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I hope this post finds you all safe and well! First of, I'd like to welcome all my new supporters joining us here on Patreon! Secondly, thank you all for your patience and continued support over the course of May! Things have been shaking up a bit on my end, so let's get down to some quick updates!

Life Updates

As mentioned in an earlier post, the end of May also marks the completion of my 6-month temp job. As one may often hear over my favorite comic podcast, it's generally a good idea to maintain multiple income streams. Having a day job allowed me to offload unnecessary amounts of anxiety and pressure from what really is my hobby - art - and not have to worry over hitting commission quotas and not being able to pay the bills. With June rolling in, I am effectively running on whatever financial savings I've built up over the past 6 months for this very moment. I am currently still in the midst of finding the next "big thing" that will hopefully tide me till the completion of my house in 2024. For now, I'm permitting myself a 3-month hiatus to stockpile enough Patreon content so that when a full-time job opportunity does come knocking my way, I'll at least have stuff ready for everyone regardless of what my day-time commitments may be.

Progress Report

As of this writing, I've been keeping my head down and busy trying to recover my momentum with production. Prior to the recent 6-month job, I had inked ahead of time the first 6 pages of Swole Mates, fully aware of the possibility that inking during that working phase would be challenging. With the groundwork of inked pages already laid out, it was relatively comfortable to color the pages over weekends and have early-access comics ready every middle of the month.

Carrying this process forward, my goal for the next 3 months is to have the remaining 12 pages of Swole Mates inked and primed for coloring. It would also be ideal during this period to start the groundwork for the comic cover of Swole Mates.

Once Swole Mates is ready for the next phase, the goal would be to begin draft work on Meatier Showers 2023 (untitled project). When this will actually commence is difficult to say, pending my job-searching results and callbacks if any.

What to Expect

This weekend, I'll be dropping the last sketch page of Swole Mates, page 18. It's a bit of a doozy this one, something I left sitting around for months because I couldn't decide the best way to illustrate the last page! It's finally done now, so please look forward to it on Sunday! Also, as with previous months, the next early-access comic page 6 will be ready for viewing.

Thank you again for your support, stay safe and take care!

Jun 2022



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