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Just dropping in real quick on my laptop situation. The Fall Windows 10 Creator Update continues to bog my system down with intermittent lags. I’ve resolved my Wacom pen issues by using an earlier driver instead. There are still a few minor loose ends but I am at least able to resume production at this point.

Due to the snowballing effect on my schedule, all ebook and monthly sketch rewards will be postponed to the following month. I deeply apologize for any inconveniences caused, but I will strive to deliver the outstanding items by mid February.

Changes in Production

Currently I’ve prioritized getting new content out for the following months over rushing Patreon rewards and deliverables. What this mean, is that my main objective for the remainder of January is to COMPLETE the production of SUPERSIZE as soon as possible.

I’ve also made the executive decision to forgo coloring SUPERSIZE at this phase, but instead focus all efforts on delivering the actual final product in black and white, preferably by the end of February.

The reason for doing so is to keep the momentum and not have paying Patrons receive the same page content again over the course of 2018, but instead move onto the next new chapter. The main objective this year is to get the key chapters of the "Origins" story arc out, reach a relatively good position and revisit the pages to lavish them in glorious color, at a later time frame that doesn't make Patrons feel like they're seeing reruns.

This means that I'll be going through production crunch mode the days ahead, and may be relatively silent (here). You may hear more from me through my Twitter account, as I am trying to get back into a regular stream schedule.

More details will be announced closer towards the end of February, as for now, please bear with me as I strive to complete inking and toning the remaining 12 pages.

January 2018


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