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Hi everybody! 

Just a few notes to keep you all in the loop about some events in the life of my family that's probably going to affect productivity moving forwards over the coming months. 

First up: We're having a baby! Woo!

Yep, my wife of 2 years is currently 5 months pregnant with our first child and so we're becoming slightly panicked at the prospect of becoming parents in late December. The worst time for a birthday! 

I'm already planning ways to make it up to ACB*... though wifey has vetoed the idea of giving him a half birthday in June. Gah!

(Alien Chest Burster - the name we're using till he makes his appearance.)

Second: We're moving house! 

So I'm afraid that after 8 years, we're going to be kissing the beige sofas and the copper starburst goodbye. Alas! We have got a nice big replacement sofa ordered that'll hopefully look superb when it's in the new place, but it'll be a month or two before it arrives. 

Third: The new house is bigger... but needs quite a bit of decorating. 

So currently I'm devoting quite a lot of time to painting walls, radiators and ceilings and making suuuper exciting decisions about wallpaper, kitchen units, paint color, doors and nursery murals. (Oh for a mind controlled interior designer!)

Fourth: Due to my use of the phrase "Point of view" in one of my casting calls, I've been suspended (possibly permanently) on the usual site where I find models. Apparently someone took "point of view" to mean "gonzo" when in fact I wrote "Point of view" to mean "Point of view" (Facepalm)

Despite the fact I've never solicited or filmed gonzo content, the admins of the site don't appear to be too keen to reconsider their ban. 

 Irksome doesn't begin to describe it.  

Gonzo videos usually involve sex acts being performed on the photographer. As you'll hopefully have noticed, I keep all working relationships professional and have never even tried to create that kinda content, (plus Wifey would castrate me if I ever did.) 

I should be able to continue finding models to work with through existing models, word of mouth and twitter... but this does make things a little trickier. 

Fifth: Some eejit crashed his car into mine yesterday... everyone's fine, it was the other driver's fault, the car's dented but driveable and this won't really affect things in any way... but this was really the cherry on the cake and I just wanted to grumble. ;) 

How will this affect Entrancement moving forwards? 

Hopefully not too drastically! The scenery will change when we move house, but we'll be living pretty near both sets of grandparents, so finding childcare and a few hours space to record hypno sessions shouldn't be a problem.

What does take the most time is the editing and creation of previews though, so I might need to farm that work out to a third party whilst I learn how to parent. 

I'm already having an editor handle about 2/3rds of the videos, but if anyone else is an editor, or knows of an editor that they think might do a better job than I currently do of making previews, please do let me know. 

If the releases do slow down, Completionists will always be eligible for up to 3 videos a month, (so potentially 2 videos, and a further 1 of your choice if that's all I put out.) There'll be an "Agh, sorry, only managed 2!" message on the last day of the month if that happens, just reply to that email to claim your extra vid. 

Please do bear with us during this turmultuous time. My fingers are crossed that the pitter patter of little feet won't make too big a dent in my ambition to fill the internet with fun and kinky hypnotic shenanigans, but we'll have to see what happens. 

I hope this post finds you well, that your own friends and loved ones are safe and healthy, and to thank you all for your generous support. 





Congrats on the kid!!!


Congratulations on the good news, and commiserations for the bad.

Matt R.

Congrats on the baby. Sry to hear about the crash and the ban.


That’s pretty awesome news man!! Congratulations!!


Congratulations mate all the best


Welcome to fatherhood. As a dad myself, I know how hectic that can be. Best of luck with everything. (Side note, my wife and I called our little one Xeno when he was still in the womb, so I got a good giggle out of that Chest Burster remark.)


Congratulations! Take your time with your production. Family comes first.


Congratulations! Sad to hear about your wheels, but happy that no one got hurt. Wishing you all the best!


Minor denting, the doors will need thunking back into place or polishing, but nothing major, thankfully. Cheers!


There are other sites out there, it's just annoying that I have to tell this dumb story any time someone asks me why I got banned. :P


Actually we're deliberately giving him as ridiculous names as possible to annoy the grandparents: Thaddeus Tiberius Gaius / Thalia Tiberia Gaia (Pops doesn't want to know the gender yet :P)


Congrats on ACB and the move. Sorry to hear the bad.


Well, congrats on the good things, and sorry to hear about all the bad. Wow this must have been an eventful week for you!


Thanks! This hasn't all happened in the same week, but it's coming to a head enough for me to feel I should mention it.


Wow - what a busy time for you! It's true when they say good times and bad times are all the dams, they're just times haha. Hope everything goes swimmingly with the move and ABC <3


Learning to parent is about ten percent reference reading/doctor communication and 90 percent patIence (with yourselves as well as baby). Congratulations and good luck. Looking forward to when you're settled in and everything is "normal".