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It will grant all available reward and three month summary artpacks.



Artpacks will be delivered at the end of this month, right?


How exactly will the artpacks work? In private message like the alts or in posts? Also does that mean if we aren't in that tier when an artpack comes out, then we miss that one and can't get it later?


Will the summary art packs be separate art or just what you have done for the past three months put together


While the new Q being done i will send out link with the most recent artpack each month until there is a new one.


Nice, will Benefactor tier have access to these quarterly art packs only or would you ever consider also allowing access to stuff like max res/wallpaper versions of your art from before 2020?


Or i could upadate it every month by including more recent art while removing the oldest.


I joined this tier solely for viewing alts and hi-res versions of older works, particularly that more recent Loona piece you did, so I need to know whether or not my membership allows that sort of access, or if I’m wasting my money for art I can’t view anyway.