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Hi everyone, I hope this message finds you well. Just wanted to keep everyone afloat with the latest project growth and developments. As of this writing, 36 out of the projected 42 pages have been penciled out. This means there are only 6 more pages to go based on initial plans. However, with the complexities of SIDE B story in play, the comic pages are becoming increasingly dense in terms of both content and detail, and there is a likelihood that additional pages may be added to adjust the pacing of the story. This is slightly disconcerting as every single page added could drastically alter the production schedule. As much as possible, I'm hoping to keep the final page count to a maximum of 46 pages.

Attached is a scene that I have been recently working on this week. It gives you a rough idea of how densely packed each page of SIDE B has become due to the narrative and developments of story. In this Insider update, I've detailed my process of working with comic page layouts, how to maximize space and what to look out for.

If you find this tutorial useful, please kindly let your friends know about this Patreon project or link them here: https://twitter.com/snareslion/status/617072280502317056

(3 page .PDF attached to this post, please download to view or use this alternative link: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/7816493/Meatier%20Showers/Meatier%20Showers%20201507%20Insider.pdf)



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