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This was a super last minute thing I added but I like it a lot...

Did you guys have a good Christmas? How were your holidays?




Looks like they got gassed. Brent can't win with Lyra. If he had gone to her she probably would've said, "I'm all RIGHT. Just give me a minute." But he went to check on Thistle so she's irritated. Or maybe I'm reading it wrong, and Lyra is impatient with Brent acting like he's got a crush...In the story he hasn't had much time to develop one, but we all know where it's going.


Worked all weekend, but I'll be able to go home the 27th for a quick visit before the rest of the family returns to their various and sundry places. Hope you had a good, restful break. Looking forward to some intense dragon v. demon toad action


This is not really an answer, but I had a dream where I was going to eye surgery. (I guess to remove my need for glasses) As it turned out, your very own Lyra was the surgeon! I woke up/the dream changed before anything happened though. What would've happened to my eyesight?


He has his priorities. Had a decent Christmas. How about you?

Shield Generator 7

I pulled an all-nighter to finish a Christmas animation and the next day everyone fell asleep after opening presents. Twas very relaxing

peter allen

Lyra would have perfectly fixed your eyesight probably even improved it!

peter allen

Technically brent did the right thing, lyra has fought with brent before so he knows she is ok if she's pissed at someone, thistle is unknown he doesnt know if this is affecting her worse then them.