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Thank you for supporting me through the month of May. There's been some notable developments unfolding in my life right now, and I'd like to share them later this month once I've deconstructed and  processed all my thoughts. For now, I'd like to share with everyone page 4 of Meatier Showers 2019 - the massage scene.

In their exchange across pages 2 and 3, we learn that Groover and Pridestar have been absent in each other's lives for awhile now. We don't really know what has transpired during (my real world) one-year hiatus, and Pride asks Groover what's new with him.

To Pride's surprise, Groover has gone from being just a janitor to becoming a masseur. He's picked up a few new skills and is more than happy to show Pride what he's learnt.

Let me know what you think! Catch up soon later this month with another installment of the Meatier Showers Development Diary.

Jun 2019



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