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Hey everyone, just wanted to drop a quick message here. Most of the Patreon transactions should be completed after the 5 August and I'll probably start releasing updates to all accounts in good standing that weekend. Do check if your Paypal account has been topped up, and that your credit account details are correct and active, because I only send content directly to healthy accounts.

Short Hiatus

I'll be away from the 15-31 August, visiting my fur family in Kuala Lumpur, so I'm going to get most of this month's content released before I head off on my trip. It's a much needed getaway, and the calm before the storm. Once September kicks in, production hell's gonna break loose as I'll only have 5 months to ink, color, letter and edit 42 pages worth of content (as of now) before Further Confusion 2016. This would've been a more feasible target had the book only been say 28-32 pages, and now I'm pretty much trying to out do my own record there in a very tight time frame. No pressure.

Digital Reward

I'll also start explaining what the digital reward of a "personalized copy" of Meatier Showers 6 means with the upcoming update. It'll give you all a better idea of what it entails, and why it's gonna be a little special for everyone. It means a lot to me that you guys believe in the work I do, and that you're supporting me through Patreon. It's tough as it is being knee deep in production and running on my financial reserves, so every dollar channeling to this project really helps take the burden of daily necessities like paying for meals, monthly utility, internet and mobile bills and with whatever remaining going towards my "Hire-A-Donryu" colorist fund. So yeah... Thank you everyone for sticking around and really helping me keep this going.

Next week, a 6 page draft release of SIDE B macrofur growth story!


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