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“Holy shit, that was intense,” Yang exclaimed as Professor Goodwitch escorted Weiss’ unconscious body to the infirmary, a slightly shaken Pyrrha following in her wake. She turned to face them all, eyes wide. “What was all that about?”

“Pyrrha was all like whoosh and pow!” Ruby mimed each move with accompanying sound effects, more excited by the amazing match they’d put on. “She was totally dominating and then Weiss was all, ‘I will not lose’ and went for the epic suicide attack~! Ahh, my partner is so awesome! I didn’t know she had it in her!”

“It was certainly impressive,” Blake shared her opinion, expression contemplative. “It isn’t often that you see Pyrrha fight like that. With nothing held back, I mean. She also requested Weiss – she really wanted to fight her.”

Yang whistled. “You can say that again – I thought Weiss was toast but she can be really clever when she wants to be. I’ll have to keep an eye out for that in the future. Taking a full cartridge of fire dust in the face isn’t my idea of a good time.”

“Everyone else is in shock,” Ren added, looking around at their peers. He wasn’t exaggerating. Their classmates talked amongst themselves, a general air of awe and confusion surrounding them. The tension in the air was thick. “That was the first time Pyrrha has been damaged in any of our sanctioned fights.”

“Aww, Weiss broke the streak,” Nora whined. “It was too early! I had a hundred lien that she would make it to the end of second year, at least. All my money... my beautiful money.”

Nora moaned piteously.

Jaune stared down at the now empty stage, eyes tracing the damage left across the floor. Splintered and scorched wood littered the area, looking more like a bomb site than a classroom. He supposed that wasn’t too unusual when it came to huntsmen-in-training, but he couldn’t shake the vision of Pyrrha and Weiss trading blows. They’d all fought against each other in the past so it shouldn’t have been anything more than just another day and another spar.

Yet there had been something particularly vicious about this encounter that made him wonder if there was something going on behind the scenes.

The question was; what?

Jaune grimaced.

He knew what. Who was he kidding? Could it really be anything else?

A vision of Pyrrha, body glistening wetly, kneeling in front of him with his cock in her hot mouth as she sucked his balls dry sprung to mind. Weiss, dressed in an innocent sundress, seated on a public toilet with his cock between her soft lips, coaxing out his cum with energetic bobs. An uneasy feeling rose in his belly, twisting in knots.

This was because of him, wasn’t it?

If he was honest, he’d been in a bit of a daze since his date with Weiss. Getting to spend alone time with Weiss was surprising enough that he was still getting used to but actually going on a date? That was a dream come true – at least, it would have been several months ago. Having that same beautiful girl pleasure him with her mouth? Never in a million years would he have ever thought that would happen. Not after everything that had come before.

This made two impossible encounters in a single week. Pyrrha had been improbable while Weiss was an impossibility made real. But both of them?

Pyrrha Nikos had sucked his cock. Weiss Schnee had sucked his cock.

He must be dreaming. There was no other explanation. Jaune Arc did not have these things happen to him. His luck was not this good. Though after what he had just witnessed, maybe it wasn’t luck at all.

Things were getting messy. There was a very good chance that it would only get messier.

“Do you think we should check on them?” he asked.

While Pyrrha still retained half her aura, Weiss had been pretty banged up. If Professor Goodwitch hadn’t caught her when she did, the heiress would have sustained some pretty heavy damage via the outer wall. Telekinesis really was an awesome semblance. It probably saved her from a couple of broken bones, at least.

“You ready for a detention?” Yang asked jokingly. “Because if you are willing to risk it then I’m down.”

Jaune looked at his teammates.

Nora gave a thumbs up.

Goodwitch was probably going to punish them for skipping out like this but his worry outweighed any self preservation.

“Let’s go.”

They met their teacher halfway as she returned from the infirmary, the blonde woman pausing as they approached. She didn’t look surprised or even disappointed, her face even.

“I do not believe class is over,” she said. Before they could defend themselves, she waved them on. “Ms. Schnee is still unconscious. Ms. Nikos sustained only minor injuries and her aura is already healing her but is being held for observation. Dust explosions are no laughing matter.”

Ruby laughed awkwardly. “Ah – ehehe~!”

Jaune recalled the circumstances of their meeting and grinned.

“You are exempt from class this time,” she continued before passing them, her heels clicking against the floor. “I understand that you are worried. When Ms. Schnee awakens, please let her know that her final move was foolhardy, dangerous and better left for a real opponent, not a friend during a sanctioned spar. She receives full marks for this lesson.”

By the time her contradictory statement fully registered, she was gone.

“I think she’s really happy that someone finally hit Pyrrha,” Nora giggled. “She can tell everyone that she trained the person who landed a blow on the Invincible Girl.”

When they reached the infirmary, it was utterly silent. Beacon was a combat academy and while huntsmen-in-training all had aura, it wasn’t perfect. It was rare that anyone required extended stays but they were being taught to fight humanities bane, the creatures of Grimm. It was expected that sometimes, things got a little real. Any minor ailments could be handled here while anything more serious was handled by the medical center on campus.

They spotted Weiss tucked away at the end of the room, next to an open window, the curtains fluttering in a gentle breeze. Seated next to her bed was Pyrrha, no longer dressed in her combat attire but a pair of simple gray sweatpants and matching tank top. In contrast to the ferocious fight that they’d just taken part in, Pyrrha was holding Weiss’ hand gently.

Jaune felt some of the anxiety in his stomach ease.

“Hey Pyrrha,” Yang called out, alerting her to their presence. “Feeling guchi?”

Pyrrha shot Yang a look of confusion. “Pardon?”

“What I think Yang is trying to ask is how are you feeling?” Blake translated, rolling her eyes. “Sorry about my partner. She likes to speak another language whenever it suits her.”

Yang scoffed. “It’s not my fault that you guys are all dweebs.”

“Oh,” Pyrrha blinked. “A little dizzy and sensitive to light, but I am well.”

Jaune watched Pyrrha carefully as she looked down at Weiss. Her expression was difficult to decipher, a mismatch of emotion but he was interested to find a hint of approval shining through. Whatever issues they had, it seemed like Weiss had earned her respect with her showing. Pyrrha wasn’t a violent person but she was a fighter at heart. Anyone that could push her in the ring was someone she could admire.

“So,” Ruby began. “What was all that about?”

Trust Ruby to cut straight to the core of the matter.

Pyrrha continued to look at Weiss, her expression unchanging.

“Nothing to concern yourself over,” she finally said.

“I mean, don’t get me wrong – that fight was completely badass. I’m a total fan of it. But you guys were going at it pretty hard,” Yang punched her hand to emphasize the point. “If I didn’t know you two better, I’d think you were trying to kill each other.”

Much to their surprise, Pyrrha grinned.

“I guess you could say that.”

“Uh – you’re kinda creeping us out now, Pyrrha,” Nora said, leaning away. “Why are you smiling?”

“It isn’t so unusual,” Pyrrha continued. “We are rivals, after all. It is to be expected.”

Ruby’s mouth formed a perfect O. “Oh my god, really? When did this happen? Ahh – my friends are rivals, how didn’t I see it sooner! This is just like in the comics! I didn’t know it happened in real life!”

Ren shot Ruby a perplexed look as she proceeded to geek out. “Rivals?”

Blake seemed to understand Ruby completely, nodding along as Ruby gushed. “Yes, I suppose this is just an ordinary occurrence between those that are fated.”

Yang shot her partner a disgusted glance. “This better not be one of your book things.”

Blake ignored her. “Their fight makes much more sense now in this context.”

“No it doesn’t!” Yang exclaimed angrily.

They were rivals? Jaune glanced from Weiss’ sleeping face to Pyrrha and back again. He knew the concept, he read all the same comics that Ruby did. He was just unsure on how they were rivals because he doubted that it had anything to do with fighting. No – this was about something else. They were competing on a completely different battlefield.

Green eyes turned to him, her grin stretching further.

“Jaune,” she said warmly. “This isn’t over.”

Why did that sound like a threat as much as a promise?

They stayed as long as they could but while Professor Goodwitch had allowed them to skip the rest of Combat Class, that didn’t mean they could have the whole day. Grimm Studies was fast approaching and so after saying their goodbyes, they filed out. They attended class as usual, stopping by the infirmary during lunch hours to bring them food. Weiss was awake by that point and happy to receive sustenance. Her aura was steadily recovering and she would be released by the end of the day. By this point, Pyrrha was permitted to return to her dorm but she decided to stay and keep Weiss company until she was allowed to leave.

That made Jaune feel incredibly nervous.

The less time they spent together, alone, the better. He didn’t want to hear about his partner and his former crush trashing the infirmary. Thankfully, nothing of the sort happened and by the time dinner rolled around, the two girls joined them. Weiss looked a little tired but in good health, giving a cute curtsy as Nora clapped and wolf whistled her achievement of managing to reduce Pyrrha’s aura halfway.

“It will not happen again,” Pyrrha said seriously. “Next time, I will not fall for such a tactic. Be prepared.”

Weiss smirked, looking a little smug. “I guess I’ll just have to come up with something else, then.”

On the surface, things seemed amicable. He really hoped that was truly the case.

Students were craning their necks to get a look at the pair, and not just their classmates from their year. Even fourth year students were shooting them curious, interested looks, having heard about the fight. It wasn’t so unusual – Pyrrha and Weiss were both very well known individuals, and not just for their exploits at Beacon. They were two of the most famous, well known people of their generation for wildly different reasons but you would be hard pressed to find anyone that didn’t know at least one of them.

No wonder Weiss had thought he was an idiot the first time they talked.

When he sat down with his plate of fried chicken, Weiss took the place to his left while Pyrrha took the right.

“Jaune,” Weiss greeted him, smiling. “I was wondering if you could share your thoughts about our bout.”

Pyrrha nodded. “Yes – I, too, would love to hear your thoughts.”

Was this a trap?

Their voices were pleasant enough, as were their expressions. He wasn’t sure if the undercurrent of tension he sensed was real or entirely in his own mind. The pair even shared a look, grinning at each other. Why did that terrify him even more than the thought of them going for a second round, right here in the cafeteria?

“You were both totally awesome,” Ruby chimed in, having heard their conversation. “I am kinda jealous. I’ve never had a super cool fight like that – against a rival! Ah, man – why don’t I have a rival?” she pouted.

“Well,” Jaune began, mulling it over. “Weiss, I think you had the right idea to try and control the battlefield using your dust. That is something that Pyrrha can’t simply ignore or negate with her semblance, short of removing your sword entirely from the onset. I think if you carried more dust and used it independent of your weapon, you may have even greater success.”

Weiss nodded along.

“Pyrrha, you controlled the tempo from the beginning and picked her apart effortlessly, it was an amazing show of ability – but there were several opportunities where I felt like you could have finished the fight if you wanted to but you didn’t take them,” Jaune shrugged. “Honestly – that is very unlike you. Weiss would not have been able to launch her last, desperate attempt if you’d simply beaten her earlier when those chances presented themselves.”

Pyrrha grimaced at his critique but accepted it. He couldn’t blame her; when was the last time someone had truly told her that she hadn’t been anything but perfect? Especially someone like him who wasn’t even in their league, practically a novice. It can’t have been easy.

“Oh,” he said, remembering something. “That trick with the little glyph was very sneaky. I didn’t know you could do that, Weiss.”

The white haired girl preened at his praise. “But of course – I cannot tip my hand and show everything. I have to play some things close to the chest for times like that.”

“It was very clever,” Pyrrha admitted. “I was underestimating you. Like I said, it won’t happen again.”

“Professor G was pretty pissed about it,” Yang informed Weiss. “She said it was dangerous and you shouldn’t be doing those types of moves in class, but gave you top marks. She was totally impressed.”

“Yes, try not to kill yourself during a spar in the future,” Blake said dryly, cutting her fish into bite sized portions. “Save that for people that deserve it.”

Weiss rolled her eyes. “Thanks, Blake. I’ll keep that in mind.”

As they ate, Jaune couldn’t calm down. It felt a little like the calm before the storm, as if he was waiting for the other shoe to drop. If this was the calm, he didn’t want to know what was coming that would constitute being called the storm.

He did notice that they would share little glances every so often, almost taunting but not quite? Almost like they were daring each other to make a move but it didn’t feel like they were going to come to blows. Whatever they had talked about in their time together, it had clearly cooled some of the brewing animosity. He sighed.

He really didn’t understand girls.

After they finished dinner, they made their way back to their rooms. Waving goodbye to Team RWBY, he jumped when Weiss subtly pinched his butt, giving him a wink before crossing to her door and slipping inside. Jaune stared at her.

That had been brazen – they were lucky no one had noticed.

“The nerve,” Pyrrha commented by his side, making him jump again. Everyone else had already entered, leaving them alone in the hall. She’d seen. “Rich girls – they think they are owed whatever they desire. It is always difficult for them when reality proves otherwise.” Crimson hair swayed as she shook her head. “Especially those that cannot be honest with themselves.”

“Pyrrha,” he tried but she simply smiled at him.

“You’ve been a bad boy, Jaune,” dark emerald eyes pinned him in place. “I won’t lose. You know that, don’t you? It is not my way.”

What could he say to that?

Jaune spent the remainder of the evening catching up on any overdue homework before showering and preparing for bed. As his head touched the pillow, Ren was the only one still awake, polishing the blades on his dual automatic pistols. Hunched over at their desk, illuminated by a small lamp, Jaune was lulled to sleep by the sound of the gentle breeze outside their window, the branches of a tree rustling against the brick of their dorm.

It had been a long day.

And it wasn’t over.

Jaune’s eyes fluttered open sometime later, the room shrouded in darkness. Ren was no longer awake, the desk vacant and the lamp extinguished. Remnant’s shattered moon was concealed by clouds, obscuring the only source of light. Dazed by his sudden awakening, he stared at the ceiling.

Pleasure coiled around his cock, hot and wet, his balls tight with pressure. It took a moment for this to process, awareness slamming into him in a single strike. Soft, strong hands gripped his thighs as something bobbed up and down under the blanket, his breath catching as tight lips pursed around the crown of his cock. Hastily lifting the blanket to peer underneath, he was greeted by a head of crimson red hair.

“Pyrrha!?” he hissed in alarm, mindful of his voice. Quickly glancing across the room, he waited with bated breath. Nora continued to snore, oblivious, and Ren was utterly still. As Jaune’s eyes adjusted, he made out the outline of his teammate, the mound of blankets motionless.

He hadn’t woken them up.

Now that he had lifted the barrier, he could hear every slurp and suck as Pyrrha worshiped his cock with her mouth. His shaft and balls were drenched in saliva, his erection powerful and throbbing. She made little sounds of pleasure as she sucked him deep into her throat and Jaune felt his toes curl in bliss as fire raced up his spine.

“Pyrrha, w-what are you – ah, fuuck,” he groaned lowly as one of her hands moved off his thigh and gripped his tight balls, squeezing them firmly. The pressure only increased, pounding eagerly as his heart began to race.

Pulling up off his length with a sharp pop, his cock slapped against his belly with a loud smack as she grinned up at him, her alluring green eyes glowing. Then she swooped down and took his testicles into her mouth, rolling them around in her mouth as she lashed them with her tongue. His hips flexed off the bed, his tip oozing pre-cum across his belly as it twitched and pulsed with desire.

What had she told him? That she wouldn’t lose – it wasn’t her way.

Scared that the sounds of her mouth servicing him would eventually wake his teammates, he pulled the blanket up over his head, trapping them together. Threading his fingers through her silky, lovely hair, he groaned again as she began stroking his shaft while attending to his bursting balls.

How long had she been doing this? He felt like he was already walking on the edge of a knife, his stomach tense as his climax inched closer. Lust roiled in his gut, the base of his cock tight and heavy. When she tugged on his balls with her lips and her fingers teased his swollen glans, his dick jumped off his belly as if it was ready to shoot.

Pyrrha released his balls and giggled, nipping his inner-thigh with her teeth before kissing her way up over the underside of his cock. Her tongue flicked out and traced the fat root, before moving higher and tickling the ridge of his crown. Then she placed messy, sloppy kisses against it, lips plump and soft.

It was humid trapped beneath the blanket and reeked of sweat and musk. Pyrrha’s powerful thighs coiled around his leg and with a bolt of passion, Jaune felt her damp crotch against his shin. She squirmed against him, rutting her sodden quim against his leg as she made out with his dick, kissing it passionately and slurping up his pre-ejaculate.

He could smell her – she was everywhere, in his mouth, in his nose, the scent of her leaking pussy, the light floral notes from her shampoo. It filled him up, his lungs fit to bursting as he inhaled as much as he could, trying to trap that heady mix inside and never let it out.

“Are you close?” she whispered, voice deep and naughty. She rubbed him against her cheek and nose, smearing her face in a combination of her spit and his discharge. “Mm – are you going to cum? I want to taste you, Jaune. I want to mark you as mine. I can taste her on your dick. She put her mouth around you and I need to remove that stain.”

She couldn’t taste Weiss. That was impossible. It was all in her head. Their date had been days ago – spit didn’t last that long and he had showered several times since!

“She is going to come for you again,” Pyrrha suckled on the side of his shaft, massaging it with her lips. Soft little nips from her teeth made liquid heat pool in his balls, causing them to jump and rise against the base of his cock. “So I’ll just have to make you feel so good that you’ll never want her again.”

Pyrrha had certainly earned a lot of confidence since that time in the shower, her tongue swirling around the tip and teasing the flaring head. Pumping his shaft firmly, she slurped the crown into her mouth and sucked deeply, pulling her lips off the head sharply, the resounding wet pop and loss of vacuum curling his toes. She did this repeatedly, bobbing shallowly as she gave his cock head a messy blowjob. Her hips worked harder against his leg, marking him with her scent.

He was close. He was really close. The pressure was on the verge of release and it was going to be big.

“Oh, Pyrrha,” he moaned breathlessly. “Ah, you’re going to make me cum.”

She groaned with him seated in her mouth, the vibrations passing through his sensitive cock. It flexed against her tongue, pulsing and she sucked even harder, taking it a little deeper. Her fist twisted as it stroked the shaft, jerking him off from balls to the seal of her lips.

“Hmmmnng,” Jaune grunted, heart hammering as the tight knot in the base of his dick unraveled. Lightly thrusting into her mouth, he was done. “H-Here it comes.”

Pyrrha moaned in bliss as his cock swelled and spewed hot, fat streaks of cum across her tongue in long, gushing heaves. Keeping her head steady with her lips sealed around his glans, she sucked harshly as she siphoned the semen from his balls with firm, powerful pumps of her fist. Three, four, five – it just kept coming, filling her mouth rapidly and forcing her to swallow. It was a little much, her throat getting clogged and she pulled off him, coughing wetly as the final two volleys landed messily on his exposed stomach.

Sagging in relief, body relaxed in a way that only occurred after a mind blowing orgasm, Jaune panted softly as he watched Pyrrha clear her throat, eyes watery as she asked, “Is it always meant to be so thick?”

Licking her glistening lips, she swallowed the remnants of ejaculation in her mouth and then swooped down to lick up the mess he had made all over his abs. Jaune’s cock twitched as she sucked up the thick streams, her hot tongue leaving a trail of fire across his skin.

She was something else.

His cute, innocent partner was a deviant. She was becoming a little bit of a semen demon.

“Mmmhh,” she hummed, running her tongue between the dip of his abdominal muscles. Her soft, warm body pressed into him, her healthy breasts squashed against his thighs. “Mmm – slurp – hmm, Jaune, you taste so good.”

She was going to be the death of him.

When she sucked his all too sensitive, still hard cock back into her mouth, he saw white.



Can't tell if Jaune is the luckiest or most unlucky man on Remnant. Noodle is going to be completely drained by the end of this.


lol at this rate both Pyrrha and Weiss are going to end up killing Jaune via snu snu by the end of this! XD I am definitely looking forward to how Weiss retaliates on this!


I feel like the most OOC here is Jaune. I can’t see him allowing this to continue (especially with them having literally gotten hurt now) if he knew it was happening. I could absolutely see him remaining oblivious to it, so I find it interesting that you revealed Jaune to be aware of what’s happening. I feel like you’re going with the “he’s helpless to stop it” which I guess I can also see.


So it seems that Weiss won Pyrrha's respect after their fight. I wonder if the TRUE escalation between them starts now. Also, I can’t wait to see their reactions when Weiss explains the mean thoughts she had about Pyrrha 'taking advantage' of Jaune