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Thank you everyone for supporting me through the month of March. My apologies for the lack of updates. Now that I've gotten a better sense of my new full-time work schedule, I've devised an alternative strategy for my Patreon project. There's a lot more personal stuff I'd like to share, but that's better saved for another time elsewhere!

For now, here's an update on the currently available reward tiers:


You will gain early access to comic page drafts and progress, as well as having your name included in the credits (if you support the project till its completion)


You will receive e-book copies of archived comic pages including new page progress. You will also be included in the "beta readers" group whenever a full draft version is available for viewing, and partake in the "brain trust" discussions. This includes the $1 rewards.

Please enjoy the first page of Meatier Showers: LIGHT SHOW - my new Patreon project for 2018! Thank you for your patience!

Apr 2018



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