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WAIT. Where's all the pictures? Yeah I'm working on that. I've had to rework the page limits and do some shifting of scenes here and there. Currently Meatier Showers 6 will feature 2 separate stories. The events in this book are canonical, however there is an undetermined time skip from issue 5. SIDE A (if anyone actually uses that term anymore) will feature 18 pages and is the growth comic you've already seen 6 pages of. This means it's already 1/3 through. Given the limited amount of pages I can assign, I have to be extremely economic with my use of panels and pages. While the first 6 pages you've seen features the INTRODUCTION and SETUP OF CONFLICT, the next 4 pages JUXTAPOSES the two rival parties and sets the STAKES OF CONFLICT. It works in a A,B,A,B rhythm. The remaining 8 pages will cover the ACTION SCENE which is the muscle growth content itself and RESOLVES at the end. If all the CAP LOCKED words are turning you on, you should really recommend this Patreon to a friend. I'll leave SIDE B a mystery to everyone else. If you can make out what's happening, good on you. It's encrypted in shorthand for my own reference and not meant to make a whole lot of sense. But yes, you read it right. KAIJU FIGHT SCENE. WTF IS GOING ON IN THIS ISSUE?!! WHAT THE FUUUUCCCCKKKKK???!!!



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