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Sup all!

September's releases were Nicky 7, Anna W and Ace.

Current (September 2020) Completionists, you should have had copies of all three ladies in your inboxes. If you missed any, sling me a DM to let me know. 

As I've mentioned, I'm pretty snowed under with decorating, so I still need to do writeups for Nicky (ever hilarious and she really seems to love these shoots.) and Anna, who was new, but lovely, responded really well and dropped into some nice derpy states. 

I do have the writeup for Ace done here: 

Ace was a model recommended to me by John from my Patreon discord, (Hi John!) who kindly drove her 3+ hours to the shoot. She'd had hypnosis introduced to her previously by John, and had gotten into some pretty deep and mindless states, so we were curious to see how well she'd do. 

Some really fun reactions in this one, she takes to amnesia and submission very naturally, so when I trigger her to switch from submissive nudist, to slightly annoyed model who *thought* she was keeping all her clothes on, her responses are really genuine and surprising. (Calling me names, which is always amusing. :P) 

Ace has beautiful eyes and watching them looking around in bafflement and confusion whilst she tries to remember something that her mind won't allow her to is pretty cute. She's got a sweet smile and laugh, and she laughs quite a *lot* when she's trying to work out why she doesn't remember being hypnotized (and her brain keeps short circuiting to giggles) or why her hand won't stop floating it's way towards her forehead (to turn her brain off, of course!)

Not the best at freezing, (some people can't keep their eyes still) but very good at being a flirty, sensual and obedient amnesiac and her fun and genuine reactions make this one an easy Director's Choice.

00:20 Introduction
05:21 Induction
12:27 Limp Check
14:55 We've not started yet!
17:00 Knows she's been under... but can't recall anything
19:00 Dazed Doll, frozen & poseable
22:00 Ace: Why am I standing up?
22:30 Doesn't believe she thought her name was doll...
22:50 ... believes her name's Tinkerbell
24:40 WAVE!
26:00 Ticklish one moment, hates it the next
32:20 Shoulder Touch Giggle Trigger
32:40 I wasn't laughing! (hehehehehe)
35:00 Sexy Scenario Discussion
39:00 Copycat Pirate Hat
41:50 Loves the hat and needs it back
42:40 Can't help flirting and posing
47:00 Hitting her own off switch
48:20 Hand has a mind of it's own... and wants her mind gone!
50:30 Her body undresses... not that Ace notices it at all
53:15 Wants her bra... until she's sat on the sofa (chucks!)
56:00 Increasing her submission
58:00 Kneeling slavegirl brings me her panties (in her teeth!)
59:00 Submissive Nude Plaything Triggered to Pose
1:02:30 Where's my clothes, what have you done!?
1:04:00 Frozen Flyaround
1:05:30 Posed like a sexdoll... SNAP, back to normal
1:09:20 Empresses New Outfit (actually nude)
1:12:00 Aware of her nakedness / Unaware switching
1:15:45 Submissive Slave happy to obey
1:18:00 Pendant Trained to obey
1:19:20 Happy Human Footstool
1:21:00 Hypno-Puppeteering
1:22:30 Frozen Nude Flyaround
1:26:20 Nude Zombie Walk
1:30:00 Ace the Pet growing more obedient
1:35:40 Outfit Change to Corset
1:36:20 Hands won't stop misbehaving
1:42:30 How d'you feel? (Like I've been Brainwashed)
1:47:00 Wants to steal my hat
1:48:40 Slow Freeze
1:53:00 Closing Trance
1:56:00 Closing Chat




Saw the title and thought "great! A threesome!"

Anya Twerk

all 3 looking gorgeous! 🔥❤️


Please send me the Nicky vid if at all possible