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In last week's post, you may have seen this month's featured stream on how page 1 of Meatier Showers 2019 was made. This week, you'll see the amendments made on the last panel. The primary reason I don't upload draft pages right away is because I need about a week or two to look back at the originals, see (with fresh eyes( what can be improved on and take the necessary time to implement those corrections.

The Original Draft

Fortunately, I had a very clear vision of how I wanted page 1 to look like and what character moments were needed. This is not always the case, as you'll discover with later pages like 4 and 5 (which has gone through tremendous overhauls and delays, as a result). 

The only major issue I had with the last panel was that the store attendant had obscured a large portion of Pride's tastier bits. The page is busy enough as it is, and the straight vertical posing of the attendant disrupted the overall visual flow of the panels that came before.

New Revisions

With the new posing, the shop attendant is now on the same eye level as Pride's, which makes for better composition when the dialogue balloons come in. Also, the attendant's head is strategically covering Pride's bits and makes for a playful, if not, silly looking tease which is on-brand with the series. There's probably going to be an Apple-like logo in the background to denote that it's a fancy computer store, that all this is happening in. Which in Pride's case, is appropriate behavior.

Next in April!

Next month, we'll talk more about new plot points and some world-changing developments that may possibly, irreversibly alter the course of Meatier Showers. Stay tuned!

Mar 2019



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