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I was curious if any of you are good at writing roleplay scripts? I might offer some work in the future :3

If interested contact me here :3 



I'm interested.


Really depends on what your after. Starving writer personally, but I'd be happy to help.


I'm actually doing small scripts myself if you want to give me a chance I can do my best, It would make for great experience for me as well! ^^


I could try writing one, i got vacation coming up next week. Though it'd be more of a fanfic that you may choose to ignore. I have one or two ideas but they'd be kinda fetishy.


I am a Profesional Script Writer. I'll message you ASAP


I'm not. I am extremely eager though and I already looked up your most popular YT ASMR videos to get a understanding of your speech patterns and world building to where I have 3 concepts for new ASMR videos, two have NSFW for Patreon, while the other builds into the ASMR cops vs ASMR pirates storyline.


Are you still looking for script writers?


Try to be a writer so, yes I would love you thinks about me for a script. I love your art honey.