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What a cuckoo bananas ride it has been. I've spent the past week thinking of what best to talk about, especially when there's so much nonsense going on in my mind. However, it may be premature to cover certain topics, so for now let's focus on the stuff that's just around the corner!

Fresh Hire

As much as possible, what I usually try to make a habit of with my Patreon funds is to invest a part of it back into my business or community, be it getting new software, purchasing comic fonts or even using it to support other artists and their Patreon projects.

Starting next month, Donryu, author of Rat Pack & Cat Scratches will be swinging on board this February to assist me with comic page toning for Meatier Showers. He is a familiar friend on the series, and has helped me with production work in other previous Meatier Showers titles.

New Place

For those of you who've been following me on Twitter, I'm happy to share that I've already moved into my new place and settled in. The location is a huge improvement over the previous one, better vibes in general and much more spacious and conducive for working from home. More importantly, the internet connection here has been way more reliable and I've been able to stream on a more regular basis and record more stable stream videos (attached in a separate DLC post coming in this weekend).

Production Status

Just a quick update on where we are now on the roadmap of things, as of this writing, 7 out of 12 pages have been inked. Of the 7 inked pages, 3 have been toned (of which the latest one you'll get to have early access to this weekend!)

2020 was just all-round bad for productivity. I am still fighting the inertia of various things from last year, but I've managed to rally myself somewhat and am ramping up production speed. With Donryu's assistance, I will be able to focus on getting more pages inked faster and hopefully buy myself more time to get the cover page done proper.

Again, I don't want to get way too ahead of myself, so that's pretty much the game plan for now. You'll find my "time attack" streams in a separate "DLC" post documenting my ramped up production speed, exclusive only to my Patreon supporters!

Thank you for supporting me. Take care and stay safe!

Jan 2021



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