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Now THAT'S more like it!

I've been thinking lately about that $15 reward tier. A week ago I was dropping pages in their sketchy format there to see if there would be any feedback, but I didn't hear anything so I'm assuming that a) there aren't enough $15 patrons to get a good read on things, or b) it just wasn't a very popular reward.


Do you guys think that would be a good World Building Tier? I mean, if you're donating $15 a month you gotta be really into the comic - would it be worth it to put any future worldbuilding updates there? They'd be potentially spoilerific (in a very vague sense), so I guess it depends on your preference. What are your thoughts?

PS - if any of you figure out what I'm referencing for these maps, I'll be very impressed.




I love learning about world building!! Races, places and relics of interest!


Ooooo if I had the spare money, I totally would love this.


World map generated by Campaign Cartographer ?

Mary Williams

I want to say something witty like Pangea but I really have no idea. :D

Jonathan Wallace

The left side looks like a warped version of Northeast Asia. I'm not sure why, but some set of shapes makes me think of Hispanola for some reason


Man whenever I see DotL i misread it as DotA. I dont even play that game!


It wasn't clear until it got flipped, but that's totally a warped version of the middle East and upper Asia, minus Africa completely on the left. Either that, or it's something from one of the Final Fantasy maps. *shrugs*