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Hi everyone!

I hope this update finds you well. Between preparing the Meatier Showers 10th Anniversary book for launch in 2 weeks, and clearing my recent batch of commissions, I've been slowly transitioning to my next Patreon project, "Meatier Showers: Swole Mates".

Meatier Showers: Swole Mates

"Swole Mates" is something very close to heart, which is why I wanted to save it for a "perfect time". It's a love letter to cartoons of old that I grew up watching that had muscle inflation themes, shows like Tom & Jerry's "Muscle Beach Tom"  and The Pink Panther in "Come on In! The Water's Pink" were huge inspirations to me as a kid and left very lasting impressions even till today. These shows speak a lot to what I love the most, and I wanted to do a tribute, muscle growth and inflation comic featuring Snares and Pridestar.

That said, working on a long format comic is a daunting task. Instead of attempting to produce all 18-pages at one shot, this time I'll be trying something different which would be to produce them in 3 separate phases released at different dates:

  • Part A - Introduction & Setup (6 pages)
  • Part B - Events of Escalation (6 pages)
  • Part C - Climax & Aftercare (6 pages)

I generally like to work in multiple of threes because that has a nice rhythm to it. The comic was originally planned for 24 - 32 pages but I do feel that may be too ambitious at this point (given my mental states). The pages will also be in full-color, of which the full-colored versions will be exclusive to my Patreon supporters and in the final book only. A black and white version will be released for the public at scheduled releases of a month later.

For now, what I can share is a concept art for the project that I feel encapsulates the mood and setting of "Swole Mates":

Snares the lifeguard lion is on duty but Pridestar is up to his shenanigans again. Without spoiling too much, there will be scenes involving air inflation and consequently, muscle growth. There's also some other kink themes involved which I will save for later. Below are the thumbnails I've done for the first 6 pages - which I'm happy with enough to show:

Essentially the first 3 pages establishes visually to readers what they can expect thematically for the comic. The other 3 pages sets up the scene and by the end of page 6, we'll all know what the inciting incident is.

As you can see, I work very rough at this phase because you don't want to be too emotionally attached to your art during development. Storyboarding is story re-boarding. To arrive at the best possible story solutions, one has to be ready to make rounds and rounds of reiterations till the content becomes steel. I'm also focusing mainly on the pacing of the panels and their layout on each page. It's almost like a musical arrangement.

The Next Phase

The full production schedule is something I've not worked out as of now, since I'm still focused on the story and page developments. Once I have all the pieces, I will be able to better assign a timeline for the project.

In the meantime, I will be taking a 3-5 day break to re-center myself and attempt to clear my mind for this upcoming project. I can't move onto another major production with unnecessary baggage, so this short break will allow me to prepare myself for the next phase.

Do stick around for more future updates are we transition from the 10th Anniversary Project to Swole Mates over the next few months. Thank you for supporting me, stay safe and take care.

May 2021



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