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Chapter One

It was so late, and Caulifla was so drunk, that the music blasting at the party she was at no longer made sense to her. She stumbled over to a table that, at the start of the night, had held more cocktails than she could count… and at that point had maybe two or three left intact. The Saiyan was just about to take the one she could see the best through her swaying vision when someone nearby spoke and distracted her from her important task.

“I lost my sister recently,” the woman lamented, her pain very obvious through Caulifla’s dulled ears. “Her boyfriend killed her…”

The woman’s friend gave the only response that made sense.

“I’m sorry…”

That was the final straw for Caulifla. She had heard too many stories just like that during her time on Earth, far too many - of women being ruined by their men, or by men in general. These outbursts of violence, far beyond the bounds of what was acceptable, hurt more than the victims themselves: a culture of fear was created, one that Caulifla was determined would end.

Put simply, it was an appalling state of affairs that had to change as soon as possible… so Caulifla resolved, then and there, to change it.

Of course, the power of the wish she would make would change the world forever. Caulifla knew not to trifle with it, so she spent a good few days working on wording her desires perfectly so that nothing would go wrong, no loophole could be found, and the outcome would be the one she wanted. Once she was satisfied with the phrasing of her thoughts, Caulifla summoned Super Shenron.

The Saiyan stood opposite the Eternal Dragon and gave voice to her thoughts.

“I wish that all innocent women killed by men be resurrected, and after that they will become stronger than all man united and will never need them in the future,” Caulifla said.

There was a pause as the dragon mentally worked through the best way to make Caulifla’s wish manifest. It was not going to be an easy task to change the world so thoroughly.

“This will take time,” the dragon rumbled. “In one week I’ll be ready to make this possible.”

Caulifla was filled with thrill that it would even be possible for Super Shenron to make her desires real. Waiting a week to see what the new world would be like would be no problem at all for her. With a bow she left the Eternal Dragon’s presence.

Of course, to work up the courage to ask for her wish, Caulifla had gotten almost blind drunk. As she walked away from Super Shenron, the Saiyan warrior clutched her forehead. The alcohol was definitely catching up with her!

“I’m not feeling well,” she mumbled, though there was no-one around to hear her or come to her aid. With nothing else for it, Caulifla simply curled up on the ground and let the sweet arms of oblivion - well, ‘passed out due to extreme intoxication, again’ - take her and keep her safe. The alcohol took hold of her most recent memories and tore them up into little pieces.

Put simply - Caulifla forgot she’d ever made the wish, or even wanted to in the first place.


It was six days after the fateful and yet forgotten wish. Caulifla had been invited to Bulla’s eighteenth birthday party and was enjoying the celebration in her typical fashion. A few hours into the night, however, a wave of pain sliced through her stomach like nothing else she’d ever experienced - and it wasn’t just the alcohol she’d consumed, wanting to take revenge upon her.

“I’m not feeling well,” Caulifla winced, clutching her flat, exposed belly with her right hand. “Need to go to the restroom!!”

With that, Caulifla almost charged other partygoers out of her determined way as she stumble-sped to the nearest restroom she knew of. Once inside, the Saiyan locked the door and, with a safe space on which to concentrate on herself and her issues, leaned on the restroom sink for support with both hands. As she brought her head up to look into the restroom mirror, Caulifla noticed with shock and awe that she was physically trembling.

“What’s going on?” she exclaimed - but the universe provided no answer to her pleading question.

But the three words did have one purpose, at least - they told Caulifla she wasn’t alone in the restroom. Kale emerged from wherever she’d been hiding - not that Caulifla would have seen her, necessarily, even if she’d been standing between her and the sink, so focused was she on her pain - with movements Caulifla didn’t hear, either. The timid Saiyan looked at Caulifla’s reflection with a gentle frown.

“Caulifla, are you alright?”

Caulifla gave her best friend two responses. The verbal one was a mere “I feel strange…”, but the physical one, the one she couldn’t have intended, was much more illuminating. As her entire body was wracked with what looked like a fit of shivers, Caulifla slowly started to grow not only taller, but much bustier, too!

Kale could only look on in shock and horror at the sight of her friend’s… transformation? Ascension? Discovery of another new Super Saiyan form?! Whatever was happening - Kale would ride it out with her best friend to the bitter end.

New heights and new breasts were not the only presents the transformation was bestowing upon Caulifla, however. There was also something shifting, growing, at crotch level. A tremendous bulge began to build up, settling down the left leg of Caulifla’s pants and, in a brief moment of clarity amidst the insanity, the Saiyan was grateful her pants were so loose.

That would not last long.

The bulge grew so much that traces of the veins that littered its surface pressed themselves against Caulifla’s pant leg. It managed to take up all the room between her pelvis and her knee for a brief moment, and still looked somewhat curled up, as if there were more that could be shown - wanted to be shown. The inevitable could only be moments away.

With sweat pouring down her face, Caulifla turned to Kale. To reassure her friend as much as she could manage in the circumstance, Caulifla laid a hand on the now much smaller woman’s shoulder. Through gritted teeth, as if that would guard against the pain in any way whatsoever, she spoke an urgent instruction.

“Please help me manage this!!!”

“Alright!!” Kale agreed.

It’s only in extreme moments that you learn who your friends really are. Kale proved herself to be a great friend to Caulifla in that she didn’t hesitate in the slightest. Instead, in a very business-like fashion that Caulifla noted and would talk to Kale about later - if there was a later that made any sense, at least! - she flipped Caulifla’s pants (which still hadn’t ripped, miracle of miracles in the madness) and freed the cause of the bulge.

Caulifla’s cock - and there was a pair of words to which both women adjusted quite quickly! - was, put simply, the longest and thickest in the world at that point. From root to crowning, bulging, gorgeous tip, it was about as long as Kale’s entire torso. There wasn’t time to marvel at the new biggest Wonder of the World, however, and they both knew it.

Kale moved her hands - and she needed both, for it was impossible to wrap one fist around Caulifla’s wondrous girth - up the awe-inspiring rod. She had no idea if her actions would help her friend and so this was the best idea she had! Once her soft, gentle palms were about halfway up, the sensations running through Caulifla’s body like a million sprinters with no sense of direction came to a head.

The orgasm was monumental. Cum spurted from Caulifla’s bulging cockhead like a fountain, albeit a fountain that shot out thick, virile seed with extraordinary power. The ceiling took the full brunt of bolt after bolt of jizz, and Kale counted herself very lucky that she wasn’t covered in the splashback.

Once Caulifla’s cock was spent, the changes happened so rapidly it was as if a dam had burst. Whatever obstacle had been preventing the amazing transformation from acting on Caulifla to its fullest extent had been well and truly removed. It recognised that fact with the most extraordinary effect so far.

Caulifla’s purple pants exploded as her newly lengthened legs developed the most amazing muscle either of the Saiyans had ever seen, even on their friends’ most powerful transformed forms. Every part of Caulifla’s body, from her ass down to her feet, spoke - no, roared! - of the most extraordinary power. Over a hundred pounds of purest brawn had just simply appeared, and in perfect proportion, in perfect symmetry.

Kale couldn’t see Caulifla’s ass from her vantage point, which was perhaps just as well. With the combination of her friend’s height and muscle increase, each cheek was now as big as Kale’s torso, all the way from her shoulders down to her pelvis. The transformative - magic’s? - effects had made her butt taut and power-packed, striations lining its sides and lower half to underline that this was not a woman you messed with.

Not any more.

Sweeping one’s gaze down the underside of Caulifla’s legs brought the eye to her hamstrings. They bulged from her butt down to the underside of her knees with thickness and power and the most incredible beauty. Veins littered their entire expanse, ready to feed their majestic might when Caulifla decided to put them to use.

Really, though, even her huge hammies were merely a warm-up act when compared to Caulifla’s new thighs. Mountains would likely tremble with each of the Saiyan’s future footsteps, given her colossal quads’ sheer immensity in all of the available dimensions. These bulky beauties Kale could see, and her eyes practically popped out of her head as they billowed to their new size.

Kale’s eyes didn’t know where to go next, so they just flicked from deep striation to monstrous vein and back and around and over in a muscle-mazed haze of amazement. The pop of Caulifla’s bad-girl muscles was supplanted by the rock-like immensity of her rectus femoris, big, bulky, and as badass as it was possible to be. The sheer width provided by Caulifla’s vastus intermedius, though, took the cake and ran with it for several hundred miles without getting in the least bit tired.

The smaller Saiyan - the much smaller Saiyan, to be accurate! - only registered the width of Caulifla’s calves in her peripheral vision, so drunk on quad was she. Although Kale could be forgiven for fixating on such large and beautiful muscles, her friend’s calves were not to be forgotten. A luscious split delineated each pair, showcasing their size and sensuality superbly, and the same indelicate sprinkling of veins as pretty much everywhere else on Caulifla’s legs glowed with wondrous vascularity.

“What the…!?” Kale managed to gape, her face aghast with shocked surprise. She barely had the time to lean away from the destructive blow of Caulifla’s pants not so much giving up the ghost as being torn apart by an event the manufacturers couldn’t possibly have predicted in their wildest fantasies. In many ways, Kale was to be commended for tearing her eyes away from Caulifla’s queen’s cock to focus elsewhere!

For her part, Caulifla had to fight through the pain to use every reflex she possessed to not fall to the ground and almost certainly injure Kale in the process. Not only had she grown taller, with her lower body now far stronger than anyone she knew - in any of their strongest forms, no less! - but her breasts had blown up to a size far bigger than her head (though her top, now reduced to a thin strip that just about covered her areolas, was holding on for dear life). She found balance by leaning over Kale with her arm outstretched, which was doubly useful for the pair: Kale was unhurt, and Caulifla didn’t have to worry about the ceiling.

For the moment, at least, for worse was yet to come.

Although Kale was not hurt, she had been affected. The same bulge that had signalled the huge changes Caulifla was still undergoing began to stir in the smaller Saiyan’s shorts, a bulge that started life almost the same thickness as Kale’s thighs… but, if the evidence of Caulifla’s changes was anything to go by, wasn’t going to stop there. Even this comparatively small bulge looked ridiculous on Kale’s slender body…

…so when her full monster-cock tore through the flimsy fabric prison and Kale’s futacum splashed all over the floor as she orgasmed for what felt, to her, like the first time again, she looked insane. The dick that had ruined her shorts was thicker than her arm, and its massive head was level with the top of her slender bustline. Kale had reeled back, as eager to keep her balance as the towering Caulifla above her, and reached out a hand to do so.

Kale’s transformation began to take on the familiar lines of Caulifla’s as her slender arms began to pump with Saiyan-tier powerful muscle! The rest of her body remained untouched, bizarrely, but that, too, was basically what had happened to Caulifla. Slowly Kale raised her arms into even a loose double biceps flex, and so many pounds of lean and powerful mass emerged that her jaw dropped.

Her biceps were almost the same size as her head, a pair of straining, bulging muscles crowned with beautiful vascularity, surging towards the ceiling - the only reason they weren’t higher than Kale’s ears was her slender swan neck. Although they were the main event, they certainly weren’t the only attraction to be found along her arms: triceps the width of the Saiyan’s torso blared out from their rightful places - and some would say their thrones - as colossal, conquering curve. Kale’s forearms, too, were brimming with strength she only had access to before when she transformed.

No wonder her eyes were wide with fright.

Back at the party, although no-one had noticed the absence of Caulifla and Kale, some of the partygoers had noticed that something strange was afoot. Bulma was one of them. She grabbed Chi-Chi and took her into a quiet corner, away from the music, so she could make herself heard.

“Do you feel a strange energy?” Bulma whisper-shouted at her friend, and they both turned to look in the direction of the bathroom that Caulifla and Kale were inside. Then there was a second - a moment that divided their lives into two parts. There was the part before the incident and, just one second later, the part after the incident.

Caulifla burst through the bathroom wall at a run, her body so very, very different from what it had been when Bulma and Chi-Chi had last seen the Saiyan. Her legs, for one, were taller than Chi-Chi herself, even when running, never mind extended to their full height. Perhaps even more embarrassing for the married women was the massive cock that roared erect between Caulifla’s thighs, as long as the Saiyan’s arm, the tip just about the same height as Chi-Chi’s forehead.

Neither Bulma nor Chi-Chi noticed right then and there how bizarre Caulifla looked as, apart from her fuller-than-usual breasts, nothing on her upper body had changed quite as dramatically as her lower body. It was as if the Saiyan were wearing some bizarre kind of pyjamas, or was the victim of some strange piece of magic. Whatever had actually happened to her, it was clear that she no longer wanted to be in the building as her new legs propelled her away from the scene with stunning speed.

The scene that Caulifla was so eager to leave involved poor Kale, whose transformation was both still ongoing and nowhere near complete. Her arms were now wildly out of proportion with her torso, packed to the max with the kind of beefy brawn only a transformed Saiyan should be able to achieve, and almost the width of that torso each on their own. What had changed from a moment ago was Kale’s legs.

Kale was now sporting thighs that, at their widest, were nearly twice the width of her still unchanged torso. It was as if someone had taken Kale’s head and torso and swapped out all of her limbs for those of a much taller heavyweight bodybuilder who had just gone for size. Well, size, mass, and power.

To great effect.

Kale’s legs may have been even more powerful than Caulifla’s, but as the other Saiyan was no longer in the building, the comparison would have to wait. What they were was absolutely impossible hunks of barrel-beating beef, with each and every one of the four muscle heads making up her colossal quads perfectly delineated. Striations and veins ran their lengths, seemingly eager to coat the expanses and show them off in their very best light.

The only light that would not have shown off Kale’s incredible legs would have been total darkness - and even then you would’ve risked bumping into them and mistaking them for pillars of solid rock.

Despite even their immensity, Kale’s legs were not the star of the scene revealed by Caulifla’s running exit through the bathroom wall. That role was taken by her stupendous and delicious cock which, as the wall came down, was in the midst of firing another bolt of seed in high orgasm. The women at the party stopped everything they were doing to stand and stare at Kale’s majestic megamember.

From root to tip it was as long as her thigh, and not only was that saying something, but it failed to count her fat and delicious-looking balls. They were the width of Kale’s bicep, and seemingly not willing to flag for anything as spurt after spurt of cum burst from her perfect, fist-like cockhead. Much like her overpowered musculature, Kale’s cock was riddled with lush veins that trailed like rivers across its powerful girth.

Now outside the building thanks to the galloping strength in her galloping legs, Caulifla’s transformation seemed to take her new surroundings as the cue to kick on. Her arms immediately burst into a symphony of the purest power, the potential within her made the most majestic muscle mass. Veins roared down them from shoulder to wrist like a flash flood, albeit one whose destructive power had yet to be unleashed.

Caulifla’s delts bulged and bulked like a boulder had formed beneath the Saiyan’s skin. The rugged rocks piled out from a trapezius muscle of such exquisite beauty and power it was as if the fallen god Omota had carved them himself. The hulking masses looked ready to protect Caulifla from some unknowable disaster - but if it were to do so, it wouldn’t be alone.

The undoubted star of Caulifla’s arms were her biceps. They stood as gigantic swells of superstrength beyond, even when she was barely flexing them. Instead of the usual gentle hill shape biceps should have, Caulifla’s mighty muscles shot upwards on a curve that would require serious climbing gear to ascend before levelling off, like twinned loaves of bread - if bread could somehow be covered in deep striations and delicious vascularity.

The triceps below these beacons of brawn were amazing monuments to might. They may not have grabbed as much of the limelight as Caulifla’s stunningly shaped biceps, but they more than held their own in the strength stakes with their superb size. Despite their unflexed state, their bewildering bulk shone out with unparalleled beauty.

Even Caulifla’s forearms had swollen up with power made furious flesh. They too looked like they had been hewn from solid rock - and not exactly refined all that well, either, with a jagged look all the way down to her wrists - which, to be fair, did look quite fitting. Caulifla’s vascularity, even this far down her arm, was something to behold.

Left behind in the bathroom, Kale had quite a lot of catching-up to do to match the size her sister Saiyan had taken on! Her own transformation continued by messing with her midriff, changing the slender tone it found there into an abdomen made of serious and seriously majestic muscle. The woman’s slender navel seemed to burst from the sudden onslaught of abs that brought hulk along with their bulk.

The powerful pack of muscle started just below Kale’s bra-top and ended its warmth just above her pelvis. The veins that reached up from said pelvis right up to the second row of Amazonian abs looked like branches of some mighty tree that was aiming to touch the sky. The bricks that had suddenly appeared on Kale’s stomach were framed most beautifully with urgent obliques and superb serrati.

Not to be outdone, Caulifla’s midsection took on similar size, as if the pair were suddenly in competition. ‘Sadly’ the view of Caulifla’s bulking belly was somewhat obscured by her beautifully billowed breasts, but it nonetheless competed gamely with Kale’s titanic tummy by suddenly sprouting large and shapely blocks of beautiful brawn. If anything Caulifla’s abs billowed out more, and certainly had greater and more impressive vascularity amongst the strident striations of strength.

Whatever was keeping Kale’s transformation going suddenly seemed to remember that the young Saiyan still had intact clothing, and that simply wouldn’t do. To help things on their way - or perhaps off their way - Kale’s breasts billowed from ‘buds’ to ‘beyond basketballs’ in a hot second, tearing her top to rags as they went. Kale herself could only manage a slight gasp of surprise as she beheld a bosom so bodacious and beautifully bountiful that she would definitively never see her feet outside of a mirror ever again.

Kale’s areolas were perfect circles that lay flat to the surface of her megamelons. They were angled to point her thick, luscious nipples slightly upwards, and just separate enough to spy the beginnings of a sweet pair of pecs behind them. Kale was certainly going to need huge pectorals and equally powerful back muscles if she was going to carry that buxom burden with ease in the future…

Caulifla’s own breasts were already big enough at this point, straining as they were against her top… but clearly not big enough for the tastes of her transformation. Her tits suddenly grew so big that not even ‘udders’ was the right word for the mind-meltingly vast… megamelons? Gigaglobes? Zettazeppelins?... that suddenly swelled from her chest, obliterating even the memory of anything that had once dared to cover them. The perfect and perfectly spherical orbs were each much wider than Caulifla’s torso and came complete with areolas as big as the Saiyan’s face, to say nothing of nipples the size of small cookies - but far more delicious.

The next area to blow up in the unofficial contest between Caulifla’s and Kale’s transformations were their asses. Kale’s glutes billowed up behind her, each asscheek bulking to the width of her torso and building gorgeous symmetry as each deep striation took hold. Her butt was now perfectly in keeping with the rest of her superbuilt legs, a true muscly masterpiece in the moneymaker genre.

Outside the building Caulifla’s butt had made good use of the head start it had gotten on Kale’s transformation and had flowered into a power-packed patootie that almost made Kale’s ass look flat. From top to bottom Caulifla’s butt had grown to be about the same height as her torso and, although it wasn’t as tight as Kale’s by any means, it didn’t so much speak of power as roar it at anyone who would listen. At this point it didn’t fit in with the rest of Caulifla’s legs, but then the transformation hardly cared about anything like that - it had far bigger plans for the two Saiyans.

During the commotion - and when she wasn’t cumming all over the place - Kale managed to run outside and next to her swelling sister Saiyan. It proved to be a great piece of judgement from the young woman, because their transformations refused to stop with merely making them muscle goddesses with enormous breasts and huge, perfect cocks. No: there was one more piece of the puzzle to land in place.


Caulifla and Kale stood back-to-back, their bodies made of muscular might, titanic tits, and perfect pricks, outside in the fading daylight where, nonetheless, everyone could see them. The main reason that everyone could see them, beyond the spectacle their new bodies had made of them, was that they were almost the height of the buildings that surrounded them. Caught out by this sudden and massive twinned increase in height, both women were leaning forward, as if about to stand at their full heights.

As they stood in the street, any differences in their transformations had levelled out. Caulifla’s arms looked like Kale’s - huge, powerful, as if they had only recently been hewn from solid rock - and Kale’s legs looked like Caulifla’s - thick, ultrasturdy, rippling with power beyond power. Equally big were their breasts, now settled at ‘really quite big for your frame’, and their cocks, ‘really quite big for anyone’.

But there was more yet to come. The pair’s bodies were still vibrating with unspent power, the now overfamiliar tingles of change rippling up and down their already giantess-sized frames. Kale and Caulifla were the height of kaiju when the final burst of power tore them to greater still.

When Caulifla brought herself up to her new full height, the tips of her dark hair tickled the clouds above the city. It now seemed natural to her to give the classic double biceps flex, perhaps as a demonstration to the now ant-like people below of her incredible and superior power. What was certainly true was that all of her muscle groups were now in this incredible out-of-proportion proportion.

The pecs that backed up her billowing breasts - still bigger than her head, even now, at about one storey tall - were massive, full, and firm. They began exactly below Caulifla’s neck, and the parts that could be seen above her massive mams had a beautiful sprinkling of thick veins from shoulder to shoulder across the gorgeous expanse. At the moment those veins were wide as barrels on her supersized body.

Caulifla’s lats had sprung out to join the party, ripped and with the perfect shapes. They looked like a little pair of wings, albeit with the mandatory spread of veins criss-crossing them, as she flexed her impressive and now actually boulder-sized biceps. In many ways it was a shame Caulifla’s colossal cans covered them so much.

The rest of Caulifla’s physique was, in comparison with itself, pretty much as before: a relatively slender midsection, although packed with vein-riddled abdominal might, led down to legs that could have kicked through buildings when she was human-sized, let alone now. Her burly upper body was now, if anything, even more impressive now she’d grown and all the individual muscle groups could be made out with ease. Finally, her cock was a huge and sumptuous monster, ready to spray the city with cum at a moment’s notice…. and she wasn’t the only giantess around!

Kale was not to be forgotten, particularly now that her hair, too, was brushing the clouds overhead. Her giantess back was a landscape of the most mouthwatering megamuscle not seen on her sister Saiyan. The billowing, blossoming beauty of it all led down inexorably to a muscle-pumped booty that could have crushed a convoy of trucks with frightening ease.

Sisters in strength.

Elsewhere, a blinding flash of light shone out, and four figures emerged, familiar if only slightly forgotten…

Chapter Two

As the light faded, the four silhouettes came more clearly into view. The left-most figure was Android 21, unmistakeable with her long hair, glasses, and colourful dress; Saiyaness Natto stood left of centre, wearing the same expression of amazement as the others; centre-right was Fasha, another Saiyan warrior, clad in her usual armour; and lastly Gine, the wife of Bardock. All four had died long since and now were back, amazed to be returned.

“What, they’ve just resurrected?” cried Bulma. “What’s going on?”

The world was changing so fast around her - around them - that confusion was the only natural response. Bulma looked from the newly-returned quartet to the towering goddesses Caulifla and Kale and back, and could only scratch her head. Little did any of them know that this was not the limit on how bizarre things would get… far from it.

“How have we returned?” Fasha said, scowling, already almost at the limit of her legendary temper. She disliked not having all the facts immediately at her disposal, but no-one around had any answers for her. The Saiyan narrowed her eyes as she turned to each of the women around her, one by one, and they had nothing to tell her.

Not everyone was in a sour mood, though: Pamu had found her twin and ran to make sure she was real. The smile that graced her lips when she realised Natto was not an illusion or magic trick of any kind was only mirrored by the one on her twin’s lips. Soon they were grinning wildly.

“Welcome back, sis!” Pamu said, and the pair’s happiness almost glowed from them.

Gine, meanwhile, searched for answers of her own.

“Do you know Kakarot?” she asked of a young woman wearing a bandana.

“He’s my grandpa!” she replied.

“How long has it been since the planet Vegeta was destroyed?” Gine asked urgently.

“Well…” the young woman paused, considering how to frame her reply, but the conversation was interrupted by a groan from behind her.


Videl and Android 18 were grunting, tensing, and holding their crotches, where something most painful seemed to be happening. Their eyes were closed and the hurt seemed so real, so visceral. Everyone around turned towards them but was rooted to the spot, utterly unable to help.

An instant later, Videl had a reprieve from the unusual hurt rocking through her pelvis. An enormous pair of breasts burst into life and ripped her top in half. Each of her matronly mounds was, for that moment, bigger than her head. Large and luscious nipples poked through what remained of the fabric whilst the bottom third of her warm pink and sweetly circular areolas were on display to the entire crowd.

Even Videl herself gawked at the sight, face full of blush and eyebrows raised until they disappeared behind her hair. Her mouth opened into a small and concerned ‘O’ as little bits of fabric fluttered to the ground. The startled Videl spread her arms wide, as if to get them out of the way of the breastacular explosion.

This, of course, wasn’t the end of the surprises for Videl - far from it, in fact.

The very next moment she fell to the ground - but not from the weight of a growing bust, no. Instead she had, in the blink of an eye, grown an ass so huge each cheek outmassed the rest of her body, ripping her pants wide open and revealing her large, full balls to the world. Fortunately her rump was so well-padded that it didn’t hurt a bit - the only thing wounded in the fall was her pride, although the ground beneath her didn’t take too kindly to being butt-bumped.

The sight was either comical or grotesque, depending on your viewpoint. Videl’s comparatively tiny legs dangled in the air, unable to reach the ground due to her billowed badonkadonk making the ‘feat’ impossible. Her arms waved wildly, and her face had been thrust into her chest as she fell - perhaps by design, to cushion any kind of whiplash.

Now beyond what you might call ‘pear-shaped’, Videl sat on the ground feeling a little sorry for herself - or she would have, if the next surprise hadn’t jumped into her peripheral vision to distract her from her woes. The source of the bizarre pain in her crotch revealed itself to be a huge, thick, long cock. The bulging, fist-sized tip had grown to be level with the very top of her cleavage and, not that Videl herself could see this, her urethral bulge was almost as wide as her waist.

Videl looked down at the brand-new body part that was clearly hers, and yet alien at the same time. Once more her eyes popped wide at the ridiculous changes her body was undergoing, but this time her mouth was slack with wonder, and not a little horror. The cum cannon taking up most of her eyeline was the biggest she’d ever seen… outside of the two giantesses she’d left the party to see.

She blinked a couple of times but after that a brand new series of sensations overtook her. Her dick was leaking precum at an alarming rate, the stuff dripping thickly from her colossal cockhead onto the cracked ground beneath her. But that wasn’t all: the giant, veiny cannon bulged as something else travelled up its length like a slug about to burst from a shotgun’s muzzle.

Sure enough Videl - calm, kind, motherly Videl - orgasmed long and hard, pints of thick, virile cum bursting from her futacock like a firehose. Said firehose is as thick as her thighs at their biggest, and considerably more vein-riddled than the rest of her body put together. The effect on the rest of her body is clear to see, too: besides the gasp pulling her lips out of position, her nipples have stiffened to claim more of her tattered shirt as their own.

But she wasn’t the only woman affected in that round of the transformation’s work, whatever it was, and whatever its intentions were. Android 18’s pants blew out with one impressively thorough and wonderfully loud ripping noise as her ass thickened to stunning proportions, along with her thighs, as a kind of preliminary phase to what was to come - if not to cum, as was the case with Videl. The perfect symmetry of her butt was only matched by how beautifully rounded and deliciously fleshy it was.

Just as Android 18 was adjusting to the new, markedly lowered, position of her centre of gravity, her shirt tore apart under the pressure of an explosion of titty. The cyborg couldn’t help but take a frowning-but-not-gasping look down at her now-gigantic globes, each comfortably bigger than her head. She could only make out the very top edge of her perfectly circular areolas, so far away were they - but luscious, mouth-filling nipples definitely winked into her peripheral vision as she readjusted her stance again.

Looking downwards to see her nipples brought another body part to Android 18’s attention: her massive, girthy futacock. This was the most alarming thing about the whole transformation so far: like most women, Android 18 didn’t mind getting bigger boobs or a nicer ass, up to a point. But having a fat and hard rod bursting from her pelvis, complete with a ballsack so big and lusty that it wouldn’t fit into the palm of her hand, was something else entirely.

As she looked on, something even worse happened: the thing began to orgasm of its own accord! A torrent of thick futajizz burst from the pulsing head of her bulky behemoth shaft, splashing to the ground in front of her as if it were all completely natural, and not the product of yet another impossibly weird event in their lives. Android 18 looked down at proceedings with a mixture of horror and revulsion on her beautiful face.

Videl’s body was not done changing, either. The gentle mother froze in shock as a pair of traps like a mountain range burst from her shoulders to further ruin her T-shirt, rising like baking bread to surround her neck in a muscular pincer movement on both sides. Her hair briefly bounced up before settling into a new position thanks to her new and, at that point, most meaty muscles, which almost glowed with freshly made vascularity.

The transformation swept down Videl’s body from there, leaving her arms for the moment. Next was her midsection, which bulked up in a crowded instant to an amazing extent. Videl’s lats spread wide with majestic muscle mass, spreading to be in keeping with the traps that had just blown up and out and all around. The change forced her comparatively thin, maybe even ‘spindly’, arms out to the side in quite an awkward fashion.

Next it was all abs, all the time. Videl’s midsection came to life as if an ancient god were lifting a new land from the ocean for their worshippers: intense, lusty, and lust-worthy muscle bulked up to make her midsection into a landscape filled to the brim with power. Each block of abdominal muscle was carved so neatly, so perfectly, onto her body it was as if a master sculptor were doing the work.

And it wasn’t just her abs: obliques and serrati pulsed into prettiest power too, making the whole into something beyond beauty. Any trace of mummy tummy disappeared as lusting veins reached from her pelvis to decorate the mammoth musculature with their warmth and strength. It was a shame her breasts overwhelmed the view of those mouthwatering muscles - though not everyone would agree on that point.

At that moment Videl’s body boasted an Amazon’s abdomen in addition to bountiful breasts, a colossal cock, and traps that looked like a hiker’s paradise, but it wasn’t to last. More and more muscle began to growl and then roar, full-throated and resounding, to life. The process was moulding her to its own ends - and no-one present could tell what they were.

The view behind Videl was now one of two halves. The upper half was nothing less than a continent-breaking earthquake of vast, powerful, extraextraordinary muscle: the bulging crest of her trapezius was met by the ultimate bulk of her widespread latissimus dorsi, power so expansive it seemed to triple her width instantly. The raging river of nothing less than strength superior narrowed to a waist itself widened, if only a little, to perfection.

However, that most amazing of sights was not the dominant half: that honour belonged to her absolutely extraordinary ass. The width of her luscious lats was beaten for sheer size by a butt so big and beautiful it should have inspired poetry, sonnets, paintings, and sculptures, though only the grandest of masters would have been able to capture even a tenth of its powerful pulchritude. Each cheek outsized her torso and though the transformation was trying to make Videl into an hourglass beauty, she was still bottom-heavy.

And then everything changed.

The transformative magic continued to spread down Videl’s body and, although it left her raging hardon untouched (for that was already perfection), it layered such incredible strength into her legs that she bounced back onto her feet once more. Every part of her body from the waist down was rewritten in the key of power, delicious and indomitable, thick and lusty, bulky and strong. At that point only Videl’s arms were unchanged, which made them look seriously out of place.

Videl’s wide and beautiful butt was swapped out for a marvellous muscle-stuffed ass, rounded and bulked with glutes grown to the very max. They were decent competition with her tits for size and, though they clearly lost out, second place was no shame in that particular contest. The main role of her mass-packed moneymaker was to be the herald of the stunning strength built big below.

It was as if Videl’s legs had been chiselled from granite, not made of mere human muscle and flesh. There was no good view from which to see the entirety of just how her legs had expanded so much and so beautifully; to fully appreciate the new fullness of her hamstrings, or how her quads had grown into gigantic bulks of brawn so large it was a wonder they didn’t overlap. Even her calves had partaken in the fun.

Those hamstrings stretched thick and wide down the backs of Videl’s legs. Their sheer size outweighed Videl’s entire muscle mass before she’d started transforming, and their superb shapes were perfection, exemplary. However, the pairing was only a taste of the amazement to come.

Bulging out in every other direction came Videl’s quads - and if they weren’t the amazement to come, it was hard to tell what would be - which had grown into superlative slabs of strength so bulky-big they bewitched, befuddled, and bewildered the eye that tried to trace the stunning set of striations and veins. The four muscle heads had found a form that gave the young mother size that fit the rest of her body, but without losing any range of motion. In short, although her thighs were now gigantic, Videl’s body could still do everything she required of it.

In fact, things would be a lot easier in the future.

Last, but definitively not least, came Videl’s calves. They would easily overflow the palm of even a very big man, those large and shapely rocks, and anyone looking at Videl from the front could easily make out their outsized mass bulging out from behind her forelegs. To call them ‘unsubtle’ would be to understate their dimensions - but would probably save more outlandish adjectives for the size of her tits, or her fine futacock, both of which were still in competition for ‘Furthest Forward Body Part’.

Videl’s companion in change began to grow muscle in industrial quantities. At that moment it was the turn of Android 18’s traps to burst right through the remains of her shirt and bulk up and up and up until they reached the same height as her nose. The cyborg almost bumped her chin as she turned her neck to investigate just what the hell was going on, her frown the perfect picture of puzzlement amidst the sound of tearing fabric.

What was going on was that someone appeared to have filled the space from her deltoids to her neck with muscles the size of Christmas hams. Lazy trickles of finger-thick veins seemed to stroll across the surfaces at random from left to right, as if they weren’t actually shaped like mountains that needed to be hiked instead. As the first sign of genuine strength on her apparently still-developing body, Android 18’s traps had made a great start.

As her head was turned in that direction already, Android 18 decided to pull an experimental bicep flex with her right arm. Instead of the normal slight bump that usually popped up to greet her, a mass the size of her head bulged through to turn her sleeves into rags: a stack of impossible muscle that hadn’t existed even a second ago. It also wasn’t the only part of her arm to have changed so thoroughly.

All the way along from deltoid to wrist, Android 18’s arm had filled with the most beautiful brawn as if it had been pumped up in a hot and incredibly crowded blink of an eye. Her deltoids were pumpkin-like masses of rich and powerful strength, thick and full and utterly in keeping with what her body was becoming. However, even their superior size fell short in comparison to the event that was the cyborg’s upper arm.

From the very peak of Android 18’s brand new and very flexed bicep to the bottom of her terrific and very unflexed tricep was a distance the same size as her torso, and the journey in between was packed and stacked with muscle to the max. The clear and absolute winner, if it had been a contest, would be her bicep. The vein-rich megamuscle looked like two boulders stacked on top of each other, reaching as high as her fist as she gritted her teeth to ward against the pain of it all.

At the lower end of the metaphorical spectrum was a tricep made of bulk. Even relaxed it made a perfect arc that showed off the sheer size of what Android 18 now had available at her command, and stretched to fill the gap between deltoid and elbow in a fashion that mirrored the majestic mound of might above it. In short, the magical mass was more than fitting in a world that contained That Bicep.

Even Android 18’s forearm had bulked to fit in with the extraordinary power higher up her arm. It had thickened to twice the size it held before, a beautiful bruiser of muscle and might that would help power her fist through whatever you put in front of it. In short, Android 18’s right arm was now ready for action at a level far beyond the ordinary human - which she hadn’t been for a long time anyway.

It was at that precise moment that whatever was guiding the transformation through Android 18’s body decided to go full throttle and burn through everything in the tank, at least in terms of muscle growth. Every part of her body - barring her gigantic juggs and colossus cock - burst into glorious and goliath muscle mass, bulk beyond belief that powered each cell of her body to new heights and then beyond those, and beyond those, until she was nothing less than an avatar of strength, appearing like she could go toe-to-toe with even the most powered-up Saiyan. Needless to say, every remaining scrap of clothing flew off her frightening frame, the wretched rags landing up to several feet away in a quite impressive blast radius.

No wonder Android 18 had her eyes screwed tightly shut - the burning agony of every part of her body being lit on metaphorical fire was more than enough sensation, thank you very much! Her already pencil-thick veins bulged out further, like cables whose paths you could trace from the sides of her bullish neck down to forearms that would make short work of whatever you put in front of them. Every detail of every muscle from her neck down to her abs was perfect in size and proportion.

The rock-like muscles leading from Android 18’s neck outwards and down were like an avalanche of boulders that would destroy even the most fortified building. Her traps had made the sides of her neck a distant memory, and looked like they’d interfere with her ears if she were to turn her head. Their superstructure led to deltoids it would take three men to cover with their hands - and three big men, at that.

The effervescent power of Android 18’s upper arms had gone off the scale - a scale that had itself been redrawn in the wake of her own semi-complete transformation moments earlier. The absurd balls of megamight that were her biceps squashed into the somewhat softer flesh of her beautiful breasts, squashing into those gorgeous globes like they owned the place. The overwhelming power of her thunder-thicc forearms completed a picture of the most perfect strength.

Well… almost. The shelf-like pectoral protrusions that began just below her neck and made even her titanic tits weightless were the icing on this colossal cake. Bulking with most mouthwatering muscle, they were big, fat, hard, and littered with their own series of veins and striations, so as to look the part.

Which they very much did.

At the same time as the transformation finished with Android 18’s torso - now terrific beyond belief - the finishing touches swept down her back and into her legs. The landscape formed by her traps and lats was more than textbook: it ripped up those textbooks and rewrote them to take into account the perfection in size, the perfection in symmetry, the perfection in power. Lats that doubled the width of Android 18’s body tapered into a waist that didn’t look like it could support the bulked-out body above… and yet it could, and did.

At the base of Android 18’s back was an ass stuffed with luscious and mouth-watering muscle. The hyper-pronounced glutes bulged together like an inferior woman’s bust wearing a humble push-up bra. Each striation on her left buttcheek was matched by a twin on the right, making her power-packed posterior a study in symmetry as well as size. What was certain was that every ounce of fat she may once have possessed there had well and truly left the booty building.

Android 18’s thighs had settled on a shape that, at their widest, were bigger than her waist. Even with her perfectly built hamstrings to back them up, the picture from behind was like a pair of rowboats stored on a couple of washing lines each, so wonderfully were those hammies eclipsed. Barrels couldn’t hold as much mass as the queenly quadriceps that were at the hulking cyborg’s command from then on.

Even Android 18’s calves blew up again. Those biceps of the leg were decidedly far wider and much stronger now; overflowing what seemed like their place, much like the quads above, but far more visible from behind (not that they were invisible from the front, bulking out of the sides of her legs like they were built for the purpose). The superstrong cyborg seemed to have reached a most marvellous maximum of muscle.

Videl, meanwhile, may not have packed on the mass of Android 18 - but she wasn’t done growing. Her transformation seemed to favour lean strength instead of the raw bulk that was building up and up on her friend’s billowing body. Despite their differences, Videl more than held her own in the muscle stakes.

Apart from Videl’s delighting definition, perhaps the most obvious symbols of strength on her superbod were her pecs. Those blossomed bulges of beauteous beef weren’t just shelves of purest pectoral power: they were actively rounded upwards, rising towards her neckline for a short time as they rushed from her torso. If you only glanced at them, you might easily mistake them for Videl’s tits - although a closer inspection would highlight the combination of muscle-veins and lush, fanning striations that would clearly differentiate her chest muscles from the goddess-like beauty of her actual megamelons.

From Videl’s neck down, her gigantic juggs were the only soft parts of her body: everything else was hard with muscle, from her comparatively sleek traps down to her toes. The ultralean combined with the megabulk gave her a look all her own. At one point in her transformation Videl tensed her arms and the jutting, superdefined muscles blew up and out like they were born to be big, to be brawny, to be beef incarnate.

In that instant, Videl’s titan’s triceps echoed her shredded deltoids perfectly. In fact, everything about her arms could be said to stand in the realm of perfection: the beefbulk of her biceps, a wonder to behold; the forceful nature of her forearms, aflame with veins; even her fists were incredible, sturdy symbols of physical strength. Hers was an intoxicating body, for sure.

And the intoxication didn’t stop there. Videl’s soft mommy tummy had been replaced by a set of abs so thrillingly beautiful you could easily forget about the vast tits above and the hot rod cock below. Each deeply carved block of abdominal perfection sat exactly where it should, and far harder than it should, with Videl’s poor navel lost in the stormy sea surrounding it.

Videl continued to grow, in height as well as what seemed to the transformative energies as the all-important muscle mass. Her legs and ass took on beefy bulk the likes of which would never have been seen before if it weren’t for the transformations prior to hers! As with the rest of the superwomen around her, Videl’s thighs bloomed into incredible hunks of studly muscle the width of her torso (even with the enhanced abdominal boon!).

As the transformation intensified, making Videl taller and stronger and stronger and taller until the one meant the other and the original was the same, her cock began to throb. An onlooker would have noticed its rhythmic pulses and wobbles, and might have thought its motions were in the rhythm of a heartbeat… if they’d had enough brain space to make deductions. Whatever the case was, there was no mistaking that even her delectable dick was up to something.

On and on and on both women grew, their muscles mostly settled into place now - they were just lacking the height the transformation seemed to require. Things went into overdrive in that department over the next few seconds: each blink of the eye seemed to add another foot to their heights, rocketing to their kaiju-sized destinies in seconds that astonished any and all bystanders. It was only at the point where they were several metres taller than the surrounding buildings that anyone thought to clear the area.

It was a good thing, too, because by the time the two women had finished growing - their heads brushing the clouds far, far above the ordinary human world below - they both came. Their ultramassive cocks, both as long as some of the buildings beneath them were tall, both fired powerful jets of jizz at exactly the same time, as if the transformation were signing off on its work. Although Videl’s cock shot its load almost purely vertically, breaking through the clouds with its dizzying discharge, Android 18’s cumshot was more at an angle, so she painted an entire street with her cum.

Both women had their eyes screwed tightly shut as the bliss of orgasm rode over them, almost as if the transformation were asking forgiveness for the physical agony it had put them through. Their clenched fists helped emphasise the brutal beauty of their biceps, the vivid joy of their vascularity, and the sheer rugged size of their muscles. If the town hadn’t known the pair so well, they could easily have ruled the place in moments.

And so Videl and Android 18 picked their way carefully through the city to join Caulifla and Kale, the only two people in the world who could understand what they themselves had been through. They made quite the colossal quartet! Caulifla was busily examining her new body, hewn from a mountain as it seemed to have been, when the pair arrived.

To be honest, the journey didn’t take them too long.

“Eh…” Android 18 said. “Bulma, do you have a serum or something that could reverse this?”

The quartet looked down at the now-minuscule scientist with something like hope in their breasts - their building-sized breasts. Some of them had to take careful steps back to see Bulma over either their gigantic pecs, or their massive tits, or both. Either way, the blue-haired brainiac was suddenly the absolute centre of everyone’s attention - after all, it would have been hard to miss the sound of Android 18’s booming voice echoing across the city!

Bulma stood with Chi-Chi, both having left the building the long-forgotten party was in and been one of those onlookers as the world changed around, and most particularly above, them. The two women looked quite wretched - apologetic, even. In fact, it wasn’t until it was far too late that they noticed Chi-Chi was holding her stomach… or maybe even her crotch…

“Oh…” Bulma managed. And all four of the giantesses knew exactly what was coming next.

In the very next moment two things happened to Bulma. The first was that her dress tore open under the pressure of the development of an extraordinarily huge pair of breasts, each far bigger than her head, with gorgeous areolas and nipples that would fit a worshipping mouth perfectly. The second was the growth of a stunningly gorgeous cock, hard as rock and sensually symmetrical, the fist-sized head reaching about halfway up her newly-enhanced cleavage, as if trying to make a connection.

“Whoah!” Bulma exclaimed as she looked down at the terrific trio. Her scientist’s mind forbade her from reaching to touch them and check that all three were real: she felt the cool air on her now jumbo juggs as well as the hypnotic, metronomic wobble of her - yes, her! - cock as it settled down, so there really was no need. It was now terribly clear that what had happened to the others, standing so close she could feel their intense body heats, was going to happen to her.

And so it did.

Bulma’s boobs continued to billow with superb and shapely size, but her well-engineered dress refused to tear enough to set them free as she would have wanted. The result was that each tit, now the width of her torso with areolas that could have covered her whole face, were rising to obscure that face. The scientist flailed her bare arms out of the way of her globe growth, fearing what could happen in the near future.

Beneath her bountiful and bountifying bosom, Bulma’s abs were growing to make quite the impression on her dress. The top two rows of abdominal might were pushing hard against the already-torn material, giving the impression of a new kind of armour she had been working on in secret. The abs below those, though, had yet to join the party, perhaps hoping to be fashionably late.

The only piece of good fortune Bulma had at that exact point was that her cock had settled down. The rigid rod was both longer and thicker than her forearm, covered in a light sprinkling of veins and tipped with a head that roared ‘This woman is a stud!’. Despite no longer pointing straight upwards, the angle it had reached meant the tip was only just below the underside of Bulma’s heaving hooters.

“I’m afraid I look too stupid, guys,” Bulma exclaimed, her words only a little muffled by a rather pillowy pair of blockages.

“Well, I’m afraid I’m not guilty of this… whatever it is,” Chi-Chi said, protesting her innocence when nobody had accused her in the first place. “But at least I’m decent-looking, unlike you.”

“Shut up!” was Bulma’s irritated response, masking out all the fear that was thrilling through her system like a runaway train. Of course, fate has a way of intervening when statements like Chi-Chi’s are made, and so her transformation began the instant the ‘p’ sound of Bulma’s exclamation had died away. And it began very awkwardly indeed for the proud woman.

Her entire lower half changed at once.

Round the front of Chi-Chi’s body there was suddenly a massive cock. It roared from beneath her dress to poke its more-than-mouth-filling head out and perhaps a fifth of its full length, but that was more than enough: the fraction of delicious dick on display was the same length as Chi-Chi’s hand from the tip of her middle finger down to her wrist. The emerging futacock gave the impression of a dragon poking its head out from its cave to see who had disturbed its slumber.

Exactly the opposite side of Chi-Chi’s frame was an ass so big and full of muscle it was a wonder she didn’t fall over on the spot. Her rampant gluteus maximus was certainly maximised, alright: it would have taken twenty hands to cover just one of her bulked-out buttcheeks. The tight, taut curves of happily striated assmass would stop traffic - either by drivers gawking, or running into the marvel and their cars crumpling up like accordions against its might.

Of course, a mighty moneymaker like Chi-Chi’s needed thighs like a god of war’s to accompany them, make them seem in keeping with the rest of her body - and boy, did she have those thighs! Their superior size resembled an explosion in a barrel factory, albeit a barrel that no designer on Earth - or beyond! - would ever come up with, rigid and rippling as it was with most extraordinary brawn. The insane masses, hunks of muscle beyond imagination, were quite the contrast to the slender legs Chi-Chi had entered the party with just a few hours earlier.

Her calves, her hamstrings, all had blossomed and bloomed up until Chi-Chi was the most incredibly bottom-heavy woman any of them had ever seen. Broad, strong curves and thick, almost obscene bulk was the picture all the way from just below Chi-Chi’s abdomen down to the soles of her feet. In fact, it wasn’t a wonder that she hadn’t fallen over in the slightest: the thing to wonder about was that the ground hadn’t cracked beneath her.

From that point both Bulma and Chi-Chi seemed to grow in a kind of elastic tandem, as if there were some kind of contest between them. Bulma pulled her right arm into a beautiful bicep flex as muscle emerged from the slender limb like she was going Super Saiyan. From her unchanged deltoids down to her fist became the most mesmerising and wonderful muscle mass.

First, and most obviously, was Bulma’s bicep. The mountainous muscle soared up and out to be level with the bottom of the scientist’s nose as it took on the appearance of two hefty rocks stacked on top of each other. A series of veins the thickness of Bulma’s fingers worked their way up the mouthwatering mass in what looked like a child’s abandoned attempt at writing an ‘h’.

Swooping in a beautiful, perfect arc came her tricep. The lowermost point was level with the top of Bulma’s areolas, and promised a bad time for anyone who crossed her from that point on. Like its sister-in-arms the bicep, the bulk was hefty, craggy, and covered with veins that directed blood to give it the perfect pump.

Bulma’s forearms, too, had joined the party - and not by sneaking in through any back entrance, either; they’d joined in because they belonged. They were easily twice as thick as a moment before, lush and full with rare power… although said power was becoming less rare as the day wore on. Put simply, a blow from Bulma’s bulked and bulking arm would now cause serious damage to buildings, never mind people.

Not to be beaten, Chi-Chi’s left arm was exhibiting almost identical growth. When the black-haired woman flexed said arm in a mirror image of her rival just a few feet away - with the same grimace, no less! - she too was able to show off the power of a series of muscles that outweighed her entire musculature before that point. They included a bicep that looked like a pair of hefty rocks stacked on top of each other, a tricep whose wide, sweeping curve looked like it had been left by a meteorite crashing to Earth, and a forearm that could punch through bank vault doors.

The matching only lasted a moment, though, before the two women’s transformations hurtled in very different directions. It was as if they had, by chance, found themselves on the same street for a moment or two on separate journeys. There they had metaphorically growled at each other, and then moved on with their lives.

The first step on Bulma’s now divergent path was an orgasm. The blue-haired scientist shut her eyes and gritted her teeth as she shot her load, a gorgeous arc of thick futajizz firing in a rainbow shape in front of her to add to the vast pool of cum that others had kindly donated earlier. Bulma’s cock bloated as the seed moved up its outrageous length and out in a series of spurts that almost looked like one continuous burst.

Chi-Chi was spared from looking on in jealousy at her rival’s extraordinary cumshot, however, as she levelled up in other ways. The top of her dress was torn to shreds by the emergence of a pair of breasts so huge, so full, so perfect, that the best word to describe them was ‘udders’. Each of the heaving beauties was about twice as big as her head, and made complete by a pair of huge areola and thick, mouth-filling nipples.

For a moment all Chi-Chi could do was gasp, her eyes wide open as new sensations overtook her. First came the sheer sound of so much material being destroyed, but this was replaced crudely by the absolute weight of her new knockers. Although her pecs had grown to keep up, there was something delightful and delighting about having so much hooter heft.

And she still hadn’t finished changing… or, indeed, destroying her clothes.

The lower part of Chi-Chi’s dress blew out as her legs changed from ‘slender, toned’ to ‘brutal, incredibly muscular’. Everything just below her abs became enormous, strong, and powerful, including a now mighty meaty muscle ass. There was also one further addition to her body Chi-Chi couldn’t have expected to gain when she woke up that morning: a gigantic, rock-hard cock.

Fortunately for Chi-Chi’s pride, it seemed much thicker than Bulma’s. The tip of her long, girthy, vein-rich dong was bigger than her fist and was coloured a luscious, fleshy purple. There were two reasons she didn’t immediately wrap a hand around it and feel for herself what having one was like: the first was decorum, thank you very much, and the second was that she couldn’t have encircled it with one hand anyway, thanks to its incredible size.

Fortunately Chi-Chi had been granted legs of tree-trunk size to keep her new cannon aimed in the right place. The muscly might started at her ass and didn’t quit for any reason, on any body part. The full power of Chi-Chi’s new goddess glutes could easily be made out by the flaring striations evident from looking at it from any angle, never mind actually touching it (for which Chi-Chi would likely have broken your hand!).

Although her ass itself was an explosion of power, the rest of Chi-Chi’s legs certainly weren’t aftershocks. Her hamstrings ran right from her bulked-up butt down to behind her knees with a thickness and width that would boggle the mind, had the viewer been able to tear their eyes away from the magnificence of the black-haired beauty’s moneymaker. Much like the bodies of the four women towering above her, they were wonderfully defined and deliciously veiny.

Of course, the real star of the show for any musclewoman’s legs should be her quads, and Chi-Chi was no exception to that rule. Vast, superthick slabs of the purest muscle combined to make the most delectable landscape of power on her body up to press. Speaking of ‘press’, Chi-Chi could likely have sat in a leg-press machine whose weights were a couple of tanks and finished a set without breaking sweat.

Her calves had taken their own rather full part in the growth extravaganza too. The hefty, happy muscles may have lived in the eldritch shadows of Chi-Chi’s bountiful, bulging badonkadonk and thunderously thicc thighs, but they shone as examples of how that particular muscle group should be formed. It was as if someone had carved them to order to be exactly in keeping with the rest of her obscene, supersexy body.

Bulma, meanwhile, wasn’t going to be left behind Chi-Chi’s growth for any reason. The scientist gritted her teeth and willed more expansion, more power, into her already massive physique. Her reward was a quite beautiful bulking of her upper body that had to be seen to be believed.

Her traps began to swell up, full, majestic, and enticing, as if they were being powered on by some mysterious stranger with a foot pump. That gleeful soul had beefed up Bulma’s shoulders until they looked like the cables of a suspension bridge, working to swarm a neck that had itself become thicker as a result. They weren’t quite as titanic as her torso, however…

…but at least Bulma’s deltoids looked more the part now. At the base of her terrific traps sat pumpkin-sized and pumpkin-shaped muscles without an ounce of fat on them: billowing bulks and huge hunks of deeply-striated supermass that flowed seamlessly into those broad, brutal biceps she’d had for a while now. The picture of Bulging Bulma was finally fully settling into place!

The next puzzle piece to snap firmly into place for said picture was the scientist’s pecs, which blew up and out and all around to an extraordinary degree. In fact, they became the centrepiece of her entire body, billowing out from her neck down to the top of her abdomen with enough seductive size and mesmerising mass to resemble big breasts on their own. In many respects it was a shame Bulma’s actual hefty hooters got in the way of the view… but what was visible was impressive enough to warn anyone from messing with the super-sized scientist for any reason.

Apart from her giant juggs, Bulma’s entire upper body was riddled with swarms of veins. Her very evident lack of body fat - or rather, its concentration into two very specific positions - meant definition and vascularity were the order of the day, all spread over muscles so full of pump she looked like she could repel any alien invasion on her own. Thick veins spread where they wanted to go, forming what looked like an incredible system of rivers over her fantastic form, all feeding her massive muscularity with the oxygen it craved.

Meanwhile, on Chi-Chi’s side of the contest, she had reached an important point: the point where her futacock, curved like an elephant’s tusk and perhaps fifty million times more angry, started to shoot her prodigious loads into the sky like a very erotic fountain. Her big, fat balls worked overtime as orgasm overtook Chi-Chi. She watched her cum burst higher and higher as best she could with her eyes rolled back and her tongue hanging out like some kind of horny dog.

Whilst her fat cockhead - bigger than her fist and, at that moment, much more potent! - continued its worthy work, Chi-Chi tensed every muscle in her torso in celebration. Much like her rival, Chi-Chi’s traps had blown up to meet the goal of looking like they belonged on the body of this megatitan in the making. Her neck had bulked to be in keeping with its surroundings.

Each and every muscle in her torso and arms had grown with the idea to be large, full, and explosively expressive. Chi-Chi’s pecs alone, peeking over the top of that barrage of beautiful breastflesh as they were, warned anyone within sight not to mess with her under any circumstances - up to and including her own husband. Only her pumping megacock, by far the largest and most impressive of the women there (in proportion terms, at least!) prevented the sumptuous sights from being fully absorbed by onlookers.

Chi-Chi did not care a jot in that moment.

Once her cock had calmed down - and that took a good, long while - and Chi-Chi had come to her senses, she looked over at Bulma. Slowly her lips spread in a gleeful smile, whilst a dash of cruelty sparkled in her eyes. Her eyebrows rose in surprise as if they were on a trampoline.

“Is that all?” she crowed at her rival.

Before Bulma could reply to the irritating little gnat, a new wave of growth consolidated and expanded upon the pair’s mighty musculature and stopped them both in their tracks. Bulma gritted her teeth, not for the first time that day, and Chi-Chi’s jaw dropped so a gasp of pain could necessarily escape. Both already super-bulky women blew up just that little bit more, just that little bit stronger.

Okay, okay - a lot stronger.

Bulma’s traps rose and bulged to complete the task of swallowing her bull’s neck whole. The ultra goddess tier muscles were just as brawny-big all the way down to the bottom, giving her an expansive and expanded back made of raw and roar power. The most important consequence from Bulma’s perspective was a set of shoulders that looked like a mountain range gone wrong… or very, very right.

Not to be outdone - or not to be outdone by Bulma, at least! - Chi-Chi’s traps underwent the same glow-up… and up, and up, and up! The black-haired woman seemed to get wider, too; just a little to keep ahead of her bitter rival. Her already broad and beefy pecs got a little more swole in every direction, forcing her Amazon-beating arms a little further away from her megagoddess body.

Once the pair had come to their senses from this next push on their bulky-brawny bodies, the anger took over and then some. Bulma and Chi-Chi turned to face each other nose to nose, frowning and glowering right in the other’s face. Both women had to stand strangely so they weren’t also tit to tit or cock to cock, which might have ruined the moment.

“You see now who’s hotter?” Chi-Chi growled, hissing the words through gritted teeth.

“Yes! It’s me!” Bulma retorted.

“You’re so wrong!” Chi-Chi replied. And on it went, the two bickering as they grew taller and stronger - more the former, at this point!

As the muscular quarrel continued to rage, whatever was powering the transformations found two new candidates for change. Standing just a little way away, in the shadow of four giantesses - with two more on the way! - were Pan and Bulla. Their reactions to what was to come could not have been more different.

“It’s happening to me - I can feel it!” Pan exclaimed happily. She’d shut her eyes to revel in the gathering sensations, and her smile was chocolate-box sweet. As she prepared for her dream come true, Bulla clenched her fists.

“Oh no!” the slender beauty cried. “I don’t want this!!” But Destiny didn’t hear her, and certainly wouldn’t have paid attention if it could have. The magic landed on the duo and began to go about its work.

The first point of change for young Pan was below her trim waistline. Her light blue pants began to inflate - more specifically, the right leg alone, from crotch down to kneecap and on the inner thigh only - with something extra. It was so large and uncomfortable that Pan spread her legs wide to accommodate the thing.

Fortunately for the headstrong tomboy any pain she experienced was fleeting indeed as her jeans exploded into denim scraps under the pressure exerted by her legs growing the most colossal musculature possible, the chain she wore attached to her belt flying off to crash through a nearby window. Maybe something about Pan’s Saiyan blood made it happen, but whatever it was, her thighs were instantaneously so massive they looked like barrels - and big ones, too. On top of that, the ‘mystery’ of what had been sneaking down her inner thigh was solved in the same moment.

A generous, if not enormous, cock had burst out in front of Pan, trailing an arc of pre that failed to keep up with its expansion, making a bizarre curve that looped back on itself. Unlike some of the other futacocks high above her, it wasn’t curved, but tilted such that the massive, luscious tip was level with the top of her navel. Its veiny, girthy perfection was made complete with a pair of balls that, although they looked small in the company of Pan’s intergalactic thighs, were huge, hot, heavy, and churning up for a future explosion that was sure to come.

It was difficult for any onlooker to take their eyes away from Pan’s massive quads - cocklovers aside, of course. Although the changes had not worked on her slender waist, everything below there was made of muscle most marvellous. At their very widest points, Pan’s thighs were now twice as wide as her torso.

The landscapes that the transformation had created throbbed with power, sheer power. Every inch of Pan’s quads was built of beef, highest quality, biggest available size, beef; dozens upon dozens of pounds of it, concentrated in her upper legs to provide strength beyond strength, might beyond might. Just one touch on the hypertrophied surfaces of those beyond-thunder thighs would have made anyone in the galaxy gulp.

Perhaps even more unusual was that Pan’s glutes were visible from the front in their full and luscious glory. The curves started out just below her belly button and spread out as straight lines at first, like the deltoids of many of the women standing tall around them. They soon ran downwards, though, to promise a sight most mouthwatering… if Pan would only turn around…

Naturally Pan’s calves were also a big part of the growth that had swept down her legs. The huge bulks looked like some celestial creator had attached a sort of bicycle pump to her lower legs and worked that pump beyond the point where her calves would be in proportion. Even the largest of men wouldn’t have been able to grasp the entire muscle in their hands, enormous and beautifully shaped as they were.

Bulla, meanwhile, was having an entirely different experience. She wasn’t a tomboy like her friend Pan and had no desire to be a strongwoman, despite the advantage she had over Pan of being half-Saiyan. In fact, she rather liked her particular brand of femininity, thank you very much.

Of course, the transformative magic wasn’t interested in what anyone thought; its objective was to change the shape of a body to suit whatever its own ends were.

So Bulla was trembling, trying with all her might to hold back the changes. She leaned forward a little with both hands clasped over her crotch, desperate to prevent the inevitable. Despite her closed eyes and gritted teeth, the fight was only ever going to go one way.

Bulla’s femininity was done away with in an instant when her own futadick burst into life. It was even thicker than Pan’s: if Bulla had tried to clasp it with both hands, she would have failed miserably to make her fingers meet over its hot, throbbing, lusciously-veined surface. It also curved upwards like a strongwoman flexing her arms, almost as if the transformation was asserting its dominance over Bulla by thrusting her own pre-spewing cockhead right into her face.

Her eyes went wild and wide as her precious femininity was shattered in an instant. The eighteen year old physically reeled backwards, arms spread wide, as if this would have the effect of making the cock go away - or, at least, leave her vision. As there was no way that was going to happen, Bulla tried another course of action: she tugged at the root of her shaft until the stupid thing was out of sight.

Once Bulla was satisfied with her work, three things happened at once, and it was difficult for onlookers to decide which was the most obvious one. Firstly, as a direct result of her fiddling around with her megadick, Bulla came. The arc of her supergenerous cumshot was a straight line, such was its power at launch, until gravity remembered its lines and began to tug the thick, virile stuff down to the ground to add to the massive mess the others had made during their own megagrowths.

Secondly, the transformation must have heard Bulla’s lament for her lost womanliness, as it blessed her with bombshell breasts and an ass that couldn’t quit, even if it had wanted to. Needless to say, her crop top and super short skirt were ruined, torn out completely at the front and the back respectively. Whilst her tiny top was intact enough to hold on, the double onslaught of futadong and superass had ruined the skirt forever.

Bulla’s new tits were huge, droolworthy beachballs that jutted - if not strutted! - from her chest like they owned the place. They didn’t so much defy gravity as poke it in the eye and stand there, hands on hips, asking what it was going to do about their spherical perfection. Not even the biggest of big-bust porn stars had juggs that could compete with Bulla’s at that instant.

The orbs reached up to Bulla’s chin at the highest point of their extraordinary curves and didn’t sag in the slightest, meaning every square inch of her flat stomach was still proudly on show - well, it would’ve been, had it not been for her fat and spasming rod getting in the way. Bulla’s perfect areolas were almost as big as her original tits, and the nipples that now crowned the most jigglesome bounty were thick mouthfuls of lusciousness. The only drawback that could even conceivably be mentioned was that her cock protruded further than her melons.

Ass fans were not to be denied, though, as Bulla’s slender butt billowed into a moneymaker that could have made millions on the spot. Although its sensational curve didn’t push out quite as much as her superheroine tits, Bulla’s badonkadonk now made up half of her back on its own, such was its impossible, yet-all-too-real height. To cut a long story short, Bulla was, at that instant, a combination of the perfect male and female porn stars: the owner of a supersized bull cock shooting a load like a high-pressure water cannon to represent the man, and in possession of the perfect gigatits and mega-ass to represent the woman.

Pan had not been idle as Bulla changed, of course. She’d shifted her hands to her shaft eagerly, quite unlike her friend, and was intimately getting to know her new endowment. Her right hand was grabbing her cock at the stalk, whilst her left explored further upwards.

“And to think people made fun of me for my lack of assets,” Pan declared. “This might boost my growth!”

The tomboy closed her eyes as she brought herself to orgasm. A positive fountain of jizz shot from her cockcannon, well above her head and in such a delicious spread that it was clear she had a far more powerful weapon than Bulla at her command. The absolute peak of her arcing cum was higher than some of the buildings around the growing women.

“Farewell old body!” Pan grunted as her spasming cock showed no signs of slowing down. Although she’d technically already said ‘goodbye’ to her old body - and one look at her ultracock, or her watermelon-crushing thighs, or her megamuscly ass, would have confirmed that quite easily - Pan’s words were prophecy made truth. A new wave of transformative growth spread up her body from her pelvis and, along the way, her top was torn to shreds.

The most obvious cause of that destruction was a pair of breasts each comfortably bigger than her head. Her areolas, beautiful ovals of delicious dark pink, were about the same size as her face, with her equally luscious nipples placed to perfection. Their beauty seemed to drill into onlookers’ minds and order them to lick, to suckle… to worship.

Of course, for a massive pair of udders like Pan’s to hover in the air like they did - not so much ‘defying’ gravity as ‘blowing a raspberry in its stupid face’ - she needed a pair of pecs to match. And oh, boy, did she. The slabs of mightiest muscle that held her tits in place so rigidly she would really have to move to move to get them to jiggle could have been mistaken for breasts in their own right.

Pan’s flat stomach had disappeared under a wave of rock-like abs that roared from the stalk of her still-spasming megadick - her more-than-a-handful balls showing no sign of letting up - right up to the bottom of her brand new supertits. An explosion of veins ripped upwards from that same stalk like flickering fingers of flame, reaching high and hard up the rippling bulges of abdominant perfection. The indelible, undeniable wave of supermuscle had crushed Pan’s navel in its wake and added sweet obliques and awesome serrati to complete the look.

Not content with this expansion to her now-titanic torso, the transformation ordered a boost to Pan’s lower body too. First her glutes pumped with droolworthy might, but that didn’t seem to be enough as they bulked bigger and bigger until they were the most shredded part of her burgeoning ultrabody. Ridged bands of gluteus maximus maximised to a maximum of meaty and mouth-watering muscle.

Pan’s thighs seemed to double in size in celebration, as well. Where once there were ridges and valleys of muscle lining her upper legs, now there were mountains and chasms that would crush unwary fingers if they were placed improperly and Pan flexed unaware. They truly were both breathtaking beauty and burly brawn unbounded.

The transformative magic could only rumble on, duty-bound to complete its extraordinary task with Pan’s body. There wasn’t much left for it to do with her lower body; in fact, the only stop it made before sweeping upwards to work on the neglected parts higher up was to ensure that her ass was purest muscle. Every ounce of fat was removed to showcase the perfect punch of bulked-out beef that was Pan’s butt.

And so upwards the changes swept, content to expand and upgrade where necessary. The next port of call was Pan’s lats, which bulked into place with a joyful pair of bulges that added considerable width to her already formidable frame. To fit the pattern of the rest of the black-haired woman’s new body, they were ripped beyond belief: massive expanses of gloriously fat-free power with a scattering of vivid veins to feed the muscle when required.

After this comparatively light and delicate touch, there was a veritable eruption as the waves of change dealt with Pan’s back and arms all in one go. First her trapezius muscle expanded in every direction available: up above her torso to peek out from the front, taking her neck in its gentle grasp as it grew, and then out and away from the rest of her back to form a gorgeous, perfect crest of monumental muscularity whose symmetry was only spoiled by the vascularity such size required. The indelicate web of veins sat on top of striations that showed, once more, how low Pan’s body fat had gotten.

Next came her delts, and anyone who tried to claim that they were small would be laughed out of town, then out of the country, and possibly even off-planet. Each of Pan’s perfect deltoids bulked bigger than her head by far, ending her shoulders with boulders that were an avalanche on their own… or could cause one, with an unsubtle barge in just the right spot. Their size alone added considerable width to Pan’s body; not only did they upgrade her in an instant to ‘intergalactic threat’, but they forced her lats to expand to keep pace and stop her looking strange.

The final parts of Pan’s body to join the power-packing party were her arms. Flowing naturally from her asteroid delts both biceps and triceps emerged and bulked to sizes and strengths in keeping with the rest of her hyperheavily muscled body, rich with veins and gorgeous with deeply carved striations to show off just how burly big the black-haired woman had become. By the time the power had flowed all the way down to her fingertips, Pan had a physique far beyond the one she’d dreamed of.

In fact, if she’d been honest, if she had dreamed of being this big, Pan would have been a little frightened. Just at that moment, though, the power was so right that she revelled in it, bathing in beef so bulky she couldn’t help but boast about it. Pan adopted a badass scowl and a wry grin.

“Not that bad for a runt!” she exclaimed, holding her biceps in tension that showed off just how shredded she was.

It was entirely possible that the only body fat left on Pan’s frame was her giant juggs, which obscured the top three rows of her abs in spite of the best efforts of her beautifully banded pecs to keep them in check. Everything else was a monument to might, a sonnet to strength, a paean to power. For starters, Pan’s biceps looked like they were too big for the rest of her arms, the split peaks really obvious as they overflowed her arms.

Everything that wasn’t her fireball-hot knockers was covered in generous and thick veins, pumping blood to keep Pan pumped and power-packed. She’d gone from ‘runt’ to ‘ripped’ in about thirty seconds, so it was no wonder that the black-haired beefcake wanted to show off. There could be only one target for her body-bragging, too: so, proudly giving a reverse bicep flex to her friend, Pan grinned at her friend in the utmost bliss.

“Did you really think these bodies weren’t sexy, Bulla?” she said.

As Bulla looked over at the ravishingly ripped body Pan had developed, she couldn’t help herself in two different ways. First, her right hand sank to the improbably massive cock she now sported to stroke it - so long that her hand could only clasp a quarter of its alluring length - almost absent-mindedly. Secondly, her mouth began to run away with her.

“You look so hot!” Bulla blurted out, and it was absolutely true. There was something about the raw strength that Pan now possessed, that boiling blend of bulk and beauty, that drove her wild. So Bulla really shouldn’t have been that surprised when her horny thoughts and pumping drove her straight to O-Town with a cumshot that arced high into the air.

“Oh my…” she murmured, watching as her handiwork shot upwards like a fountain.

That, of course, was the trigger the transformative magic required to bring Bulla into the bulked-up fold.

Just like Pan before her, Bulla’s midsection magically morphed into a set of abs that even the most hardened Saiyan warrior would’ve been proud of. The unsubtle bulks of belly beef ran the gamut from her enormous endowments down to the rigid root of her colossal cock, hot and hard with size and strength. A set of obliques burst big to frame them perfectly and saluted Bulla’s navel as it changed shape in accordance to the laws of massive abs everywhere.

The next part of Bulla’s body to change seemed to confirm that her transformation was going to be rather random: eschewing what might have seemed sensible, it deemed that her traps were the best thing to change next. They exploded into life to creep up her unchanged neck, causing the blue-haired beauty to rear forward with a wide-eyed gasp. It didn’t seem to matter that the muscles were magnificently mighty, delightfully defined, and superbly sized.

Perhaps in response to the odd choking noises Bulla was making, the transformation got its act together. Any last remaining shred of her pants was utterly destroyed when her legs became those of a hitherto undiscovered goddess of strength in an instant, taking her from ‘ordinary’ to ‘ultraextraordinary’ in the blink of an eye. Power laid on power and mixed with power until the perfect moment when Bulla’s entire lower body was exactly in keeping with her huge, hard, hot rod futacock.

A pair of ripped glutes almost exactly like Pan’s began the sweeping changes. Huge and hard, anyone who tried to smack the newly installed posterior would surely break their hand against its stunning solidity. The massive bands of muscle power spoke of the fact that Bulla’s transformation would end up like all of the others’: with her body fat concentrated almost entirely in her billowing breasts.

Then came Bulla’s thighs: a beautiful landscape of colossal muscles that were so big they looked like they should have been in competition with each other, and yet were in such harmony any onlooker had to be impressed. Each of the impossibly imposing hulks of hunky huge had blown up so that a comparison with her former quads would have ended up like comparing hairs to giant redwoods. Bulk was the name of the game, and Bulla’s bullish and beefy quads won the game no contest.

Naturally her calves partook of the growth magic too. What had once been slender bumps, almost indistinguishable from the rest of Bulla’s legs, were now solid handfuls of extraordinary strength. Each shredded and bulky bulge of might showed the same split that Pan’s biceps did, so each half of the mesmerising muscle could be seen very clearly.

Once the transformation had finished with Bulla’s lower body, there was only one place left to go: up. Once again seemingly in apology for the nasty trick of blowing up her physique at random, the changes dealt with her chest, shoulders, and arms all at once. The move also had the effect of erasing the oddity that was her trapezius muscle, once everything else had bulked up to make it fit properly.

Bulla’s pecs bulked into massive stretches of beauteous beef. They spread wonderfully out (like paving slabs) and up (to obscure the view of the base of her neck) and all around, smashing into each other with perfect precision before they bowed out gracefully to allow megamams so magnificent some onlookers forgot their own names to take the stage. Veins like forks of lightning criss-crossed the mammoth plates of power.

The tomboy pulled a double biceps flex in glee at the sheer, startling strength that filled her body. In response the muscles rose as high as her nose - bigger than Pan’s equivalents, although not quite as shredded - seeming for all the world like boulders stacked on top of boulders. The lurid largesse of the transformation suddenly sat well with Bulla, whose blushing smile told the whole story of what she was feeling.

The triceps on the other side of Bulla’s studly arms may not have been in flexion at that point, but their size was still very much apparent. Their curious curvature could not have been replicated by any mathematician but swept as wide as her pecs. ‘Sturdy’ was too small a word for these stalwart stampedes of strength.

Even Bulla’s forearms were bigger than Pan’s; it was clear now that she had become shredded where her blue-haired friend had become bulky. The piledrivers were simply massive, wider at their meatiest than her flexed biceps by some distance. In short, a punch backed up with the power that either of Bulla’s arms held had a serious chance of causing not just an earthquake, but the destruction of the planet.

Bulla’s now perfectly-placed traps fed into delts that made her already-imposing body a statement writ large for all to see. Their badass bulks capped off shoulders whose mass outweighed her pre-transformation body on their own, and no wonder: if you could grow pumpkins this big regularly, you’d be a prize winner. The carved striations that blessed their surfaces were so perfect it was hard to believe they hadn’t been put there by a sculptor.

“This feels so good!” Bulla exclaimed, a complete convert to the charged changes still at work on her body.

As with Pan before her, the final part of Bulla’s bod to buff up - or rather beef up - was her back. The trapezius that had tickled up her neck so bizarrely not seconds before now bulked out and into place with perfection that only the rest of the supersized sisterhood shared. It didn’t stop bulging upwards, either: from behind it blocked the view of more than half of Bulla’s head, and it looked as if lava had flowed over her shoulders to mark the beginnings of a new and alien landscape.

From behind Bulla’s lats were just bulk; muscle bulk of the finest and strongest kind. Taken together they more than doubled the width of the blue-haired behemoth’s body, to say nothing of the depth. Majestic muscle after majestic muscle popped and rippled to the surface of Bulla’s skin, giving her power she had never dreamed of - never even wanted until a scant few seconds ago.

Viewed from behind, Bulla’s triceps finally had a moment to themselves to shine without her pesky biceps hogging the limelight like a fading Hollywood star. Their thick bulk, even when relaxed, was the classic horseshoe shape but of a size that would be too big for even the largest of horses. They were exactly in place, exactly in keeping now, with the whole of Bulla’s bulging beefcake body, a formidable physique that impressed even Pan.

Now that Pan and Bulla’s muscles had fully developed, there was only one more thing the transformative magic had in mind: height. Exactly in keeping with the fate of their compatriots and mothers, the latest duo to feel the effects of the surreal metamorphosing magic grew taller and taller and taller still, way above the buildings that surrounded them, and they would now have to avoid stepping on with great care. Just like the rest of the crew, they didn’t stop until their heads were literally in the clouds.

Pan couldn’t help but pose at the other giant women in the city once she’d finished growing. The black-haired beauty flexed her left bicep so it jutted out to mirror the curve of her breast - albeit on a smaller scale, of course. She caught the eyes of Chi-Chi and Bulma and grinned happily, almost drunkenly.

“Wow, she grew bigger than us both!” Chi-Chi exclaimed, and it was true: Pan was a few feet taller than both of the women staring at her. “She looks amazing!”

On the ground a group of eight women had gathered and were straining their necks to gauge the expressions of the giantesses far, far above them. Bikini and Marron brought up the rear, with Android 21 and Cheelai in front of them. At the front of the group Gine, Fasha, and the twins Pamu and Natto also goggled at the impossibility of the scene unfolding in front of them.

“Is that normal on this planet?” Fasha asked no-one in particular.

“No!” Bikini exclaimed in response. She couldn’t even begin to explain how unusual the scene was, so she fell silent, as did the others.

Little did they know that the same fate was about to befall them, too.

Chapter 3