiced at once, as the patrons and even staff continued to stare. Even if to look at her, you wouldn’t know it, Jaune had a feeling that it bothered her more than a little bit.

“They’ll get used to it,” he waved it away.

And they did – after the initial shock wore off, everyone went back to what they were doing. It was small but Jaune witnessed a slight loosening of her posture, her shoulders bleeding tension as slowly, Winter relaxed.

“What do they serve here?” she asked curiously, inspecting their table. Seated in the middle was a grate and hotplate set above a charcoal grill.

“This place is Mistralian,” Jaune grabbed two menus and slid one across the table to her. “You can order a platter of meat or seafood, and then we can grill them ourselves. I think Blake called it yakiniku – she sounded really excited when I told her about the place. She has been hounding me to bring her.”

Winter opened her menu, eyes running down the list of meals on offer.

“They have beer, as well – if you want to have a drink with me?”

The offer slipped from his lips casually, just like the offer to dine together had. Perhaps he was being a little too casual with her but strangely, he felt at ease with Winter despite her standing within the military hierarchy and her intense disposition. Maybe it was because she was Weiss’ older sister and though she was willing to run him through his paces as an overprotective sibling, it only revealed to him how much she cared for Weiss.

Anyone that cared that much for Weiss was a great person in his book. They were the type of person he wanted to get to know better and what better time than now?

“I do not usually drink,” Winter revealed. “And I must confess; I have never tasted beer before.”


“We still need to brief General Ironwood after this,” she reminded him.


Winter glanced up at him and he was surprised to see mirth in those icy depths.

“Though I would not be opposed to trying it,” she said, smiling slightly. “We are no longer on duty, so I do not see the harm.”

Jaune quickly raised his arm, waving over one of the staff. Truth be told, Jaune wasn’t a large drinker of beer either so when it came to different brands, he really had no idea what was good. All he knew was that anything dry seemed to agree with him more and not leave that weird aftertaste that lingered in the throat, so that is what he ordered the both of them. He also got a platter of assorted meat and seafood; beef, pork and lamb, even if that last one was a bit expensive, as well as fish, oysters and scallops. They came with a collection of different dipping sauces, soups and pickled vegetables; cabbage with a tangy, spicy hit, cucumber slices and ginger.

He watched as Winter slowly sipped at her pint, face twisting slightly at the bitter taste. In the booth next to them, a couple began grilling their meat and the wonderful scent of fatty beef being charred filled their lungs. Jaune felt his mouth water and he quickly downed a mouthful of his own beer before arranging their food.

“How does this work?” she asked, watching him as he fiddled with the knobs on the wall. The grill quickly heated up, the charcoal shifting from black soot to burning red embers.

All the meat had been cut into thin slices for ease of cooking and Jaune used a pair of chopsticks to begin placing them on the grate, the meat sizzling and releasing that wonderful scent. Winter leaned in and inhaled, and Jaune heard her stomach grumble audibly.

She quickly leaned back and flushed lightly, though on her pale skin it may as well have been a beacon. Jaune stared for a moment, admiring her lush, healthy glow before focusing on the food, adding some fish and even a few scallops.

Meanwhile, Winter watched the young man her sister often spoke of as he cooked their meal, eyes tracing over his features critically. He had passed her little test with flying colors, showcasing his tactical acumen and proving his competence. When Weiss had admitted that Jaune had gained entry to Beacon on not so legal grounds, Winter had been skeptical of her claims that he was a good leader. Indeed, she may have not received any complaints from any of her colleagues but it was known that Jaune Arc tended to take simple missions, often ones that other Huntsmen turned their noses up at. A part of her had wondered if it was because of his lack of confidence in his own ability, an attempt at hiding his less than stellar abilities, but she had never been more happy to be proven wrong.

He had assessed the situation, formulated a plan and then executed it to perfection. It had almost been anticlimactic, in a way. Weiss had told her that he was surprisingly sharp but she had to see with her own eyes the man that her sister held in such high regard. Though clearly there had been a misunderstanding between them.

Winter still felt a little embarrassed. From the way Weiss spoke, Winter had believed Jaune Arc had been aggressively courting her. Though apparently, that couldn’t be further from the truth. That was in the past, if he was to be believed. Left behind at Beacon with years and months in-between. It was clear as day that he truly cared for her still, even if no longer romantically.

She was happy that her sister had found such amazing friends. Not just Jaune but the other members of Team RWBY.

That didn’t explain why she had accepted his invitation, though.

Winter took another sip of her beer, the bitterness spreading across her tongue before fading quickly. She knew that she could be standoffish. A result of her upbringing, no doubt – in this way, she shared a lot of similarities with her sister. Winter had never been good at making friends, always wary of people’s motivations. Being a Schnee meant that she could never be sure why people were approaching her. She didn’t keep in contact with her old team and rarely mingled with the Ace-Op’s, even though she often worked alongside them. They were her peers but nothing more. Even General Ironwood was not a friend but a mentor, someone she greatly admired and wished to support.

It was not an equal relationship.

No – sadly, the only person she could consider a friend was Penny, and many people would scoff at the thought. Those same people would meet the edge of her sword for dismissing the kind, thoughtful girl just because she was built and not born the same way as everyone else. But perhaps it said a lot about her that her only friend was a machine with a soul.

Maybe she just craved some companionship. If nothing else, Weiss had vouched heavily for Jaune Arc – and his own words concerning her sister had only enforced it. There wasn’t an ounce of ambition in him in regards to their family, and he wore his thoughts and feelings on his sleeve. He was somebody that she could trust.

He was also rather handsome.

Winter frowned and this time drank heavily from her pint to hide it.

What did it matter what he looked like? There were no shortage of handsome, capable men in the military – it proved nothing. She wasn’t seeking him as a partner, as a lover. That was ridiculous. Even if she was, she wouldn’t even know how. A lack of friends also meant a lack of intimate relationships. She may have been in her mid-to-late twenties but she’d never had a boyfriend, let alone a lover. Her station and then later, her career, ensured that. She shook her head, instead focusing on the strips of meat sizzling away in front of her. Never in her life had she visited such a place but even without tasting the food, she was already taking a liking to it.

It was cozy, the atmosphere relaxed. The seats were worn but comfortable, the air alive with genial conversation. The table they were seated at was clean but she spotted several nicks and scratches, and even a small scorched patch on the corner. The panel Jaune had used to start the grill looked ancient, a relic of a past era. It was nothing like the five star restaurants she often ate at in her youth, her father parading their family around like trophies.

“You can take anything you want when you feel like it,” Jaune said before plucking a piece of beef from the grill. It oozed with fatty, flavorful juices and she watched as he dipped it in one of the sauces, a dark liquid infused with sesame seeds and then popped it in his mouth.

He made a sound of approval, chewing – and overcome with a bout of hunger, Winter grabbed a pair of chopsticks and repeated his actions, dipping a strip of beef in the dark sauce and then carefully bringing it to her mouth.

She moaned as the rich juices burst across her tongue, followed by the sweet saltiness of the soy sauce and mild smoky nuttiness of the sesame. The meat was tender, melting in her mouth as she chewed, easily slipping down her throat and settling warmth in her stomach. Before she knew what she was doing, she had grabbed another piece and dunked it, hastily bringing it to her lips.

“Good?” Jaune asked, smiling.

Winter chewed quickly and swallowed, savoring the flavor before saying, “I approve.”

He laughed.

The slightly sour cabbage paired well with the meat and she took a particular liking to the cucumber, savoring each crunch. Charred scallops were something she didn’t know she needed in her life and when she dipped it in the garlic butter sauce, Winter thought she had passed on into a different life. The lamb had been lightly seasoned with rosemary and fell apart as she picked it up, and the fatty pork made her feel warm all over.

She couldn’t remember the last time she had eaten a meal that tasted so good.

Jaune ordered them a second round of beers and then they dueled with their chopsticks over the last of the scallops. She won – but he got his revenge when he started on the oysters first, slurping them from their shells with just a hint of lemon. He had already devoured most of them when she finally tried her first and conceded this point.

The fish was fresh and flaked effortlessly. Winter tried it with several of the different sauces and found that it went well with any of them, though the garlic butter was fast becoming her favorite thing. The soup was miso and the strong saltiness cut through all those other flavors and settled pleasantly on her palate.

“Tell me about yourself,” she asked, drinking deeply from her pint. It was only her second and yet she could already feel the effects of the alcohol on her body. Her face felt warm and her lips slightly numb, her tongue loose. The meal had been splendid and made her feel lethargic, the beer only enhancing it. “Weiss has told me some things but I wish to know more.”

Jaune finished off his soup with a final long sip, smacking his lips in appreciation. “What do you want to know?”

“Anything. Everything.”

Jaune chuckled.

“Well,” he reached for his beer and then leaned back, getting comfortable. “I come from a small town north of Vale, a place called Red Rock. The name comes from the color of the rock in the nearby quarry, the whole reason the town was originally built in the first place. And when I say north, I mean it – we aren’t right on the coast but we are close. Close enough to make it a day trip if we want. Two hundred people live there, at most – almost all of them farmers. The rest work the quarry.”

“Your family?”

“We raise cows. Dairy – milk, mostly, but we also make cheese. Three hundred heads. As you can imagine, that is a lot of work. Probably why mom and dad had such a large family so we could all help manage the farm. I’m the youngest of eight siblings, the only boy out of the bunch--”

Winter almost spilt her drink down her front, a most unbecoming action.

“Eight?” she cut across him, incredulous.

She’d never heard of a family so large before.

“Yeah – just me and seven sisters,” Jaune rolled his eyes. “Sometimes I think my parents just kept trying until they finally got a boy.”

Winter tried to imagine what it would be like to have so many siblings. The Schnee Manor was certainly big enough to house so many. Unfortunately, she just couldn’t help but think that it would give her father more young, impressionable minds to corrupt. As for their mother, well – it didn’t matter if there were three or ten of them, she would be absent all the same.

She shook her head.

“And they supported you becoming a Huntsman?”

Jaune grimaced. “Not exactly – they weren’t against it but they never really believed I had what it took. It used to bother me a lot but – ah, well, I think I’m beginning to understand why they felt the way they did.”

Winter wasn’t sure how long they talked, trading stories back and forth. It was long enough for them to order another round, finish it, and then order another. By the time they stepped out into the cold Mantle air, she barely felt it for how warm she was on the inside. She was more than a little buzzed, she knew – not quite drunk but definitely well on her way. When he offered an arm, she took it gratefully.

He was quite the gentleman when he wished to be.

When they finally made it back to the academy, it was time to part ways.

“I had fun,” Jaune said.

“As did I,” and she did.

She hadn’t known what to expect but dining with Jaune had been a very pleasant experience. Learning about his life before coming to Atlas had been interesting and she found herself sharing more about herself than she would usually be comfortable with. Maybe it was because he had already proven to be a trustworthy soul with her sister but that can’t have been all of it.

He was also very warm – and tall. His arm was steady, firm and strong beneath her hand. His eyes were kind and looked at her without expectation or reverence. To him, she was just Winter – Weiss’ older sister.

It was nice.

“We should do this again,” she said.

Jaune looked surprised. “Uh – yeah! That would be great.”

When he pulled away, she felt a twinge of loss.

“I think I need to go lay down,” he joked. “But – do you need me to come see Ironwood with you?”

She shook her head.

“No. The briefing can wait, I think,” she touched her warm cheeks. “We may be off duty but to appear before the General like this would be... unwise.”

“Well,” Jaune said after a moment of silence. “See you around?”

Winter graced him with a magnificent smile. “Yes. See you around.”

After that, it became a part of their routine. One meal turned into two, then into three, and then quickly it became a weekly event. Every Friday, Jaune would forgo his usual mission of escorting the brats in Mantle to take on a joint assignment with Winter. Marrow wasn’t pleased, seeing as Winter kept placing him on escort duty but secretly, Jaune thought the dog faunus was actually enjoying himself and wouldn’t admit it. The stories the children would tell him the following week let him know that Marrow was a hit with the kids.

After they completed their assignment for the day – be it clearing a nest of Grimm or scouting vulnerable locations around the kingdom, they would then retreat to a different establishment and dine together. They usually ate in Mantle, touring their underrated food scene but sometimes they’d eat in Atlas, the food good regardless of where they went.

Jaune and Winter also began training together, the more experienced Huntress taking him under her wing and putting him through his paces. She was a harsh taskmaster, driving him to the brink of exhaustion every time and he couldn’t help but remember those twilight days at Beacon, where another skilled Huntress-in-training had similarly driven him to his limits.

The meals were kept a secret but the training was impossible to hide. His friends noticed quickly.

Nora was the only one that seemed to notice that something more was developing. While everyone else complimented him on his work ethic, Nora would shoot him sly little glances whenever the topic was broached, and as much as he wanted to deny it, he didn’t think he could.

A beautiful friendship was blooming – and so much more.

Jaune was attracted to Winter. That wasn’t such a surprise. He clearly had a type and Winter ticked all those boxes and more. No, the shocking part was that he was sure Winter felt the same way.

This was uncharted territory for him. Weiss had never shown any hint that she liked him back. It had been completely one sided. But where he had failed with the younger sister, it seemed like the elder one had taken a liking to him.

It all came to a head during one of their usual outings. It was the same as always – they completed their mission, and then they set off to find a new place to eat after a quick stop back at the academy. Only that this time, it was much later in the day. In fact, instead of lunch, they were undeniably having dinner. It felt more intimate this way and her choice was a bit more pricey than they were used to. Winter had clearly scouted out a location ahead of time and had even placed a reservation. She was dressed beautifully in a sky blue gown, the soft material following the contours of her body and highlighting just how trim, fit and feminine she was, hugging her womanly hips and tantalizing bust. It had been awhile since Jaune had worn a suit and he thought he wore it rather well but he was plain in comparison to such beauty.

Okay, there was nothing usual about this. It was clearly a step up.

If all the other times could be explained away as friends meeting up for a meal then this was a Date with a capital D. There was no ignoring the obvious.

He couldn’t help but be nervous.

What he didn’t know is that Winter felt much the same.

They drew looks because of course they did. Not only because Winter was a Schnee but also because Jaune was painfully out of place. They peered at him with curious, probing eyes wondering just who he was, to be dining with such a woman. It was a testament to all the time they had been spending together that even though her face was utterly blank at all the attention, Jaune knew that she was annoyed by it. The small tightening of her eyes, the press of her lips told him everything he needed to know.

“Perhaps this was ill advised,” she said after they were seated. “I let down my guard. This will find its way into the gossip columns.”

Jaune shrugged. “It isn’t like we’ve been all that secretive before. We have probably visited half of Mantle and a good chunk of Atlas by now.”

Winter gave him a warm look. “Though I do believe this is a little different than that, Jaune.”

He smiled. “Well, maybe just a little?”

Winter ordered a bottle of wine, from a vintage that he was sure probably cost more than his set of armor. He felt a little bad that she was paying for all of this but she assured him that since he often paid for their meals, it was now her turn and she may as well utilize her wealth for something she enjoyed. Jaune hadn’t realized that she still had access to money stemming from the Schnee Dust Company but apparently their grandfather had ensured that Winter, Weiss and Whitley all had very healthy accounts separate from the business and any meddling before he passed.

They shared an entrée of gently cooked deep sea oysters topped with Champagne butter and caviar. Feeling a little self conscious, Jaune tried to minimize any slurping but when he saw Winter knock one back without a care, tilting her head back as the oyster slipped from the shell and into her mouth, Jaune followed suit. They devoured half a dozen each and finished half of their bottle of wine before the mains were wheeled out.

Winter had ordered the lobster ravioli infused with dill, lemon zest and truffle salt, the sauce thick and creamy. Jaune had picked the seared beef tenderloin in Cognac cream sauce infused with peppercorns with a side of vegetables. When Jaune pressed his fork against the beef, it cut through it with little resistance, the meat cooked to perfection.

“How have your students been faring?” Winter asked. Jaune watched as a piece of ravioli slipped between her soft pink lips, a hint of sauce lingering before she swiped it away with her tongue.

That was what she called the children he protected each morning – his students. “They have career day coming up. They need to complete an oral assignment and talk about what career path they wish to pursue in the future. I think a few of them want to be Huntsmen.”

Winter shot him a knowing look. “You are an inspiration.”

Jaune rolled his eyes. “I doubt that.”

“You shouldn’t. How many of them have expressed interest?”

Jaune thought about it. “Eight? Six of them are girls.”

Her lips twitched in amusement, those same pink, kissable lips. “Recruitment from Mantle is at an all-time low. Perhaps General Ironwood should wheel you out to more schools and drum up interest.”

“Now you’re teasing me.”

“Just a little,” Winter sipped at her glass of wine, and he really couldn’t take his eyes off her mouth. The dark red liquid deepened the color of her lips briefly and he felt something tighten deep inside. “But I mean what I said. You have inspired them.”

Then her eyes narrowed cheekily, the expression reminding him of her sister whenever a particular mood struck her fancy. “They aren’t the only ones you’ve inspired.”


“Their mothers seem rather enthused by your presence.”

Jaune felt a bolt of embarrassment lance his heart. “Don’t be ridiculous,” he tried to deflect.

“Marrow often laments how disappointed they are when you don’t show up on Friday,” her mouth stretched wide, a hint of her pearly white teeth peeking through. “You never told me that one of them likes to bring you food.”

Jaune focused on his meal, shoveling food into his mouth. Winter’s laugh was soft, a tinkle of bells.

“They are just showing appreciation,” he finally replied. “I am keeping their children safe.”

“Indeed,” Winter still held that cheeky look. “And I am positive that more than a few of them – the single ones in particular – wish to show you more than a little appreciation.”

He grabbed his glass and downed the rest of his wine before pouring another.

“Shut up.”

She didn’t bother tempering her laugh this time, the beautiful sound carrying across the room and drawing the attention of many men.

“How is Penny?” he tried in an attempt to change the subject and she allowed it. “She mentioned an issue with her propulsion system but I haven’t spoken to her since. Were they able to fix it?”

After their meal was dessert. They both ordered the meringue with whipped cream, fruit and vanilla bean ice cream. Watching Winter wrap her lips around the spoon and carefully suck it clean of ice cream was the last straw. When they finished, paid and left, his hand fell into hers, their fingers lacing tightly.

Her skin was soft and warm, her fingers long and slender. His thumb caressed one of her fingers and she stepped closer, their shoulders bumping.

“I have an apartment here in the city,” she said, and a rush of blood thrummed through his body, excitement, trepidation and desire mixing together.

Her hand tightened around his and her expression looked how he felt, her eyes darkening and that was all he needed.

When they arrived, he noted that it was a nice place, well furnished with high ceilings but then it was forgotten, his hands seizing her hips as her fingers thread through his hair. Jaune pressed Winter into the door to close it, his mouth sealing over hers hungrily. Winter moaned as their lips touched, mouth coaxed open with light sucks and a probing tongue. She tasted of vanilla bean and tart raspberries, his fingers squeezing her waist as he pressed into her, her full breasts squashed against his chest. Their tongues rolled together, gliding into her mouth, and he savored her heat.

They kissed for some time, wet smacks filling the air between them until finally after a firm bite and tug on her lip, he pulled away, a string of saliva stretching between them. Her mouth was red, eyes glistening with lust and his already half-hard cock swelled rapidly, erection straining against the inside of his trousers.

She felt it against her hip, a startled little ‘oh’ escaping her throat.

“Winter,” he said, voice rough with emotion.

One of her hands slipped down and cupped his thumping cock, giving it a gentle squeeze. He groaned, pressing into her hand as she rubbed him up and down, her eyes widening as he continued to grow against her palm. His zipper was extraordinarily loud as she tugged it down and with a little maneuvering, his length sprung free.

Winter bit her lip as her fingers wrapped around his shaft. “Mm – it’s so hot.”

Jaune exhaled roughly through his nose. “You made it that way.”

She pumped him up and down, slowly, a hint of hesitation in her movements. The tips of her fingers tickled his scrotum on the down stroke, her palm torturous against the underside of his glans on the up stroke. He flexed in her hold, swelling further – and Winter panted excitedly, her insides tightening as her crotch dampened with arousal. She felt hot all over, her skin prickling as her core throbbed.

The skin of his shaft was velvety smooth, her fingers gliding over bulging veins. He was thick and long, curving upwards with a flaring crown, a little wider than the shaft. His cock would throb powerfully whenever her hand brushed against the ridge of his glans, and soon her hand was wet with pre-cum as it leaked from the tip.

He leaned in again and captured her lips, tongue dominant as it wrestled hers into submission. There had been one boy, a very long time ago when she was younger than Whitley was now – her first and only kiss, a simple peck on the lips. This was entirely different, his taste filling her mouth, every suck on her tongue weakening her legs. His cologne mixed with his natural musk, invading her senses and heightening every sensation, a startled cry muffled between them as a hand grasped one of her breasts and squeezed.

Jaune groaned as her hand tightened against him, pumping him firmly. Her chest was soft, filling his hand wonderfully. He hefted the impressive weight, rolling his palm as her nipple pebbled through the material of her bra and dress, and he knew that he needed more.

A most unbecoming sound escaped her throat when he lifted her off the ground effortlessly, manhandling her with ease as he walked her across the room. They continued to kiss furiously, her jaw aching and lips stinging from the assault.

“Where is – mmhm – your bedroom,” he asked between kisses, a hand drifting down to her ass and pinching it. Winter jolted, another squeal escaping her.

Her lungs burned as the wet smack of their lips only grew in intensity.

“Over – hmmn, over there,” she whispered hotly, rubbing her nose against his.

The door was slightly ajar and he nudged it open, walking her over to the bed. There was a brief moment of vertigo as they tumbled down and then he was on top of her, pressed between her legs. Feeling him there, her thighs spread around his lips shook something loose inside her, a hot trickle passing through her tummy and seeping out along her thighs, hot and sticky.

“We are wearing too many clothes,” he said, and she agreed wholeheartedly.

As much as it pained her when he leaned away, she allowed it, watching with heated eyes as he began stripping. The jacket was first, followed by his tie and vest. He didn’t bother about being neat, tossing his clothes aside carelessly as more and more of his body was revealed to her. When he unbuttoned his shirt and pulled it off, she was greeted by lean, hard muscle. It was the physique of a warrior, lithe and able, capable of great strength but also speed and flexibility. The way his abs and chest tightened as he removed his belt and pants had her heart racing, more slick pooling between her legs. She had never felt this way before, so debauched and full of desire, and her fingers began plucking at her dress, desperate.

His cock jutted out from his pelvis arrogantly, the very picture of masculinity. Winter panted as she peeled her dress from her skin, feverish, kicking off her heels. The head was flushed red and wet, shiny with pre-cum, his large balls hanging low beneath the shaft. A light dusting of hair surrounded the base, a halo of gold.

Jaune watched with bated breath as the elegant, resplendent Winter Schnee rolled her dress down her body, her breasts spilling forth in a lacy white bra. It struggled to contain her bust, her tits heavy and heaving. Her stomach was toned to perfection, her waist small and hips wide. When her dress cleared her hips and she kicked it away, he saw that she had no panties – and his cock visibly twitched, bobbing up and down as he saw her pussy for the first time.

Her labia were puffy and tight, pressed together like a pair of pursed lips. Only the barest hint of her inner labia peeked through, unfurling in the shape of a heart. Her mons and vulva were completely bare of hair, pearly white skin flushed red with her arousal and damp with her essence, inviting him in.

“Jaune,” she moaned as he crawled above her, his skin hot against her own. He grabbed her legs and stroked them up and down, marveling at how soft and smooth her skin was, how toned and shapely her legs were. She whimpered with want as he pried open her thighs, more arousal leaking from her tight hole. “J-Jaune.”

For a wild second, Winter thought he was going to take her then and there, fuck her brutally with that large, proud cock – but instead he leaned down and kissed her neck, her shoulder, littering her skin with licks and nips as he moved down over her tits, unhooking her bra and freeing her bust. Her nipples were wide and puffy, areola protruding like fleshy caps. The very tips were rock hard and she shuddered when he wrapped his lips around one of them, sucking gently as his tongue twirled, drawing forth her cries.

Her chest was sensitive, the pleasure sharp and flowing down her body, a bolt of desire straight to her clitoris. He gave them both ample attention, palming and squeezing the one not receiving the services of his tongue and mouth, switching between them often. Winter arched her back, pressing her tits into him eagerly and he met her eagerness, devouring them until they were raw and aching, throbbing in time to her heart beat.

And then he was moving down, kissing the hint of her ribs, down her tummy and swirling his tongue into her bellybutton, making her squirm and hiss. When he bit the protruding knob of her hip bone, she cried out, surprised at how good that felt and then he was raking at her thighs, kissing the juncture between her pelvis and inner-thigh tenderly. Winter realized then that she was shaking, a full body tremble that she could stop. His hot breath gusted over her most intimate spot and she arched up off the bed, her feet curling and pressing on his back.

What was he – was he going to – oh~!

Winter sobbed when his lips pressed against her mound, his tongue darting out to taste her wetness. His strong hands grabbed her thighs and spread her wide, and Jaune groaned as her musky scent washed over him. Her pretty little pussy peeled open before his eyes, salmon pink and sticky, her slit calling to him. Her clit was small and cute, tucked neatly within its hood, her entrance small and snug. Leaning in, he sucked on her pinkness and relished the way she jerked, her hole clenching and expelling fluid.

Winter gazed down, consumed with lust as Jaune buried his face between her legs and began eating her out, his tongue lapping at her core with long, languid strokes. His nose brushed across the hood of her clit, the pleasure sharp and piecing. Fire erupted in her belly, beneath her navel, her clitoris pounding fiercely. Soon the room was filled with obscene slurping as he licked and sucked on her cunt, wiggling his tongue inside and eating her enthusiastically.

Jaune felt his cock stiffen impossibly, angrily pressing into the bed as relished her taste. Her soft, keening cries went straight to his balls, his cum churning impatiently. He was utterly consumed by her taste and smell, the feeling of her heated flesh on his lips and tongue. He shook his head side-to-side as he sucked, slurping up her juices and lapping at the bumpy walls of her clutching tunnel.

She almost flew up off the bed when he moved up and licked her clit directly, her voice caught in her throat. Her face twisted in ecstasy as he teased it with the tip of his tongue, peeling the hood away so his lips could kiss it directly. Her insides coiled desperately, disappointed at her emptiness, yearning for his cock as he drew her clit into his mouth and sucked.

“Ahhnn~! Oooouhh – uhnn, Jaaaune, mmm – that feels so goooood,” she growled deeply, one hand threading through his hair to push him against her gushing quim while the other gripped one of her breasts, tugging on it. Hearing the usually refined, controlled voice of Winter Schnee moaning and calling his name filled him with lust. “Oooooh – ahh~! Y-You’re so good at this.”

He was. Every move he made, it sent her soaring higher, her lungs struggling to take in air. Her feet scrambled across his muscular back, toes digging in as she used him as leverage, tilting her pelvis and thrusting against his face. Winter pumped her hips against him, grinding her pussy on his chin, his nose, his mouth, eyes rolling as oblivion approached.

She had never dreamed that being intimate could feel quite this good.

Jaune could feel her pussy tightening, her clitoris stiffening. He attacked it relentlessly, flicking it with his tongue before sucking on it harshly. He would then soothe it with gentle swirls, teasing it into a frenzy before starting all over again. Winter writhed, thrusting harder – she was close, so close it hurt, and then one of his fingers probed at her puckered entrance, pressing in.

“Ouuh~!” she choked, shaking as his long digit entered her. Her walls closed around it tightly embracing it in sticky heat and she almost flew off the bed when he crooked his finger, pressing on something that fired lightning through all her nerves.

Her scream was silent, voice stuck as tears gathered in her icy blue eyes. Back arching completely off the bed, all of her muscles locked up in ecstasy as he raked his finger over her g-spot, her womb melting in a gush of thick arousal. Winter shattered, her pussy throbbing before contracting violently, and Jaune flinched as a stream of squirt sprayed into his face.

“Oh, are you cumming?” he asked, cock aching as she pulsed around his finger again and again and again, her clitoris standing at attention. When he flicked it with his tongue, she jerked away and he followed, unwilling to let her escape. The pleasure was too much, the sensations on the verge of pain, a broken sob finally escaping her closed throat as she tried to squirm away.

“J-Jaune,” she croaked, heels driving into his back. “Jaaaaune, I can’t – stop~!

He finally relented, giving her straining clit one final kiss before backing off, his face covered in her thick syrup. When his finger popped free, Winter crooned and flopped down, boneless, twitching as the aftershocks of her orgasm rolled through her in pleasurable waves.

Seeing her so disheveled, her bun having come loose and skin damp with sweat, flushed a healthy pink drove him mad. Kneeling on the bed, he grasped his cock and stroked it firmly in an attempt to take the edge off. Winter gazed up at him with lustful eyes and watching him touch himself, pumping his length furiously filled her with a strong need to return the favor he had granted her.

She sat up, her weighty breasts jiggling as she crawled over to him. Jaune stopped his hand, watching with bated breath as she leaned in and placed a chaste peck on the tip of his dick. It flexed in response, the feeling of her soft, pouty lips exquisite and despite her inexperience, despite having no idea what she was doing, she replaced his hand with her own and opened her mouth.

“Winter,” Jaune groaned, her hot mouth engulfing his glans. Her tongue slid over him, his balls tightening with pleasure. “Shit, Winter – you want to suck my cock?”

She did – more than anything in the world, in this moment, she wanted to pleasure him with her mouth until he burst, hot and thick down her throat. To wring every drop of seed from his balls, to make him moan and cry out with pleasure and think of nothing else but her.

He didn’t know it but he had unlocked something deep inside her, a beast that had been dormant for too long. She was a sexually repressed, lonely young woman – and now freedom was in sight. A thirst unlike anything she had experienced before took hold and to quench it, she needed to suck.

Jaune groaned as she slurped awkwardly at his cock, head bobbing gently as her tongue moved erratically. Thighs clenching, he pressed further into her mouth, sighing as one of her hands cupped his tense balls. Winter rolled them gently, squeezing them until they throbbed with a deep ache, her mouth becoming more sure as he lightly stroked her cheek.

“That’s it,” Jaune panted. “Fuck, Winter – that’s it. Suck my cock. Suck it dry.”

That was the plan.

His cock tasted a little salty, his pre-ejaculate oozing thickly across her tongue. Her lips were vacuum tight around his shaft, bulging whenever she rose up to suck directly on his crown. Whenever Jaune groaned his approval, Winter felt her womb throb and squeeze, a feeling of power settling in her breast. She still had little idea of what she was doing but knew from his reactions what he liked, and so followed her instincts.

Whenever she twirled her tongue, his cock would flex against the roof of her mouth. When she pressed deeper, swallowing more of his length, he would sigh deeply, his fingers curling in her hair. And whenever she backed off almost to the point of releasing his straining erection and flick the very tip, it would swell and expel more sticky pre-cum into her mouth.

It wasn’t long at all until Jaune felt that familiar tightening in the base of his shaft, his balls lifting eagerly. He had been so turned on from eating her juicy snatch but he had been already halfway to cumming and now with her feather soft lips wrapped around him, trapping him in her steaming hot mouth, it wouldn’t be long at all.

“Winter,” he panted. “Winter, I’m going to cum.”

She moved faster, slurping greedily as his member tensed. Winter felt his testicles jump and then with a deep groan that rumbled from his chest, Jaune flooded her mouth with hot, boiling cum. Winter moaned sharply as he gushed heavily, cock jerking powerfully as she paused, relishing the feeling of his seed being blasted across her tongue. Three, four, five heavy bursts – and it continued, Winter quickly realizing that she had very little room left.

So she swallowed – and then choked, his thick load getting caught in her throat. She coughed around his cock, retreating with a splutter and the final couple of shots painted her nose and cheek. Semen dripped from her lips as she hastily slurped, a futile attempt at keeping it from escaping. It dripped down her chin and lower, falling onto her heaving breasts as she struggled to clear her throat.

Winter felt a little drunk and not from the wine she had consumed, her senses completely enveloped in the scent and taste of his discharge. It was everywhere, drowning her – and she continued to swallow desperately, her throat bobbing up and down as she gasped.

The sight of Winter Schnee struggling to swallow his fat load, face smeared with tears and cum, little droplets of semen spilling onto her chest ensured that his cock lost not a single inch of rigidness. It excited him so much that his cock flexed, smacking against his abdomen with a wet clap.

He had to have this beautiful woman, this absolute vision of sexuality and femininity. There was no going back. Jaune had to fuck her. He had to claim her.

Winter buried her face against the blanket and wiped herself clean, jumping when Jaune’s hands settled on her body. He flipped her over until he seated between her thighs, though instead of his face, his cock rested against her mons, scorching hot like a brand. Winter looked down and shivered, his length easily reaching her bellybutton.

“Jaune,” she mewled, squirming in anticipation.

“Can I?” he asked, wrapping his hand around the base and slapping it against her tummy. The shock of each impact went straight to her core, a promise of things to come.

She nodded quickly.

“Please,” she spread her legs further, slender fingers peeling her labia apart. Her pink, drenched hole clenched and opened up, a string of girl cum stretched across it. “Mm, please. I want you, Jaune. I want you.”

Backing off a little to position himself, he pressed his wide glans against her entrance. Winter bit her lip, face twisting with desire as he swiped it up and down, bumping her already hypersensitive clit. Coating his cock in her essence, he pushed, her flesh resisting his movement for but a moment. When his crown popped inside, Winter moaned deeply, a sexy sound that robbed him of any restraint. With a quick shift of the hips, he buried himself deeply, a startled cry sounding between them.

Winter felt a pinch of pain, a bloom of discomfort before it was washed away by pleasure. Her mouth fell open as his cock passed roughly over her g-spot, seeing stars as he angled his hips so he pressed heavily against the top of her passage. Jaune grunted, pausing as her insides throbbed and coiled around him. She was tight – oh so very tight, her pussy unyielding. Whenever she inhaled, he felt her tunnel collapse and squeeze him, coaxing him deeper.

He was only halfway in – and so pulling back gently, he thrust, surging deeper. Winter crooned sweetly as he sunk further in, her chest jiggling invitingly. Planting one hand on the bed, the other cupped her tits, groping them as he began rocking into her, forcing more and more of his length inside.

Winter reached for his hips, her nails clawing his skin as her legs spread even wider. A few more rocking thrusts and she jolted, eyes rolling as he bumped against her deepest spot. A spark of hurt raced up her spine alongside a deep seated feeling of ecstasy, Jaune’s fat, long cock hilted balls deep.

They lay there for a few long moments, Winter gasping quietly as Jaune savored the feeling of his entire length being swallowed by her molten snatch. Her cervix was firm against his crown, a pinprick against his tip and when he rolled his hips, grinding on it, Winter’s deep moans lilted higher, her head tilting back and exposing her throat.

“Your pussy feels so good,” he praised, backing off an inch before surging forward. He tugged on her puffy nipples until they throbbed. “Oh, shit, Winter.”

“Mmm – fuck me,” she begged, raking her nails down his ribs. “Please, Jaune, fuck me.”

He started slow, pulling out until the ridge of his glans peeked out of her clutching pussy before thrusting, deep and long until he impacted her womb. Winter moaned sharply, clenching around him hard – and then he did it again, and again, and again. Slowly, her tense pussy began to soften, her folds dragging wetly along his shaft. Wet, lewd sounds came from her juicy lips, wrapped tight around his heated flesh.

“Ouuh~! Haaah~ Haaah~! Uhhhnn,” Winter arched whenever he struck deep, her little cries becoming higher pitched. “Yes, right there. Ooh, I love it right there.”

It wasn’t long until his thrusting sped up, Jaune fucking the entire length of his cock into her with confident, smooth glides. His balls slapped against her magnificent ass, her wetness spreading from thigh to thigh, and down over her butt. His scrotum would stick to her skin before peeling away, only to slap and get stuck again, over and over. His eyes couldn’t stop looking at her spread little slit, flushed a deep red and stretched wide around his pistoning cock.

Liquid fire pooled in her belly, a knot of sensation tightening with every thrust. He was scraping her insides, pressuring all of her sweet spots, places that she hadn’t known existed. She was quickly taking on his shape, his cock molding her into the perfect pussy for his cock.

Finished with her breasts, he gripped her creamy white thighs and rubbed them up and down, his cock flexing as she throbbed around him. Jaune watched as her abs tensed and released, her cute bellybutton winking at him. He thrust harder, her thick syrup stretching between them as she gushed around his length.

Clap, clap, clap – the bed rocked as he changed his angle of attack, leaning forward and driving down. Winter sobbed as he slammed even deeper, banging on the entrance to her womb even harder. Fire raced through her limbs, her skin prickling – and as the knot tightened, and tightened, and tightened, she knew she was on the edge.

One particularly deep shot, threatening to penetrate her cervix and enter her womb, and she was done.

The air rushed from her lungs, a sharp cry before her entire body locked up. Jaune groaned as he watched Winter’s face twist in rapture, her pussy clenching powerfully before erupting wildly in a series of mind numbing contractions. His hips stuttered as her cunt milked his cock but he powered through, fucking her through her orgasm with relentless drive.

“Hnnnngggg~!” she screamed through clenched teeth. “Hnnnnnnnngggggg~!!”

Her body curled around him as he continued to fuck her, the pleasure racing up his shaft almost too much. If he hadn’t already cum once, he’d have blown his load, deep and thick into her womb, but her mouth had taken the edge off. No matter how her pussy twisted and throbbed, sucked or tugged on his crown, his balls weren’t ready. He kept thrusting into her sloshing quim until Winter was nothing but a twitching puddle of incoherent squeals, her limbs flopping uselessly.

Finally, he slowed down and stopped, pressing deeply as he embraced her sweaty, freshly fucked body to his own.

Winter panted and gasped in his ear for a couple of minutes, her body shivering with overwhelming sensation. Her hands settled on his wide back, caressing his skin. Her face was a mess of tears and drool, eyes glassy and unfocused. He nuzzled her with his cheek, kissing her ear and she tightened her hold, her strong legs rising and wrapping around his hips.

“That felt amazing,” she finally managed, her voice thick. She cuddled him and he returned the favor, loving the feel of her overheated body against him. “I didn’t – I never knew.”

He’d taken this wonderful woman’s virginity. Jaune never thought he cared about such things but he couldn’t deny the feeling of possessive pride and lust that soared through him, his already hot blood boiling with satisfaction.

“You were amazing,” he said, and she felt a powerful compulsion to flip him over. So she did, twisting her hips hard and rolling them until she was on top, his cock still buried deep in her burning cunt. Jaune looked up at her in surprise.

“We aren’t done,” she said.

The beast had not been satisfied.

She rode him hard and fast, bouncing up and down on his pole. Jaune lay back and watched the glorious sight, her shapely breasts, her toned abs, her muscled thighs clenching around his hips. Her nails scratched his chest, her head thrown back, loud lurid moans filling the room as she fucked herself on his cock. There was nothing skilled or thoughtful about it, Winter pounding his cock deep with an animalistic need.

Jaune felt his shaft swell as his climax built, the pressure in his balls growing. When she began rowing back and forth, grinding his tip on the fleshy cap of her cervix, he was almost crippled by the intensity of the pleasure, a white hot bolt settling deep in his stomach. He grabbed her thighs, digging his fingers in until her beautiful skin bruised, her body undulating on his shaft.

“Ooooh, you’re so deep~!” she gushed, a wide, cock drunk smile spread across her lips. She sped up, sawing frantically as her pussy throbbed and tightened. “Oooouuh, Jaune – mm, you have such a big cock. Oh, it’s too big. It’s going to make me cum again.”

Jaune began rocking with her, thrusting just a little bit to put more pressure on her womb. Winter sobbed in delight, riding him harder until her sticky folds collapsed, gripping his member like a well oiled fist. Her wail of ecstasy bounced off the walls, her vagina erupting in orgasm as Jaune’s balls leapt happily, ready to fire.

His second load of the night was just as thick, blasting up into her womb as Winter continued to writhe and grind in an orgasmic haze, delirious with pleasure. It felt like he was cumming his soul out into her body, his balls tightening the point of pain as he painted the inside of her uterus white with his seed.

Winter sagged, falling onto his chest as the last few bursts of his ejaculation settled heavily in her tummy. She shivered, cooing at the warmth that spread through her – and unknown to the pair of them, his sperm sealed the deal with one very lucky egg, piercing it with vigor.

They lay panting together, consumed by one another. Jaune stroked her luscious skin, tracing the dips and swells of her muscles, her womanly curves. Winter’s pussy pulsed erratically around him, a furnace around his length. She kissed his chest languidly, licking at his sweat and placed a kiss of his own on the crown of her head, inhaling her wonderful scent.

Nothing smelt better than a freshly fucked woman – especially a woman as outrageously gorgeous as Winter was.

After some time passed, she propped herself up, a look of worry etched on her face. A strange feeling filled her, one that she had not often experienced; one of insecurity.

“Jaune,” she said, halting after his name.


She struggled to find the words to express her feelings, finally asking, “Was that fine?”

A startled laugh burst forth unexpectedly. “Winter, that was more than fine.”

Her cheeks darkened an attractive rose color. “That is not what I meant. My... behavior.”

He blinked up at her, continuing to trace her body. “Your behavior?”

“I lost control of myself,” she looked away, the picture of embarrassment. “I was not expecting such. I am sorry if I acted strangely – that my actions were off putting.”

“Winter,” he said, his voice serious. It drew her instant attention, meeting his eyes. “There was nothing wrong with how you acted. Honestly, it turned me on – a lot.”

She perked up. “It did?”

“Seeing you go a little crazy was really sexy,” he admitted. “I loved it.”

She buried her face in his chest, cuddling him. “Well – good.”

He laughed.

When she wiggled her hips, he groaned. Quickly sitting up, she looked down on him.

“You’re still hard,” she pointed out, clenching around him. “Are you not satisfied?”

Before he could answer she smiled; a radiant thing that stole his words away, dead in his throat.

“Good – because I’m not satisfied either. We have all night.”



A sibling classic move "Yoinkidie-Sploinkidie, your friend is now my boyfriend."

Morrigan Newhart

Ooh, fantastic piece! It was nice having that slow lead up and them having their food outing routine together, though I imagine that might change a little after the end there. Thanks as always for writing!


Winter is probably my favorite female character in this series next to Ruby and Penny. Thoroughly enjoyed this one.


While I am sad you didn't show Weiss going ballistic over being cucked, it was a really wholesome and awesome one shot!

First Last

This was extremely sweet and cute. Good shit bro.


God I love Winter, and this little story was great. That being said, the more I read your one shots, the more I want to read follow ups for each one of them, I would love to see Jaune's friends reaction to what he gets up to.


I love how much depth you add to the characters, its not all just sex and smut. You build a believable romance to it, really adds to it


This is the most wholesome of the oneshots and ngl I'd like to see more. Not like a full on series or anything, but vignettes looking in on them as they explore eachother further, and the as they realise they might just have some consequences to think of. And dare I dream.....a long, WAFFY life thereafter, with tons of kids filling up Schnee Manor with laughter and light?