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That took awhile, but if you look around, you'll notice a few new changes have taken place! First of, all future updates from now (on this Patreon project) will feature banners like what you see above. This is a step forward to better differentiate and indicate the various rewards and content tied to their respective tiers. Naturally, those pledging the top tiers will get to see everything else, while those with basic access may barely notice a difference. In any case, this is simply a housekeeping initiative on our part to make content produced on this project more meaningful.

This month, you may have noticed a post titled, "The Emotional Core of StoryTelling". That's a preview of what you will regularly find as a patron pledging $3 and above. Basically these posts are like tutorials on storytelling, or what I'd personally prefer to call "development talk" or "production notes" - something I'll be scheduling for the 15th of each month.

Those pledging $1 and above, with processed accounts will start receiving the third installation of Meatier Shower 6 (Episodic Version)  - check your inboxes for the download link!

Those pledging $10 and above should be able to see a post titled, "Meatier Showers 6 Outtakes" - which basically comes with a like to some nifty high resolution files.

What a load of mumbo jumbo! Let's sum that all up again for clarity:

  • Every 5th of each month
  • All Access Tiers - Newsletter
  • Every 15th of each month
  • Basic Access ($1+) - Downloadble Content (DLC) Updates
  • Backstage Access ($3+) - Development Talk & Production Notes
  • Insider & Celebrity Access ($10+) - High Resolution Files
  • Every 30th of each month
  • All Access Tiers - Work-in-Progress Comic Pages


May 2016



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