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Have a listen, share your thoughts, concerns and so on.

Things I may have not covered in the audio is that youtube striked my channel again for that picture of a femboy pirate. So they are really cramping my style yo! I cant upload anything for 7 days, not that I have a roleplay to upload anyways.

I sloooowed down as you noticed with uploads, its natural after 3 years working on roleplays alone all by myself. And now I need a break.

I will try to squeeze in time to record something for you while im away too. I'll have my equipment with me.

Once back I will speed up and get back to it :3



Sailor Majima

i just dont much like the, "converting the listener into a femboy" audios. otherwise i love everything that you do. You do what you need to do.


Take as long as you need, you're health (physical, emotional and mental) is important


Hope you have a great vacation! Free yourself from the stresses and plunder the worlds booty. See you around ♡


Safe travels, friend.


Been here a long time, dont plan on leaving anytime soon. Always enjoyed the content no matter where you've decided to take it, really. You've given a steady stream of content for what feels like the past two years which is amazing work ethic. Take what time you need, I can assume an overwhelming majority of us will still be here when you get back. Can't thank you enough for the help you've given just putting me to sleep, so the least I can do is be understanding. Enjoy your trip. When youre there, try and get some boeuf bourguignon. Tastes better there. :P


Amazing you do your thing. You gotta live your life too. Happy travels.


Like any job burning out happens. Cuidate and also enjoy the vacation! Life is precious and very short ☺️. When you are ready to return we welcome you with amor 👋🏽 keep us updated with your journey pls love you!


Hope you find the break relaxing! Everyone needs time to themselves


You’ve been working hard for all of us so take as long as you need, go deal with that real life stuff, we’ll always support you!