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As you may or may not be aware, Patreon is still a relatively new platform to me and already I'm noticing its idiosyncrasies and figuring how best to utilize it as a content delivery system. The first and foremost characteristic of Patreon is that it heavily relies on an existing fan-base or following, while barring out strangers and potential patrons. This is the paradox of a platform that provides exclusive content to differing tiers of users. There is high entry bar to curious onlookers and would-be supporters, especially when a preview of the creations tab generally shows mostly locked content if not already a patron. I'm working around this to make content more accessible to appeal to potential patrons and new readers who are unfamiliar with my works. This is a work in progress and will be reviewed overtime. The other quirk I've noticed about Patreon is that creators have a tendency to engage in a make-or-break dash towards the end of each month to upload content and remind their patrons what they're pledging for. Originally my reward was also to upload comic pages on a weekly basis. In lieu of the unique characteristic of Meatier Showers and the creative process in which I work by, having arbitrary deadlines and a routine schedule does not work in my favor and is counter-productive. I've revised my pledge rewards to better reflect the changes in content delivery. For example, as you've noticed, I uploaded 6 pages at a go. The 6 pages read better as a scene in itself rather than having 1 page uploaded individually each week. It makes more sense to the reader coming in the first time, and is less annoying than having readers dangling on a string wondering what happens next. Another personal peeve of mine is that the current user interface of Patreon does not support batch uploads. In other words, I cannot display more than a single image at a time, and this is incredibly frustrating especially for comics. Essentially what happened in April was that patrons were spammed by 6 incoming email updates for each of the 6 new pages. I'm currently subscribed to a few creators, and I personally find multiple emails, especially when they come as a sudden wave to be quite distracting. Taking these key observations into consideration and better understanding the platform, I will constantly review and update my content delivery methods until I find something that is seamless and appealing for readers. For the month of May, I will, instead of uploading each individual page, try disseminating my work in .PDF format instead. I welcome feedback and suggestions on how you, the patron, would prefer comics to be delivered to your mail and if there's anything else I can do to improve your overall experience here. Thank you for your support and stay buff.


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