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Heya everyone.

I know some of you bummed out about not having access to previous arts due to the PM thing.

I'm going to make Q1 and subsequently Q2-Q4 artpacks at the end of each quarter to balance out current distribution.


Cass. Wyvern

Pretty good idea tbh :p


*Edit: It would be a part of new reward tier.


Well since you don't have to stay in this tire for entire time if you want to get new content, it will not be applied for 6$ tier.


Its not for free though...


Ah my mistake. I misread reading in a rush.


Would the new reward system tier be like $10 a month? Also as a new Patron I wanted to ask (cause I honestly don't know), do we get access to a drop box of HD/wallpaper versions of your old art?


that's fine, i don't even care about the price i'll pay it. But when can we expect these? i'm kinda in uncharted territory here because when there is no delivery system for older content or no instant acces i normally just immediately unsubscribe. Like normally i'm already gone now. i'm just principally against it because it turns patreon into a russian roulette game where 3 out of the 6 chambers are loaded. You see the content on other websites, you really like it, you go to patreon for higher ress versions/alts and you pay, and oops! no acces to older content.. Sorry! tough luck. it becomes really hard to stick around after that.


It will be part of current 30$ tier and feature all finished artwork with all versions made during 4 months prior.


what your doing now with the $30 bundle and i suggest gumroad. on gumroad all content can be available sample: https://gumroad.com/haganef p.s. will you anounce when the 4 months period content will be part of the $30 bundle


Current 30$ tier is almost useless, i think it would be decent match for this. I will anounce in a few days when its ready. I plan on making and sending artpack dropbox links this month.


for our information, can we already subscribe to it now and get the 4 months period at the end of the month?


Done, but it says sold out. Do you have a quantity limit on it?


My bad, I misread.


Gotcha, so once the changes have been hammered out would $30 dollar Patrons have access to a drop box or something similar of all the max res/alts/wallpaper versions of all of your previous work or just the 4 month pack? Also do you have a date you're thinking of for opening up the $30 dollar option since they're currently sold out?


It seems the $30 tier is sold out. Are you planning to extend the limit or something, Sky?