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Hi everyone, I'm currently in Malaysia now (for 3 weeks) visiting my fur family and doing mostly social things. I haven't exactly fled the country with all my savings and I just want to take this opportunity to give everyone a preview of what's planned ahead now that Meatier Showers 6 is completed.

Starting March 2016, the $5 and $15 reward tiers will no longer be available with the completion of Meatier Showers 6. I will be scaling down project production size on my Patreon to smaller scale projects, like short comics ranging 16-18 pages instead. As such, I will not be able to provide for rewards of grandeur, short of offering my future offspring, which, I have no intention of ever having.

The nature of this new project will be revealed once I return home on 16 March. That said, the reward tiers will be altered to better reflect the scale of this project - with $1 and $3 tier options. New patrons are strongly advised not to pledge towards the $5 and $15 as you will not be receiving the associated rewards beyond 5 Feb 2016. Existing patrons are also advised to revise their pledges in view of this new development.

Those currently pledging towards the $1 basic access will all begin receiving the episodic releases of Meatier Showers 6 starting 5 Mar

More news and updates to come in March, so hang around and thanks for supporting!




This project has come so far! Yhe relationships, the heart ache, the epic amounts of moob! Has all become a reality! Congratulations to you and your crew! You deserve every bit of recognition for this project and i hope your future endevours are as successful!


Thank you so much, glad to hear you enjoyed the project!