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Storytelling in general is the organic and chaotic process of attempting to create an emotional effect through the selectively piecing of story elements in a meaningful structure. SIDE B is so very different from SIDE A in that, while it explores the themes of physical growth, is actually at its heart a kaiju-macrofur action romantic comedy that transcends space-time. I know that's a lot to take in, but stay with me here. What you see in above is the outline I have for SIDE B. It's admittedly ambitious and takes a lot of creative risks. The desire of which is akin to combining sea-salt and caramel for that sweet and savory effect in storytelling, when Meatier Showers 6 is read as a whole - an exploration of size growth of in 2 different flavors, carried by a core love story that will hopefully, move you the same way it has for me.



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