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Hi everyone, all patrons whose accounts are in good standing, should by now, have received an external download link to this month's comic update. Do let me know what you think here.

Reward Revisions

This being only my third month working on the Patreon platform, I've taken the time to review my business model and approach. The higher $25 reward tier had proven to be the least popular of all, while the highest $50 reward tier proved to be far too impractical (and high risk for patrons) to subscribe to. Not only that, it had started to attract a slew of fraudulent accounts and content theft which has been something for the most part, that's unavoidable given Patreon's jarring UI limitations. Moreover, the $25 and $50 rewards were beginning to prove to be unwieldy in the larger scheme of things and counter productive for me, in that the rewards detracted my efforts from producing the actual product and instead spreading my efforts thin to produce other unrelated superficial fluff.

After much deliberation, I've decided to review and streamline my reward tiers at the expense of a lower monthly passive income, in favor of working within a framework that is more manageable long term (less layers of overhead labor that detract from actual product completion) while channeling my resources to enhancing the quality of existing reward tiers. Refunds have already been rolled out to affected patrons (who have provided their Paypal addresses) and also notified to review their choice of subscription. 

There are now only 3 comprehensive reward tiers:

  • BASIC ACCESS - $1 per month

(For patrons who only need to read the comic online and want to support its production.)

  • DIGITAL REWARD - $5 per month

(For patrons who want basic access with a personalized e-book dedicated to them at project completion.)

  • DIGITAL & PHYSICAL REWARDS - $15 per month

(For patrons who seeking a "collector's edition" experience, complete with e-book and an autographed hard copy, shipped personally.)

That said, I am currently knee-deep in production mode working on "Side B" of Meatier Showers 6 already. This means that all my efforts are channeled towards ensuring that a high quality product is made instead of expanding too much excess energy on PR and hopping around being a marketing monkey (for now). I've also revised my milestones to better reflect my goals and aspirations, so do take a look at them (especially since the fraudulent accounts had tripped off my second milestone alert to everyone and I've since had to reset the thing...)

Lastly, I'll like to let everyone in on some behind-the-scenes planning I've got installed for Side B. More details on that in a separate post.



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