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I've been missing many updates here, as I'm sure all of you have noticed, because of a rather huge obligation that suddenly dropped into my life and put everything else on hold. Since the deadlines for my dayjob aren't really that flexible, it's been taking everything I've got to stay on top of them and these new things that I have to deal with...

I'm still in the midst of things - because of the way Jury Duty works in the US, I am not really allowed to say too much about what's happening until it's over, and this is my first time on a Jury, so I have NO IDEA how this is going to go. 

I'm very, very sorry about this. I usually have the confidence to handle just about anything and get a read on how that will impact my other obligations, but this one is totally new to me and I have no idea what to tell you. Thank you all very very much for your patience, I am so sorry for leaving you in the dark for so long, and for sticking with me as we navigate our way through these unfamiliar waters. 

If you've been reaching out to me, or have sent me a message that I haven't responded to, I thank you and ask you for a little more patience in that regard - I will get to them when I can. I hope you all are having a fantastic week!

EDIT: Sorry for being unclear, my brain was kind of in a fog because I was trying to deal with a lot of other things, but I WAS selected to be on the Jury. The trial starts, like, tomorrow.




All good


My sister has done jury duty, there is a screening and selection process so you might turn up but you might not get picked to sit in the jury in the end


Whoops! Hang in there. It's possible you might not get picked. They always call in more people than they need so they can winnow out unsuitable jurors.


No worries! Best of luck with jury duty, and we'll still be here when you're free and ready to return. We can wait. You're worth waiting for.

Lia Graf

No worries, life happens! It's okay, truly, please be kind to yourself thru it all. :)




Thanks for letting us know what’s up! I don’t think anyone ever knows exactly how jury duty is going to go, especially if you get selected. BUT if it turns out funny I hope you’ll do a comic about it lol

Mary Williams

Oh, wow! Talk about a whirlwind! No worries from us in the peanut gallery, take care of you and what you need to do!

peter allen

Don't worry, they usually pick the jury to be biased for the person they want to win! (True story) If you don't seem suitable (too smart) they won't pick you!


You too?! I just got pegged for it a few days ago! I have to call in next Sunday to see if I serve or not. I'm really hoping my number is too high!


i've been called for jury duty 4 times since i turned 18 like 10 years ago, but luckily never had to actually serve


I’ve served on a jury before. It’s time consuming and I learned that if I had to be a court recorder, judge, or lawyer and spend my days like that, I’d lose my mind. These cases are important to the people involved, but the sheer amount of detail and talking just exhausted me. Plus, I couldn’t ask any questions that I thought were relevant. Our court paid $10 for the first day, and $50 for the second…so yeah. I hope I don’t get picked again for a LONG time.


No worries, life happens. Thanks for letting us know!!


Thank you for doing your civic duty Meg. It can be a rough gig but having someone smart who pays attention is what we as a society need and having someone who can be empathetic and listen is what the accused deserves.


Oh no, I'm ON the Jury. The trial starts tomorrow. The selection process is why I was missing so many updates...


Take your time!


Weirdly enough, I've only been called for jury duty once, and then the day of, I got a phone call saying 'nope, we don't need you'.


Take your time! Do what you got to first, we'll still be here patiently waiting! :)

Bonnie Smith

Take as much time as you need. Each page is worth the wait. <3


*blink blink* Eeeeeyup, that'll do it. Good luck. You got this!


OBJECTION!! Anyway, now that I got that out of my system, we'll be here when you get back/have time, don't worry about it, life happens :)


Depending on the case it can consume a life for a while. My mom was on one for something big, likely a murder, and they had them all hauled off to a hotel with rules about being able to contact the outside world. It's a real pauser.


Don't be so hard on yourself, life just gets in the way sometimes. Just make sure to take care of yourself while you're busy and don't wear yourself out. We will still be here!


With luck, you'll get plenty of ideas for future story lines.


Best of luck! I've been jury reserve before, and most recently selected but then the entire jury was disbanded (would not have been a good jury anyhow, 50% biased automatically due to connections), so I have never actually served for a trial. Sounds like it'll be quite the experience. You gotta do what you gotta do.