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Thank you, everyone, for another month of support! As of this writing, all 25 pages of Meatier Showers: SUPERSIZED have been fully inked! This means that we'll be moving onto the next phase of production within the week, and hopefully delivering the final product by the end of February. With all gears set to production crunch mode, here's an outlook of this month's schedule and content roll-out:

  • 1st week of Feb 2018:

Toning phase begins - adding light and shadows to the remaining 12, inked pages, progressing at a daily quota of 2 toned pages per day.

  • 2nd week of Feb 2018: 

Cover art production, compilation and final edits - basically tying every individual element together, cleaning up dialogues with another final round of edits and getting ready for launch.

  • 3rd week of Feb 2018: 

Product launch on Patreon & Gumroad - SUPERSIZED will be sold on Gumroad using a "Pay-What-You-Want" model starting at $5. Patreon supporters already pledging $5 (this month) and above will receive their own e-book copy of the completed Meatier Showers: SUPERSIZED - with cover art, including name in credits of ongoing supporters from all tiers.

If you have any questions regarding the e-book for Patreon, please feel free to post them here. The e-book is exclusively for supporters pledging towards the $5 tier. If you opt to change your pledge for just this month alone, you are still eligible to receive the e-book towards the end of February. (The deductions will be made through Patreon's system and automatically reflected.)

Feb 2018



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