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I just posted this video to my YouTube(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FwTCDqrNrYA), but this was the list I was testing immediately before this one. Due to that there won't be many changes from the last list I posted in Strawbeard Research, but the changes are fairly significant.

I know this list looks kinda wild, but it's actually been performing very well.

Nami Targets - 20

Izou Targets - 18

2K Counters - 12

I talk about this in my latest video as well, but I decided to cut Makino because I not only found Otama to be more effective, but also Jozu and Brook being searchable being more valuable. A lot of people are questioning Otama's worth at the moment, but even without the inclusion of pistol in this deck it's still very strong. It allows Marco to pop 5K units on curve going second, and makes it possible to handle huge bodies like Thatch, when combined with Ace's ability.

Due to replacing the Whitebeard Vanilla 6ks with Brook, I had to swap some Choppers to Fossa, but Fossa is stronger than chopper anyways, in the sense that it can't be destroyed Streusen.

Speaking of Brook...

This card has been one of the strongest additions to the deck! As I mentioned in the Strawbeard article, Ace plays a huge role in the mirror, but unlike Brook this card has counter and can be played as soon as Turn 2! This card allows you to trade efficiently with Big units on the opponent's board, can let 5 Marco pop 5Ks, and can combo with Otama and Jet pistol to POP THE OPPOSING 9 Whitebeard(it can also pop 8ks too without Otama lmao). Sacking the 1-Of 9Beard is currently one of the best ways to win the mirror, so having a way to destroy 9Beard is no small feat. I'm currently still exploring this card and it's many use cases, but it currently seems to me that I will remain in the deck.

This card has been another huge addition to the deck! Before I added it to the deck, there were various times where I was like "Damn, Strawbeard having no form of removal kinda blows, but I can't use Fire Fist because it requires me to discard an event." Then I remembered that this was a card! After getting clapped up by the 1-Of 9Beard in the mirror too many times, I figured that it was about that time of the year I found a way to defeat it. *ENTER JET PISTOL* Even outside of defeating 9Beard, this card will be useful for other decks that attempt to play 4 Brook, it will be very tilting for Law players, and can generically clear Big Bodies like Issho and 8 Katakuri.

Final Thoughts

I think that the new inclusions of 4 Brook and Jet Pistol will have a significant impact on the Strawbeard vs Pure Whitebeard argument. Up until now I feel like the main advantage of the Pure Whitebeard version is that it had more searchers to sack into the 1-Of 9Beard(and Blocker Marco), but with having pistol to deal with 9beard, and Luffy to help ignore Blocker Marco I think this version could officially just be better.

I also think that the power of 4 Cost Brook will make it possible for a Nami + Buggy version to be a powerful version again, because other decks will struggle to maintain big bodies against this deck anyways.

That's it for now, as always let me know if y'all have any questions, leave a like on this article so other's know to read it, and I'll see y'all in the next One. Peace.


[Added: July 29th]


He popped off with the 12.5 YouTube List(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FwTCDqrNrYA&t=3s). Going into GenCon I want to keep revising this list, as I think it has a lot of potential against the mirror, I think there's other potential inclusions like "3 Cost Nico Robin," which I saw from the Whitebeard player in today's finals:

After today's results I think it's almost safe to say that Whitebeard is still S Tier. Even in Europe there was at least 2 Whitebeard in top 8 as well, but we'll see how the meta potentially changes in upcoming tournaments.



Great write up and list. My two cents - is there really any reason to run Thatch over Kingdew? Thatch is awesome as a big body but especially helpful when you expect to have mirror matches. With so much other mirror tech in the deck and with WB’s presence overall reduced for time being I think Kingdew might be worth running instead so it can always be played turn 3.


Between Brook, Marco, and Luffy I was satisfied with any of those turn 3s, so I thought it'd always be better to use Thatch when Im at 6 don, because the 8K body is so much powerful than 7, while they both easily pressure 5K power leaders, Thatch is better in the mirror and harder to clear using Debuff cards, even Ace can only reduce it to 5K. I've never been a fan of Kingdew, so it could also be extreme bias, But I feel like I prefer 8K to 7K, and if I prefer the ulity of my 6K guys(Marco popping units or Luffy ignoring blockers) to Kingdews 7k. But as I've said, I've never liked Kingdew like that, but if I were to include it then it would be over Thatch.


How do you beat Law with this deck? Do you take all your life or do you defend?


When playing Strawbeard I’d keep 3 things in mind in general. 1.) By the end of your 4th turn, your life will be 6-4 = 2, assuming no damage has been taken 2.) At the end of your 5th turn it’s extremely likely you’ll be at 0 life if the opponent had aggro’d decently, unless you have triggered 9beard 3.) At the end of your fourth turn, after taking your life for the turn, you ideally want to be at 1 life, that way the opponent has to clear the last life before they can deal real damage to you(stops the opponent from attaching 15 and swinging) These concepts will help you understand how to guard against any deck, but against Law I would generally guard 6k/7K swings and take 8K+ swings. In order to ideally be at 1 life by the end of the fourth turn. we can only accept one attack, but if 2 big attacks are attempted then it’s fine to take them, because even though are life is getting reduced faster, that’s don that they didn’t use to establish board. Aside from that they key to beating Law is abusing Ace and blockers. Ace is extremely crucial to efficiently clearing Laws board, 5 Marco is also more valuable at the start of the game because it can’t get abused by otama(otama makes 6k units 4k), while Luffy is very strong in the late-game because it can’t be blocked. I think Marco, Luffy, and Ace all make it very possible for this deck to win against Law. At the very least, it’s a better matchup than 9beard had.