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Hi Everyone!

Just writing in for a quick update on things. I'm currently into my fourth week at my new job and getting a better sense of things, including my schedule and how much time and energy I can expand outside of my work week.

Ideally, how I've been handling my comic projects all this while is that I pretty much engage in them full-time, 5 days a week. I may not be able to figure out a plot point, or draft out a page in a day, but being able to "get back" into the zone the following day creates a certain "continuity" and rhythm for me. Sometimes the creative block hits and it can last from 2-3 weeks to 1-2 months, depending on how depleted I am creatively. Usually the other 2 days of the week are my "down time" to take my focus off things and resume with a fresh perspective.

Currently, I work a 9-6 job, 5 times a week. For those of you who've read my previous post, this also includes a total of 2 hours for commuting each day, and another hour just to eat, shower and maybe space out. That's a good 12 hours each day locked down for my day job, another 6-7 hours for sleep and whatever else remaining for myself - usually which I generally limit to 1-2 things for leisure / decompressing.

What all this means is that I have to change my production style and adapt to my current circumstances if I'm ever to get this project up and running. My current strategy basically involves breaking down the comic into its key scenes or moments - particularly the ones that I can picture clearly. The total comic is projected to be 24 pages long. After some story tweaks, I've decided to start with the "bookends" for my latest comic, as that sets the tone and focus for the mid-section of the story, and also helps remind me that I need to get from "here" to "there".

The bookends are essentially an entire scene split into 3 pages at the front, and 3 at the rear. "LIGHT SHOW" continues to explore character backstories and in this issue, it centers on our main protagonist, Pridestar. "LIGHT SHOW" also takes a look at how the gay bathhouse, "Meatier Showers" might have established itself and illustrates the trajectory of the crew members from the past to present.

I've currently set the completion for 2020 primarily on the basis that I don't know how working full-time for a whole year will affect my production rate. If anything, it also depends on how long I can survive on this current job... Which is to say, there are too many variables I am unable to account for under these new circumstances to provide a more accurate projection, not until more stable conditions are fulfilled.

As for rewards, the two tiers will remain fairly similar, however, due to the nature of a new production cycle, there are no "collectible e-books" as of this moment, not until the pages are ready. I am still figuring out some manner of compensation for this - I am open to suggestions and ideas, so feel free to post them at the comments below.

Thank you for your patience and support.

Mar 2018



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