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Yoko and I just finished recording for a really cool DotL inspired episode of a DnD Podcast called The Legend of Renob ! We had a TON of fun and can't wait until it goes up - which should be on New Year's. 

Here's the character I played: a super shy Dragonkin Sourcerer named Lizzy. I had some high anxiety today so I'm glad I picked her to play; it was easy to slip into the role. 



peter allen

Legion or legend? The web address says differently


Awww, so cute!

Shield Generator 7

she looks cool! is there a chance she coud appear in DotL? (do they even have anthros in DotL-verse?)


Awww, she's adorable. I like how you wrapped her tail around her leg, makes me think of how you hug yourself when you're feeling insecure.